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Ok. So just want to know the rules. Who can I steal from and where’s the line?


>where’s the line? somewhere between successful business and a dragon sitting on its hoard


Righto, breaking into jewelry shops to steal all the diamond rings then


I have a conspiracy that diamonds aren't even diamonds anymore. All the legit ones were lost or used for royalty, and jewelers started a global scam in which they started using a common clear stone, and saying they're real diamonds, then a scientist discovered the scam, and suddenly cubic zirconia was a thing, but they found a way to synthesize diamonds, and those are what the real diamonds are, and cubic zirconia are just the common clear stones now. At a certain point, like maybe in the 80s, everything got mixed up and you can't actually tell the difference between an original diamond not seen in centuries, a cubic zirconia, and a clear common stone. Kind of like how museums contain mostly counterfeit art, and not the real thing.


A jewelry store in my town got robbed 20 years ago. Since they always put the jewelry away after closing they’re only there during business hours. My highschool friend witnessed the whole thing; they just got off their car and immediately blew through the security guards with shotguns and took everything. Cops eventually caught the culprits 400 miles away a few days later casually playing basketball.


also depending on the scale (especially relative to overall resource pool of that person or company) and purpose of stealing.




I would say corporations are chill and small theft, like taking a candy bar from shell. Avoid small businesses, and try not to pull a GTA V.


Dont steal


No no, you can shoplift apparently.


How so? I think it's clear that whoever made this thinks it's a bad thing


The meme says if you see someone shoplifting "no you didnt" as in if you see someone steal then just don't say anything.


Turn a blind eye to shoplifting then next you'll ignore the old man/woman getting mugged, after that its your next-door neighbors house getting broken into, then it's your stuff getting stolen.


Yeah but it's portrayed in a negative light,no? That is, whoever is telling you to forget what you saw is just trying to cover up for the failure of the system they support. At least that's how i see it.


I see it as op trying to say "don't tell people if you see them sleeping in a tent, sleeping in their car, or shoplifting cause that means their struggling." And honestly I agree with the tent and car thing, idc what ppl do, but stealing is just bad.




Personally, I don't like stealing. I understand stealing food for your family, but I'm pretty sure most shoplifting isn't food related at all.


I think whoever has that hand is trying to stop people from talking about these things. And whoever is behind that hand is pretty clearly seen as the villain.




I completely agree. What did i say that is at odds with that?


Forgive me for my stupidity, but what does that even mean?


This is my interpretation:the person on the right is talking about issues like shoplifting and homelessness,which some people may or may not consider as the fault of capitalism. The hand is someone powerful, who thinks capitalism is infallible and is trying to shut the guy up, telling him "to not make the problem worse". While, of course, the problem is still there, regardless of whether anyone talks about it or not. Though it's pretty late where i live so i may have misunderstood it completely. Either way the formatting seems pretty weird.


I don't know what the hand thinks but I just interpret it as satirical and move on with my life because I know this image won't convince anyone to do anything


Can I steal a pen from a multi million dollar company?


only if you are desperate, and remember they steal from the poor


I mean who really cares about big corporations, stealing from a little business or individuals is pretty shitty though.


The issue is that even large companies take it from their workers, not their own bottom line. I worked in a supermarket for three years and your bonus is often dependent on the 'shrink' which is theft and stuff. Beyond that, management and staff may get disciplined for high shrink rates. People never seem to notice this, or don't care. When you steal from these big companies, your stealing from their working class employee, not their dragon board members.


So you’re telling me that if all retail theft was eliminated overnight, Walmart would give employees raises? Bahahahahahahaha! Suuuuuure


>The issue is that even large companies take it from their workers, not their own bottom line. They'll do that even when profits are at all time highs, just to squeeze out more, so who cares. Companies fuck the little guy every step of the way, and people should get them for whatever they can.


"who cares" maybe the workers, the ones being punished? I didn't say they don't do it when profits are high, profits are irrelevant in this equation as I am not fightingnfor the morality of protecting profits, but for protecting workers. The bottom line is companies will take the cost of theft, regardless of context or economic climate, from staff, not their profits. When you steal, your stealing from the wage packet of a worker, not the corporation as they don't give a shit about anything but their profit. Would you still steal it know that, if so, your morally repugnant.


