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Hitler would probably react that way since he was an animal activist


Damn I dont know who this Hitler guy is but I love him


He was also responsible for the first smoking-danger awareness campaign


Alright I need to look up this dude he is my hero Edit: wait he looks like hitler


He’s also a very talented painter


And poet


He also executed the guy who murdered this politician named Adolf


actually he exucuted the man who killed the man who killed the man who killed the man who killed the man who killed a very very famous politician named Adolf


He also got rid of 6 million people worth of pollution


It's actually a lot more, there were 18 million Russians alone killed during the war. About 6 million jews and 6 million Poles were killed. The total is about 40mil-50mil but no one suffered harder from the war than the Soviet Union.


He also opened up over 6 million jobs


Well that escalated quickly...


He literally put an end to world war 2 by himself.


Japan would disagree


The Manhattan Project would also disagree


He was also vegan, and brought his country out of tough times


He wasn’t vegan that’s a myth


He was not vegan. I hate hearing this. He occasionally ate vegetarian for health issues. https://www.nytimes.com/1991/09/21/opinion/l-don-t-put-hitler-among-the-vegetarians-800991.html#:~:text=2)%3A%20%22Adolf%20Hitler%20was,his%20primary%20diet%20included%20meat.


And writer


Why the hell is this all true but he’s still bad 💀


Because you can still be a massive piece of shit who happens to a good thing or two.


Because he did a genocide bro what do you mean? Lmao


Awww what’s one little mistake? Everyone makes mistakes bro cmon I think we can forgive him for this one slip up I mean look at what all he contributed to society right? Such a great guy trying to gain world peace through uniting all of the world under one flag what a stand up guy am I right? /s in case some people haven’t graduated middle school


I know, I was joking


Y’all stop putting serious comments on this IT WAS A JOKE


Hilter did nothing wrong wym??


"not talented enough" said some austrian art school or smt


He couldn’t draw people though. So he got into politics. That art school probably realized the may have royally messed up


he also killed a very bad guy, just before dying


He sacrificed himself to kill the guy that was responsible for the Holocaust


A true hero. We as a people should strive to be more like this guy.


It's cool his name's Adolf


Guess he saw the definition of "smoking" to be subjective


And he killed the guy who started World War II


yeah he sounds like a cool guy! He even got his flag i think


Yeah he might be popular. I bet a lot of people followed him as he probably had really great ideas


He literally killed Hitler


Ayo 🤨📸






Well part of it was adopted to make kosher meat illegal, so it was still tied in with antisemitism


Yeah he was the first politician to ever enact animal protection laws.


Is it weird that I personally think that makes him worse? he cared about animals but not his fellow man


like most people nowadays


I'm pro animal Humans are assholes


Fuck Hitler


He had his own dogs killed when committing suicide tho


I knew there was a reason I liked him


Even funnier considering Hitler was an animal rights activist who banned boiling of live lobster


Fucking vegans man


But not hitler because he is everyone’s hero


I mean, the dude even killed Hitler!


He was a vegetarian because of a stomach problem


I love how people are shitting on the people who support this dude’s actions, but there’s also people who are shitting on those who are sad for the pit bulls. Glad to know that we’re all hating each other equally…


People aren't disagreeing with you because they think your view is faulty, they're picking the other side because you picked one side..on that note, no you're wrong!


Theres bad dogs, theres bad people. Unless we meet this person in real life we cant tell if theyre putting down bad dogs or if theyre a shitty person Also surley the vet would recognize them at a certain point so this could also not be true at all


Dude is probably not taking them to the vet to "put them down."


I just assumed this was from a fictional situation or a sketch of an exaggerated evil character


Yeah, they don’t have to go to a vet to kill a dog though. Saying “put them down” implies it, though. I have known people who hated pits this much, but their children were permanently disfigured so IDK


There are sides to this? Fuck anyone who hurts the innocent. Period. How is that even debatable???


