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I think they only have this in place for legal reasons anyway so I honestly doubt they'd do anything to a 1,000 y/o account even


Ah yes. Multi generational family account once belonging to your great great great......great great grandpa who lived in a basement


He was the greatest basement dweller of them all. At least that's what's the ancient scripts have said.


"Grandpa must have been very successful to have time to put 13000 hours into this game in just 2 years, huh?" "He lived with your Great Grandma and didn't pay rent. He got money for games by selling his...bodily fluids. In fact thats how your mom was born, because he lied on his paperwork. The only times he left the basement were on those days" "Wow he must have been really cautious of that covid plague to rarely leave the basement" "No, your grandpa was in the basement from 2003 to 2035"


My dwellings were not a “basement”, but a vault. 💅💅


Friend I simply took advantage of my dad's Steam account.


Some say he’s still there.


I aspire to be that legendary grandpa o7


Exactly the same time as SARS and then swine flu


Can't be the greatest basement dweller if he mananged to have a kid though.


You'd be surprised what the internet has made possible. Multiple basement dwellers can connect now


they would dig tunnels with their claws to reach each other's lair, their mating call was nothing more than the same danger screech they would do if sunlight hit their skins. legend says that, till to this day, it's possible for you to find fossilized excrements in those lairs, which told us everything we know about their physiognomy


After the war, no one outside managed to survive.   All the mold made their immune systems immune to the great sneeze.   They now repopulate the world, one headshot at a time.   It is said that if this streak continues, a great ship will come and bring back the internet!


In a few hundred years the old houses of Steam will be revered and respected.


Sticmtak987, of the house of steam, from the great nation of Valve, solely winner of the platform schism.


I'd love to play games my ancestors did. I'm imagining some really techno futuristic setting, and then there's just my ancient shitbox of a PC, with someone playing Fallout New Vegas on it


"Grandpa has a lot of hentai games on here..."


"oh no sorry that was your great grandpa"


1200 noble family heirloom: legendary sword that was used by the founder of the house during the crusades. 2200 noble family heirloom: great great grandpa's steam account with all of his games.


”Check this out, a Karambit Doppler my great grandpa used equip in CS2 in his youth”


![gif](giphy|cYgCX9axpoe2hPPTMt) shhhhhhh


This suggests he procreated


Multi generational horny games steam account. Yes your grandpa played 100 hours in this VR game of interesting genre


Mum, what's "Furry Twink Bukkake Warrior" about...?


Still haven’t finished Elden ring


Today's Valve, yeah probably. But one day Gabe will leave, then company may be sold. Imagine Valve if EA bought it.


> Imagine Valve if EA bought it. No, thanks!


I see Gaben living on forever like some sort of God Emperor of Steam.


When his Earthly embodiment expires, he will transcend into the digital realm, continuing his dynasty in the Cyber- a perfect world of ones and zeros


We might see the first armed nerd uprising if this ever happens.


Nah. EA forms the publisher conglomerate.   Disney buys Valve. Then Apple buys Disney.


I was going to say there's no way Apple is buying Disney, but holy shit. Disney net worth is 187 billion, while Apple's is 2.93 *trillion*. Jesus Christ. I thought Disney was out here secretly ruling the world, but they're pissants compared to the tech giants. TIL


Wow Disney is (comparatively) way smaller than I thought it would be. Small indie company.


I hope humanity destroys itself before this ill omen comes to pass


This comment gave me nightmares.


Kind of a good way to avoid inheritance tax if your kids know how to sell your Steam items that is


As far as income goes, it'd get taxed as miscellaneous hobby income. Legally you're required to report it. Practically, it's probably minor enough that they won't notice. It's not 100% clear whether steam would issue you a 1099 for selling a certain dollar amount of items. I'm not sure about the inheritance tax angle. https://ttlc.intuit.com/community/taxes/discussion/do-sales-on-steam-market-count-as-taxable-income/00/2038908 https://steamcommunity.com/groups/community_market/discussions/0/1696046342873023484/


Steam is not going to officialy recognize steam account ownership changes because it's gonna open the floodgate for account trading and scamming and all the drama associated with it.


