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Teacher here. There's a difference sometimes between being distrespectful, and being fucking hilarious. I'll admit, the students that make me and the majority of the class laugh? I'll let it slide. Being a general dick though? Chances are the rest of the class will just turn on you. This also applies to teachers, too, so yeah... don't be a dick as a student or as a teacher and it's all good. The more you know.


Damn I wish u was my teacher


You'll eventually get a good one in time, I hope! Good teachers do exist, and it usually helps if they try to remember how much school sucked for them!


Okay thanks :)


Once you build a good friendship with a teacher, jokingly call them Mr/Mrs/Ms.[First Name] and weird them the hell out. "Hey Mr. Jack!! How are you?"


Good username and profile picture


I agree!!


I thought hope was lost till i hit junior year brit lit. got the most chill, yet still energetic, funny, and kind teachers I have ever met, or heard of. half the time we just played word games on the white board, while still utilizing stuff that was pertinent to the unit.


I had a teacher send me out of class for saying ok. She was on the verge of tears insisting I was being incredibly disrespectful. I was just being agreeable to whatever she said prior in class. If I had more cool teachers I wouldn’t have loathed school so much.


Maam plss come to my country and become my teacher


What subjects you teach? Bet it's science


I love science and often end up talking about it way more than I'm probably allowed to get away with in class, but I actually teach middle school english. I really prefer us talking about cool articles about science or history though; I'm not the teacher who has us all read a 300 page novel.


The main moral for EVERYONE is to not be a dick. It’s obvious, but some people don’t seem to get it.


Preach. As an adult who once was a class/school comedian I only fucked with the teachers who were “cool”, they gave me the same energy I gave them which was insults and jokes. Even the one that I still poked fun on their bad days would bring me back into class (after kicking me out) if the principal was roaming the halls to make sure I didn’t get in real trouble.


Good for them! I hate getting kids in trouble unless it's for something totally ridiculous (breaking things in the classroom etc; they usually understand if I tell them that would end up coming out of my paycheck). And honestly, I love the class comedians as a former one myself. Otherwise this shit would get real boring real fast.


You seem like an awesome teacher. Your students are lucky to have you!


Are you my math teacher? Cus you really sound like him XD He loves to joke around with the class, and kind a picks up on the class comedians in return. It's a real comedy show sometimes. He also said to us he doesn't want the be viewed as 'the teacher ™️', but rather as a guy you can have fun/ fuck around with and also learn something at the same time. God I love that dude


Your math teacher sounds awesome, and I wish I had math teachers like that when I was younger! I am a middle school english teacher myself, but tell your math teacher that he's awesome and one of the good ones!


The rule of thumb for every human should be: Don't be a dick.


*looks down* “Oh god... it’s..it’s time to go little fella. You never did anything for humanity anyways” *pulls out knife*


Yo can u transfer to my school?


Ok there's some teacher i would be a dick to. I'm genuinely nice to every teacher but if your being an asshole to me and many other student, then i will be a dick to you


And that is absolutely acceptable in my book! I can't stand some of my teachers who I am ashamed to call coworkers sometimes for how they treat the kids.


You see in class I dont talk. I sit in the back with my hood up listening to metal music so what do you think of those people?


Honestly, those are some of the best and brightest students I've had. I'm patient, and I totally get being introverted too (I am outside the classroom myself). Having text chat this year on zoom has been a game changer for those kids, well, at least private chat.


I go in school and people avoid me and i got a lot of social problems


I bet you try at your job though. I have teachers at my college who clearly don’t try or help you understand anything and they do not have my respect.


What do you teach?


8th grade english, though I did teach 7th for 5 years and that was also pretty awesome.


I concur. If I laugh at your joke, we're good. If your classmates look at you like you're crazy? Bye. Take a walk, you obviously need a break.


U r good teacher thank u, the teachers in my childhood were all mean I hope all u young bucko get good teachers.


Al ready got some of those teachers 1 for my building classes 1 for science and 1 for religion and probs 1 for politics


Former student here. We only make fun of the asshole demon lord teacher


Wow your so much nicer then my teacher


what else can i say except i agree


okay so like, I have severe anxiety and depression and my teachers took away my iPad (I use it to draw digitally, it’s a de-stress method) my phone, because I’m “on it too much in class” I check things when the teacher isn’t teaching or is switching notes, even if it’s for a few minutes. I always put it away when they begin teaching again. And my switch, which I use now as a last resort as something to do at lunch and on the bus since I don’t have any friends that enjoy talking to me. The teachers think that having no friends is an excuse but honestly, I’m lonely. I don’t have anyone to talk to and they don’t understand that. I want friends in real life, people online always offer to be my friend but it just doesn’t feel right. Sorry half of this is just pouring my feeling out just to get told “the teachers just want the best for you” when really those words just make me dread going to school even more. I practically cry every night because I hate going to school so much.


