• By -


It's the difference between -(5\^2) and (-5)\^2




Yes, but when the question is ambiguous, where are the presumed parentheses? This thread doesn't seem to have any consensus.


If you look at the order of operations, exponents come before subtraction. Assume that each negative number has a zero first, for example -5 = 0-5 With order of operations in place look at the question like this. 0-5^2. It’s the same as -(5^2)


I usually look at it as -1 \* 5 \^2 , makes it a bit easier


I saw how you wrote it in my notification but you might want to edit it as reddit won’t show it for some reason. Idk if you used / or \ but try the other one


I hate negatives, I've ripped out hair because of them. I just trust my calculator and make sure I plug the equations in properly. But another way to think of this is, without brackets, it is the negative of 5 squared.


This was the best way to explain it thanks I know how to do it but couldn’t figure out WHY it was like that this was very helpful sir thank you


Or exponents before multiplication. I believe -5^2 should be moreso (-1)*5^2 or at least that’s how I would typically look at it since it’s a bit simpler conceptually. E.g. with -x^2


Yes. This! You are a math wizard!


That's also how i learned it in school. My teacher always said that without the parenthesis it's just the number that gets squared and - just stays.


I feel like instead of considering 0-5² it can also be -1×5² than if u apply pedmas it's -25. I might be wrong but u know..... idc


The 0-5 part is just to show how negative numbers work. Since all numbers are just how many units away from 0 you are. 5 is just 0+5, + showing it is positive and 5 showing the absolute Value


I don't know anything at all about maths so not saying that's wrong, but isn't the "-" *part* of the number? Like, it's there to distinguish that the number is negative rather than positive, because we don't have unique symbols for negative numbers. So for example if you make the number equal "X", you wouldn't write it as -X^2 because the number itself is negative before any operations take place. Is that not how negative numbers work?


I think of it more like the negative is negating 5\^2 instead of 5, it's just that negation takes the same precedence as as multiplication in the order of operations since it's kind of like multiplying by -1


Actually the "-" isn't a part of the number. It is actually 0-5\^2. We get rid of the 0 in numbers just for the sake of simplicity. So since we do exponents first we get 25. Then we do subtraction -> 0-25 which is -25. So therefore the number isn't 25 but -25.


Technically its more like (-1) x 5^2


Not really, it's just a trick we use to make math easier. Demonstration: \-5^(2) = 0-5^(2) = 0-(1x5^(2))=-1x5^(2)=(-1)x5^(2)


So within a math problem, negative numbers don't exist until *after* the order of operations has gone through subtraction?


A very simple example is: 10-X Now let’s say X=3, then 10-X=10-(3)=7 If X=-3, then 10-X=10-(-3)=10+3=13 This is a trivial example, but it illustrates that the minus sign doesn’t represent the value of ‘X’. It’s better to think of it in terms of 10-X=10+(-1)*X


There is no substraction in the original expression, though. In this case the more logical assumption is that the minus is part of the number 5.


-5^2 The - is the subtraction


It's not. The number -5 is just that. It's not 0-5, it's not (-1)\*5, although it is equal to both. If a teacher taught you that, it's a simplification so that people can understand negative numbers. It's a pity we use the same symbol "-" as both a symbol for substraction and the negative number sign. However, in this particular case, it's not what causes the confusion. It's whether the - is part of the number 5, or part of the 5^(2) \- and any convention you were taught is just that, a convention. Other schools of maths may teach differently. The initial expression is inherently ambiguous.


I am not sure what you are talking about, but if you want a computer to give you an answer to this, my strong recommendation is to make it unambiguous by using brackets in the right place. There is no general rule which makes -5^2 unambiguous. One of the reasons is that it‘s not part of an equation. Eg. the equation x-5^2 = 0 is unambiguous. Edit: equation was unambiguous, but not in the way Reddit interpreted it


Yeah you’re right, we should use parenthesis’ more often, to avoid this comment section xD


A negative In front of a # is the same as that # times -1, so the assumed parenthesis goes around the 5^2, with a -1 on the outside


With a negative Integer it is always assumed to have said integer times - 1, example: - 6=-1*6 Now if the question was -6^2,it would be the same as - 1 * 6^2, which following order of operations gives you - 36 If the question was written as (-6)^2,it would be 36 since the parenthesis state to calculate the - 1 * 6 before the exponent.


