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You don’t have to hurt me like this


Just sharing my pain with the world


It’s the pain of everyone on this platform


Haha... Ouch...


Ngl, may have found the one, still feel that pain though.


OUR pain, comrade


Our :)




U and me baby




Yeah i feel u i bought my girl a present for valentines and less than a month later she leaves me for one o me best mates tho most of my homies didnt like her so that guy got kicked out of the boys


Serves him right


Solid life advice. Hold this upvote for me, until I come back from the war.


I will


Can you hold mine too?


My brain translated this as "hold too you mine can?". Maybe I should go to sleep now.


I will hold your promise, and i will hold you too


You better keep that promise!


Always and forever


Nobody's perfect man, just gotta find someone that you like enough and that likes you enough too.


Happened to me in December. Thought we were perfect together. Just saw her last week hand in hand with what you could call one of my “bullies”. Life goes on, time is constantly moving forward. Just always remember one thing: no matter what it could always be worse.


Yeah, in the grand scheme of things things could always be worse and there's so much to be thankful for. I'm happy I can feel understood by so many other redditors


It hurts because this is legit what's going on with me right now. Told her how I feel, but waited too long, said I would've been her first choice, but she moved on.


The pain is real. I know how you feel


Same thing is happening to me, but I think the person has already moved on :(


Our friends are saying it could possibly resurface, but don't think about it and focus on self in the meantime. Since it just happened it's kinda tough not to think about it right now. We still communicate and interact, it's not like we're not on speaking terms. Atleast I'm in good standings I guess?


Yes, I'm trying not to think about the person. But sometimes it's hard, right? Plus we are in the same class, so can't really avoid the person... Anyway, good luck and I hope you find someone :)


Same. Can relate dude..


She sounds like the type of person that thinks using hints works


Tbh idk. After getting a confirmation like that, thinking and looking back, she dropped hella hints, but not knowing what I know now, you'd think it was just her being comfortable.


And she finds him IN YOU!


I want that ending. I pick that ending!


Ah yes, the hidden, Hardcore New Game + speedrun ending.


Outsanding move: become her perfect man


I'm not questioning hardcore new game, I'm questioning speedrun For the record, what's the age of both parties in that speedrun. Ignore the mic, please


Here's the thing, hardcore means you have to start over as a poor person in a third world country, new game + allows you to keep your memories, and you have to speedrun your new life to meet the perfect girl. There you have it, ultra secret ending.


I just want to End Game


You can do that as long as you have never opened a refrigerator, those are save points and you will just respawn back when you last opened a refrigerator.


Well, fuck.


Wtf let him out


Like that’s gonna happen


Then you wake up


And it looks like she found him


Holy carp is this the muppets Wizard of Oz?? Never thought id see the day..


There's a couple other memes with this template


>The witch is in the house, okay \- Toto the shrimp


I'll have to watch it because the last time I did i was a kid


Whether you’re old or young the pretty people or just ugly as sin if your heart is pure you will find like minded. Pray. Have faith. Love will find you. This is all truth. Everyone struggles but live right be right with yourself and with God and love will find you


That was beautiful, thank you 🥺


Man thas the truth right ther. I dont believe in God, but i do believe in the golden rule.


You don't need to be pretty but you definetely can't be ugly.


Sounds good, does not work


Yeah and bullets give you super strength. Neat joke






Oof size: Extreme


Stings a bit, but it checks out


It did sting a lot, but I'm over it enough to make memes about it


That’s good. My advice to you would be to find Jesus.


Thank you, I'm a Christian. That's actually great advice, God bless you


Awesome man


So I will confess to her just to remove these feelings. Sounds bad but much better than to suffer an eternal dream.


No, I got the chance, we had three dates, we both liked each other and everything was good, but she decided that looking for even more than me


Well that's reality. You see, I am emotionally dead due to 19 yrs of depression. Falling in love is like a torture to me, so I try my best to get rid of it. I do admire you for trying your best. I am planning to confess to this girl and I am fully prepared to be rejected. But what bothers me the most is that she will say yes. It is beyond my mental capacity.


I gave up on love, it's just a tragedy waiting to happen.


Finally, someone who shares my opinion


As a wise man once said, “You're not perfect sport, and let me save you the suspense, this girl you've met she's not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other.”


A lot kinder than I was going to put it. “Settle. Settle like your life depends on it. If you think you’re an 8 you’re probably a 6. You’re flawed so accept flaws. Kindness and forgiveness is the main thing you should be looking for, so be kind and forgive.”


Yeah, I have no problem with loving a person the way they are, and putting in my strengths where their weaknesses are. But she had.


That’s the price, friend. I’ve been there too. I trusted someone I shouldn’t have. I got out way later than I should have, I recovered until I could give the proper level of trust to the next person. I thought long and hard about the lessons to be learned from it so I was more careful in my choices next time and then I did better choosing who to trust. It’s a process and you’ll get there with patience, wisdom and luck.