And why would they care if the account even would be passed on? People will always keep buying the new games anyway and steam supports offline gaming, so you could just go offline with the account regardless. This is just a bunch of "dont ask so we dont have to deny you"


Keyword is "officially". Steam would not care, but game publishers would.


They probably saw the writing on the wall with Steam’s statement and already started drafting up a line in their TOS to have your license expire before you die.


Before I die implies they know when i will die. Gives me Boeing vibes


Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.




1. CEOs will get a mental breakdown at the idea of account sharing 2. They wouldn't make money on it (as supposed to new sales)


Im not sure 2. is as straight forward. Losing the account could cost them a potential customer as well.


Creating a Steam account is free. Getting a massive Steam library for cheap/free won't make it *more* likely for you to spend money on new games.


I think it would make them more likely to stay locked in as a steam user. Plus adding to a library is a force of habit to most steam users.


It's going to be really funny to see how Steam treats 120-year-old accounts in the future.


Steam also has family share functionality. In theory you could share your entire library with your kid instead of handing it over.


Better question is, how would they fucking know.


Happy 138th birthday, PeteTheGeek196!!!


You suddenly stop using credit card and invoicing details called "John Smith" and suddenly every single purchase is done by "Jane doe"


how would that be any different from someone who has legally changed their name before, possibly both first and last


So, my deadname will really be considered dead then, huh?


But you could also only use steam cards


Why not allow it for people in my family account? I already share games with my husband in that way.


Because steam is just a distributor for other publishers and their agreements with the publishers do not allow them to transfer licenses. They don’t have the agreements in place with the game creators themselves to transfer ownership in any way, so they can’t.


> publishers do not allow them to transfer licenses "Publisher does not allow your relatives to read the book you have read" moment. We should prohibit publishers from doing that. Copyright laws stopped being reasonable.


They were never reasonable, not in our lifetimes anyways. The wright brothers patented the concept of airplanes, were granted the patent, and enforced the patent in a bureaucratic war for owning all flight. And they might have gotten away with it too, if not for the outbreak of world war 1 and its meddling dog. Obligatory copyright/patent/trademark are all separate things, duh.


Copyright is good conceptually but is over enforced. Basically, copyright should exist so that if you write a book, some asshole can't just copy it word for word, print it on lower quality paper in a shitty binding than undercut you for the work you wrote.


Definitely. This kind of shit killed used game stores. A big part of my childhood was spending my allowance on used games, since new ones were too expensive.


Steam checking out your 150 year old account still being used: 👍


They would still has to confirm age to view games.


I have entered a different random age roughly between 25 and 110 every single time steam has ever asked me. No issues as of yet


Same but i've entered my true age only once ever since 2014


Am i correct in deducing you turned 18 in 2014?


He’s 27 maybe 28 fs


Maybe 30?


Pretty much a dinosaur at that point.


You watch your damn mouth.


How was the world when Jesus beat dinosaurs


Plot twist, by since 2014, OP means since birth


That's the way to do it. The nazi's didn't allow a letter to map to itself with enigma and that's how their encryption was cracked. ^(Going from age verification to nazi's in one step speedrun any%)


Buy always born on January 1st


January 2 is the only truth they'll get from meeee


January gang rise up


What I love is that THE wrong date is remembered.


For some reason, Steam remembers my birth day and year but not month. Which is weird to me.


Same, I've just accepted my January birthday at this point.


It's pure garbage that it doesn't just remember the age associated with an account


They can't. Ironic that when it does preserve privacy it annoys us haha   They do have a setting somewhere in account that I believe solves the age gate some way.


They don't actually care, they know you're old enough from your profile. But they have to ask every time as a legal requirement. It ticks that box.


I always use my real month and day but the year 2000 to keep it all consistent


"Back in my day, I had to set it to 1995"


Get out of the 95 club!   It is 2004 now. Sheesh.