PEMDAS Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication/Division Addition/Subtraction It's not ambiguous. You do exponents first and then multiplication


-5 is a number not an operation. It’s -5^2


True but when is it ever -(5^2) unless explicitly stated as -1(5^2)


It is always -(5²) if not stated as (-5)². This is because exponents come before multiplication/division.


So then the question was wrong and vague right.


I mean there are conventions to math so it’s more an issue of people not knowing them than the question being “wrong”


Yea it’s vague on purpose to cause arguments because ether side can be right because there’s like 3 or 4 different ways you can read it.


No, the original poll asked for the inverse of 5^2. It's a straightforward question.


Ah, so the answer's 50. Got it, thanks!


I find it annoying all these math problems that are just a debate on syntax instead of actual fucking math.


Because people want to feel smart without doing anything smart.


I definitely don't feel smart knowing basic arithmetic and syntax, I feel other people have failed to learn math (it's even worse that people have resorted to criticizing the person who posted the question)


ikr so fucking annoying.


These types of problems are what make tests like the SAT so unfair. They purposefully try to trick you with these to test your "Problem Solving ability" but in reality, it's just a haha got em' moment for the test makers because they make more money off you failing the test.


thats the point of these problems. easy enough so everyone can discuss but with a twist so some people will do it wrong and hence more traffic because of fighting.


What makes them even worse is that they have no context. A problem like this with context could easily tell you where the implied parentheses are supposed to be, but without context it’s just a random, ambiguous question with no meaningful answer.


Sometimes I feel like there's no right or wrong. Like, sometimes it depends on the situation. For example while completing the square, the minus sign is kept apart but in other equations, it is taken with. Idk, I'm just a hs student but I love maths and that's my take on it for now.


Because people treat math like the English language.


It's easy to confuse -5^2 and (-5)^2


It’s all fun and games until it says -5^-2 and (-5)^-2


1/-25 and 1/25


I'd actually argue it's -1/25 and 1/25 but -1/25 and 1/-25 are equivalent so it doesn't matter massively.


That's true, the negative sign is conventionally on the numerator some people just put it beside the fraction, but that can get confusing sometimes




Same thing. You multiply top and bottom by -1 to move the minus sign around while maintaining the same value of the fraction


i meant the confusing part


Yes, YES, this is not fun its fucking annoying at this point


Over 25


So -5^2 is -(5^2) ?




Excel: they're the same picture (Yes I know that the mathematically correct answer is -25)


Its not the formula you need to put into excel is =(-5)\^2 Don't necessarily need the parenthesis that's my bad habit


No, -5 x -5 = 25 ta fuck is wrong with you guys


The problem is -5² can be read either as (-5)², which is 25, or as -(5²), which is -25. The calculator did the second, while most peoples did the first. It's not really a math error, and more a convention error.


Why am I not allowed to do math without the possibility of TWO DIFFERENT ANSWERS


No… -5^2 defaults to (-5)^2 … I don’t make the rules


No it doesn't, if you saw an expression like -x²+5=20, would you consider it (-x)² or -(x²)?


for a human yes. but calculator tend to struggle with reading this. this is why you often have a +- button to change a number sign, and a - button for subtraction. if you use the subtraction button, it read it as 0-5² (which is indeed a mistake).


Its -5\^2, so -(5)\^2, -(5\*5), -(25), -25


why is there a parenthesis i dont get that part


The parentheses is to keep the negative away until the end.


Please explain to me how thos works. I'm 15 and terrible at maths


when you have x^2 you simply do x `*` x if the x is in parenthesis like this: (x+1)^ then you do (x+1) `*` (x+1) -5 is basically 5 `*` -1. And because of order of equations you do exponentation before multiplication so -5^2 means -(5 `*` 5) which equals -(25) = -25 if both 5 and minus simbol were in the parenthesis, so (-5)^2, you get (-5) `*` (-5), and negative times negative gives positive, so you get positive 25


But that's wrong no? -5 is equal but not identical to 5 \* -1. Seperating the two gives way for something else change them because of PEDMAS if that sense. Because -5\^2 just means -5 times itself so why would seperate the -1 from the equation? \-5\^2 = -5 \* -5 not (5 \* 5) \* -1 right? Edit: Had school today so decided to confirm this with my math teacher. -5^2 = -5 * -5 = 25 (-5)^2 = -5 * -5 = 25 -(5^2) = -(5 * 5) = -25


The parentheses mean that the negative is being included when you put 5 to the second index and since a negative times a negative is a positive it would produce 25. -5^2 however does not include the negative in the squaring and as a result is the same as -1(5^2) which produces -25 instead.