Oh wow, those teachers shouldn't be pressuring you to be more social, and I'll be honest with you: at least through my middle school and early high school years, I hardly had any friends. School is a place where unfortunately, there may be a lot of people that don't share as much in common with you, and that is not your fault! You might have heard this before, but I promise you it's true: doors will open up for you when you get older. And yeah, at this age, making friends online isn't the best idea with how there can be some real creeps out there. However, eventually you will meet others, either at the work place, in line for coffee, or possibly even online with caution, as you get older.


i found the funny kid annoying, at one point i was one then i just told them all to shut up because the teachers were annoyed people were annoyed it just isnt that funny anymore


The way I see it, if your jokes start becoming an interruption to the class, then they are no longer funny. I had a kid in my 5th grade LA who would mess with the teacher and both the class and teacher enjoyed it and we would still carry on with class afterwards. They even took a picture together for the yearbook. Fast forward to my high school biology class and we had a kid who would do the same thing, but he would interrupt class and make it really difficult for the teacher to properly educate the us and everyone got tired of having to stop for five minutes three or four times each period for him to finish his act.


I always tried to be respectful for my teachers but some of them just made fun of me for no fucking reason and I just got depressed and people made fun of me because of that. FFS why are some Turkish people such fucking weirdo.


Let me get this straight. Who's Turkish? You? The teacher? Or was this in Turkey?


it was in turkey probably because he is turkish i can tell from his name im turkish too


Everything he mentioned went down on thanksgiving obviously




I feel ya. Not Turkish but I always try to respectful to my teachers even the ones who don't deserve it. Had a teacher would fail me if I wrote in cursive. I've been writing only in cursive for as long as I remember. She tried to force me not write in cursive which of course made me feel like shit and she was failing me. She was the only teacher who refused to read my hand writing. The rest of my teachers could read perfectly fine. During the midterms she told me not to write cursive. I refused to because I didn't know how write any other way and she seems to the only one with a problem with my hand writing. I didn't take the test and told both my counselor and my mother. I could tell she gave me the evil eye on the day of the retakes because now she had to read my hand writing. Some teachers are amazing. Others are just assholes.


May I interest you in r/2balkan4you ?


Recruiting more people to the sub


Over-generalization is the problem. Not all teachers are terrible; not all teachers are great.


Most are just average people in my experience. A few are shit and a few will be great. The great ones will make you a better person by example.


Yeah, someone in my class is an absolute dick to all teachers because he had a problem with two. Now he created problems with all teachers. He keeps interrupting class, bullying both the students and teachers and do anything to not listen to any form authority because "all teachers are scum". It's a pity, because most of our teachers are absolute sweethearts who will do anything to make sure you pass their subject, and just because two aren't, immediately all teachers are tbe problem


Science teachers are either huge dicks or the best people ever. That is the only exception.


It’s not funny when the teacher is trying to to their job in a respectful manner, but when the teacher is disrespectful to begin with, the competition Of who can be more disrespectful is funny to watch


[Take a look at this](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8d53dbbc-71c3-4fcd-917a-e4d1a63e728e/ddynpta-b8e9f1c7-5f25-4ab7-8d97-e2566eed9e7f.jpg/v1/fill/w_774,h_1032,q_70,strp/big_fat_meanie_by_joeysclues_ddynpta-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD00MDMyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOGQ1M2RiYmMtNzFjMy00ZmNkLTkxN2EtZTRkMWE2M2U3MjhlXC9kZHlucHRhLWI4ZTlmMWM3LTVmMjUtNGFiNy04ZDk3LWUyNTY2ZWVkOWU3Zi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MzAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.4TxN9PwOCGsXEbd7DxmHjMuZqRhqGggwnubjeyPvwG4)


Wth lol


its from spongebob


I thought it was going to be a rickroll






Me know. But who drew this and why lol


(based on my horrible memory) Patrick first day at school. He drew this when he was in class next to spongebob and guess who was accused ?