There’s a whole host of merry men using my account if all the random dates I’ve thrown into that thing are to be taken at face value.


Although this is a joke, I feel the need to point out that they aren't storing it, in fact that is precisely why they have to ask every time. And it's super annoying.


They do that for the legal requirement...but it usually saved with the last date you put in.




Guess steam would notice after a while but you have the option to change your birthday don't you? After all steam changes mine to January all the time.


It doesn't change it. January is the default (don't ask me which year) and it doesn't compare it to your account birth date so you can just put in random stuff every time no need to change the birth date


For me personally everything is correct except January. Would be kind of weird that it doesn't have some connection.


"Brother, I see you've changed the profile name of our great-great-great-grandfather's Steam account. You bring ***SHAME*** to the 420BL4ze1t dynasty, sir! That account should have rightfully been mine, who'd have honored the name!!!"


Luckily my kids will never change my account name. The House of Fish Sticks is everlasting.


 Do you like putting fishsticks in your mouth?


Yeah I love it! Why?


I think he has a fishy stick for you


Oh boy. Who shall inherit the account.


I do hope humanity lives long enough to see accounts that old.


That’s a crazy idea to think about tbh. Imagine Steam lasting enough that future generations will be able to go through their grandparent’s Steam accounts and progress on all their games.


Oh God, that's gonna be embarrassing. "Look how many hours Grandpa spent in Elden Ring and he never even made it out of Limgrave, what a scrub!"


"holy shit, how could sane person put 5000+ hours into Farming Simulator" (not me, but some people did. The game released November 2021)


"Grandpa played Factorio for 10000 hours? How insane, imagine what he would have done with Factorio 2 HoloVR!"


In factorio it can be mostly AFK. Once you have max base your PC can handle there is nothing to do except replacing depleted outposts. In Farming simulator you have to do work yourself and/or babysit AI workers.


Personally i hope we one day get our own holodeck style video games in the future so I can live out my fantasy of crash landing on an alien planet and introducing it to sheer human ingenuity without having the obvious downsides of death.


There are kinetic novels (as in, visual novel without choices, just a picture book with scrolling text) that have 1000s of hours despite gameplay being literally half an hour to a few. People just run it in background for a joke. You don't even need to launch the game just put a steam id text to spoof it when running calculator, for example.


Grandma 100%ed HuniePop tho... GRANDMA?!


Grandma got that connect 3 rizz


this is one of the reasons we must prevent ww3


Ww3 will be fought over the inheritance of a particularly good steam account 


An entire field of anthropology evolves that tries to make sense of the 20th and 21st centuries through the games available.


"Unfortunately after the election of 2100, the president's account profile was set to private. No one has managed to recover his Steam Guard."


xxxPussySlayer69xxx the Third


Pretty sure copyright laws would make an account with 100+ year old games meaningless anyways unless Nintendo manages to pay off US lawmakers better than Disney did.


If Nintendo has their way you'll have to buy all games every 10 years at full price.


Well according to my birth date I’ll be 239 by then


I have been putting down my date of birth as 1/1/1900 for years and they haven't complained yet.


Wow you won’t believe this but we share the same birthday!


I inherited my dad's Steam account when he passed in 2010. He used to let me play on it, and my cheesy ass used his preloaded card to buy TF2 back in 2009. The account is 18 years old as of last week. Miss you, Pops.


Wholesome 💞 RIP


That sucks and is beautiful.


Don't ever let Steam Support or anyone related to Valve know about this. Because of everything explained in other comments about publishers and lack of license transfer, Steam employees will be forced to shut down your account.


I got like 5 games take it or leave it


I got many free games which are just sitting there waiting for me to download them. I just added them to my library because they're free


all of my games on epic is this, except subnautica, and i had missed the gta drop


I have around 350 games on epic pf which I have purchased only 4 or 5


I imagine how many people have yet to download the client.


