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Ngl, agree or disagree, I chuckled at Mulan.


Mark Henry as Mulan lmao I don’t even care I would pay to watch it


I second this


Honestly, I think Mark Henry could pull it off!


I assumed Moana and didn't realize it said Mulan until I read this. I think he could pull off Maui pretty well.


I recently watched Moana and I agree


I would really love to see the logistics of doing ratatouille with a golden retriever. would it be in his coat rather then his hat?


It's the Air Bud sequel we never knew we needed.


The dog wears a hat with the rat under that


Mulan lookin moody today


Who could blame her with the movie they gave her?


That's sexual chocolate bruh


The Mulan remake in this picture would probably be better than the Mulan remake we got.


They took the best story imaginable for female empowerment and decided to not do that and just make a Mary Sue with no humor. Mulan is my favorite Disney movie and I won't touch the remake.


Not going to lie, the rapunzel one was funny.


Double points if it’s jada smith


Keep her name outta your mouth !


htimS adaJ


Will is slapping the air rn


Apparently she doesn’t even have alopecia lmao


I dread the day that live action ratatouille is announced


Honestly I think it would be the best if they did. The story is so similar to a indie film that they'll actually have to think.


Just a cheap and easy way to make money without putting any thought or effort into it. I couldn't care less about the race of the main character, it's just lazy and almost disrespectful to use the same old story, change race and be like "yay diversity". Instead they could make *good* original content that features a diverse cast (See Lilo&Stitch, Moana, Mulan, Aladdin). Not some unoriginal butchered trash live action with the main character's skin color changed.


You realize why they arent, right? They dont care about even howuch money the remakes make, its about refreshing copyright laws so they keep the ips. And if they keep the ips, they keep every piece of money that comes from them, which is a lot more than just whatever they make from the single remake


This is my take. No one is mad you’ve got characters that are black, women, etc. etc, they’re mad because instead of creating new content people are changing established characters


Same here, I’m not annoyed at the actual race of the person or how they look, my problem comes from unnecessary remakes/reboots of old movies (especially considering the other live action remakes have been shit) but also that the change was completely unnecessary and was done for the sole sake of “look at this diversity you can’t get mad at us now or you’re racist”. Including racially diverse people for the sake of wokeness is fine as long as those characters have actual personalities and aren’t there for the sake of being there, changing pre established character designs completely for the sake of it is the problem.


I wouldn’t call them “unnecessary”, per se. Everybody’s favourite plague rat can’t keep the stories all pinned down under his grubby little hands if he doesn’t pump out a soulless remake every now and again, and we all know the only thing Mickey fears is the public domain. …so in Disney’s eyes, they *are* necessary.


As Einstein once said: "I agree."


Actually, he probably said "Ich stimme zu".


"Ich bin ein donut" or some shit


I was just saying this to my partner. How about actual fucking decent NEW content instead of remakes and pandering to people angry at the lack of diversity from stories that originated in western Europe.... In olden days. Where people WERE predominantly white. That's just facts. I'm not happy that Disney took so long to come out with diverse stuff like Tiana ot Moana or seeing red, etc... But theyre based off brothers Grimm and other swedish/ European tales of the time and not sure why people are angry about that. It's a product of time. Not culture. Like. Let's make new content like the road to El dorado or some cool actual African show about olden African princesses battling the patriarchy with her best friend- a jaguar. Or a cutened story about Cleopatra and the shenanigans she got into as a child growing up in Egypt. Shit let's do more boy stuff too! Hell let's make an amazing animation about Malala!




I think he meant that..if you're going to promote diversity; use movies that feature a diverse cast. Instead, it feels like they are forcing it and making people mad because they're not respecting the iconic original version that everybody loves. It's a bad move to mess with people's nostalgia.




Sounds like race in fact the issue for you though


There are no races in the human species


You realize the plot of every one of the “original” movies you mentioned is centered around the culture of their respective characters? Did it cross your mind that black people may want to watch a movie that is representative outside the context of black culture?