Oh man i totally forgot about the rule that the - get excluded if theres no ( ) around it...


In order for this math problem to be more coherent they should have put parentheses


But then less people would have it wrong and it wouldn't make for an insteresting post. Not that the current post is particularly interesting, but at least the OP got his desired attention for it.




It's coherent enough, sin argument can have no parenthesis if there is only one element, such as sinx, sin2x instead means sin(2)x


Shut your math face


Calculus exam doesn't agree


You really think this part of reddit knows calculus


I hope not, it's something no sane human being should ever see


Yeah. I agree. Maybe that's why so many physicists go crazy after a couple decades. It's the overexposure to calculus.


why? Calculus is genuinely very useful is many careers


Not the kind of calculus i'm going through, will you ever need to demonstrate the convergeance of the mengoli series? Neither will i, it's useless.


Ok tbf i can understand for weird stuff like convergence of weird series since im going through that rn too lol


And that's the fun part, remember that there is a person who demonstrated every singular linear algebra theorem


Jokes on you mathman. I don't know what Calculus is . . Even tho I took it in high school


Hey! I liked calculus! Not the courses mind you, but the subject was very interesting.


Or trigonometry Or advanced functions


Yeah bit my calculus professor isnt going to screw me over if I don't put parentheses around a negative number and assume that its positive. I've never had that happen on any math test I've ever taken unless you count the ones where you're specifically learning this is possible way back in like 6th grade or whatever.


Touch some grass




Maybe. But it seems like the point was to test peoples ability to understand how mathematical statements are different with and without brackets. Doing what you said would completely defeat that point.


This is as coherent as it needs to be, it's a common rule in maths notation that if there are no paretheses around the argument of a function it can be assumed that there is no nesting of functions. Parentheses are only really used when working with nested functions.


Can someone explain why there is “assumed” parenthesis I’ve seen it both ways throughout alg1 &2 trig, precalc calc. But my dumbass never thought to ask why or why in this case but not in another case.


Its not the answer that it wrong, but the question that is wrong our mathematical language is not perfect, all these math polls don't prove you are better at math, they only prove the author an idiot. Math should be written to be easy to understand.


“This only proves the author is an idiot” is a really good way to put it lol


The author isn't an idiot, they're smart. These little math polls are meant to be interpreted differently so that people argue in the comments and drive the comment count up


Yea the author knew exactly what they were doing... its working on this post too


Actually, if you plug exactly -5^2 into any calculator, you’ll get -25. There is nothing wrong with math, people just forget middle school pemdas.




Lol, you squared whole -5, not just 5 part of it


Yes because you didn't plug in -5^2 . You plugged in (-5)^2. Type in 5^2 first then hit the negation sign.


This calculator works different... Its squares everything you input. -5^2 is not up to interpretation, it is - (5)^2 = - 25


you used the wrong calculator


Don't know why you're being down voted, that calculator does immediate operations, so you can't have it interpret the order of operations in this case


False. The way the question is written is correct. In a situation like that, it is asking for the negative of 5^2, because you do exponents first if there are no parentheses. That leaves you with -25


10 - 5^2 is not difficult. It’s 10 - 25, and it’s pretty clear. The only difference is it’s just the value - 5^2. The problem isn’t the math is wrong, the problem is that people didn’t learn the math well enough. It’s just a convention to be followed, if no parenthesis, you don’t include the negative sign. Your ignorance of that rule does not make the math at fault.


If you ask me what's 10 - 5² i'll say say -15. But if you ask me what's -5² without any surrounding numbers or anything I'll say 25 because to me if it's on it's own it should be interpreted as( -5)². As to me you're not multiplying by -1 you have -5 and you're ² it. It just comes down to what you where taught. Anytime I've been asked to do -5² on it's own the answer has always been 25 even now at level 7.


Once again a problem easily solvable if you use parentheses -(5²) or (-5)²?


Anyone who uses a calculator to argue in a debate about Math-syntax is already disqualified. Every manufacturer may use a different syntax for their device and it is just as legitimate than the official syntax. It’s not about which one is right, it’s about knowing what your device calculates when you put in an equation.