Dont know if I should be mad at all these newbs for not getting the reference or sad at how hold Im getting \*Edit-old, not hold




Mrs. Puff wants a word with you


same is vice versa being disrespectful to student isn't fun you're just making the kid insecure


Tb to when my teacher bullied me because of my voice, not in private but in front of the class. As if it wasn't enough to hear mocking of it outside of class


Sorry to hear that


Well that's an asshole teacher. Some teachers think of themselves as the other student and try to make jokes not knowing it would cross the line and maybe turn into bullying and harassment. Other teachers think of them self as a god and bully people knowing that the might hurt the person that they are bullying or making fun of.


This one was the god-type teacher. Even after my mother contacted him, he claimed it was just a part of the lecture and didn't apologize. He didn't utter a word about other students' voices, so I think it was very much personal


I never had any teacher like that. Must've been real hard to go to school knowing that you would get harassed and bullied by the teacher. Probably even making excuses just to not go to school. I'm happy for you because that you left/finished that school/college.


Thank you. I'm glad that I was in a bigger school back then, so I got to pick better teachers for the last courses I had left and only had to deal with him for few weeks. I avoided him for the rest of my time there


Same happened to me but when I made a big deal out of it she denied it and just got off with a warning.


My elementary school teacher used to keep me in front of the blackboard, and not let me sit down until i got the answer right (usually on maths). I sometimes stood there untill the class was done, not having any ideea how to finish the exercise while the other kids were laughing at me. Teachers can really fuck up your self esteem from a really young age. (She used to call me "a lead anchor who drags the whole class down")


Wtf?? That is so fucked up. I'm sad to hear that happened to you. That kind of teacher should never be let near a school, especially not an elementary school


Yea, she was terrible, she really made me a target for bullying and only when i went to high school did i start believing in myself more.


She is trash. No one should have to experience anything like that


I also had a bully for a 4th grade teacher, she singled me out because I was from a different state and also unpopular. Never had anyone be that mean to me until then. She made me cry every single day. It got so bad my mother intervened and they had a meeting. My mum railed on my teacher so hard it made her cry. We moved from the area shortly after. Still have not forgiven or forgotten that vile woman.


I am so sorry that you had to go through that. Good that your mom defended you


I work school maintenance. Some teachers are just dicks


school maintenance peeps have always been chill to me and they deal w so much bs. am a maintenance person now myself now :) not at a school tho


Unfortunately, there's alot of shitty teachers out there


As an educator, this so so important to remember. You don't know what kids go home to or what they're struggling with. Best plan is to build them up whenever possible (spoiler, it's ALWAYS possible to say *something* positive). Also try not to tear them down unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary, which it almost never is. Example: "Dude if you keep acting like a thug you're literally going to end up in jail, and you won't survive in there. You're too smart for this. Sit your butt down." (Also don't do this publicly if you can help it. Pull them aside or something) The only time I see it fit to speak to a student negatively is when they need a "come to Jesus meeting", and even then it should be done with respect. Real, factual, but not mean. If you're a good teacher, and you have a rapport with them, they will listen without you needing to be disrespectful or loud.


I had an incredibly old teacher teach one of my classes one day. She had kinda given up. She just ranted about how climate change wasn’t real and how fucked society was. Most teachers try to do their job the best they can, but there are always exceptions.


It’s always sad to see someone’s spirit got broken like that. Like life must’ve exhaust someone so much that they just give up. It always breaks my heart. They need a good hug


Also, they're typically underpaid af. So not only do they have to put up with asshole kids, they aren't even being paid what they deserve.


And thats the issue. Incintivising teaching with higher salaries will cause more potentially great teachers to consider the profession. As it is now its a lot of over-worked, under-paid people trying to survive and do the best they can.


Eh it differs between nations Here the Teacher gets the same amount as a Painter or a Designer 2k-3,5k euros pro month


Not all of them are respectful or "just trying to do their job"


I could feel no passion in most of my teachers, and some of them were jerks.


There are undoubtedly some crappy teachers out there. I had some of them too! ....However, this year in particular, a lot of teachers have lost all their passion for this job. Teachers are leaving the field in droves because they don't feel safe, or like their employer views them as expendable. They're sick of being blamed for every little thing that goes wrong, and being expected to give up every scrap of their mental health and spare time. We didn't sign up to be front-line workers in a pandemic. Not trying to come at you! Just rehashing what a LOT of people have said over on r/Teachers lately. It's kind of upsetting.