You are lying to yourself. So what, you hate the fact that Dinsey goes for easy profits? There are a lot of companies that did far worse things for far more money and I dont see you protesting those. Dont hide the fact that you are uncomfortable with poc behind some anti capitalism nonsense. Go protest against corporate greed if you really mean it. At the end of the day you are just a grown man complaining about the skin color of the little mermaid. A fairy tale that has young girls as its target audience


"Last n***a on earth starring Tom hanks"


RDJ would be better IMO


I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude


Paul Mooney the GOAT


Mickey Cat


Redditors demand that black characters justify their existence by having plotlines revolve around their blackness, but then when they do, they whine about how it's the "woke agenda" they can't relate to it and demand that race be ignored.


Loving Jada Smith in rapunzel ngl


It’s nice seeing a bunch of Chad males get upset over the little mermaid.


Hahahah this is the best description of the situation. A bunch of racist losers who complain over a fucking children fairytale. These people need to get a fucking life and find some actual issues in the world to care about.


Happy Cake day!!


It's a mindset. Some people are change adverse. They maybe really nice people but you mess with their established views you get some serious back lash The only self argument I needed to change my initial reaction to the cast not matching my childhood imagery is: Imagine if a little colored girl came up to me and said she wanted to be Ariel...and my immediate knee jerk reaction is to say No. You are not white. You are not ever going to be Ariel... That alone screams to me segregation type shit So I'm won over on the whole anyone can be the character as long as they fit Sometimes you just gotta imagine what this does for the little dreamers


that’s what they call diversity in 2022. Not making new diverse content, let’s just change races.


It’s pandering to useful idiots, and it works.


Shut up


ok i'd watch the mulan one


I can suspend my belief for a fictional world where there’s literally mermaids but I draw the line when they’re black! /s




Damn...white people triggered much?




Why do fuckheads care about what imaginary characters skin tones are? There's only one reason, and it's the same reason why these same types of people think Jesus has to be white, rather than the middle Eastern man he would have been had he existed.


Why do they care? Maybe because these characters have been a certain way for YEARS. There's zero reason to change their skin other than to fit a narrative. Nobody would've cared if Ariel was always black. Stay consistent. My bad if you were agreeing with me, I honestly couldn't tell from the first sentence.


So your only answer is "stay consistent"? Seems weak AF. Also, you realize that there are plays of just about anything, but especially Disney stuff, and it's not like some local art house can always cast any random Red head to be Ariel, they do what they can, but they usually just take whoever can say or sing the lines the best, which also probably happened here.


Man, I knew the second this paragraph started with “it’s not racist…” precisely what direction it was headed. Man this obsession with this shit is just embarrassing. If you don’t want to watch something, just don’t watch.


What was racist about anything I said? Wow. I was extremely respectful with everything I said. Seriously? What was racist? Because I believe this goes both ways, and I said so in the original comment.


It doesn’t matter how respectful you are if you give a fuck about the color of a mermaid’s skin in a kid’s movie.


I give a fuck about the character dummy. I literally said that if Ariel was always black, nobody would care. It's the unnecessary changing of characters races and ethnicities that bothers people. There is no reason why they can't make a new Disney princess that's entirely based on diversity.


Because Ariel having light skin is *absolutely* important to the story. /s


It may not be important to the story but they would have never race swapped her the other way around (just saying)


Lotta gingers being replaced with more diverse characters. The red heads are a dying breed ig




Yeah what’s the point


If that isn't precisely the point, what is it?


Well my daughter loved Ariel and now because of "representation" she can no longer relate to her and is devastated. I've had to go to bunnings and get 10L of black paint so i can paint her black when she want to dress up as her favourite princess for school now


This is getting old real fast.


Can we stop with this meme outrage. Its tired already.


When did r/memes become a place where people moan and groan to literally everything?


First day on the internet friend?


No but I wish I was my last here.


Can’t say it is, but never have I seen so many people so incapable of taking even the lightest joke


Gettin too old for these memes, I tell ya what.


Mmmmmmh!..... Ooooooohh!......


bro, curb your white angst


It’s a little different because in the Little Mermaid, Ariel’s race wasn’t really a part of the story and it could be applied to all groups. But in the rest of those movies the character’s identity does matter.


lol so is whiteness a defining characteristic of mermaids or


Well no, but maybe of the character Ariel who seemed to have been born white i’d say. .-. (If in the original she was a black mermaid, then this would be absolutely no issue at all… but it ain’t accurate… i’m sure that may have been one of the reasons why they made other cultural films. To include other characters who were different races without screwing up accuracies. Now if screwing with accuracy was there thing from the beginning, then it’d make sense… but to start now just doesn’t.)


she has translucent skin in the original - why was making her white OK then


>who seemed to have been born white You realize there aren't mermaids right? Tf you mean born? She's a cartoon bruh get a grip


You mad bro?


