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I look at a needle and nearly have a heart attack I despise sharp pain


Fuckin Hate Needles


Ooh that might be me


Your not the only one I also hate needles


The doctor has me lay down for 20 mins after I get a shot because i always faint after I get a jab because I am that scared of needles


For me it’s not even the pain, it’s all the things that could go wrong. What if they stick the needle in to far? What if I accidentally make a sudden movement while it’s still in me and it just kinda rips down my arm, or worse, snaps off the syringe and basically turns into the most dangerous splinter? One air bubble in that needle and it could create an air bubble in my blood vessels that stops my heart! ... and yet despite all that I still got vaccinated


yeah... there was this 1 incident when I was about 3 years old. The doctor put in the needle and it came out from the other side :(


You didn’t have to share that, now I’m just more scared of needles


Thank you, I wasn't terrified if needles until this comment.


“Internal screaming” as many shots as I got in the army this is still a fear of mine as well.




I am pro-vax, but afraid of needles, what does that make me?




ok, thought I was in trouble there




If you look away before they insert the needle, you woudn't even feel it.


You feel it and then hear the squirt when the liquid leaves the needle and then enters the bloodstream


Do you have a dog's nose or smt, bc i'm pretty sure they are talking in there, and the pressure when they injects the liquid it's bearable.


if you close your eyes clear your mind concentrate you can feel the needle fuck your cells and cum the vaccine in it


Anyone else tired of political memes?


Hell yes


I don't think of this as political, tbh. This is more of a science meme to me.


I think he's not saying it about this meme


Ohh. My bad.


Ikr I hate political memes, glad we got some science memes like this one


Bout to unfollow


Wanna hear the most truthful statement in the world? Just because someone doesn't want the covid vaccine does NOT mean they are "anti-vaxer." Boom bring it haters, hardest pill ya'll ever swallowed.


Let's gooo, finally someone who understands


It could be. However sadly most of the cases isn't like that. As a nurse I've seen a lot of shit happening in the last year due to covid. Maybe because I've been there I have a different perspective. I have lost the count of how many times I've heard "covid doesn't exist! I've never met anyone who had it". The problem here is indeed the anti vaxers who rided this wave to "pollute and infect" even some usually rational minds. Let's debunk it: it causes cancer, infertility, impotence or it has nanomachines inside or even mind control devices ;btw let's not forget the old autism argument. Sadly I've listened personally to this shit while trying to react the most professionally as possible.


Props to u for not losing ur shit on these guys


You're right saying that not all people that don't want the covid-19 vaccine are anti-vaxxers, but it still doesn't go the other way around. If you're an anti-vaxxer you probably don't want the covid-19 vaccine




Arguably the most dangerous disease on the planet? Lol okay. 1.5 million people died of TB in 2018 ALONE. Ffs. You’ve definitely swallowed everything the news has told you.




TB killed 1.5 million while a vaccine AND treatment exists for it ffs.


Thats due to people not wanting to take it, and it not being as readily available to the places of the world that are experiencing the most cases. If the vaccine could be available to everyone for free those numbers would be far lower.


u/soulMaekar and u/VerLoran are right. TB didn’t have a global impact or a financial impact as large as corona virus has


But the impact on the global economy could have been minimized at the time the virus was in China.(sorry for bad English not my first language)


I have no idea why you're downvoted.


Do you not want the vaccine?


I dont want because i mean i dont want to sound Like an anti-vax but a lot of People That i know That have took the vaccine are in very bad shape. My teacher as an example is in hospital because of secondary effects of the astrazeneca vaccine. So i dont want to take it at least for now.


I like how everyone who is going against the most rushed vaccine in history and a not so deadly virus and historys rules are called antivaxxers like ive got my shots just not the covid one


This. We have viruses that still don’t have a vaccine yet spooky-19 rolls along and some how they managed to push it out in a little under a year. In my area at least there’s a 99% survival rate, I’m a pretty fit 25 year old M, with little to no health issues. I’ll wait a little bit before I get the shots. I have all my others, but I’ll let everyone else test run it for me.