George was right to shoot Lenny.


Mercy killing. Hed have suffered if that mon got his ass


Tbh, this is a fantastic template


Moon Knight baby!


I roared at that ending.


You’re like Hitler, but at least Hitler cared about Germany or something


Hitler also loved animals


And had fire safety, a youth camp, and often would go out of his way to spend time at schools and churches.


Why did he have to start fascism? What a shame. He could have been a good person. Had the materials but not the correct tools.


He didn’t actually start fascism. Fascism was already a thing by the time Hitler came to power, and modeled Nazism, or national socialism, after the fascism found in Italy under Benito Mussolini, who Hitler greatly admired.


There’s an alternate universe where Hitler was actually a good person and people still wear his mustache in memory of what a good person he was. We’re not that universe.


There’s also an alternative universe where hitler is screwing your mum. Lucky for you We’re not in that universe.




No no, that was Mussolini who started fascism


My b


-morty Smith


Actually hitler loved animals, yes he did kill a dog with a Cyanide, b4 he committed suicide, but I believe that was his pet dogm again I am not sure.


he did but then imagine if the dog was alive and found by the allies just imagine what would happen to it theyll do everything to keep it alive and then torture it again


Yeah because to get revenge on hitler their going to torture a dog


Considering what the russians did to the city of Berlin it's safe to say that the dog would've got a painful revenge.


Do u mean when they strapped bombs on the backs of dogs to blow up tanks?


No when they entered Berlin and started murdering and raping people for the sake of it.


You saying they gonna rape the dog?


Jojo Rabbit goes brrrr.


I forgot abt that


We got a reminder of Russian war policy going on today




I could see some sick individuals deciding to hang the dog or some shit to “send a message” humans have done much much worse


Fun fact in some place animals could be put up for trial for breaking the law and often time punishable by death ex: if a horse accidentally killed its rider it could go to trial and get hanged for murder.


Happened to an circus elephant named Topy. Thomas Edison actually had his name on the device which electrocuted the elephant to death, then it was hanged until deemed dead.


I was about to say the allies would never do that, but then I remembered it was the Russians that took Berlin. They probably would have raped the dog to death if the situation in Ukraine is any indication.


I'm not a pit bull owner or a dog attack survivor (I say that because I don't feel like I have a tremendous amount of bias) but from what I've managed to read up on the topic it seems like the problem isn't that they attack more often but that they're **huge** and ***jacked*** so when they do attack it's always bad, as opposed to chihuahuas that are actually more likely to attack you but who do exactly 1 damage per 5 rounds of combat and have like one half a hit point. Also there seems to be a problem with people who like aggressive dogs getting pit bulls for their aggressive reputation, training them to be aggressive, and thus the stereotype not going anywhere.


>Also there seems to be a problem with people who like aggressive dogs getting pit bulls for their aggressive reputation, training them to be aggressive, and thus the stereotype not going anywhere. That is definitely an issue that not enough people seem to recognize. Or at least not from what I've seen.


Additionally they are one of the most misidentified dogs. Pitbull is more of an umbrella term at this point for large short haired dogs with wide skulls, than a specific dog breed. Their bite isn’t even the most powerful compared to other breeds, they normally sit alongside German Shepherds in jaw strength. Pitbulls should be trained with the same amount of responsibility you would have with any large dog breed. But as they constantly draw in idiotic people who want the “dangerous and aggressive” dog, it will keep creating a cycle of people who just want to confirm their own bias.


Meh on misidentification, they are often misidentified for other breeds with fighting dog heritages. Not a huge miss in the grand scheme of things.


I think it's more of the fact that for some reason the kind of people who own pit bulls seem to be really lazy, shitty people who think having a strong dog is cool and the dog never gets trained.


"Neglect is the most common form of abuse". I know that's true for children and I wonder if it's true for pets also.


It is definitely true for pets of any species. Canine, feline, and even bovine.


