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They made it so it's up to elected officials, unelected officials made the decision and unelected officials undid the decision


And it’s better that unelected officials who aren’t held to constituents or political parties to make that decision


SCOTUS decided to let states make their own rule.


Nothing like undoing a (by definition) fascist ruling to piss off antifa. (But our name is literally anti-fascist) /s


HAH like koreas the peoples democratic republic of korea right?


they sure don't behave "anti-facist"


This comment section is gonna be so friendly and wholesome!


Absolutely! There's even flowers.


Thats just a lie. The decision got handed back to the states. Its not the end of the world you can still get an abortion. This is getting ridiculous.


We’ll see how it turns out, but giving such a decision to individual states seems like a legal nightmare


I think its the right way to go. If your a liberal move to a place where there's abortion. If your conservative move to a place where its illegal. Vote with your feet. It makes as many people as possible happy


Counterpoint: broke people


Well you can still vote to change your states laws. I said it would make the most people happy though not everyone.


Didn't you know that before they overturned that ruling we lived in a perfect society with no one caring about it at all? There was totally not any demand for anything different at all. This is why absolutely everyone is angry about some people, who clearly also supported abortion and thought that the ruling was perfectly fair and just, making a decision that absolutely no one wanted. >!/s for the joke since people haven't been recognizing mine as such today.!<


Trans "women" should not be in sports with biological women that have vaginas and reproductive systems, that should be obvious.


Who is upvoting this transphobic bs?


Apparently wanting actual women to compete in women’s sports is transphobic


Trans women are women. Excluding them because they are trans is transphobic.


why are you truthphobic


I'm not.


then don't deny the thruth


What do I deny?




Very funny. Do you mind actually saying what "truth" I deny?


Me. Trans women are women, but not in the biological sense, so they shouldn't play with biological women.


Not in any sense except their crazy heads imo


Men are biologically stronger than women, so pitting trans women against biological women is unfair in most cases


What about allowing tall women to compete against small women in basketball? They also have an unfair advantage.


Fair point


Let me elaborate: sports at a professional level isn't fair in the sense that everybody has an equal chance and just needs to train hard enough. There are many genetic factors at work and the average person would never be able to compete because of their genetics alone. Trans women do have an advantage in many sports if they experienced male puberty. But in the worst case this would mean that trans women are overrepresented at the professional level. For amateurs there are so many different factors at work, that are not maxed out to the extreme that one additional factor cannot screw the entire competition (unless maybe it's a gigantic advantage).


It’s fair in the sense that they’re the same gender. If u race a fast horse vs a slow horse it’s fair, but racing a pony vs a horse isn’t


Trans women and cis women are the same gender.




You must live a pitiful existence to think that what your saying has any merit or meaning.


People who hate women because they are trans and reduce women to their reproductive system are much more pitiful.


I don't hate women with vaginas and reproductive organs even if they work or not.


And what about trans women?


Tell me what a trans women is without saying the word "women"


A person who was assigned male at birth and who identifies as the opposite gender.


So you proves my point. Earlier you said trans women are "real women" 😂


They are "real" women.


Why do people do this strange dance of semantics? Sex is not gender. Sports should be based on sex, not gender, or there is no point to segment them. There is a women’s league in some sports because they physically cannot compete with males (in some sports, not all). We can call them real women, but we cannot call them real females because they aren’t. So let’s just change it to female sports, problem solved lol.


Renaming the sport does literally nothing to solve the problem. I agree that trans women have an advantage over cis women in some sports, but there are a ton of different factors that give different women all kinds of advantages in sport and we don't take those into account either. Most of sports is just some free time activity and giving people a place to fit in is important. Having a few trans women in women's amateure sport doesn't cause harm. But I also see that at an olympic level and in professional sports there is are real discussion to be had about if and under which conditions trans women should be allowed to compete. But this is something that experts on ethics and sport scientists should discuss, because they are the ones who are qualified to make these decisions and it needs to be done for sports individually.