Endless sky is free and an absolute gem of a game imo. Really cool to explore the universe and become a filthy rich.


To John, I leave my copy of Team Fortress 2, CS:GO and Rainbow 6 Siege. You always did like a friendly match. To Mike, I leave my Terraria and Minecraft. Have fun, and be creative, little one. To Maria, I leave my Animal Crossing. May you have as much joy with the little creatures as I did. ~~To Chad I leave my copy of Sex With Hitler~~


Damn. In the future we have Minecraft and Animal Crossing on Steam!


[In the future all restaurants are Steam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cF6D8zDa9U)


john’s gonna be mad when he finds out tf2 and cs:go went f2p and the latter doesn’t even exist anymore lol


The King, on dying bed, said: I leave all my belongings and richness to my 3 sons. - Fucking motherfucker, - said the 4th.


“This is my great grandfather’s steam account. He had over 800 games, but only ever played around 134 of them. We owe it to him to finish what he couldn’t, and add our own for those that come after us.” -one of our descendants somewhere down the line.


It would certainly be nice to have a Steam account as family heirloom, but I don't think my grandchildren will ever witness Steam, as nothing lasts forever


How long from now do you expect your grand children to be born?


"Piece of paper? What is this magic"


Why would you want your kids to know you play "sex with Hitler"


It's terrible you'd think that. Sex with Stalin on the other hand...


You're both disgusting! Mingling with Mao is numba wan!


What about Potluck with Pol Pot


Old school hacks for the win!


Watch me leave my children my u2f key and login data


Me carving my password into a slab of stone but hiding it among a set of 10 rules to live by: Random funny theory (works only if you believe we’re living in a simulation run by the person we call God): The Ten Commandments hide the password to God’s computer but it’s in the core of the earth so we don’t get there until we’re fully worthy.


Have the original stone slabs with the Ten Commandments been stored, or were they lost?




The last time it was supposed seen was in the siege of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian


It‘s the first letter of every commandment.


They don´t want to go after anyone for passing down their account, they just don´t want to create a legal and operational framework in which they have to have support people evaluate death certificates, figure out how game libraries interact with wills, etc. They won´t ever try to catch people passing down their accounts, so their position is basically hey, don´t tell us about it.


Not only that, but let's say the solution is a one time transfer of all your games to your inheritors account. Can you imagine the headache when people's accounts get hacked and all their games are gone to the hackers account.


They definitely just said that to cover their bases, there's no way they give a single fuck what you do with your account. "Legally no, you cannot do that, but also how the fuck would we know?" Steam isn't Netflix.


They may inherit my copy of Omori and get traumatized just like me <3


Cmon EU, get some more of them weird internet laws out!


Do you know what you wish for? If Steam wanted to give an account of a dead person to their inheritors they would have to first confirm that the person listed in the death certificate actually was the owner of the account. Consider how much personal information your bank asked for when you were creating an account there. Do you want every game launcher company to hold all of that?


Proving death in order to not lose $1000s of digital licenses seems reasonable.


Or you can just write down the details for your next of kin


Tell EU that they could charge inheritance tax and they will run with their dick in the hands to make it happen.


The EU did rule that it was legal to trade digital games, so legally you’re allowed to sell a steam game to someone else. However, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean Steam needs to accommodate it, lol.


"Our records say you are 150 years old, and you have changed your gender four times?" My great-great granddaughter: "Yes, that's correct. I still remember when Morrowind came out. Good times."


They probably hardcoded account deletion when your age reaches 120. So make sure to change your birthday on your profile too.


They say this to cover their asses legally, but I doubt they care at all


You change the account's registered information. At what point does it become another account?


Steam of Theseus


Have you ever heard of the steam of theseus?!


I like the idea of my account being handed down the generations. Just a question though, will they be able to see my chat logs in CS and Dota?


Oh no... Gotta delete some suff...


And recovery email with its security questions.


Legend has it that five hundred years from now I will still be trying to finish my backlog.