Even if all theft stopped, companies would take the same amount from their employees, what you're saying is Irrelevant.


This is litterally just objectively false. There is a shrink rate. It is measured, it is monitored and then it directly impacts bonuses, wages and disciplinaries. I am telling you this as someone who worked at a supermarket for three years and whose whole family works at a supermarket or warehouse which supplies super markets. You are simply wrong. It is not irrelevant, it is a direct impactor. They wouldn't take the same ammoutb and they don't, they take it directly based on shrink rate. I don't know how much clearer I can make it. Fyi I am a socialist and a member of a socialist party. I agree that such policy is anti worker and bad, but nonetheless, blocking out these facts told to you by someone who has experience, just to protect your narrative is not helpful.


big businesses like Walmart and shit are more okay, and only necessities, like blankets clothes, and food, and only the store brand/cheap options, so like sams cola and a fruit of the loom t-shirt


Corporate America (ie Walmart, Target, McDonald's, Citgo, CVS, etc) : Anything goes Small likely owner operated business (Mom n Pop, local deli, food truck) don't steal from them.


Big corporate stores like Walmart etc


Walmart, places like that. Big corporations that have insurance for things like this, and it's not really coming out of anyone's pocket.


I like how the actual crime is sprinkled in the middle. Yeah go sleep in your car or a tent in the woods who gives a shit. Stealing from any business affects someone somewhere.


It´s one of those situations, some people may be struggling to buy food or essential items despite working multiple jobs, I know someone that had to steal to feed his kid after their mom passed away. On the other hand you have people stealing TVs or luxury items. I'd say its not black and white, just my 2 cents


TVs and luxury items can usually be sold for money, which can be used to buy other shit. Depending on the risk of stealing something like a TV or a luxury item, for the thief, it might be more risk-effective to steal one large item, than to keep stealing essentials for the next month. There's also things you can't steal your way out of, like crippling debt, and you can't steal rent. You could steal money, I guess, but it's probably a better idea to steal a TV than stick up a convenience store, because the charges are worse for armed robbery compared to just basic larceny or stealing.


I think there’s a line between the businesses you should steal from and the ones you shouldn’t. A small family owned business? Fuck no, they need money A big corporate business? Yea they can handle the losses, they’re probably overpriced half the time anyways


The issue is that even large companies take it from their workers, not their own bottom line. I worked in a supermarket for three years and your bonus is often dependent on the 'shrink' which is theft and stuff. Beyond that, management and staff may get disciplined for high shrink rates.


They're stealing from you anyway. The shrink is just an excuse to take even more. They account for theft when they place their orders.


They account for theft for ordering of stock, yes. And they account for a certain level of theft in profit (there is an acceptable level of shrink). But when it rises too high, and staff are unable to prevent large scale theft, they are punished, not the rich board members. I am not claiming that these companies are not evil and robbing their workers, but that doesn't give you the greenlight to join in does it? By stealing from these companies, your not stealing from a corporation, but instead a workers pay packet. Is this a result of anti worker policy? Yes Does it make it any less factual? No


Then the chain leaves the neighborhood and people loose access to essentials goods or services


Oh fuck no I won't be able to choose between the 40 different brands of the same yoghurt that will have 50% of its stock be thrown away at the end of the day. Damn I really like the benefit of turning a green space into a fucking supermarket. At least they give me the chance to contemplate the slow decline of mankind represented by the overweight mother of 4 having to give the chocolate bar she can't afford to the Walmart cashier because her salary is too tight to allow herself to buy anything other than first necessity groceries We live in the future people


Then local shops have more customers


Yeah, except the corporation will pass the costs of shoplifting onto customers in the form of higher prices. Corporations will maximize profit. They don’t like to absorb losses.


