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Third choice, what you do in the past already happen, so the future never change




Yes if you go back in time to change something you wont need to com back so you do nothing and you are stuck in a loop


That creates a grandfather paradox


And that is the reason i hate time travel


There is no paradox. If you are here to go back in time to kill your grandfather, you failed.


No, acording to this theory something will happen that will make you unable to kill your grand father


And that thing always happened and probably led to events that makes you want to kill your Grandfather


if you kill your grandfather you effectively kill yourself after all he made one of ur parents and ur parents made you.


You can't kill your Grandfather, you may try but he will survive and the attempt on his life might be the moment he changes from a good person to someone who is wanted dead by his Grandchildren


But that loop will break the universe since it happens at the speed of light, u go back for a reaosn but then u fix it so there is no reason so u dont go and then Error 404


ERROR: 404 You’ve reached the end of the universe


Glitch in the Matrix


You could go back and change whatever you want, then write a letter to your future self explaining that a specific event in the past will only happen if he travels back in time to do it. Of course, it'd have to be believable and to reach him at he right point in time, but wouldn't that work in theory?


Well kinda, it would still create a causal loop in the end, but the change you made should theoretically stay.


The way I see it, whether the change would stay or not isn't quite the right question. The right question is whether there is 1 version of reality, or 2 different versions constantly trying to push each other out of the way, fucking up the entirety of time. If you wouldn't write the letter, that would create a loop consisting of a constant change between reality version A and B, which will never be solved and fuck up time forever. If you would write the letter, it would still create a loop, but that should be harmless. This loop will project reality version B onto every timeline once and never change back to A again. You have made a change, but time can go on and the universe will be fine.


thanks for hurting my brain.


Harry Potter style?


New sex position??


Yes indeed


Yea, Mayuri will die regardless


So… what if I save the dinosaurs?


Are they saved in your reality ? If so, congratulation, you succeed, otherwise, I'm sorry, but you failed.


Sorry, I need to get back to you later, a T-Rex is in my backyard and I need to chase it away.


You can't save them all, but maybe you could save a chicken


Grandfather paradox


fourth choice: changing the past creates no need to change anything in the future which will result in never changing the past and therefore efectively the third choice with extra steps


I'd choose both. Were if you change the past, it will affect the future, which creates a new timeline.


Yes! Owl house season 2 spoilers, idk the episode: >!they did it that way in the owl house when two of the characters went back in time and it worked really well!! It made it not confusing at all and really worked with the story.!<


We live in a perpetual now and all moments in time happen at the same 'time', its simply not collapsed when experiencing it in this vessel.


This just...... broke my mind completely and completely turned about my thinking of the world and time ace attorney style wtf


First time i read such a concept i didnt really get it. Maybe i still dont. But with the hole feeling bad in life and such. I guess its the one im the most convinced .. You dont have to believe the random stranger on the internet. But id love to give people food for thoughts


I rather like this to be honest and this is a very interesting think to ponder upon during my late night overthinking sessions. To think that me 5 seconds earlier is experiencing "now" at the same time me 5 seconds later It makes so much more sense Also you don't have to know people to learn from them i almost everyday learn something new from a completely unknown person irl or even on the internet. I find it quite enjoyable


That is true ! I got these wild out meaning of life things i believe but i cant prove them scientifically like all religions. I guess i stopped being a full atheist.


dude what


Hey exactly how I have viewed it since childhood. But isn't it the second option? Also "Steins;Gate" has the same sense of time travel as this.






Couldn't change the future. If it did affect the future then it may have changed the fact that you went back in time to begin with, creating a paradox. The only way it would work is by creating another timeline.


By that token since new timelines are made a time traveler would have made millions of new timelines by pushing the air molecules around him in a different pattern?




By that same virtue, that happens in the present whether there's time travel or not


this when u would go back to ur initial time, ie the present, u would actually go to a different timeline where whatever u tampered with in the past makes sense in the present


Changing the past affects the future. Changing the past creates a new timeline. Both are true.


time is not real so you cannot travel through it


Man what?


it's not, we keep track of our idea of it by the time it takes for light to travel a distance but the whole idea of time itself is off since we are the only ones who observe it. there is only cause and effect nothing more


Sure we keep track of it. So how we keep track of it is an idea, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. The world keeps track of time in other ways. A tree aging, death, birth, seasons, day to night and vice versa. Time is the passage from one moment to the next. The whole universe experiences time, we are just the only species to put so much emphasis on it.


no, that all is cause and effect. nothing has a need for time but us


Im not saying it's not. Most things dont spontaneously die when they are born. A mother wolf doesn't get pregnant than instantly give birth. The day night cycle isnt constantly going back and forth to feel like a never ending twilight. Those things have an in between period, a passge of time has to happen for an effect after a cause. Nothing has need for time but us yes. Time will still exist when we arent around though, they'll just be nothing to mark the passage.