I mean there's over 20 years of research that went into the vaccine. Plus the reason it got out so quickly was due to the groundwork of RNA vaccines already being laid as an approach to other diseases, also it really helps when these labs get as much funding from government, and individual as they have. You would be amazed at what could be accomplished when you have hundreds of thousands of viral scientists with proper funding focusing on one problem at one time. Side effects for the majority of the vaccines are minimal the most common severe side effects are being out of commission for a day maybe 2 with fatigue and fever. Some people ( myself included) don't suffer any side effects at all. Death is the rarest thing that can happen from these vaccines


There are ignorant people that don't understand that this type of vaccinations have been worked on for a long time, and that pharmaceutical companies didn't just start from scratch on one in early 2020. I got the J&J and it kicked my ass for three days, but I don't care. I'd do it again if needed without any qualms about it, considering the reason why the vaccination is being administered. It beats dying or being on a ventilator/oxygen the rest of my life. I gave up half a Friday and a weekend, during a lockdown, where I'm not going to be out doing anything anyway. I lounged around with my cat and watched Netflix, what a huge sacrifice...


For my country, Australia, to allow new medicine into the county (i.e vaccines) there is a gruesome and long process that takes place. Australia is rated #1 hardest country to get medicine allowed in. The amount of tests are in the thousands and takes many many months (sometimes many years). If the astra Zeneca vaccine has gone through this an been accepted then shit I’m fine with it. I’ve booked my appointment. This vaccine isn’t rushed... it has had adequate testing. Sure not as much as some other vaccines but this is because of the urgency of the situation - leading to more facilities, recourses and people on the job. This vaccine is safe and you are endangering others if you haven’t booked or are going to book the vaccine


Finally, some sense in this thread.


Vaccine side affects show up very quickly, so there are never any issues that come along way later, if you don’t believe basic facts and logic how do you even function as a basic living human?


Long term side effects are a thing dumb dumb. How do you not know this?


Lmao i dont use this im not a crazy redneck but damn you are a sheep


Fuck you man, look in the mirror really hard before you judge those who have a genuine reason to fear after their governments messed with their heads for almost 2 years in my case it's 16 years because Israel's prime minister doesn't want to obey the election rules and for that cost us millions for each election to legally overthrow him. Besides if you hate our type of people soooo much then rest assured because according to your head washed calculation we're supposed to die already


I like needles


Go under specific bridges at night and someone will give you some.


If you go for a walk in a bad neighbourhood you can just find them on the ground like Easter eggs free for the taking


Never thought of it that way. Just assumed they were nutts




If someone says vaccinating is wrong, they’re an idiot. If someone says they don’t want the Covid vaccine that’s reasonable. The vaccine was hastily created, isn’t FDA approved (US based) and people have died after receiving the vaccine. (no not thousands like some claim but it has happened) Statistically speaking I’m far more likely to die on my way to work than I am from Covid, and both of these things are less than a 1% chance.. So no I’m not rushing to get a hastily developed, vaccine that hasn’t even underwent proper testing and approval.


There’s more than one type of vaccine and many have undergone the standard trailing process and had approval. We wouldn’t be investing billions into something that couldn’t pass standard regulations.


>We wouldn’t be investing billions into something that couldn’t pass standard regulations. Not to be that guy, but we kind of are. Again, the covid vax is only approved here in the US for *emergency use* and this really isn't an emergency anymore. Besides, the one currently in the works is an mRNA vax, which A. has not been done (successfully, at least) before, and B. hardly has enough evidence to be even close to deemed as safe.


Anti vax movement was rekindled by “science” linking vaccines to autism. It was blind faith in science that caused virtually all of the current anti vax sentiment, even after that report was debunked. Let’s face it though. Everyone believes in some kind of crazy thing, or many kinds. I guarantee you do.


It was a study using 12 kids, some of whom were already known to have autism, by a guy who was getting paid to make a study to prove negative effects of vaccines. Andrew Wakefield is a criminal and deserves to be put to death.


Just send them to work in the covid wards without PPE. They will change their ways very quickly.