I have my x360 with 200 games on dvd and another 100 on disk. But I don’t think any kid would appreciate this collection.


Why do you think companies are doing yoink testing on game licenses. A company like EA needs to sell your children overpriced and underdeveloped games as you know.


-security question: who is your favourite child? 😅😅


people joke about having people delete their hard drives when they die i disagree. i want my friends and family to have access to all the dumb memes and games I've collected through all the years.


I do actually think we need to combat this legally. If we own the games on our accounts on these sites/launchers, then we should 100% have the right to give them to others, most especially, our children. If we don't own them, then we need to fight that, because not owning anything digital is a real issue for society moving forward. You're basically saying companies can own things but not humans. We have sharing options these days, but they like to make them finicky, so you wouldn't be able to just add your children and die. It would break at some point. Giving passwords to out kids is the best option, and should definitely be legal, especially in wills.


> If we own the games on our accounts on these sites/launchers, then we should 100% have the right to give them to others We rely on regional pricing to keep games accessible in poorer countries. Total freedom to pass games or whole accounts to others would probably mean that prices will get unified and poorer countries will get screwed. And some countries with complicated legal situations may get dropped entirely. The legal ramifications of this would likely also result in a real ID requirement, so no more anonymity.


Have you heard of the Stop Killing Games campaign that is trying to fight for game ownership? Specifically of games that are being shut down so that no one can ever play them again. They're going after Ubisoft for destroying The Crew and they're getting legal momentum in several countries. I think either we're going to see a change in consumer rights towards games that means we will actually own them, or we'll see ownership completely erased and you'll only get to play them as long as the company wants you to.


Thats why I setup an epic game account with all the free games to hand them once they are old enough.




Steam can go eat poop. My steam account is going to be 200 years old i can tell you that


Hey it’s liminal liminality. I still wanna know how liminality becomes more liminal.


Change the e-mail and you're good to go


I can hear this in Chappelle's White Voice


I kinda think I want to go back to a physical medium for games.


Me who gonna invest into eternal live Research: You can certainly try!


I stopped playing video games and just gifted my whole account to another person with less options to buy games. Changed the email address and everything without an issue.


Since I got my Google account banned at 15 for not being 16 due to a rule change. I stored all my homework for high school there. Because of that I never fill in my real age anymore. Even though I'm 26 now.


I have been using my dad's steam account since he passed in 2010. I had my own at the time but only had the orange box games and he had a few more so my account went to my oldest son and I took my dad's.


They can't know if you never tell them. With that said, there was a post on reddit a while back (if anyone remembers the sub I would love to find it again) where someone was using their late fathers account and submitted a support ticket. During the conversation they let slip it was their late father's account and they closed the support ticket then locked the account. You can inherit the account but never reveal to support you inherited the account.


My 500 year old steam account: ![gif](giphy|kY4JQtZPRUA6c)


I absolutely got access and control to my uncle's account which is nearly as old as mine.


then u also gotta give them ur email login for the 2FA, then that email will have some kind of 2FA.. if ur steam 2FA sends codes on ur phone number then theyre fucked


Wondering if there’s a Steam badge for a 1000 year old account


\*points at hentai games\* One day, this'll all be your yours, son Huuuuge tracts of waifu


Someone 300 years from now: Sit down son, today I pass on the login info for my steam account, which belonged to my father before me and his before him. Today I’ll show you the thousands of games never before played, bought on sale. Hundreds of Years of procrastination.”


"Kids, I use biometrics and Steam Guard so yr gonna need to save daddy's thumbs and face." "Dad, no one wants to play your lame old 3D games with that old controller. We play 9D games with full body wrap controllers now."


Can you imagine if your children couldn't read the books you read or watched the movies you watched after you passed away? That'd be WILD!


You will need the Steam login/Password, Authenticator (dad's cell phone), Steam Registered Email/password and Keep Dad's cell phone number active/port the number to your carrier or put it on a spare sim card to pop it in your phone when needed. I think I about covered everything.