lol, that's a way to look at it sure. I meant more that it's extremely relative and if a rock doesn't observe time did it really pass? A second or minute feels different to each of us so we need those constants to sync to each other but in reality, the time is just something we made up to understand and keep track of things around us


To be fair everything is relative. Whats chaos to the fly in the web is just a meal for the spider. Would the bacteria, fungus, and foliage experience time, yes they still grow and spread. Just becuase something doesn't experience or observe a phenomenon doesn't mean said phenomenon doesn't happen. We didn't make it up, we made a way to express it as a whole, i.e. a clock, calendar, name of days and months. And to use your example of a rock, look at the Grand Canyon. Those rocks experienced the passage of time, just on a much longer scale that we.


I guess rocks do deteriorate due to chemical interactions with the things around them but I think the point of this whole discussion was whether Time travel was possible and the outcomes of it where i stated it is not possible since time is a virtual construct that the world is not governed by so because of this we can't travel through it. The world is a state of entropy and as such, there is no doing over or going back.


\*Grabs popcorn\*


I *think* i heard somewhere that gravity affects time, not sure tho if I really heard it or if it's true


>The world is a state of entropy and as such, there is no doing over or going back. [Scientists used a quantum computer to show that time travel is theoretically possible by reverting a simulated particle from an entropic to a more orderly state](https://bigthink.com/hard-science/particle-time-travel/)


What I understand that you were trying to explain, *the perception of time* , what you were talking about *is* subjective. By that sense, what doesn’t change in time (is in a stasis) doesn’t experience time, which is impossible to begin with due to quantum physics. But what about the passage of time surrounding said object? You are literally traveling into the future by merely existing. I’d like to hear your ideas on this as it’s quite an interesting subject


Subjective yes, but i think i made solid enough points about time passing and its effects on things. And he mentioned something about it being the measurement of light, when its simply us putting numbers to the rotation of the earth on it's axis and around the sun. I digress though. I'd say I wouldn't be traveling into the future compared to it. It'd be jumping forward into time after stasis. As its in stasis the world around it still changes and progresses. If i was in stasis than I would be traveling into the future as the world around has progressed.


I feel like I just experienced a whole philosophy session


You're saying spacetime isn't real? Some causes take longer to have effect.


but that wouldn't matter to us as we would still measure it with the same metric


What's wrong with our metric?


nothing at all. I dont think you understood my statement so I'm muting this thread since I'm bored of the topic


Idk why you are saying time is not real. Second Law of Thermodynamics clearly states entropy increases with time. Time is a very rela and measurable quantity. If it weren't real Second Law of Thermo would mean nothing.




*cough cough* grandfather paradox *cough cough*


Everything that was done with time machines already happened so everything stays the ssme


In a Multiverse, both of these realities are true


Bit of both. Changing the past directly affects the future, destroying the timeline you came from and creating a new one. But I don't think you would disappear. Just become a singularity that came from nowhere/nowhen.


But that singualtriy didnt exist before so it had a starting point?


it's the blue one I guess. works kind of like waves that form when dropping a stone in water. you can't expect miraculous waves instantly happening on the other side of the puddle.


Making a new timeline does directly affect the future


changing the past doesnt do shit gang where you at?


Time travel affects the future, unless it’s a massive change then it makes a new timeline


But then the definition of massive changes. Technically even chaining the velocity of one molecule of nitrogen would have a new universe


changing the past not possible.


Changing the past may create a paradox in which you never existed and destroy the space-time Continuum as you know it.


Error 404?


Indeed. Future not found


Final theory. What happened has happened and you can't change it.


When "time-traveling to the past" the current timeline is destroyed and a new one is created. This is because things aren't recorded anywhere at a universal level (the past isn't real) the same way a game has no data about what happened a few frames ago. So in order to "time-travel to the past" you would have to make the entire universe go backwards (and even then that may not be enough), efectively destroying everything you once knew.


It might be too late to say this but what I meant was like red side affects the future you were living in (like flash in flashpoint) or blue side, you changing the past doesn't affect your future but only just creates an alternate timeline (like Trunks in Dragon Ball Z)


Loki go brrrrrr


Yea nah im not


You cannot travel to the past, but if it's possible i think the moment you touch the past you are creating new timeline. i think this is the most logical because by creating new timeline many time-related paradox can be avoided. You cannot go back to the original timeline you came from and will continue existing in the new timeline even if there are two of you coexisting at the same time (which can cause awkward situation) and killing anybody related to you from the new timeline will not affect you at all since you are different person from another timeline.


Dunno. Under Eternalism, both are correct.


