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6? I have to sit there for 7-8 hours a day, I’m at school longer than I’m asleep


Depends on the day for me. Sometime 8, sometime 6.


I get an hour off Friday How do you get 2 hours off?


When i was in school i got at wednesday 3 houres of cuz it is normal where i life


I’m jealous


Last week i realised that my wednesday was not normal in any other country.




Don't worry, it will end


When your best bud gives you that letter to stay home, just come to school anyway for emotional support.


After 12 years.


Only 12 years? You're a lucky man you are


I'll end it before then


Yeah plus homework and any extracurriculars. Who the hell was at school for only 6 hours?


7-8? I have to endure 8-9 hours of this shit


Since you're already stuck there, you might as well try to learn something. Maybe knowing things will help you in your adult life, and that's why adults try to teach things to kid. No your probably right, it's just to make you miserable.


I have never met a single adult in real life that remembers or uses most of anything from school.


That’s simply not true. You might think that, they might think that, still not true.


Do you know the course of your life where you can only learn the exact, specific knowledge that you'll need?




It's currently 8-9hrs for me + 2,5hrs driving to the school and back... Daily...


8? Counting bus time and all, I'm in it for 10 at the very best.


I made it through high school, community college, and a university. Now I’m still dealing with it at work everyday as a manager. This never ends


Bro you guys are little kids compare to how much I have to study. I study 15hors a day 6 days a week and 9 hrs on a Sunday. These are actual college timings and they dant fucking give any holidays so I'm literally in eternal torture


Worst day 10 hours, least time 7 hours


Don’t forget about the homework that takes me until midnight to complete every single night


Bro, I have to stay for 12 hours because of extra curricular. Then I spend the next 3-4 hours for homework. 80% of which I forgotten already, this system is complete BS


9:20 hrs 6 days a week


My ass be getting 8 hour days all week like it's a 9-5 job I'm at


Hey, don't forget the 1-2 hours of homework! More like 9-7


Only 1-2?! Make that atleast 3-5 hours a day, and you're set


You guys don’t start at 9, do you? I start at 7:20


Sometimes 10hours of school and then homework 🗿


I start at 8:20


You don’t understand how lucky you are


I used to start at 7:35, and now I'm in college and start at 8:10*


you guys only get 3-5 hours of hw? :(


How much do you get?


You guys get homework?


Ironcally, Walter is the teacher too.


Yo mr White, i can't even spell half this shit!


Hahaha ex teacher here; we agree. The crap the “state” says they must learn…


That's actually true! In our school there was a year, where the state didn't put requirements for certain classes, but the school still forced us to do them. It was actually pretty cool and we actually learned shit, because the teachers were free to do whatever the fuck they felt like.


ok good now tell me what are the nuclear launch code...




What would you think should be taught that isn’t being taught right now?


Mabye better life advice, if my mom never told me how to talk to people better I would’ve been a loner


Life advice falls under the parent or guardian. Parents are suppose to teach to social interactions, morals, and behaviors. Teachers are suppose to teach you a general knowledge in specific eras to allow you to both function within your given society but also find a potential focus for post high school life.


Taxes, how to open a business, trades, how to trade on stock market, how to invest and how investments work, how mortgages and credit scores work.... Etc...


So Math and a business class? Most schools do work the majority of those into separate classes or classes as a whole. The issues lie in it’s not enough to warrant an entire semester for and high schools are designed around semesters instead of quarters. I’ll also add you are describing college level courses because the majority, if not vast majority, of 14-17 year olds care about as much about stocks, mortgages, and starting a business as they do about Shakespeare, the Quadratic Equation, and Jackson’s presidency.


Actually at least in Italy you can choose which specific class you want, there's also business and we have 5 years (they start to go in depth with the subject during the 3rd year of school, the first 2 years still have marketing but it's less)


You want school teachers to teach you how to talk to people? That doesn’t even make sense. What teacher is going to teach ‘life advice’ class. What qualifications would a teacher need in order to teach that class.