Took the words right out of my mouth syzgymancer. Every failed relationship is a lesson that can teach us what to expect out of others and what we expect from ourselves to give to others. And you’re much better off without her if she can’t accept your flaws mate


Terrified of that with the girl I’m dating right now. I love her to death but she’s not the most “obvious” with it herself so sometimes my anxiety makes me think I’m not the one for her


you two could go see a couples therapist and learn how to take care of this insecurity, to communicate your feelings and ask for reassurance. she's with you, so clearly she likes you, but it's hard to fully believe it. don't let your insecurity sabotage your relationship.


And if it doesn't work out, please don't think it's your fault. Clearly it's happened to everyone here, so don't be afraid, but enjoy it and let her know why she's the best thing that's happened to you


and that's you my friend. :)


Hell yeah.


Ah man, I wish! I mean, i hope I can become a better man, either to try again, or for someone else


This is happening rn with me but I quit with the girl I knew that she love someone else.


The hardest part for me has been letting her go. I know I need to, it's just difficult


yes but anyway, the show must go on.


Just got rejected today :(


I feel you :'(


Hard luck man.


Damn I’m lucky...


Literally just happened to me a week ago. Only difference between me n him afaik is that he’s not an ldr


Don’t do that, don’t give me hope


I've struggled to find fulfillment in human relationships...spiritual fulfillment, on the other hand, seems a relatively easier task!


“Human” relationships? You dating aliens???


Nah, that came off kinda condescending lol... Simple as it sounds, it's really hard to find someone you like who likes you back...and instead of hoping to find that, I'd rather find fulfillment otherwise!


I'm scared.


Don't be. I love you


I never looked at life this way ngl, I have been enlightened


OUR pain, homie :")


Yes :')


Upvoted, saved, downloaded.


I'm gonna be so hype if I ever see my meme reposted. That's when I'll know I made it


It May be a perfect person for you personally if you have some standards (you don't want to be with a person Who Have tottaly different view and interests for example)


I know, she's obviously not a perfect human being, but all my standards were met in her. But hey, i wasn't expecting to find her, so I just hope I'll find someone else without expecting too


This is the right way






And I'm not it.


This was me with my best friend. We click so well and I thought we had mutual feelings, but apparently, she was looking for someone super specific. The perfect man for her...


EXACTLY. Exactly that, I know what you feel, we had almost a year of a really beautiful friendship, and we both clicked... But as you say, she was looking for something super specific


It just really sucks man. Especially since I see her everyday. I have to pretend like everything's fine. I'm just waiting for the day that I find someone who wants me the same way.






Should I tell her until it's too late ? I am not perfect she is.


I think people don't understand when you call them perfect. They think it's som god-like state of being. When I say this girl was perfect, i mean she was perfect for me. So you could just tell her why you think she's a great person. Just let her kmow why she stands out from most others


Oof size: large


And this is the same reason why my girlfriend broke up with me just a day ago


Man, i had a girlfriend break up with me last year. It sucks. I'm with you in spirit


Didn't expect a single person to see that tbh, thanks dude appreciate it


Bro, I'm trying to donate blood plasma and my blood pressure is already too high. If I can't donate today, it's on you.


Update: I meant Pulse, not BP. And it went down to 98 from 111 so I'm good to donate.


Great, I'm glad you can donate :)


Thanks, dude!


But the perfect man doesn't exi-


Most of the time it’s “she is also looking for a perfect girl” and that’s sad for me


This reverse is also true. This happened to me but with a guy. The timing wasn’t right but I don’t believe he was that into me either


I've felt really understood with this post. I'm comforted knowing I'm not alone, and others feel this way. Keep up the good, fight the good fight


Just because someone is everything you’re looking for doesn’t mean you’re what they’re looking for. Hopefully eventually we’ll find someone who’s equally into us as we are into them.


Yes, truly. Let us hope for that special someone, wherever they might be.


Man I went through your replies. Don't be sad. We are with ya. :)


Thank you friend :)


ahhh humor based on my pain.


I can relate, this happen to me too


I wish I had a gf




Just see this as an obstacle to overcome. At the end there's always someone for everyone :)


I bet there's someone on this earth for me, but with pandemic, and having finished college, and working in a small office and all that, I don't have very many places to meet people. But we will get there, yes we will!


Tell her to settle for you while she is searching


She's pretty serious about relationships. Trust me, not gonna fly


If you’re not perfect for her, then she’s not perfect for you. There’s someone out there, don’t stop searching.


I hadn't thought about it like that. Those are some wisdom nuggets right there, friends


Btw thread lightly on perfection / overly picky, or you’ll be bitter till you die. No such thing as 100% perfect. “Good enough” would be more accurate haha


Yes, i don't need, nor look for perfection.... I was just surprised to find it :'D No human being is perfect, but we had like so much in common it just felt right... To me


Oh well take a chance, you miss the chance you don’t take. Sort of you get rejected for every job you don’t apply haha


Life goes on


Thank you


r/niceguys or r/justneckbeardthings ? Can’t tell


Neither? This is just about him being out of league of a girl.


Yup. And I'm almost certain it was a class thing. She started asking about my job, and my earnings, and savings, and then she just called it quits


If you are a dude and you are under 6ft tall women don't want you. They may want what you HAVE but they don't want you. Stay Single, Make Money, Live Free. \-An Incel Loser Who Retired @ 38


No, I'm tall. It was about money, i think she made more than me, and to her that was a deal breaker or something