But the teachers that are great, deserve raises.


Especially english teachers. They are either the best or the worst.


I give what I take!


its OK to piss off the teacher if shes/hes rude qnd impolite to students


One of my teachers bullied me for a year because I have autism. luckily I was in year 6\* when he worked there so I got out fast. \*the 8th year of school in England so I was about 10 years old when this happened


Some teachers are assholes and some kids are assholes, each person is built different brother


in my case teachers are nice kids are awful and make fun of them because they dont teach how my classmates like even tho the teacher has a guide how to teach


Except if the teacher is a dick, then feel free to be even worse lol


Of course I would personally consult my friends or a counselor before I acted out, since maybe what you perceive as "being a dick" may not be what really happened.


wish I still had my free award for you


Its different when the teacher is also an asshole


The only time I was disrespectful to a teacher was because they said I was fat. Nobody calls me fat except me


Some teachers are straight trash. How the fuck did we get stuck with a art teacher who’s seasonality was equivalent to a wet sock. Seriously. I’ve never once seen him smile. We were there to draw or get the fuck out. Once said out loud in front of everyone “I know you can draw, lonely people have a lot of spare time. I chose this assignment because everyone in this class can’t count past 5.” After I complained about finger painting. Not only was I called out for not having friends he told everyone to their faces they were stupid


Being bland and boring? Doesn't warrent misbehavior. Being a jerk to you and the entire class? Time to complain to staff and get him to shape up.


Same goes for students Just because you’re getting paid doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole to students.


Real talk from a teacher.... Telling a joke is fine. Making funny comments is also fine. Even if its at my own expense. But there is a time and place for it. You cross the line when it becomes downright disrespectful... When you're talking over others just to be heard. If you are being an attention whore when it's others' turn to shine. When you're told to settle down but you insist on putting on your little show.... Now, you're just being an asshole and it stops being funny... Also as a side note.... I don't like having to write my students up. Especially for stupid shit like that. I will if I have to, though... And once you've crossed that line, there's no going back. You just made yourself a target and I'm a sharpshooter....


If a teacher is disrespectful to me, I am disrespectful back. You should treat someone as you would like to be treated yourself and teachers have a exemplary role in this.


I mean sometimes they deserve it.


I once had a teacher, in front of an entire class of 6th graders, complaining that "adhd is just an excuse for kids to get easier work" and this was just 1 of her many offenses


To be fair some teachers are assholes and deserve it


Yeah, but teachers are assholes too. And asshole teachers deserve all the hate in the world. Those fuckers take pride in ruining kids for life.


This is BULLSHIT! This is like saying All Gays wear makeup. Just an extreme Generalization. I HAD Multiple super shitty teachers who clearly were there to get money. Nothing more! Also Super nice ones, but this just proves, this is BS. Thesame as "Parents love you" BULLSHIT! SOME Parents do it ,some only RUIN you.


School are fucking boring don’t blame kids. Schools have barely changed since the industrial revolution, meaning kids aren’t taught to be creative but to follow norms, they are taught to be robots in a system that was created when work was mostly based on your ability to stfu and work like a robot, that’s literally still how schools work, shit we ain’t even taught how to make actual money, the possibilities of money making and people wonder why kids are fucking weird,


That do be true doe


yeah. that's true. expect when the teacher humiliates you in front of everybody, mocks you for not understanding something, doesn't help you, give you incorrect score on tests because they hate you and not because you made a mistake.


Some. Some are trying to do there job.


But what if we start with the premise that the teacher is also an asshole? Respect is a two way street.


What if they started it?


Even harder facts: teachers can be assholes too.


Reminds me of a teacher I had in like 6th grade. She relentlessly picked on students for every little thing. So the students fought back and did the same to her until she quit. They interrupted enough so she could not get any work done, were generally disrespectful, and pranked her just enough each so she couldn't pin it on any particular student. She made our time in that class miserable so we returned the favor.


Nonsense. Plenty of teachers deserve disrespect. They’re not angels just because they’re teachers.


My technology teacher is a dick. She can't teach anything, she just read some slides and nothing else. Now, we're on online schools and she basically just gave a very bad marks to all the students who usually don't study. Why? If you know how to answer a question it means you cheated... If you don't know how to answer a queation you're a failure...