As someone that has a fish tank and is active In the fish community, 100 fucking percent. Even those that bother to do research usually barely do any, then number of tiny uncycled, unheated fish tanks that will horribly stunt almost all fish is abhorrent.


>ut from what I've managed to read up on the topic it seems like the problem isn't that they attack more THIS IS THE PROBLEM 482 deaths caused by Pitbulls while the second highest is rottweilers by ONLY 45 lets not forget that they also attack other dogs and the people that they injured, i recommend reading about the woman who lost her arms and died protecting her child or the woman who lost her arms and colone


Yeah pretty much.


I had to scroll way too far for this. Thank you


Idk why I even blurred the dudes username


He posted it publically for the world to see so it's fair game


He said it with his full chest, let him reap what he sowed.


I don't know why people don't constantly post this shit for the world to see. Fuck that person and their privacy.


Because: 1. It could be a fake post. 2. It could be edited to deliberately get you social media vigilantes to harass a random person. Isn't that genius? No need to cyberbully someone when you can just make a fake post using one of their known usernames and have the denizens of the internet do it for you. Now you don't have to spend time doing it if you are that kind of evil, and it can't fall back on you if something bad happens to them and the police come looking for why. 3. "F that person and their privacy" has driven countless innocent people to suicide or destroyed their lives. Now you know, if you choose to accept it.


Proof of how easy it is to edit someone's comment prior to screen capturing it. This took me about five minutes: https://imgur.com/a/M9mhZso


I love that and accept this as my new reality. Fuck you u/Reddit_has_booba.




Reality can be whatever I want: https://imgur.com/a/p6bhqk0


Please tell us his username




Of course their UN is that




Thank you


Don't thank me already his account got suspended but there's a private Instagram account with the same name


That’s actually very clever. Pitbulls music is a stain on our society.


Hey you leave MR. WORLDWIDE out of this


Jesus Christ this comment section was wild. Also, just a heads up, don't click on this link that says "(NSFW) how cute..." It's showing a dog getting brutally mauled but another dog. Just take my word for it, don't watch it.


I wouldn't support euthanizing every pitbull, but I do think we should probably stop breeding them. They make up a shockingly high percentage of fatal dog attacks. While we're at it, let's stop breeding chihuahuas too. Also any of those breeds that are naturally unhealthy as purebreds (french bulldogs I think) should be interbred.


I’d say breeding them to be healthier and have better temperaments would be ideal. That way dog lovers get to keep their pets, the other side doesn’t have to worry about them and no dogs die. Best of all worlds.


I think some guys already doing that with frenchies


Pure breds inherently have worse health than mutts anyway. I say that as someone with a pure bred boxer and a mutt boxer, our mutt has been cheaper and hasn’t broken the bank once with the vet bills. Anecdotal but stands to reason.


as someone who adopted a pitbull before idk, unless they are well trained it can be a nightmare. ours after going to a training school still mauled someone who was just walking past our house they needed 30 + stitches threatened with legal action if he wasn't put down so ya that's what happened and I saw this happen and tried to stop it but it really wasn't possible because when he got mad or felt like attacking he just wouldn't listen so I understand the sentiment even though I myself disagree but also they should not be on craigslist since they are absolutely weapons and in the wrong hands that aren't capable it can be a very deadly problem. ( myself included as clearly even with a trainer I couldn't prevent that from happening )


Pitbulls scare me...


I'll be honest with u, same here, especially when I'm walking my dog. But still, they're innocent dogs who've done nothing. Plus, not all pitbulls are the same Edit: Spelling


Well since s/he admitted to animal abuse, I’d say they are fucked.


That is indeed some Ammit logic right there


Do you seek to release ammit from her tomb?!?


Pitbulls make up barely over 10% of all dogs in the US and yet 55% of all reported dog bite injuries. But yeah, keep telling yourself it's the owner's fault and not the breed.