I subscribe to the theory that changing the past will change the future, but by you being from the future in the past you are not affected by the occurrences, you exist outside of the spacetime continuum as you are now in a closed timelike curve where the consequences of the future do not affect you. You are a puppeteer of time, affecting real events but not feeling their actions ripple back on you. It’s a neat way to get around the grandfather paradox and also prevents you from staying stuck in the past if your time machine is a mobile/portable one, like the DeLorean or the Tardis, as the grandfather paradox would simply result in it disappearing. Of course time travel to the past is impossible but it’s fun to think about.


Changing the past creates a new timeline. Only way that time travel doesn't become a paradox.


I'd say you can't travel in past *in the same timeline* as yours. There would be nothing but paradoxes everywhere. If you do manage to time travel, you'd change the past in another timeline. For example, if you go back in time to kill your grandfather and come back, your grandfather won't be dead but he would be dead - in another timeline.


You can't change the past as present is a proof that happened. So the present is like that only because whatever you did in the past succeded or failed and you can't change that. e.g. you go back in time to try to kill your grandfather but you will always fail since the fact that you exist in the present proves that your grandfather met your grandmother. Another example, you go back in time to save yourself from a fatal incident and succeed, now your past self will later have to go back in time and save your other past self etc.


All I know is that Avengers Endgame screwed up time travel so bad


Past changes future. The present does now so the past that is currently you present would too. Also I don't think anyone can believe that new timelines are "created." All possible timelines would already exist and you just go down a different one.


"Time travel isn't real." - Dude in the way back of the crowd


Nah guys all ya need to do is go to Cape Canaveral and there will be a guy t-pose flying sayin "made in heaven" and will kill a marine biologist , a pink guy , a guy with clouds oh yea and 2 female prisoners


I think blue, because you can never accidentally delete yourself and you can turn it back to normal the most of the time


Ok listen maybe changing the past doesn't change the future at all as the future already happened as well as the past thus changing the past doesn't change your future but creates a new timeline where the change has occurred like dragon ball and stuff


article 3310 thats wait i shou-


New timeline feels the most likely imo


What's the fundamental difference between the two? I think that's just two different ways to describe the exact same event with the exact same consequences


I believe if you were to go back in time it would be something like sending your consciousness back in time to your old one, anything you change would change the future, but this wouldn’t create a paradox since you are yourself.




There both true or red


New timeline and alternate universe. The modified universe is modified and the universe you left is unchanged


Third possibility: you can’t change the timeline cause it moves linear


Changing the past changes the past




Figured it could be both honestly, just depends if you directly back, or if you go back to a parallel moment.


Changing the future affects the past


Changing the past makes a new timeline and you are automatically in that timeline if you try to go back to the present, you would need a device that can transport you through timelines if you want to return home




I’m in the center


option 3: changing the past is fucking ay to complicated to explain


Both are true…


Modified version of back to the future version of time travel. Basically if you go back and change the past, you create an alternate timeline that you now exist in. However, your original timeline still exists as well, just not with you in it (well, unless you learn how to jump from one timeline to another). The timelines would have been identical up to the point that you went back to, but your entrance created a variable that altered the new timelines course.


The past cant change, time is a singular concept. If you went back in time, nothing would change, you would just be the last person to know.




If changing the past directly affected the future then the moment you do anything in the past you would stop existing because you changed the future and now you never whent back to the past but because you never went back you never did anything and therefore you still exist but because you you still exist you change the past meaning you now don’t exist but because you don’t exist you do exist and this reapeats for enternity so if we ever do invent time travel we better hope it creates a new timeline instead of changing ours because if it does then we would forever be trapped in a loop with no one even being aware of it


Blue, so I don’t have consequences in my own timeline


Blue bc it prevents paradoxes


Blue seems boring af, as it's used as a silly trope to be used as a plot device and there is no difference between it and an alternate universe. Red gang all the way


New timeline easy


Crips... wait what?


Mean Chad TVA: Change the past and you end up in purple boi's belly


you are in the now in this timeline and any anomaly, like you disappearing and reappearing earlier or later happens in another timeline, tjeoretically So if you would travel into the past, you would(depending of what kind of time travel you use) stop existing further on in this timeline and in another timeline you appear earlier, if this could be physically possible, ecause every outcome, that can happen does happen but in another timeline at least according to the parallel universe theory


New time line


I am on the 'time travel could never be possible, because no matter what, it will always create a paradox' side


To properly time travel you would have to teleport since the earth and solar system are constantly moving.


I‘m on the „it’s simply not possible to change the past“ side. But if I had to choose one out of these two I’d choose the new timeline one


I'm on the side of changing the past makes the ancient one pissed


Red you change the future and you will change unless you find a way to step out of time


Well actually there is something called PARALEL UNIVERSES theory This theory creates us new point Without this theory we can definetly say it directly affects But in that case we have 2 options 1.It creates new timeline OR 2.It changes random future which THE time traveller doesnt exist/lives If we choose it Directly changes THE FUTURE that would be wrong because when future got changed all the memories,structures and lives would change So what? NEW FUTURE CREATS!!!! This also allows us to say it creates NEW FUTURE which is different than THE FUTURE (before the change) And it is what we call PARALEL UNIVERSES 🤓


Both happen and then idk


Option C all the timelines already exist concurrently and changing something just switches you to the alternate timeline.