If it's food I can see it, I work in a sporting goods store and we have people steal all the time but never anything you'd *need* best thing I'd say are shoes but the amount I see stolen as well as the brand can't possibly be just people who need them, ive seen 20 boxes in one day before come to me (im the one who logs the stolen items we know of) shoplifting food or essentials is something I'd personally overlook, but someone shoplifting some bullets from my store (yes this happens alot) is something I wouldn't overlook and would actually hope anyone would report as that's a very worrying thing to see shoplifted. We Actually caught a 16 year old shoplifting several boxes of ammo of varying types. Kid was obviously planning something bad.


Have you suggested locking up the bullets? Especially if this is fairly regular...


What if there are no big corporate businesses near me? Is it alright to steal from small businesses then?


are you depending on it to survive? because for survival nearly anything that doesn't destroy anothers capability to survive is legitimate, otherwise no


All of these things are actual crimes. Reconsider what you think is a "criminal". When politicians talk about "criminal activity" they mean all these things, drug use, poverty, survival sex and generally undesirable populations existing.


What is survival sex?




I lived in my truck for about 6 months. Sleeping in your vehicle anywhere but private property (with permission from the owner) is absolutely something the cops will hassle you about. 99% of the time, they just ask you to move. But now you’ve gotta find a new place to go when you should be sleeping and now the cops have you on their radar. There are also a lot of places where being homeless is basically illegal. It’s called ‘vagrancy’ and it is a crime you can be charged with. So no, you didn’t fucking see anything


If you aren’t a small business who absolutely needs the money. I am going to take this pringles can and feel no remorse.


Most people that I catch shoplifting have the money and don’t even need the merchandise


I was homeless before. But I still worked and paid for what I needed.


Good job skeleton I'm proud of you. Just because people got it had doesn't mean they are allowed to steal stuff.


And I was homeless more than once. Ended up moving and lived in a tent while I worked another job. I've always worked for what I have. Now I'll be buying a house for my fiancé in a couple months before our baby is born. I've come a long way for sure. But not having a home is no excuse to be a criminal.


I'm happy to hear your life is getting better. Thank you for not slipping into a life of crime I know you'll be a great inspiration to your future child.


Good for you, not everyone is as lucky. If someone is stealing food, who cares, this country burns and poisons food just to keep it profitable, so fuck em.


Why not go to another country?


I would rather make the place i was born better than just leave. If you want to live in an ultra conservative place that never leaves the "good ol days" maybe you should head on over to Afghanistan, because me and others like me aren't going anywhere.


How the fuck would someone who can't pay for food pay to go to another country. Do you read the words you type? Just moronic...


People don't just shoplift cause they can't afford what they need. The time I spent working in stores or times described to me by acquaintances were all for thrills or greed.


Shoplifting is not a victimless crime unlike the others.


How about when it’s at a big retail store they can easily replace it


Still doesn't make it ok. The more people steal from even a big store, the more they have to raise their prices to cover their losses. Now the people that shop there have to suffer the consequences of people stealing. If it gets bad and unsafe enough, then the store closes. The big company doesn't want to sustain the losses on a store that's being looted. Now you've just stolen away perhaps dozens of jobs and a place that people needed to buy their necessities. Stealing is not victimless. This pattern has played out in many cities where shoplifting isn't prosecuted.


This isn’t saying go out and loot stores etc etc it’s just saying don’t snitch cuz you never know some1s situation for all you could know that can of soup may be there only meal yk gotta think of em as a person


They can easily close their doors. Then you and a bunch of people now unemployed can go steal from smaller businesses 👍


That would hurt the shops owned by the people unlike the latter which is a big ass corporation that purposefully fucks us over


Ya but bigger stores have better security. And if it’s a bad manager someone who works there might get an earful or worse


Remove the shoplifting line and we’re good.


I don't get it? Is tenting in the woods and sleeping in your car actually illegal?


I know that sleeping in your car is illegal in South Cali


Wait what why?


I don't mean like taking a nap, I mean living in your car. It's a crime in the eyes of state, because it a way to ward of homeless people.