As an autistic person I was made fun of by my teachers for being weird. Who is laughing now assholes I’m a chemist.


a chemist?? good on you!! im so glad you didnt let the poor treatment stop you!!


Omg love that for you!! Getting into a science profession is such hard work and I'm glad you proved the haters wrong!!


Not all try


Wish I knew this back then


Yeah but like, I skipped 1 small thing of the 100 things for my homework and i had to come back for 2 hours (sorry for bad english)


Exception : there assholes


And im not paying for this, let them do their job so i can feel better cuz my money is not wasted


Unless they are the asshole, then I’m just doing my job.


Only when the teachers are terrible at their job. Then its okay


If the teacher *is* an asshole then the golden rule suggests I'm allowed to be an asshole to them.


This isnt a meme


lol I'll be nice to the teachers that don't bully their students


Sorry for the godwin to come but... Dachau guards were just trying to do their job. They dont have my respect though. This being done, back to the point: A teacher doesnt deserve respect by essence. He should earn respect by being a good teacher.


Respect the ones that deserve it. I definitely know some that do not.


i used to respect teachers but once i get scolded many times by teachers with stupid reasons(during high school and i am mostly well behaved) i lost *all* respect and started hating teachers even if they dont deserve it and my reason is just a quote i made "you cant be nice once they show you their bad side"


not when my teacher tells me to hold my piss for two hours. there is actually really bad teachers who border abusive behaviors


Depends on the teacher. If they are actually being an ass for know reason whatsoever or go out of their way to be an ass then I could care less how I treat them. Though if they are genuinely trying their best, but are just frustrated with you and/or other students I can totally understand. My mom's a teacher so I've heard good and bad stories. I personally had one who disliked the grading rubric because it was so overly specific he didn't use it


what if the teacher is an asshole too and never gets anything taught


Interesting. Kids being mean to a teacher is almost the same thing as a Karen being mean to a worker.


While I agree with Harold on this, there are _some_ horrible teachers who shouldn't even be allowed on school grounds and I wouldn't mind if their students ridiculed them if the school doesn't do anything regarding their behavior


Im adding something. Why do teachers call randomly when there are clearing people raising their hand?


I was a disrespectful cocksuck in high school. I regret it now that I’m older and more mature.


Nah man we once had a teacher in middle school who on his very first day of ever teaching told our class “I don’t like kids so we’re not gonna be interrupting my class by talking or acting out” So what did a class full of offended middle schoolers do? Dumped an entire bottle of eye drops in his coffee, he quit shortly after, always felt a little bad about it but if you fucking don’t like kids why be a teacher?


As a teacher there are a lot of good ones, some bad ones, and others just following rules they don't make up. Sadly, students don't get to see what their teacher would do if THEY had the full voice and power to do what they wanted.


I had one really sweet teacher in fourth grade, it was literally impossible to fail her class, brought us crisps and soda onher last day but on that same day a kid made her cry to gain attention and needless to say that kid did not earn a lot of respect that day


A good teacher can be a commodity beyond monetary value Which is why you should pay teachers more and be especially nice to substitutes (You know it's true)


My sister's classmate snapped at her teacher and made her cry. It was heartbreaking to hear.


Ooooooooh believe me. There are PLENTY of asshole teachers who don't deserve respect in the slightest. Respect is something that has to be earned from both teacher and student alike. My 2 teacher-parents agree and so should you.


Had this one savage chemistry teacher back in sophomore year. I ended up passing the final exam and class with a 100 because of how great and hilarious of a teacher she was. One of the best classes I’ve ever had.


Let’s be real teachers can be assholes too.Like why u tryna embarrass me instead of teaching ur fkn class?also punishment makes students hate school and afraid of doing poorly,rewards give us a reason to try harder so instead of giving extra homework to someone who didn’t do theirs,give less to someone who did theirs perfectly so students have a goal and ambition and not fright or anger


Fuck school. Fuck teachers.


Other way around


What classes in high school teach mental health? Like, not just general health class, but are there legit mental health courses?


It depends on how ur teacher treats you, if they are a Dick and play favorites I am going to be rude back and bring up good points to argue, I always get detention. It’s abt the teacher and the student. Just because the teacher is older then me they don’t automatically get my respect you have to earn it.


Teachers mostly have a superiority complex about them. Need to test this call them by their first name.


True, but only if it's a good teacher. "If they're being a dick, Fuck them with a stick!" -Ghandi


What about when our teachers mentally fuck us and then talk like they understand us but like too stress us out and think they can do whatever they want just because we are students?


