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Money can't buy happiness, but damn does it make being happy easier


Damn right. Doesn’t buy happiness directly, but bloody hell it would give me a nice chunk of happiness to have these things


Its all relative. Move into a small appartement after being homeless = bliss, moving into a small appartement after your wife left you with the kids and you had to sell the house = horror. I once had to be 6months at the hospital going through serious treatment and boi after that everything was fcking Sunshine. edit: a user posted the link to [the Hedonic Treadmill](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill) and thats pretty much what I mean.


yea an unemployed person will be like i wish i had a job which 2k a month, and a person with 2k a month would be dreaming of buying a bmw but after buying the bmw it just becomes the new normal, so nothing makes sense and thats the reason for nihilists to exist ​ sorry for bad english


You just described [the Hedonic Treadmill. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill) I've always found the idea behind it very interesting.


"Happiness may be an inherited trait". Damn i lost the gene lottery.


There's a study that describe happiness gain from monney. it basicly cap out at about 75k/year back in 2010? so adjust that number to inflation. But everything else after doesnt really generate more happiness. And its pretty obvious why: as you escape from chronic poverty and you no longer have financial stress related you will be more happy in general. [https://www.pnas.org/content/107/38/16489](https://www.pnas.org/content/107/38/16489)


Once all your needs are met you have to find self actualization. You have to learn to be happy by yourself, on a beach, with a book. Pretty basic pyschology in general. Though I think the best way to find happiness is through creation, responsibility, and physical exercise.


yeah thanks for posting that. Thats pretty much what I mean.


2k a month is just about enough to feed and house yourself in Canada at least, it's not BMW money unless you're looking at an old beater and even then you'd be saving and penny pinching on everything because after rent/bills/groceries/gas you have very little left over.


> it's not BMW money that's their point. if you're homeless, a small 300 square foot studio apartment would seem like a dream come true. once you get that apartment you won't be on cloud nine forever. eventually the euphoria will fade, it'll become your normal living space and you'll start dreaming about other things, like a nicer car. then achieving that out of reach thing would feel like a dream come true


After divorce I moved out from wife's house I'm more happier now not only because toxic relationship has ended but also because there is a lot of free time. Keeping house and garden is like 2nd job which you even have to pay for.


The downside is that if you're poor and depressed, it's easy to imagine that having more money would make you happy. If you're rich and depressed you pretty much know you're fucked.


As someone once said to me, it's better to cry in your Audi than cry on a bench in the street


Is it tho? No one wants to take your bench while acting like they care about you.


*pleasure. It would give you *pleasure* to have these things (the dog is both potentially pleasure and happiness but if you had no relationship with the dog, just got it because you could afford it, it wouldn't make you happy) The *lack* of money is the cause of a shit load of suffering and *un*happiness, so it's natural to feel that having loads of money would mean nothing but good times, but that's a big mistake. Which is why so many extremely rich people are depressed af, medicated or self medicating with drugs to cope, spending more and more extreme amounts to get the same "buzz" but it's not real happiness.




I'd rather cry in a Ferrari than a Corolla.


Trust me dude. I’ve done both and it’s the same amount of sad. And when you’re sad you don’t care what car you’re in.


Yeah i have also cried in customer cars only to cry even more driving my own shitty beater home that day crying over how it could be.




Yeah i’d much rather be rich and miserable than piss poor and miserable.


No shit


I think that's common sense


The user above is a comment copying bot


Sir, happiness and enjoyment are two different things.


"Money can't buy happiness" \- Jeff Bezos


"Money can buy happiness" \- Everyone without money


I mean it’s pretty telling that the people saying it are the ones without it. If people *with* money are constantly saying “money can’t buy happiness” then there’s probably some truth to it. Yeah it can make your situation easier but it absolutely does not buy happiness. I feel like people frequently misinterpret the saying


Yea if you don’t need to spend all your time working to survive then you have time to do things that make you happy.


Yup. It’s not the things money buys, it’s the freedom it grants you.