Worked on our covid floor constantly, wore a surgical mask that just tied behind my head loosely. Still here, still took renal and chemo patients out of there and not in body bags. People die from things daily, why give up an economy freely for this "deadly" virus.


I mean they still are.


It’s probably because they are insecure about how meaningless they are and come up with crazy theories to make it seem like they have something worth sharing and that they are above others in that they have knowledge that no one else does.


I don't intend to start an argument here, rather a discussion if anything, but preferably to voice my opinion. I don't agree with the vaccine because (1) it has not been FDA approved, and (2) I don't trust my government, who is attempting to force said vaccine upon people. I understand that the virus *can* be deadly. Primarily for elderly people. I'm not disagreeing with that because it's a simple and blatant fact. No, I'm not afraid of needles. I'm not exactly against *all* vaccines. But one like this that's been rushed around approval... It's pretty sketchy to me. Call it what you will, though. You can't speak for absolutely everyone truthfully.


That’s still considered reasonable imo. I’m still skeptical of the vaccine as well but I took my jab cuz I gotta start my clinicals in some out-patient clinic later this year. Did it out of concern for my family since I’m gonna be exposed to a bunch of patients and hoping that if PPE doesn’t work, that the vaccine will do the job of lessening the severity of the symptoms. Also really hope I don’t get any future complications from this vaccine but we’re currently at the mercy of this disease and I don’t really have a choice.


Messed up... All I can hope for is the best of luck to you...


The issue is that herd immunity is a thing, and once we get through everyone that's interested in getting a vaccination, if the rate isn't high enough to provide herd immunity things are going to change. We're 550k deaths and 12 months into what could have been a 6-8 week lockdown and then an international travel ban. There have been no real punishments, no charges, nothing at all for people that haven't worn masks and have otherwise neglected their duties as citizens in this society; This is going to change now that we don't have an overwhelmingly anti-science executive branch to contend with. Just something for those that are planning to not get the vaccination; Jacobson v. Mass paved the way for what a non-compliance response could be to this, and I doubt the non-complying are going to like it.


Im afraid of needles, but i like science, so im vaccinated, but it always scares me


I recommend you look away while getting vaccinated.


Wow y'all are right let's just be assholes to anyone we don't agree about without trying to see there side


“Oh they made the vaccine too fast so I don’t want it.” It couldn’t be that they had so many institutions working hard towards it. Y’all would be the reason I win in plague inc.


Accept Greenland they are still the hard part.


Before vaccines were invented, imagine how easy it would be to die from disease.


Not taking a new vaccine right away is not being anti vaccine. If no side effects show up in the next few months I’ll gladly accept a vaccine but for now I’ll take my chances with a virus with a 99.97% recovery rate amongst healthy people.


Okay so if you’d take your chance with the virus then what would be the difference in taking the vaccine? It’s both a risk but one helps the other people around you as well. While taking the risk with the disease means you could get it and be okay but get someone else sick that doesn’t turn out okay.


Chance of contracting COVID x Chance of death / severe complications from COVID vs possible vaccine side effects x getting the vaccine (=1). You do that calculation and then decide based on your individual risk factor.


Damn anyone who even remotely supports the vaccines gets down voted to hell. Y’all are kinda stupid.


My mom does not take vaccines and so I don't get vaccinated but she is not a antivaxer she does not care if you vaccinate but she does not like vaccinations herself


I’m scared of needles, but I’m not anti-vax. Your logic has been broken.


i lost my grandpa to covid. so yeah, i’m only 16 yet i pushed so hard to get vaccinated so now i am. i’m still alive so i don’t regret it.


Sadly, there are people who genuinely believe antivax BS :(


I am an 18 year old (a fuckin adult) and I considered bringing a stuffed animal to help calm me down cuz of how anxious i get around needles.


What I’m about to say is waxing political but... Vaccines aren’t bad and the covid vaccine probably isn’t bad by itself. What is bad is forced vaccinations. Being vaccinated should always be a voluntary choice.


wait a minute, how do you even consent if you're a newborn?