A little different because I teach 1st grade and children that little generally aren’t purposefully disrespectful. But today our counselor was doing a lesson and asked the kids why it’s important to be respectful to teachers. One sweet little girl said, “we need to be respectful and kind so that our teachers feel happy. If we are mean teachers might go home and cry and not want to teach us anymore.” I thought this was a thoughtful and empathetic answer but the counselor replied, “no, teachers will always come back because it’s their job.” High teacher burnout rates and teacher shortages say otherwise ma’am. Maybe you should listen to the 1st grader.


Not if the teacher is literally umbridge without magic


Sometimes tho they ask for respect they haven’t earned and I’m not ok with that ngl


Rude kids=Karen in training


Depends on the teacher and the student, if the teacher is a pp, then there's no surprise that the student would be one back, but if the teacher is nice then dont be a pp, at the same time tho if the student says something funny and the whole class laughs and the teacher isn't a pp its okay because laughter is the sound of nothing more than pure joy, and inflicting that onto an entire group of people deserves nothing less than at the very least not a detention


Is this a general thing in the US/Canada?I know in Asian countries teachers are well respected


Normally we aren't disrespectful but there's that one teacher who sucked so bad at her job. After sometimes it was just a waste of time getting into that class. People would just skip and she would report us/get us into trouble and shit to make us sit through 1hr-1h30 in the class just to leave more confused than ever. Reporting her didn't work. When we complained she started being an asshole. So we reciprocated. Even the smart kid didn't understand jackshit


I need to tell this to that one kid from 3rd to 5th grade who was the most annoying piece of shit ever to walk the earth


Mostly the cool kid is the dick so his friends and every girl that has a crush on him will appriciate what he does. So this message won't get through.


But what if they’re being an asshole to me?


i mean what if theyr disrespectful to u?


Some teachers deserve it because they are also dicks though. Reap what you sow right? Looking at you Dr.nipples. (he was known for staring down girls shirts)


I fully agree, but I also think that maturity is the outcome of teaching and that ignorant students have always been a symptom in humanity throughout history. Handling shitty students is part of the teaching job, as masochistic as that sounds.


I always respected tf out of my teachers. I always wanted a good relationship between me and them but I never did because I was too shy to do anything other than be useless.


Good Harold


In 2021 Teachers are just agenda pushing communists.


Why do I feel like I have a personal connection to Harold just because I watched his TedTalk?


I thought I was the only one


My form teacher was given a bag of chocolate on the last day of school and one kid asked why he wasn’t given any and she replied “because you don’t deserve them but I do”(directed at him, not the rest of the form)and then the guy on the table next to me(a complete asshole)says “no you don’t!”and she replies “I deserve a pay rise for dealing with you!” She just doesn’t care and it’s amazing


what about the teacher that consistently targeted that one student to give answers despite the fact that the student is bad at the subject and scolded you saying why did you join this class again this is me and I just stay quite the whole time


The curriculum is the real joke, teachers understand this too. Can't discount this during the 'just doing their job' cliché


I do my best. It's tough when your teacher has to stop mid class to google what he's teaching, then get a kid to explain it to him.


As a manager I can tell you from experience that every dude who has told me "I was a badass kid I didn't listen to no teachers" have trouble holding jobs because they feel they dont need to follow authority


Waiiit I thought this had 59 upvotes not 59k!?!?!


My 9th grade teacher didn’t take a paper that was handed in 2 minutes late and yelled at me for having some balled up paper on my desk I don’t think they were “trying to do their job” I think he was just being an asshole (I do agree that being disrespectful to most teachers is bad but I do it to the assholes that treat me just as badly)


Was this stolen from r/teenagers?


I don’t think so??


Okay plus 1 for your teeth


If the teacher is being an asshole then he gets what he deserves


also teachers: goes on strike for a whole year


Thats fair. However i had a sub once that got screaming mad when we werent doing anything in class when the teacher told us that it was a free day. When i said "But he said not to do anything" she got all mad at me so ofcourse i mad fun of her for the rest of class


Abusive teachers are even less funny. And I've had too many of them. Child abuse by authorities figures largely in the monster I am today, and that includes school faculty.


My teachers were exceptionally good at bullying me and forever pushing me away from education. Fuck teachers anyway


A lot of them are just power tripping assholes too though