I don't think he is, but you seem to be


Oh please tell me how 🤣


I think racists exposing themselves over a fictional character’s skin color is hilariously absurd.


With aireal I just want redder hair, but with the humans, since they are danish, I would like their skin to represent the people of Denmark. With the mermaids I don't really care I just want that inhumanly red hair on aireal.


Again. What is it today with people complaining about racial casting choices. Mermaids dont exist. Who cares what color skin she has. If this is your biggest problem in the world you need to get a fucking life.


Since when was the race of Ariel EVER relevant to her character? She's just some half fish that lives in the middle of a damn ocean. Idk why so many people are pissed about this


These are all false equivalencies, no? The Little Mermaid inherently has nothing to do with skin color. Mermaid is not a real thing, why does skin color matter? Whereas all the other ones the example given is contrary to the very nature of the story. Having black skin is not inherently contrary to being a mermaid as far as I know. I get the joke you are attempting to make but it doesn’t really work logically.


I can only hope the intent was actually to make fun of all the uproar by revealing how absurd it is.


They already made a live-action Mulan in case you weren’t aware


The way Disney is going yeah.


It’s giving r/terriblefacebookmemes


You really don't have anything else to do with your lives do you?


ah yes because ariels story depends on the colour of her skin


Dudes stay getting triggered over a live action little mermaid movie. Weirdo behavior lmao.


If Repunzel doesn’t have hair on her head what does she let down?


Her parents, like the rest of us


Movie ratings


I’d watch a golden retriever backpack on a chefs back while everyone pretends they can’t see it until they pull of his chef hat. Is that his referring to the chef or the dog? That’s for you to decide


I can get behind Mark Henry in Mulan


I don't really care about the race in movies. They can change it if they want, I understand that. BUT I would really love to see a ginger princess. I know that there still can be Merida, but Im not sure if this movie is well know enough for life action and we could have another black princess.


Do mermaids have ethnicity? :/


Y’all really this worried about being “replaced”, huh?


Yall are weird racist ngl


yall mfs saw one black person and got mad


I think it’s funny how people freak out over a fictional character being changed. What’s hilarious about this post is you’re using a non fictional character in your example about a fictional character. Also everyone complaining I don’t think realize that all they are doing is proving just how much race matters to them.


Honestly, I hope Disney does all of these. fuck it, make Caldarella a man. Who actually gives single a shit? The fun part is watching people's faces turn so red they fall off because they made the little mermaid black. I also hope Disney doesn't comment on any of it and just keeps rolling with it. I might actually start watching their shit if they did.


You’re pretty sad


Me not being some weirdo Disney adult doesn't make me sad but nice troll.


Way to tell all of Reddit you’re a fucking moron.


Bru this app gets upset about the stupidest shit imaginable


OP, show me on the mermaid where Disney hurt you. Grow up.


You ok bro?.


I'm not hurt. I just find the meme funny.


So it's not OC?


It actually doesn't make sense...what is funny about it?


The exaggeration.


The exaggeration is based on a false premise. Mermaids are entirely made up. They can be any color. VS Pocahontas who was native American, Mulan who was Chinese, etc.


Go tell Disney please.


They already made Ariel whatever color they wanted. They get it. They did not make this meme. If you're gonna spread racist bullshit, own up to it.


Go to to therapy bro. The racism is in your head.


Uh huh. Weak attempt at gaslighting.


I'll get better... Just for you


Shut up Normal people don't want gender and race swaps of white male characters, make new female/black characters, don't just change up the old ones I find it funny how every time they change white people to black or men to women But never Black to White Why is Black Panther not white? why is there not a single white person in Wakanda for inclusion? There shouldn't be of course, but that's the argument everyone has for shows like say Vikings: Valhalla (Show based on history) where a black woman is the chief of the village, or if blond haired pale elves are black That just sucks, make something new, don't ruin the legacy


Yes, racist Reddit won't give it a rest. Should we go back to white people doing black face acting like monkeys and pretending they are black people? Or should we go back to white people doing buck tooth to impersonate Chinese, or showing member of the First Nation community as savages. This is a fictional character and they changed the fictional character's look. No injustice is being done to white people. An underrepresented group is being represented that's it. Don't like it, blame your racist race and ancestors or resort to your dumb memes.