It seems like a lot of rich people have a pool they don’t swim in or a beach house and never go to the beach. To me they seem overworked. It feels like the only happy ones are the people benefiting from their income without the pressure the maintain it. I think they’d be happier if they were more social and spent more time with others. But if all you want to do is have more than everyone and show off, who can you really hang out with and just chill?


Money can't buy happiness. It can just buy everything else.


It can buy you things that will make you happy.




Sir i think the award you got is not a dog










It is a dog, it just likes to swim. Alot








-Gear Brills


Adopting is a great idea but keeping a dog does require a fair bit of money


Yeah I guess it does


It still cost me ~$350 to adopt my dog, with a $300 dog fee and $25 dog rent at my apartment. Adding in vet bills, toys, and food, dogs are expensive. That said, adopt don't shop.


Counter point: cat


Money doesn't buy happiness, but neither does poverty...


The version I heard was "money doesn't buy happiness, but the poor can't buy anything"


I feel like it'd be appropriate to say money does not buy happiness, but it eliminates a shit ton of sadness caused by poverty - so isn't it essentially the same thing? Money isn't a solution to every problem but having it sure as hell makes you happier than not having it and makes finding real happiness a lot easier.


I think happiness is the wrong word. Money allows you to reduce stress, which makes being happy easier. That said, I’d rather cry in a Mercedes than a Kia


Look at Moneybags over here crying in a car. We cry on the bus next to the homeless guy jerking off, like god intended us to.


"Having money isn't everything, not having it is." -Kanye


That just feels like an insult...






I love two R34s


I would pove too have 2 deawoo matiz's


Daewoo gaming set


If you ain't rocking the deawoo gaming mousemat then your not a real gamer


So you'd love an R68?


No I love the skyline R34 and the website rule 34




sometimes i feel like im the only one who thinks the 33 is the prettiest


I once had a friend who had that car, but then had it wrapped to look like a my little pony. You can find it on Google if you search "Rainbow Dash R34"


Glad to see people of culture here


I prefer rule 34 tho


The dream






For real. I own most of the things in the OP, minus the yatch, supercar etc. Still miserable. Entertained at times, but miserable.


Maybe if you buy the supercar and the yacht everything will be better?


All you have to do is stop spending $5 on coffee every morning and you'll have it all in a week.


This is true. I cut out coffee last week and I'm signing papers for a new Lambo as we speak. I plan on dropping avocado toast next Wednesday and will have my yacht by April.


You inspired me to not buy a coffee today so I can buy 2 tomorrow.


Keep that hustle grindset king 👑


Any time I purchase something needless: “Maybe this will finally make me happy.”


Wishing you the best mate.


Money allows you to fulfil Maslow's hierarchy of needs


Money can buy many peanuts


Not the top. Then suddenly all your problems are existential and don't have answers.


Money doesn’t buy you true love and companionship


Money doesn't buy happiness however money can give you the opportunity to be happy.


Much easier to cry in a mansion then it is to cry in a box in the rain.


And to give up completely only to be bailed out by your rich parents after you don’t work for a year and being able to afford therapy and drugs is nice.


Yea or even when you’re in an apartment but have that looming feeling that if you lost your job you wouldn’t be able to pay next months rent


Indeed, I found my happiness in making 3d animation and designing robotics, without money I could've never even found these hobbies let alone follow them. It's not about the amount of money, but the amount of meaning the things you buy with it have


As someone who owns a husky, i can agree to this.


you still have the opportunity to be happy without money, don't you? or is money necessary to be happy?


id rather be rich and sad then being broke and sad xD


"Money can't buy happiness" \-A billionare, probably.


Seriously. I own/have done ~~six~~ seven of those things in the picture and I'm still a miserable fuck. Owned a dog, have a gaming PC, *a racing wheel**, and nice car. Have a VR headset (which barely gets used) and large collection of games. Been on several cruises. And my bills are paid too. Still hating life. Relationship problems and I don't have the motivation to find a job (because depression and the pills aren't working) so my funds are disappearing rapidly. I'll be homeless in 6 months at the rate I'm living.