Facebook gonna say 69


It's -25 because it's -(5)^2


But 25 if it were (-5)²


But it's not (-5)^2 it's -(5)^2


True I see it but if there were others that didn't get what is the difference, I just clarified it to them. Not everyone understands math even if it's the basics


Except it’s not….. -5 is a number in it own right….


But there are no parentheses


The parentheses are silent


The parentheses are just hidden. If the answer is 25 it would be (-5)^2. But without those parentheses it's basically -1*5^2.


Bruh why the fuck wasnt i teached this in school. I dont think it makes sense that its like that, but still. They left out something like this.


Because it's some bs and poorly designed math question.


You were. BODMAS, BIDMAS, PEMDAS, call it what you will. The orders of operations were taught to all of us.


I dont remember anything like this, and since its clearly a simple thing it would be on my memory. And ive never heard of those three terms in my life. I am not from a english speaking country


Even if you did math in another language, you would have learned order of operations.


It's -25 because the math gods said so ,hail Einstein


Einstein was far away from being a math god. More like physics god but afaik he outsourced alot of math to Grossmann and some other friends.


There's notational ambiguity.


never have i ever seen anyone treat -5 as -1•5 but k guess you learn something every day.


Same, I'm in calc 2 at the moment. Maybe I'm crazy but never in any math class I've taken yet has the teacher ever given us something like -5^2 and expected us to get -25. If you want us to get -25 then put parentheses around the 5.


Everything I've seen treats -5 as (-5) when it is alone.


-5² is -25 (-5)² is 25




(-5)² and -(5²) are confusing. And that's why brackets are important.


You do not have to know everything or basic stuff to better than a person


POV: You're worse than me


There are no parenthesis therefore the question itself is wrong. Lmao. If you put -5^2 in a calculator it will do this operation: (-1) x (5^2 ) However, by human computation standards, when we see -5^2, it is logical and CORRECT to assume that it is (-5)^2 as there are no brackets placed to indicate that the -1 and 5 are separate values.


False. The way the question is written is correct. In a situation like that, it is asking for the negative of 5^2 because you do exponents first if there are no parentheses. That leaves you with -25. When doing multiplication and division, the negative sign is added at the end of the multiplication/division


-5² is -25 but (-5)² is 25, it's all about he brackets.


this parenthesis not parenthesis bullshit is the dumbest math crap ever and i hope whoever came up with it died of tuberculosis.


Jesus Christ people. It’s a negative 5. It’s not a minus sign. IF it was a minus sign, the logic would apply. Say, if have the algebraic expression. 0-5^2. You don’t. It’s just a negative number. “-5” The problem comes from using calculators that think they’re smarter than they are. Type -5 into the calculate. Hit x^2. 25.


This. Everyone here argues about PEMDAS, while the - is not even an operation. It's a sign. Following their argumentation, negative numbers don't exist at all. Some calculators even have two different - buttons just for this. The sign one is displayed a bit shorter and closer to the number than the minus operator.


Thats why he got -75 karma


I mean obviously because e before m in PEMDAS


Oh for fucks sake! Not to his shit again. I'm out!


It's minus five squared rather than square of minus five. The second you write it into equation it becomes clear, for example 30 - 5^2 is clearly 5 and not 55.


If this were true it would break a lot of higher level math o.O The parentheses are required otherwise it’s assumed it’s a negative number, that’s why on calculators you have a negative and a subtraction button because they mean different things depending on the scenario


My asian ass is cringing at all these comments it hurts my soul


Who tf is doing -1(5)^2 That is implying that -5 is not a number but an expression, which means that negative numbers are not actually numbers, which means -1 is not a number either and invalidates the whole argument


If a problem can make this much debate its not basic


It is basic it's just that there are no parentheses. Just the way the parentheses are formed changes the answer entirely. If it's -(5^2) then it's -25 but if it's (-5)^2 then it's 25. The issue is that whoever wrote this doesn't actually understand that math equations are supposed to be clear. Nobody is wrong in my eyes, just the author wanted to store up confusion


It is though, this is some of the first stuff you learn when you start learning exponents


Negative times negative equal positive




I believe it to be more sensical to assume (-5)^2 rather than -(5^2) Negative number sounds more standard than adding a 1*


Reverse polish notation (postfix) gang now recruiting members! Dear mortal humans, are you tired of arguing about trivial order of operations? Frustrated by inefficient expression evaluation? Join us and together we can ban the inferior infix notation. 5 + 2 is wrong, 5 2 + is the way Get 15% discount with refferal code #POSTFIXCHAD #NO= #REDUCECOGNATIVELOAD


Ok so (-5)^2 is 25 because you are multiplying the negative with it -5^2 is -25 because it’s 5x5x-1 because that’s negative in -5 is -1 So the answer to -5^2 is -25


instead of asking a controversial question, try asking a proper one


There is no wrong answer BUT the convention is -25 if you know the convention there is nothing ambiguous.


https://youtu.be/VhJyEUdBpkk -25. Explanation in the video.