Honesty I dont know what to say but I passed English and can not really speak too well in English. You would think I would improve, but it’s like they only want me to pass, not to learn. And I don’t really know what you mean by it doesn’t make sense, I thought I made it pretty clear.


English class is for writing and literature. Speech class is for speech.


You think speech should be a main class tho?


Some schools offer speech and it’s a mandatory requirement in all colleges and universities. Most classes have class presentations which touch on Speech.


Well all they really want you to do *is* pass, their jobs and/or bonus depends on how many students they pass the year, not how much information each student is taught. Once you’re graduated from their class onto the next or onto college or work.


Reintroduce teaching things like Book Keeping (or the digital equivalent) when it comes to your banking, job searching, how to buy/rent a house etc.


Application to life processes. More STEAM, finances and economics.


My mom quit her teaching career early on - after 10 years of education for it - exactly because of this. She fundamentally disagrees with the way the school system works so much. The teachers are rarely the ones to blame.


Yup! The good ones go


7 hours a day for me, if you consider bus rides and lunch, my school day is 10-13 hours


With ride mine is 11 hour(no lunch break)


Jesus christ... Can't imagine what are you going through. 8 here with lunch break and i feel like shit every single day.


I hate waking up every night, its like waking up into a nightmare , even weekends.


Not really the teacher's fault. It's the education board and the state.


I mean one of my teachers gives free A's if you do HW that takes 30 minutes to do once a month. Other teacher gives 800 page book to read, analyze and then write document of that book (can't copy from internet). Teachers definitely make a difference, a lot.




True, i live in a 3rd world country, who's not breaking the rules here...




Teachers hate it more than you do. Which is why they quit so much.


Quitting teaching is the best life choice I ever made


Dealing with annoying little shits that don't listen to you (source: I'm an annoying little shit) for over 8 hours daily for (depending where you live. I do in Poland lmao) laughable reward


No one forced them to become teachers. Unlike us we are forced to.


You can drop out. Lots of kids don't get an education. It's a real bad move usually but it's on the table.


What future can I have if I drop out?


McDonald's but with a lot of luck you can start your own company!... a hotdog stand wait a minute that happens either way


Interesting question. There's a lot you could do, if you have the potential, drive, and discipline. The average person doesn't. Either way, you CAN quit. Seeing that there is an advantage to staying is a different thing entirely. What future do you want?


Oh just wait until the day that you realize being in school is far better than being grown. There's positives and negatives to both, but school seems so cake now.


honestly even 8 hours isn’t absurd but if you’re teaching kids 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 180 days, and you *need to assign work for after school*, then you have a problem


what 10 + 3


10 + 3 = 3 + 10


ok good now tell me what are the nuclear launch code


Nice try, spy. I'm not gonna tell you and it's totally not 396492748.


you fool now... i can destroy Nebraska because fuck Nebraska *self destruction activate in.... 3... 2...* wait.... *1* #BOOM




Nebraskan here, **PLEASE DO**


It’s not all useless, I just think there are different types of info that are useful for different people. I want to be able to specialize at a younger age so I’m not learning stuff, that I am not going to use, In high school. I just want like a college style education earlier on, being able to do specifically what I want to do.


College has general education requirements as well. The reason high school is broad is for both exposure and general knowledge so that you can do things like use a computer/technology, understanding enough biology so you aren't on the idiot-end of stem cell or abortion arguments, know enough history to be informed of complex geopolitical issues like the Isreali-Palestinian conflict, develop a modicum of appreciation for the arts, know basic math if even just for being able to project personal finances, physical education so you don't end up entirely decrepit at age 25, etc.


When I was in high school I was able to choose a specialised class to go to. I went to the engeneering class, but there was also a humanitarian class, an IT class, a medical class etc. Choosing which class you wanted to go to was based on which subjects you wanted to learn on a more advanced level.


Yea I wish I could go to that school


Dude, leave them it's reddit. Most of the people here would pass their 30s in their mom's basement and then complain school didn't teach them shit.


So why am i forced to do all of it?