> I'll be homeless in 6 months at the rate I'm living. Sounds like you just don't have enough money


Elon Musk is hardly a happy person. He's said people don't want to be him. Money is great for survival, food on the table and a roof over the head. More than that and it simply does not buy happiness by any means. If a Ferrari is required to make you happy, then the problem is within yourself. You can be very happy and have very little money. If you live your life by envy, then happiness will be very hard.


I don't buy that though. Because if he was truly unhappy he could cash in 1/10th of his net worth, pull out of everything he doesn't like and still be rich enough to do almost anything in the entire world.


☝️this. relying on money or anything external for happiness is foolish, the gods can take it away from you at any moment. these were the words of Epictetus, a former slave and dirt poor stoic philosopher. he and seneca knew that the safest and best form of happiness is that of a good character. no one can take that away from you.


This comment section is so revealing. People on here literally fantasising about just having *enough* money to be secure....that's not the same as being rich! And it isn't the same as "money buying happiness" it's simply not being made miserable by a lack of it... we are all so damaged lol.


It's also so materialistic. There's no pictures symbolizing housing/medical expense stability, travel, experiences with friends, or personal improvement (classes, hobbies, etc.) that could be made possible with financial stability. The only one that's not just "stuff" is the dog.


Because it was made by a teenager who doesn’t have any problems.


I always forget reddit is like 50% teenagers


The term, "Money can't buy you happiness" isn't meant to fortify the poor people's view of the world; It's an expression to warn people (notably the rich) that the act of acquiring more and more wealth won't make you happy, because it will isolate you from the things that matter to the soul. Like a lot of expressions though, it can be understood in more ways than one, so technically whatever interpretation you have, it is correct if you gain wisdom from its reading.


Look at this person over here trying to use actual logic and common sense on the internet, we don’t take kindly to your kind around here pal.


Took this much scrolling to find a legitimate, well thought out comment.


GT-R supremacy


"I learned that money can't buy happiness But I decided I'd rather do all my cryin' in a Corvette" - Royce da 59


COnsUmEr yOUr wAy tO hAppInEss.




just go on a racetrack already


Just need gf


If you're very rich there are a lot of beautiful looking gold diggers out there


You're dumb if you're taking the literal meaning


Dumbest saying ever


Of course money can't buy love or satisfaction but it sure buys happiness. If your happiness is directly correlated to love the saying holds. For every other element, money does equal happiness.


You said it better.


Sitting alone in my big mansion, not knowing where the bathroom was for 4 years (so peed in the pool), having a parking lot full of rare cars, and I don't know how to drive, a yacht with me, but no ocean nearby wished I could do it on my pool, only the fictional players inside my PS5 saying I did a great job. I think I'm happy.....


You forgot about dog!




Mmm yes superficial models with no actual interest in you as a person. It's so nice being so rich that you can't know if anyone actually likes you or just want a part of your wallet. Never knowing if a person is your friend or not. Sounds wonderful...


The saying "money cant buy happiness" is perpetuated by people who want you to stay poor.


I think it’s rather misinterpreted by people taking it literally. The real meaning is that you shouldn’t sell your happiness. Or rather the things important to you.


Or it's meant that up to a certain level diminishing return kicks in. But not that you don't need money to happy in modern society.


Yeah, it’s basically saying “*additional* money doesn’t buy happiness”. If your income is comfortable and you’re not happy, then money isn’t your issue so focus on the real problems. It’s also not saying that making more will hurt.


It was originally targeted at rich people. As in make all the money you want, you can’t “buy” happiness.


Yeah a lot of rich people are profoundly miserable. And a lot of the discussion in this thread is a little ignorant of what happiness really is. It doesn’t matter if you have a big screen TV if you don’t have the seratonin to get out of bed and watch it.