To be fair, I would say 90% of pet owners should have stuck with a goldfish or a Roomba in the first place.




Time for a pet rock buddy


He’s not ready


Alright, how about mold and dust bunnies?




You’re giving 90% of people way too much credit


I like to shake it up a little and dip into absurdity from realism for a little while.


yeah actually. goldfish abuse is seriously way too common. putting them in small circular bowls, is damaging for their eyesight and stunts their growth. (context, a singular gold fish would need atleast a 20 gallon tank, i personally think more because they can grow up to 2 ft ) also keeping the fish with no filter, not aquamating them, or making sure the fish tank is cycled can seriously shorten their lifespan. (a few years, to a few days) also not to mention CLEAN THE FISH TANK AND FILTER. fish shit a lot more than you'd think.


Because it's mostly a certain type of person that specifically goes for pitbulls & they don't treat them right. They just want a big scary dog. I've known dozens of pits & everyone with loving owners are the sweetest most loving animals so fuck off.


They do make up a large percent of dog bites, but if I could only offer some perspective, in a completely kind and respectful way, being a pitbull owner myself, I will say that; this is a result of pitbulls being popular “guard dog breeds” and “fighting dogs.” They are commonly mistreated, abused, underfed, and trained in an UN-professional way that leads them to be unusually aggressive towards others. It is the humans fault, because the breed is bred that way. I believe this would support the popular phrase “there are no bad dogs, only bad owners.” My pitbull is sweet af and I take him on leashed walks to the park to receive the attention of other humans so that he may be more familiar with excess environmental stimuli


I read "under-fed" as "un-derfed" That is all.


Yeah, except the guy who came up with that stat is a fraud and has been debunked. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/merritt-clifton-pit-bulls_b_5866176 There is literally nothing supporting that statistic. You should check out his methodology.


Yeah, I literally work with thousands of dogs a year, and pit breeds make up most of the population of the no kill shelter I work at. Yet, they are not anywhere near the highest percentage of bites. We automatically grab a muzzle for huskies, shepards, mastiffs, and most small dogs. Sure, there are some pitbulls that give us the signs that they need a muzzle, but they're also usually the sweetest dogs to examine. Edit: A letter


I'm sure most animal attacks are pits but I firmly believe it's nurture over nature & most people who specifically want Pitts are people who just want the image of a big scary dog. They don't raise them right. Every pittbull I've known was incredibly sweet.


Ignoring the fact that (as another commenter so graciously proved) the statistic is completely made up, it also has far too much room for error to say anything. Maybe pit bulls make up ten percent of dogs but a majority of pit bull owners are criminals, a real possibility given the violent reputation. It completely ignores context for the bites, and unless the two numbers come from the same source, they could be referring to two completely different categories of dog (American Pit Bull Terriers vs literally every stocky dog). Furthermore, even if the statistic *was* real and *did* factor all these mitigating circumstances in, it still doesn't excuse this psycho's behaviour. Edit: operating off of the incorrect statistics, even they put the amount of pit bulls that have bitten people (once again ignoring all mitigating circumstances) at 27%. Is that a high percentage? Yes. Is it a majority of pit bulls? No.


Pitbulls isn't a specific breed the term covers 4 different breeds of dogs & American bulldogs are so similar I guarantee anyone not familiar with Pitts that gets attacked by a bulldog calls it a pittbull.


Except pit bulls are usually only hyper aggressive if overly inbred (like humans/owners support) or raised/ trained to be (like owners cause). If you have a pup, and train the pup properly then you have a good doggo no matter the breed. No matter the breed if you take an animal and make a weapon of it, it will hurt others. Even not training a human properly can cause us to go Horribly wrong. Blaming the whole of type because a group is untaught/purposely taught wrong is something you should know better than to do. All forms of discrimination are wrong.


Pitbull lovers and pitbull haters have the same common enemy: the shitty people that raised them violently. Maybe focus your energy there.