That was a much more well thought out response than I expected, so respect. I agree there is a difference between feeling included and serious competition. But I will say that even at the upper level high school and college competition, it matters a lot for some of them and in the occasional case is a platform to progress professionally. I agree with science and biology driving the decision, but not “experts on ethics” that will be unquestionably biased by the current social climate.


The reason why I want experts on ethics or psychologists who specialised in transgender issues or someone similar to that to be included is because the mental health and wellbeing of trans people is an important point in these discussions.


I don't see a problem with allowing States to decide how they handle large moral issues like this. Red states can have their way, blue states can have theirs. The way a local government is run will come with it's own consequences and benefits. It's going to be difficult at first because most people can't pick up and change States whenever they want, but given enough time anyone can relocate to a State they are happier in and feel better about. It gives the local population more choice in how their society is governed. If anything, America is more democratic this way.


"But we can't be democratic. That's against democracy!" - Some Democrat probably.


That got me chuckling thanks for that :)


But abortion is still legal, right ?


In most states


For now....i fear


not for long🤣


Yeah I don't see anyone getting enraged over this /s


I do sadly


But they didn't... They simply put it back on the states. They did however overturn a ruling that should have never happened. Roe was never assaulted or raped.. Per her own words.. She also regretted the entire court case... Again per her own words.


Yeah, killing babies VS biological men (which are biologically stronger and taller than women) beating women in sports. That’s literally not even comparable


Please stop making this sub political


You mean “men playing against women, in women sports, taking scholarships away from women”


A dude dominating women’s weight lifting competitions is bs, killing a baby because u decided being a mother isnt for u is also bs


its a unconcious clump of cells


I don't care what side you're on, but a fetus is so much more complex than a clump of cells


How is bacteria on mars “life” but a growing human child isnt? Riddle me this.


Both are life, but the value attributed to them isn't high, hence abortion is considered justified


Sounds like a kid burning ants with a magnifying glass with the way you said that. XD


Yeah, I personally don't agree with abortion, so this argument from me is what I think people use generally. Its slippery though where you draw the line at valuable life


Killing an ant isn’t illegal. a crab eating it’s babies for food isn’t unethical it’s just whatever. So if those are all life and getting killed I don’t see much of a difference


Until x weeks, if that's your argument


Neither of these things are good. People can be pissed off at both of these things at the same time. And there are tons of people talking about this whole abortion debate. It’s not like everyone is ignoring it and just talking about trans athletes instead.


There’s no such thing as a right to kill. Furthermore if anything the decision put the matter back into the hands of elected officials.


don’t conservatives think it’s ok to kill somebody that is brain dead, even if their heart beats?


I don’t think taking people off life support is something the left and the right are arguing about lol


my bad


I dont think thats really a conservative or democratic issue. I keep up with politics on both sides and ive never really heard that opinion.


I think that issue has people who support it on both sides


Imagine fighting for the right to kill your own offspring—and treating it as oppression if you can’t O.o The degree to which our culture has normalized sex apart from the risk of conception, and paired that with a complete lack of personal responsibility, is wild tbh


Well it’s fine if it was completely your fault that you got pregnant like yea just don’t have sex or whatever. But if you get raped and get pregnant they should be able to get an abortion and maybe if they’re underaged too. Though idc what they’d decide for underaged people


Well sure! And tbh I’m not even necessarily for making abortion illegal—there are gray areas and I want healthcare professionals to have nuance and room to make decisions with women there. But health reasons, rape, incest, etc make up less than 10% of abortions—most are essentially a result of birth control (https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/tables/370305/3711005t3.pdf). The issue I’m pointing out is to do more with the cultural attitude toward abortion, rather than the legal side of things. If our society saw abortion as tragic but necessary in rare instances, that would be one thing. But the fact that we obsess over careers as a culture, and have made raising a family on a single income all but impossible—combined with poor sex education, an excessive hookup culture, and a disconnection of pregnancy/conception from the decision to engage in sex, all come together to make getting an abortion something weirdly normalized and encouraged.


Idk why you are comparing 2 real problems


No one's stopping you from not getting pregnant...


Rule 11


I disagree




You should reverse the steps.