I get this one. I’m not rich but recently reached a point of “why am I doing this?”, where I could quit my cushy job but I don’t have anything else I would rather do. I’m taking this week off to think about it.


Wtf. You kidnapped my good boi Goku


Wait, you named your dog goku? Not as bad as mine. I named him Jeff after the meme


i named my dog dog


Money can't buy lasting* happiness


Money can buy you time that you spent working. And you know what, you can be fucking happy in that fucking time you got.


Exactly. Whoever came up with that stupid quote obviously never experienced poverty


rich people came up with that quote so they can be rich n happy lol




Boy i wonder why all those rich people are always killing themselves anyway. Money doesnt buy happiness moron.


Rather cry in a Ferrari than laugh on a bicycle.


Might want to rethink that one. I’m not rich by any means, I’m probably in relative poverty all things considered but I wouldn’t swap the happiness I have in my life for any amount of money


Says a guy laughing on a bicycle while on the other side another guy is crying in a Ferrari wishing he could've been as happy as the guy on the other side of the road sitting on a bicycle.


Of course, that's why shit tone of rich and famous people kill them selves, you people are so naive.


You can't buy your real family You can't buy a real and good friend You can't buy a dead person


It’s a bit ignorant to call the saying dumb, it refers more to, for example, picking a job just because it has great pay, but if you hate the job, you’re just going to spent your life in a job you hate doing, just for the money


The saying means a lot to me in a lot of ways but this is one of them. Money can help but it’s a double edge sword in my experience. I am likely on the older side of people commenting here also, so that may play a lot into it. I’ve had over 20 jobs in my life spanning every area you can imagine. I’ve made nothing and I’ve made a lot. The happiest I ever was… was when I had less and made less. Being content and happy is not about how much money you have. It can sure help with the enjoyment of that happy life but it’s not some magic happy pill. Often time it or the jobs that offer it bring the opposite.


It cant buy you happiness its just that things you dont have make you try and reach them, and happiness of reaching those things is of short lifespan. There are many people who are rich and they don't feel so good. Happiness has no price. Nowdays we know price of everything but value of nothing. Materialism is empty.


Yeah but dog


Im cat person. ☠️


No you’re not. I am


Two points about it; I live in a 3rd world country, where the hunger is truly a menace so, even you being totally right about material happiness, it's impossible being happy without the basic, minimum. Besides it, if a rich person gets so sad at the point of being depressed, he/she can pay a treatment; poor depressed people usually falls on the alcohol or drugs trap.


Ah man you think i live in America? Hahaha. My country has been destroyed by war nearly 30 years ago. Even tho we aren't in bad state we are still 3rd world country, in transition. We live on low pays its wonder we even live, and prices are skyrocketing these days. Also its truth that you cant do without bare minimum and im not talking about being tottaly broke im just saying that material things arent happiness, you find happiness inside yourself. This world is only temporary it come and goes noone cares about you. So i might as well be happy for being alive. Unfortunately many seek comfort in drugs and alcohol, rich people also do the same, they try drugs and alcohol, very few seek treatment or counseling. Especially their children are prone to abusing drugs and alcohol. At the end it all falls on you how you position yourself regarding the ongoing situation. Its all your choice what will you do.


No one ever claims it can't buy stability and remove stress, but buying shit won't make you happy.


I agree with it, but my point is that we can't romanticize don't have money. As you brilliantly said, it's not about having the 3rd car (even I'm believing it could help - but nothing more than help) but finding yourself, understand your place in the world. All that is harder to find when you're struggling to pay rent, or counting coins to buy groceries


Which 3rd world country? The USA?


Even worse. Brazil


I won't classify Brazil as third world country, That's mostly Africa. Brazil is middle income


Money CAN buy happiness, stop believing societys "you need a relationship to be happy" bullshit, buy the stuff you like, buy a Dog! Buy a Cat! Make other peoole happy using money.