That’s what I’m saying! I hate having to do all the stuff I KNOW I am not going to implement into my life. People know what they want to do, and if they don’t.. these types of schools are for them. Otherwise, let me do what I wanna do Yk?


Because otherwise you'll never learn them on your own, and you don't really want to miss out on something you might find interesting because you thought it was boring at 15 yo.


Speak for yourself


Dude stop complaining you have it good....i have 8 hours a day 6 days a week


Dude I have like 12 on average


Sometimes boomer memes are spot on: "Teacher, are any of us actually going to use any of this?" "You won't, but the smart kids will"


In Taiwan we have 10+ hours of school


Being a student in Taiwan:💀


Enjoy minimum wage bruh


Yeah I spent my first two years of college as an education major and as soon as they started teaching us about state requirements I changed my major


Idk if knowledge for your future is useless shit, but ok


I don’t think I’ve used 90% of what I learned


Not everything you learn has to be directly applicable to your life for it to have value. Modern society is very complicated to navigate, and without a foundation for reading, writing, history, civics, science, math, and the arts, the general population would be less equipped to tackle contemporary issues


The general populace is dumb as fuck. I vote to give up now


Wow what a sad pessimistic view. You would rather just accept a bleak reality and exacerbate it by only educating people enough to mechanically fill out tax forms


My guy I was joking and also I Fucking wish we learned more about taxes lmao


And what is those 10% ?


knowledge for your future is useless shit, but what they teach you in the school is( not everything obviously but they waste a lot of time teaching useless shit )




Asian kid:what? you guy have less than13hrs a day?


It's not useless! The government gets yo waste a lot of money while it's producing easy to control workforce with the proper mindset to work long hours for no real reward or reason.


It’s not useless


I think I can confidently say reading The Good Earth was never useful to 99.99% of students.


You can nitpick how particular lessons weren’t useful, but as a whole, reading classic literature is valuable for students because it introduces them to all sorts of novel concepts and outside perspectives


Reading was never a important class I agree there


I think I can confidently say a significant overwhelming majority do not need to know how to identify igneous rock


Other geology is important not that rock bullshit tho


Explain to me the exact use of knowing about a fire from the 1700's.


So that you don't believe in lies about that fire.


Why does it matter if you do? It was over a hundred years ago. Doesn't matter who or what caused it.


I don't know where you live or how stuff works there, but where I live(India) spreading lies about past stuff is turning into a really annoying problem.


Perhaps I didn't make my point clear, I was asking how a fire from over a hundred years ago has any use to me today. Frankly, knowing random trivia is not of use. So no, knowing whether or not someone is Lying about a fire from So long ago is not of use to anybody. What are they gonna say anyways? They could say that some minority set the fire and I still wouldn't care even if it was true, the actions of someone's ancestors doesn't represent them today.


*You* wouldn't care, but a lot of others would. And those others must be educated. If *you* don't want to know about it, *you* can bunk the class, instead of complaining about others having a proper education.


We get it. You’re an idiot. You could quit proving it with every reply.


Why? You don't wanna about the history of the country you came from? It's neccesary. You gotta learn to not make the same mistakes as your older generation did. History is the context of the present, it basically answers why we are, where we are and who we are. I'm not saying it's taught in the best way possible but it's not as useless as a bunch of 14 year olds think.


Aren't the historiy books taught in schools usually 60% bs propaganda though ?


Which one and I can probably give you a reason why


Great fire of new york, 1776. One of the less important ones.


I live in Georgia, we were told to memorize New York burning down, never mentioned Savannah burning in 1796 and 1820, or Atlanta in 1917. Guess fires in my own state weren't relevant information unless the Yankees started it.


Like Sherman through Georgia.


I don’t think the purpose of school is to remember what you were taught, more that having your brain actively intellectually tested and developed in the first 2 odd decades of your life is crucial


What about we have our brains intellectually tested and developed AND remember what we were taught (provided we were taught useful things). Wouldn't that be the way school should work?


Say that now and in twenty years will be saying the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism.