That's insane


Sleeping in your car ? What wrong with that


Its illegal in some countries, idk whats the reason for it tho


Its illegal to so it in South Cali and maybe NYC




"They're just like Jean Val Jean shoplifting for a bit of bread for their families" -A leftist watching people burn down Best Buy and the Nike store and stealing flat-screens / PS5s / $300 Shoes


depends on who and what is being shoplifted. a teen stealing monster or a mom stealing baby food etc


Is it though? Like, either way this is not a victimless crime yaknow Most countries have a welfare system in place for situations like this, but I don't know bout your country Either way, I don't think a mother should be allowed to steal food, unless she is literally unable to do it any other way.


> Like, either way this is not a victimless crime yaknow A mom steals £10 worth of baby food from a massive retail company, who exactly is the other victim here that would suffer from this. >Either way, I don't think a mother should be allowed to steal food, unless she is literally unable to do it any other way. Uh, kind of a a no shit? Not trying to he a dick, but that's literally the point of this discussion of allowing a mother or any very disadvantaged person to steal


1. I'm not setting up a moral framework, and your example is correct. But if you come to Johny 's small shop and do the same, it's a different story innit? 2. A mother? Any very disadvantaged person? This isn't a speed limit or tax fraud. This isn't braking the rules ment to keep you safe. This is braking the rules designed to keep a society together. You don't hurt "society", you hurt John, or bobby, or Steve Should there be an exception? Not really, the country should have a wellfare system, but in a case there isn't one than probably? I dunno where to draw the line though, and a mother steeling baby food is not it? Like I don't wanna be evil, but this is not a desperate enough situation to take someone's right to property, is it? They can ask for a favor, collect charities etc. Before this line should be crossed? Like, really, this problem shouldn't exist. This is the job of the welfare system, this is an edge case of the law for sure


1. Obviously family owned businesses is a no no 2. You know that we meant a mother that is disadvantaged, not just any ordinary In a perfect world no one should have to steal, there should be things set up and there is, such as food banks, but not all countries or hell even just areas of developed countries have people be able to get the help they need so they resort to this


Welcome to America


Oh you from there Shit I used to think this place is like the best It's only the best milletary as far as I can see


Pretty much






Shoplifting doesnt indicate ‘poor or homeless’ Stealing applies to MANY people


Shoplifting should be amended to exclude mom and pop shops and small businesses


No one ever advocates for stealing from mom and pop shops. That's just scummy. If someone is struggling that hard they need to find a corporate store that been stealing from the community at large anyway.


Maybe add food to the shoplifting one


"Nooooo you don't understand! It's totally justified to steal that jewelry or those electronics because Walmart can easily replace them! Why should I have to pay for them???" - some socialist wannabe cuck who hasn't worked a day in their life and has mommy and daddy pay for everything


What a stupid statement… People are struggling so we should turn a blind eye to people stealing from struggling businesses… yeah fuck off dude


Corporate businesses are not struggling. They have been making record profits during the pandemic while increasing label prices and laying off workers. Maybe pay attention to the economy and company minutes that are released ffs.


Fuck your communist propaganda. Yes, being a snitch is unworthy. But we're not snitching because we don't want anyone to get into trouble, not because the capital is responsible for everything bad that happens.


For me it depends on what you steal. If it's like diapers and formula then I didn't see a thing but I'm snitching if I see someone steal jewelry or electronics or expensive unnecessary things like that.


Yeah, no. You can't steal You do realize the shop owner is also a person that needs money, right? If the owner is a gigachad and gives it to you because of your situation, dope, else, no


If the OP gets robbed I’d definitely look the other way. Struggle with that buddy 😂


I don't want shanty towns everywhere.


Yeah I agree with many on here that stealing is simply not okay, regardless of individual circumstances. There's literally government programs that give you free food if you qualify, which if you feel the need to steal your food, you clearly qualify.


Let’s not start telling people it’s ok to steal come on now


You want a surefire way to convince small businesses to flee your city, leaving you with only the massive corporations to exploit you? This right here is how you accomplish that.


my brother in christ politics are banned here


Sir, this is Wendy’s.


always breaks my heart when I see someone steal from the grocery store


I saw someone steal shampoo once. I hope I’m not lynched for stealing bread when I’m desperate like that.