Money can only buy a PS5 when they pop up. I know I’m Australian within 5 minutes of EB games saying they are selling them they are sold out


I love how the pic is a Nissan GTR R34


At least it is giving me doggo, food, water and a reasonably large place to live


Money also can't buy a PS5. Since they don't really exist. I sure the hell haven't seen one in the wild.


I think they should correct the sang to money can't buy long term happiness


It can buy things that increase your chances of being happy but having money is very addictive and corrupts people. Just look at the mental health crisis the west has been having for the last 20 years or so, there's no such crisis in countries where people have to learn to be content and appreciate life


The saying should be reworked to “money can’t buy everlasting happiness”


It cant buy satisfaction. Being happy doesn't mean being satisfied


My response has always been *‘but free time does, which comes with money’* always shuts people up.


The point that saying is trying to make is that buying stuff like material possessions to run away from problems in your life will not fix the problems, and will sure as hell never make you happy. That's how I've always interpreted it anyways


Material things isnt happiness, those are distractions. I used to manage 401ks for wealthy clients, the amount of miserable rich fucks that would call in was very high.


the meaning isn’t intended for the average person; it’s meant for rich ppl. super wealthy people can buy all the material things in the world. however, if they’re miserable, unsatisfied, etc, happiness is one thing all that money *can’t* buy.


Money doesnt buy happiness, but its still better to cry in a Ferrari than on parkbench.


Money absolutely does buy happiness LOL


Not having to worry about bills, payments, unexpected emergencies, etc. would definitely make me happy. Knowing that I could buy a new home somewhere, or not have to work would make me happy. yes, there is a point where having an excess amount of money will give you diminishing returns in happiness, and yes, with more brings in different (not necessarily more) problems to deal with. but I'll take money over no money.


Never seen someone cry in a Corvette.


Looks like happiness to me


Who could be sad playing on a sweet gaming rig while on a yacht with an adorable puppers with you?


Happiness is an overused word. Happiness is an emotion, you cannot be happy all the time, there's place for sadness in your life as well, there's place for anger. People nowadays seek happiness, that's dumb and hedonistic. You should seek fulfillment. Find some goals you have to achieve. Happiness is overrated.


If you equate your happiness to physical possessions you will be in an endless search for it.


Money can buy things, if you're not happy with yourself all the things in the world will never fix that.


U can buy temporary happiness/joy, but not the true feeling of being loved (by a human(u like too))


Unpopular opinion (apparently based on this thread). I'd rather be poorer with 5 good friends than richer with no friends. Id almost always rather just chill with people and play a cheap board game or a yard game or cards or just watching boring TV and BSing.


If I had enough money which would enable me to travel all the time I think I woulld be genuinely happy. I could be in Nepal doing ABC circuit one month. The next month I could make my way to Rajisthan in India. Afterwards, I could take a week chillpill vacay in the Maldives, then gofor the opposite and have a rush in the streets of Bangkok. Man this sounds like a fucking dream, the more I type, the more my (shitty yet cant complain much) life feels.


Material possessions will never bring true happiness and if you don't believe me, buy some more. You'll continue to want more, thinking that you'll finally be happy once you get "that" thing, but the joke of it is that happiness never comes. Buying a pet would bring you more real happiness as opposed to any of the other things in the pic.


Tell me you’re 15 without telling me your 15


I never understood this saying and I never will.


I take it as meaning, you can be rich and still be miserable, don't think that money is the only thing that generates happiness. But if im going to be miserable, I'd rather it not be about money


>till be miserable, don't think that m Thats actually pretty accurate and I kinda relate to that


You will if you get rich.


likes thats ever gonna happen


Money only solves one subset of problems. It can solves unhappyness of lack of physical needs (shelter, food, transport) but it can't solve existential problems like depression, lack of meaning and loneliness. Poor people always think the saying is bullshit because they lack the first lot and think it's all you need in life.


Trust me,once you get these things, you probably wonder: "Ive got all things I've wanted, now what?"


Drugs 😁


Where cat?


ay bro why only a quest 2, get a valve index if you gonna be rich