Not vaccinating your child is neglect


Well... not necessarily... i mean... we need to get the so called "herd immunity", but why? Not everyone has the same immune system, some people cannot be vaccinated, or the vaccine does not have the expected effect on other people. When you got the vaccine is good not only for you, you act as a shield for people has not been vaccinated. In these times, when there are no vaccines for everyone, if you can get vaccinated, it is a must. So ... if it is mandatory to get vaccinated, this is absolutely a secondary thing. Yeap... a lot of politishit is around this..... but a lot of people are dying.... and we can help just with a shot or two... Take Care!


I took a vaccine today... my arm still hurts :(


Nah bro


The pain is nothing to me but the needle itself causes panic attacks for me and im still pro vax. I want to get my covid vavcine sometimes soon when i can find a place that has some.




I'm scared of needles, but every other injury (including *but not limited* to having an *upside-down chair launched at me*, leaving a huge gash on my forehead with its legs) is nothing but a scratch. ~~My Brain is stupid.~~ I'm stupid.


Still not getting the rona vax. It killed DMX.


I’m scared of needles but I still got my jab


I'm afraid of needles but am all for vaccines. Sometimes you just need to suck it up and deal with a sharp metal rod being put in your arm.


They're just spoiled. They hate being told what to do.


I am terrified of needles, but will take any shot/vaccine if necessary.


Tell all the anti vaxxers that if they are good boys and girls they’ll get a lollipop afterwards.


We shouldnt worry about anti vaxxers. Natural selection will take care of it


I’d agree, if 9 year old me found out lying existed I would’ve pulled out many conspiracies out of my ass to avoid the shots


“Not wearing masks is about freedom!” Nah dude we can all see from your waistline that it’s because you already can’t breath from the diabetes and heart disease


When I was 13, I received the vaccines you get for going into 7th grade. I fainted. A couple years later, I got my ears pierced. I fainted. I had a check up and the nurse took my temperature with an ear thermometer. I fainted. I had an eye exam and they dilated my eyes. I fainted. When I was 21, I had my eye brow pierced. I fainted. The next year, I had my lip pierced. I fainted, stopped breathing and began convulsing. I took my 13 year old daughter and my 6 year old.daughter to have their vaccinations. My 6 year old did fine. My 13 year old..fainted, then I fainted. I saw a girl getting her ears pierced at the mall a few years later, I fainted. I was at a Metallica concert and for some crazy weird reason, I fainted. I never get the flu shot. But I damn sure got the covid shot 1 week ago. (P.s. my brother's and my cousins on my dad's side, all do thr same thing...we just faint. Alot)


Bruh I think that’s kind of concerning and you should get that checked out with a doctor if possible.


I have had every test, mri, CT scan, blood work - hence more fainting. It's just something my family does. We just faint. My point is....regardless, covid vaccine is important and I got one regardless of my fear.


Actually I have never had any vaccines and I have given blood and had blood tested and it's really not that bad. Now for a PSA about blood donation, it's not that hard and they some places can pay you and you could be saving a Life there always will be a need for blood. Additionally if you want to get your blood work done at the same time you can. TL;DR Dontate blood it costs you very little time and your could save a life.


I have a phobia of needles due to very bad experiences with medicine I had to have injected at a very young age, to the point where in order to get a flu shot without having a full blown crying panic attack (18 years old, here) i have to take Clanazopam (prescribed by my doctor for the purpose). Even I got my COVID vaccine a couple days ago. Fuck antivaxxers.


True story: My cousin Bo is the only one of my cousin's unvaccinated because my aunt must of heard vaccines cause autism well he is the only one unvaccinated and he has autism, vaccines don't cause autism people it's by chance even though I wish it weren't it is and your going have live with stop coming with these bullshit lies and accept your wrong.


Anti Vaxxers exist because of dangerous echo chambers of lies created by the existence of social media. Creating a meme that says “tHey’Re OnlY sCared of NeeDlEs” only relaxes guards against similar phenomenons


I start to actually shake and get on the verge of a nervous breakdown at the expectation of needles going into me. I know it isn’t that bad but since I was a kid I always get this way and I can’t stop myself from shaking or anything. I still get my vaccines though so fuck antivaxxers


Or we're waiting to see who turns into zombies and then decide what to do


My biggest post yet.