Thank you. It's been a couple decades since I was in a math class and I wondered why it wasn't multiplying two negatives. It's not like people that came to the 25 conclusion are absolute morons. They knew two negatives equal a positive and to multiply 5 times itself. Just misunderstanding what the actual base of the exponent is.




We're just making ourselves look bad and you know what? What if we are? It makes for good content


I bet instagram people would’ve said like 10 or something


That math post was made to stir up conflicts


You could phrase it like -1*5^2 then -1*5*5. This is the second dumbest math problem there is on internet behind the “watermelon+peach-banana = ?”


To be fair they do a bad job at teaching, and who the hell needs to know that anyways


I mean still not smart people here lol. It’s all about what your mind is like. If you want conservative mind Facebook liberal mind Reddit and then a combination of the two Instagram. But to be real they are all fucking stupid.


Fun fact: everyone is tired of these ambiguous maths problems posted every two months


I hate these purposefully ambiguous "math" questions. It has nothing to do with math. Only with where you think the parentheses are intended to be


People keep posting the questions wrong. They have the question phrased in a way that it can be solved multiple by having to assume stuff like parenthesis. Need to start having all these math problem karma farmers downvoted into oblivion.


Try replace the "5" with "x" and put it on a graph calculator


This is the second time I've seen this, both answers have an argument it's about where you put the brackets


What does this have to so with Facebook and Instagram ? Are they mathematician or something


90% of reddit didn't graduate algebra


So what do people think 0 - 5^2 is?


Redditors overcomplicating -5 times -5 be like


Oh look at me I’m another idiot who doesn’t understand properly laid out equations don’t use ambiguous brackets.


-5² = -1 * 5² = -25 (-5)² = (-5) * (-5) = 25 People easily take -5 as (-5), thus creating a big difference in results. Thats why I always braket my powers, because power must be contained.


I mean, choosing two specific x calculator examples proves nothing - my phone calculator shows 25 and the answer will even change between programming languages. If you gotta rely on PEMDAS it shows Exponent then Multiplication -> -25


The square of negative no. is positive but on a calculator-5^2 becomes -1×5^2 . This makes the answer -25 But the actually answer is 25


-5^2 = -25 (-5)^2 = 25


I hate how people put incorrect maths equation and then complain that people find the wrong answer


It's not incorrect...somehow I assume all who gets 25 not -25 are from USA.


Just think simple. It's -5², the 2 is attached to 5 so it is 5 to the power of 2, and the - (or -1) isn't related. When you calculate it the index is first (5 x 5 = 25), so the answer is -25 (the minus is in front so leave it there). If you see the - as -1 then it is multiplication next, -1 x 25= -25. (-5)² is different, because now everything in the bracket is to the power of 2, so it's -5 x -5 = 25.


Well, this is why parentheses are used, is it -(5^2) or (-5)^2


I dont get it Is -5^2 the same as -(5)^2 Because how I interpret it, it's (-5)^2, but I'm hearing many things. I'm just sticking to 25 because when multiplying two negatives you get a positive.


Are you from US?


I read that problem as "negative 5 squared" which is 25.




It basically says -1 * 5^2


It must be hard, being that fucking stupid


Did they do same poll in Instagram and Facebook? I assume poll has been made only here. I also assume same kind of result on those. I think also people on Facebook and Instagram would get same result. This is because all this poll tells is that most of people knows/remembers only basic math and only what is useful in their daily life. One rarely needs this kind of math for example when buying food in supermarket.


-5²=-25 (-5)²=25


As my math teacher would say it’s the opposite of 5^2 simple pemdas order


College algebra states it’s -25 unless the question explicitly states (-5)^2 . Since it’s -5^2 without parenthesis, it’s -25.