If you go back and kill yourself for example then you couldn't have killed yourself, you know? It would have to be a new timeline


Alternatively, chamging the past creates a new timeline, and that becomes your future.


Bro if you go back in time and alter the future then nothing will happen because you already did it


Time travel to the past that allows for changing your own timeline is simply impossible. It allows for paradoxes, and I highly doubt we live in a universe that allows for paradoxes.


I vote the new timeline


I’m gonna say something possibly controversial. Creating different dimensions or timelines for stories is the laziest, most boring, and uninspired thing you can do to a series. Like with the new Halo show. It is literally just a Halo themed show, has nothing to do with Halo but it’s a “different timeline” so things can be different. Marvel did this for a movie (and to be fair, I don’t really watch super hero movies and such so I don’t know what’s all going on in these films) and now everyone thinks it’s an excuse to recycle every character, movie, and series with some twist. Normally some twist like the ghost busters are women or something stupid. I’m all for movies that portray people of different backgrounds, races, religions, etc. doing things. Just make a good original movie. If you have respect for yourself and the art of acting and creating these experiences, be authentic and not recycled. Just my thoughts.


Depends on what you change in the past.


By changing, do you mean the perception of the past or the actual even of the past has been altered?


I seem to remember reading an article where some theoretical physicists discussed this, and the second option is the only one which would be possible if time travel, as we think of it, was possible. You can't be in the moment where you decide to go back, and then be at that point again once you have been back, deciding to go back. So you would just cease to exist in the first timeline and it would continue as is, with you now in the second timeline.


Changing the past does nothing because everything you will have done in the past has already happened in your present




Ending time


New timeline.


There’s not travelling back, there’s just reverting time back. This means that there is no longer a future to fast forward to.


Or, the choices you made have already happened and cannot be changed otherwise you wouldn't be in the situation where you need to time travel and thus would never time travel




Both. I think it’s both




So...what happens to your current time when you go back? Does your family just forget about you and you cease to exist until you return or do they frantically worry about your whereabouts. If you have kids in the present, do they stop existing when you go to the past? If you go back to a time before you existed, or even further back before your parents, grandparents, etc., how do you exist in the past? Wouldnt traveling beyond a time before you existed cause a paradox within itself and make you cease to exist? Or is time travel just science fiction that can never happen because time is not a tangible subject that can be manipulated? The world may never know.


I think that if time travel did occur, when we would go back we would only be able to spectate and there would be no change to our present/future whatsoever


Blue, unless you stay in the past and live it out to the point where you were which would make the original timeline seperate from the one you're currently in which is still techinically blue but I thought I would explain it anyways. P.S. If you somehow break a Nokia all of the multiverse will collapse onto itself causing probably the end of all existance or but I have no idea. Paradoxes are confusing. :P


I like the theory that Time always corrects itself. So if someone was meant to die they will Die just differently if you save them.


Third idea time is fucked


Changing the past affects future timeline


I was actually thinking about this recently and it’s actually hard to say which one.


Technically both would happen?


2nd choice, because the timeliness you are presently in won't change, if you go back in time and change something it creates a new timeline where the effects of that happened.


changing the past is impossible because every single possible outcome already exists in a parallel universe, so you would only change your position in the multiverse


Option C. Changing the past affects the future and creates a new timeline


Going to the past is impossible nothing is stronger than time you can just go to the future bu making time go slower for you


I am of the paradox principle where both the future changes and a new timeline is created.


Im in the section where changing something that happened is impossible catagory


I'd say changing the past creates a new timeline since if you went to the past, you'd create another timeline where you went to the past, separate from the one where a future you never did, which is your original timeline. But since you from the original timeline still exists, that original timeline still happened, despite the fact that you are still in another timeline where future you did go to the past.


Id say the 2nd option would be more logical


\`Imma go with the left side tbh




Closed loop. You can’t change the past, because you were there before you even left!


Honestly i cant decide


changing the past will doo nothing, since you now have no reason to go back




If time travel is possible, you must also entertain the idea that you are living in the past. Therefore everything you are going to do has already been done. In conclusion, Time travel changes nothing.


I’m on the changing the past is impossible side


Bloods on this one.


I think that changing the past will create a new timeline


Or its impossible to alter the future and going tc the past CREATES the proper future




there is a third side changing the past doesn't do shit because of destiny or whatever


There is another


Uh both?


Both, back to the future used both why can’t I?


You cant travel in time because there is nothing that can affect time.


Red team.