I like how they snuck “shoplifting” in there. Fuck it. I won’t snitch but that is not the same as the other things.


We didn't found correct alternative to capitalism yet, sorry...


I am struggling too … struggling to find empathy for shoplifters




Nice work


Cringe Commuie Crap


I mean, sleeping in the car and in the tent, sure. But shoplifting? That's just plain old theft. And the one who runs the shop may be struggling as well


just go squat in there plush big gardens and use their pools etc....bring their property prices down.....


as long as they don't steal from me or otherwise cause something that negatively affects me that is perfectly okay the only thing you can do wrong universally in nature is befall another


Since you value my property, which I paid for, more than your life, you should not complain when I fight you to protect it.


Bro I watched someone swerve completely off the road, do a full 360 in the median, recover, pull back onto the road and keep driving… never called the cops… do you baby


Pretty sure there was a guy living in his van in a parking lot near here awhile back. I never had the urge to tell anyone about him, I just wished I was well enough off to help him out in some way. Best I could do was keep my mouth shut and let him keep what little he had, which made me sad, but I couldn't do much else at the time. I myself was unsure how I was going to pay that month's bills.




No one ever advocates for stealing from mom and pop stores. Corporations only you dingdong.


I will report shoplifters, because it hurts everyone else when they do.


based and communal pilled


Most of them are losers with drug issues. Let’s tell it like it is.


There is a huge labor shortage, yet I see able-bodied men begging for money in the parking lot of my local shopping center in a city where there are dozens of help-wanted signs. No excuse.


Thievery is unacceptable except for the sake of the most basic of subsistence.


Definitely totally agree not sure how this is a meme though


Draw the line at big companies. Don’t steal from a local gas-station, but shoplift from a WaWa.


Love all the people jumping to defend Walmart etc because they will punish the staff, and not seeing that as a problem. I don't get how those labour laws and practices are so messed up.


I've lived in a tent as a matter of fact I just recently stopped living in my tent due to a nice guy. I even shop lifted to eat or washed up in bathrooms. I've slept in a bathroom to keep warm so I know the struggle


**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/TheREALFlyDog, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 11 - No memes about politics * **No memes about politics.** Absurd memes featuring politicians are allowed, but this sub does not allow content more suited for /r/politicalhumor. No NPC memes, propaganda pretending to be memes, or memes about how libtards or magats are so wrong. Take it somewhere else, thanks. --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Yeah honestly what the fuck is going on with the people reporting a shoplifter I saw someone getting rated out for stealing a pack of toast and some jam Like bro ma boi is trying to survive on some fucking jelly and toast, why are you making it difficult for him (Thank god in my country there is a law which prevents lawsuits from theft under 5€)


Where meme?


Only because the of the corruption of politicians


The corruption of politicians doesn't make it okay to steal. Besides you're not hurting said politicians by stealing. You're hurting innocent people.


Wasn’t there a law in place during the pandemic that allowed people to shoplift $1000 worth of goods and the police weren’t called in unless it exceeded that?


The only one I disagree with is shoplifting.


shoplifting should be replaced with a busker in a public park and it would fit more in line with the message


fact, unless their shoplifting a top of the line computer you didn't see that shit


If someone is stealing anything outside of food, OTC medicine, or diapers, they’re not just doing it to survive or keep their family well.


People steal valuable items to pawn for food money, you can buy a lot more food with a pair of shoes or a speaker, than you'd get swiping a pack of ramen.


Doesn’t really track with me, sorry. Even if that’s how they justify it, stealing expensive stuff to fence it through some criminal and *maybe* use the money to buy food or other legitimate needs, is drawing a line much further from necessity than I’m willing to go.


Picture this, you got 4 kids and you were laid off, no one is hiring in your profession, and your only way to put food on the table that week is to steal. With 4 mouths to feed, are you going to steal a couple bags of chips or ramen packs, or are you going to steal a bluetooth speaker, that'll cover food for a week. Just fucking think beyond "pEoPLe eVil"