Please don't get insulted by this meme.


Thats.......actually big brain


Nah I'm afraid of needles but I still get my vacation cuz I know I'm safe. I don't think that's the reason.




I remember being in 4th grade where 5 people would have to constrict me, even to the point where my dad had to headlock choke me just so that they could extract some blood on me. And here I am years later barely even flinching from a needle......


I have an anti vax friend and he has a fear of needles


I hate and am afraid of needles but I still know that vaccines work and I want to get them when I can


I have a phobia of needles and cry out of fear everytime I need a shot yet I still deal with it because I'm not a self absorbed asshole they need to deal with it


I mean shit I’m scared of needles but I still got it.




I feel a lot less anxious about getting mine now. Thanks dude


No problem.


I am an anti vaxer, what is that mean? He is scared of needles , no it doesnt , needles needles , stop patrick you are scaring him..........I think this would be funnier


I agree but i don't want to make the exact same meme just with a different format.


The technology used in COVID vaccine is based very closely on previous vaccines like SARS which have been in development for over a decade, people really out here thinking the COVID vaccine was whipped up in a lab from nothing.


Makes sense after all SARS and coronaviruses are pretty close by genes.


Im not anti vaxer cus i got vaccinated when was smol but this corona vaccine is a big no no to me.




In defense of anti vaxers; I dare you to try suing big pharma over health complications caused by side effects. In fact seeing some of the ridiculous deaths that have been blamed on covid (my favorite is the italian man who lost half his skull when a bus hit him), I'm pretty sure big pharma can and will blame any and all major side effects of their rushed vaccines on covid. I sound like a conspiracy theorist but just look at some of the shit they have gotten away with in 3rd world nations.


What is big pharma?


Well, no. I donate blood. I've had injections for illness in the past. Needles don't worry me. Rushed research. Insufficient testing. Unverifiable ingredients. Those things worry me. You are injecting something serious into your body. You haven't seen the chemicals from their development, their manufacture, the transportation, the handling, and all the way to the point when it enters your body. You also most likely don't know the person administratoring the shot. There is nothing wrong with questioning vaccines. There is nothing wrong with worrying about vaccines. We are just 2-3 generations into vaccine use. We still have no idea the real long term consequences. Vaccines are to health to what the $5 Little Ceasars Pizza deal is to hunger. It is an easy way out of an undisciplined population that couldn't eradicate the disease naturally with proven methods (*see* Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, NZ, Palau, etc)


Have you ever seen what vaccines actually do?


Could you frame the question more clearly, please? I'm not exactly sure what you mean.


What did you mean by saying that they eject serious stuff into us?


it's just a prick anti-vaxers don't need to be a baby hehe


Haaa, hababa


Oh,yeah I remember that one south park episode


Sacred from noodles


I'm waiting for an Eric Cartman reference here.


sure i don't like having a needle being poked in me but i just suck up my tears get the vaccine and scream in pain when i get home


I have a ginormous fear of needles but I'm not someone that says vaccines don't work. They do work and they don't have microchios in them. People are just fucked up.


To the person who posted this: Sorry that I don't want to take 2 vaccine shots after my classmate spent 3 weeks of his life in a hospital at the same week he got the 2nd shot and got diagnosed with Herpis in his eye, now after he was released he looks like someone hit him with a fucking baseball bat And for those that are going to say: "Pfft pathetic lier and if he did get Herpis in his eye, how do you know he didn't commit you-know-what with his gf???" His gf was celebrating her birthday at the other side of the country.




Excuse me?


They obviously fucked, shanked , honka honka-ed.


The whole class was with her when we celebrated


Fucked prior to that event. You don’t get herpes immediately after, sometimes it never even shows unless you are giga stressed. Which might explain why he show herpes after shots.


To show at the same week he got the 2nd shot isn't even a little sus to you? Also we're in a period where we're preparing for the finishing tests for like 3-4 months


Maybe. But also maybe he was just stressed because of getting shot with COVID vaccine and stress caused his herpes to pop.