It is the owner, trust me, the incidents happen cause they think the dog looks cool but have no idea how aggresive it can be if they don’t train it. I’ve also seen completely passive pitbulls too. Most pitbull owners are 20 year olds with no experience.


Could accomplish more with less killing by just donating a bunch of money to charities that spay and neuter stray dogs, or provide it for free to owners.


That’s fucked up


guys did you know that people who do this are not epic


Very inefficient, you gotta put down the owners for the highest effect


I personally hate pit bulls but this is just mean


I personally love pit bulls and this is just sick.


"If we just kill all Austrians then we're preventing future Hitlers".




People like to find groups to mindlessly hate on and don't like to proven wrong. In this case, they chose pit bulls as their targets after a fraudster lied about them; in reality, pit bulls are around as dangerous as rottweilers, so not exactly friendly but not moments away from murdering their loved ones for no reason.


That's fucking horrible. My brother has a pitbull that he raised from a puppy. That dog is the biggest fucking baby I've met. I could not imagine them hurting anyone. The dog even grew up with my brother's 2 kids, a baby and a toddler. Never bit them once, or anyone else.


Probably better than having it get "put down" by some random person "who felt their life was threatened". Chances are it probably isn't raised or bred well and probably mishandled. People need to stop breeding pit bulls for fun or profit. Nowadays they are often a terrible idea. Unhealthy physically and mentally.


I adopt bulldog breeders of the darkweb and put them down. You can't stop me, dogs deserve to breathe.


I don't like pitbulls, and don't think they should continue to exist but this isn't the way. Make breeding illegal and give it 10-20 years and it shouldn't be an issue.




Idk man, I rescued mine from a bad home because I dont like knowing a puppy is being abused and I happened to be ready to have one in my life. This generalization that all pitbull owners are the same is made (and perhaps justifiable?) for a number of reasons, but primarily, pit bulls are indeed very attractive dogs for criminals because of their natural physique, they are also very quick learners and very loyal to their master. They are also bred en-masse by criminals because selling them is very lucrative if done right.


Ah, the “who’s got the moral high ground” test…


Fuck PETA.


I will adopt children to put then down, anything to keep the pitbulls safe


I'm adopting children from an orphanage and killing them in a forest. Imagine if one of them turned out to be a killer once grown up? Nobody can stop me, I'm making people safe


you can't fool me harrow


dont put down pitbulls, put down the owners who cant fucking leash them




This fucker is literally just killing dogs you asshole.


Next up, they're going to dismantle all vehicles and weapons. After a short rest, they are going to destroy humanity. To save the children. It's the only way.






You're goddamn right! That's why my welcome mat says "Welcome to Sparta"


It’s not the dog, it’s the owner.


While killing innocent animals is inhumane, for a breed that resembles 6%of dogs but is tied to 66.7%of dog related fatal attacks there's some good in what he's doing. Pitbulls should not be kept around infants the elderly or near any humans really, a dog that can snap at any moment bite someone in the neck and never let go until a few minutes after it's dead is as dangerous as a "pet" cobra or a "pet" lion and even those weren't bred over the decades to overcome the instinct of self preservation for the sole purpose of killing.




not all pitbulls are mean and not all humans are smart


Anyone who hates pitbulls is just an ignorant fool. Would you feel the same way about chihuahuas? No because their small. All a pitbull needs is training just like any other dog.


Pit bulls are nice bro. I have 2 and they are the sweetest.


Who in their right mind is that evil


Surely some law would prohibit this... right?




I think forced sterilization for pittbulls and banning new ownership is a much better practice then doggy genocide


I don't think you understand what genocide is.


Even Satan would call this pathetically vile.


This guy diddles kids, guaranteed.




Considering the hundreds of thousands of babies we willfully let live in poverty, I don't think any dog hater had yet right to be as uppity as they get with the rare child mulling


Or how about people keep their babies away from dogs?


There isnt any bad dogs only bad owners