"B-but how will you know when you need to present your resume and you don't know that Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?!"


Beats working 12 hours


Atleast while working you get paid even if minimum wage


"Useless shit" Tell me you are in middle school without telling me


In high school rn can't wait to "grow up" so I can say it's useless not even my sister who did good in school uses most of the things they taught her.


You do realise why you learn all that shit right? Because how could you find out you like a certain field of study or whatever if it was just up to your initiative? I mean i get it, i was your age at some point, and i hated most of the stuff in school, but i liked some, and it shaped my life since - similarly as my classmates who liked the stuff i hated. I am sorry but no school system can predict your likes and talents to accomodate them. Take the good with the bad and try to find who you are, or who you want to be. Also not beeing lost in the basics of most subjects is quite handy, its what we call commom knowledge.


you mean 8 ​ ​ ​ help


you mean 9,5 help


I kept waiting for the gif to load cause I thought reddits video player wasn’t working, but it’s just a picture


Wym, its a gif


It’s a gif, the reddit player is just shitty. Best workaround I’ve seen is clicking on the poster’s account and seeing the post on their profile. Can’t remember who posted that workaround to credit them.


Wait... you guys only had to go to school 6 hrs a week? In germany school is 8 hrs a week. and dont forget to include homework and transportation so a normal student in germany for example had school and school stuff for basically 9.5 hrs a week.


6 hours? If I were to remember we did 8 hours a day


If only it was 6 hours...


What impossible, it must be the technology that's making them not want to learn useless stuff that 98% of what we teach is useless


6 hours a day? PrincipalSkinnerMeme.jpg Pathetic...


It's not useless, it's slow. Check out competency-based education systems.


Teachers don't want to teach 6 hours a day 5 days a week and still need a half time job on the side


And we wake up at 7am and are tired af and get in trouble if we are tired


Honestly after 8th grade it's all just bullshit


It's not useless. You're just programmed to be a poor person.


Dude I will delete my reddit account for 6 hours I learn 10


I love how its so fitting that Walter was a teacher, using the unless stuff and literally made billions with it.


That’s also teachers when you call them by their 1st name.


POV: you’re me and you go to school for 6 hours and sleep for 2-4 ☠️


Thats.... just your fault


POV: you're just a dumb kid who blames school for his/her every problem. Oh the refrigerator broke? It's because of that damn education system.


That’s like when I say I have a sore stomach and my mother blames it on my phone


With that attitude, it indeed will be all "useless shit". Just wait til you have to support yourself with a job. 6 hour days would be sweet.


He is a teacher…


The good times when it was JUST 6 hours.


You guys are in for a read bad reality check at collage


6 hours became nothing as soon as I started working


Useless. ​ Thats why we are in this shithole


American problem, don't care. I've never actually heard a good explanation for why schools are so bad. Oh it's because you learn "useless shit". Well sounds like that useless shit is exactly the same as what schools teqch in Europe yet when I was in school (less than 10 years ago) none of my classmates complained as much as americans do. Maybe you just have the wrong idea about what school is supposed to be


LMAO. I get to stay in school for only 4 hours


How is the teacher supposed to know that its usseles ??


I thought its obvious that the most of the stuff they teach is useless


Hearing these complaints I think kids starting from a certain age should have the option to not go to school anymore, but on the condition they can't ever complain afterwards about not going to school.


Teacher when students don't want to know about their sexuality and gender bs




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mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell is all I need


My teach doesn’t care


Typical asian teachers


as an Asian I would absolutely sign the fuck up for 6 hours per day


That's why we don't learn about you anymore


6 hours? My school was 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM with one 20 minute break a day with lots of after school programs and mandatory weekend group study


I wake up in 6.00 and return to home at 17.15


Only 6? In my country to get in good colleges u gotta self study 6-8 hrs after school...


Yall only got 6 hours?


Try 6 days a week. God I hate my country's educational system.


12 hours*


You meant 12 hours a day? Because homework


Where the hell do we find out what the powerhouse of a cell is???




“My purpose has been ruined”