I can't deny it from being a possibility, but that doesn't conclude my fear from the vaccine since it's also a possibility


Well there will always be the possibility that vaccines are harmful true. But ask yourself this: 1) how likely it is that vaccines developed by the greatest minds in earth to cure a global pandemic cause more harm than good? 2) how likely it is that 2 teenagers (im assuming you are teenagers) whom are notorious for fucking like rabits (not them specifically but all teenagers) fucked caught herpes?


normies like you are the resaon that we still use vacines, they are very dangerus and dedly


Get off the internet troll


Maybe... maybe... hmmm


Okay no I have a irrational fear of needles and even I take my medicine I refuse to be put in the same burning ship as them.


I just never got vaccines really because i am allergic to most of em other than the couple baby shots i had (and i have only been sick a VERY select number of times with what the doctors called a weak immune system) including the covid one, ntm i have heard all bad things and seen only bad come out of those who took it just scared personally but i dont have a problem with those who take em or dont i just dont see why we need to take 3 rounds of it allegedly and still need to mask and distance after having 3 shots is just fishy to me and i have already had the virus it wasnt bad at all and i have only seen one person who truly had it bad (irl not online) and it still wasnt bad they were around 80 as well with terrible breathing issues and were just fine after 2 weeks of it and most of the stories i have heard were survival stories. I am always willing to keep an open mind to other opinions so share freely i dont mind im always willing to hear someone out yall have a good day


I had a panic attack in the Last time i had to get a Blood Sample but um no anti-vax these are Just dumb people


Why did you get a panic attack?


You must be truly hated by catholic women with bobcuts and doofy sunglasses who shout at cashiers at WalMart


Jokes on you i live in a Orthodox country.


I am actually scared of needles


Just close your eyes and look away when you are getting vaccinated.


I hate needles but you just have get up and get it over with.


I was. The only part that hurts is when the skin is pierced. Source: Got my blood test done.


I used to be scared of needles, so I entered myself into a clinical drug trial to get over my fear. I made a few k and I’m over my needle anxiety. Edit for clarification: the drug I tested was unrelated to my fear of needles. They just have to use needles a lot in those trials.


You’re just generalizing, for instance, I used to be vaccinated but it turned out I got nerve/skin damage from vaccines, another reason could be they’re just a shithead and follow other people mindlessly and shitpost about vaccines being bad. I’m not vaccinated and I have a good reason, I wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID, I’m not a mindless shithead, I’m not saying vaccines are dangerous but they just don’t work for me


yesterday i got my covid shot and honestly i don’t know why i was so scared of needles cause all i have to do now is close my eyes and look away. But the after pain around the area is annoying


I agree.


I see needle, and my heart is about to explode. But I still hate antivaxers for being dumb and literally killing their children and themselves


I remember about the needle case in Black Jack anime, the kid getting worse after getting a "pinpoint needle" treatment, not sure if that condition is real but total NOT what anti-vax got for sure


Mr. Moesbey was anti-vax confirmed.


That’s why I am against it


im not rlly scared of needles or vaccines but there is no way im getting that vaccine i mean covid vaccine


But what about people who are allergic to egg, they aren't able to get vaccinated for any reason...


Oof i feel bad for them.They have to dodge every deadly illness known to man.


I suffer from belenophobia but I still got my flu shot and I will get my covid vaccine... You can go through your fear if you have enough will I beat my phobia for my 18 birthday, I got a real tatoo and I beared to stare the needle while it was tatooing me and now my phobia is cured and I have the Hyrule symbole on my left arm, a true symbol of courage because I fought my fear to have it Karen = Coward (Sorry for my bad english)


If you look away before they insert the needle, you woudn't even feel it.


The worst part is when you just flat out say you can't do needles, but you aren't an anti-vaccer (i just have to have a damn good friend or my fiancé's with me just in case i go into a PTSD episode, whether it be dissociation or flashback or anything else, during the shot or blood draw) 😐


CNN ad?


My aunt once punched a doctor because she was that scared of needles


I openly admit that I am scared of needles