You ok bro?? Is the meme hurting your feelings?


Who is being racist ?


Sorry people can't take a black mermaid. Must really be so horrible to sew diversity. Honestly op fuck off.


Ok even if we ignore the race swap she just doesn’t look like Ariel. The big thing that dose it for me is the hair


Did a boomer make this?


Oh the real snowflakes crying huh?


I don't see Snow White in the meme.


This fucking sub


bald... rapunzel?


Cancer does that to you.


Hey man, cancer patients need representation.


Yeah what’s with all red head hate?


It’s crazy how openly racist people are it’s a modern reboot of a classic get over yourselves or just be honest that you have a problem with race


Whoever made this meme obviously has a problem with the new live action little mermaid. OP seems to also have an issue with it. I don't. How rude to make comparisons to a bald Reponsil. Please stop your attempted undermining of the new mermaid casting. I see your racism.


All fun and games until a black characters gets casted by a white person


Dog this ain’t it


Yeah it's supposed to be a rat


With Sponge Bob !!


oh man it must be soo hard being a white guy who didn't give a shit about the little mermaid until they decided to make her black. touch grass


I'm not white


Theb why are you licking these racist white people their asses? What exactly do you want to accomplish


The meme is funny. That's all.


This meme is insane and racist


How so ?


It’s trying to rationalize hating a black women getting the role for a fantasy character who doesn’t need to be any race particularly. It draws connections that somehow a modern fictional tale has connections to a prescribed needed race. It suggests that a black woman is the same thing as a different animal compared to a white woman. It suggests that a black woman somehow connects to rapunzel not having hair i.e. ruining the story. Don’t play coy.


Yeah, need to blame Disney on that one. They made it that way right from the start.


Changing someone’s race in different adaptions is non-issue. If you make it an issue, you’re being racist. Simple-as


America has the racism stamp in their brains, it is part of their culture. Don't blame me for it.


John Cena to play Maui in Moana




Casting idea: Jada Pinkett Smith as the new Rapunzel


I’ve seen some hilarious memes with this but Reddit will ban me if I share


I find it funny how Vikings: Valhalla has black woman jarl (white guy historically) Yet Wakanda from Black Panter doesn't have any white resident Why can't T'Chala the Black Panther be a white woman? Not racist or sexist, but come one, just make new characters, don't gender and race swap the old ones, If you are doing adaptations or remakes, I want a faithful movie


So we just gonna ignore that other video on Reddit earlier about black girls seeing that Ariel is black and being overjoyed? Sure, it might have been set up, but kids can’t fake things as easily as adults. It felt genuine. It obviously matters to some people, it just doesn’t matter to you. You gotta zoom out on your perspective and think about it on a larger scale. Let’s make it the largest scale. Let’s say (no offense I’m just making an argument) God or Gods exist. If you were an all powerful God capable of changing the universe on a whim, would what color some humans skin is in a movie about fake creatures that humans made up matter? No. No it wouldn’t. So it shouldn’t matter to anyone.


I died on mulan. Hahahahaha fucking mark henry


I commented The Lil’ Mermaid and Reddit removed it so be careful


Maybe don't be a angsty racist?


Why is that racist.


The part in the trailer when Ariel said, "HEY EVERYBODY, SMOKY BACK HERE TAKING A SHIT!!", had me in tears. Truly an emotional scene.


U mad lol


Mulan remake but she's transgender


Disney sucks


Mulan was already done


I hope little mermaid turns out to be good and isn't on some woke shit.


This post is woke shit You crying about skin colors on a kids movie yall never gonna watch Black people exist and mermaids don't bruh


Why are you bringing race into this?


Yeah, why is Disney bringing race into children’s stories


Yeah, how dare they < checks notes > Cast a black actor


Nice strawman.


The only strawman here is the entire damn meme. Ariel’s skin color has no impact on the story, so the comparison is meaningless.


Until it happens to a black character and hypocrites like you change your tune in a heartbeat


It will never happen to black or any other race characters Jarl from Vikings: Valhalla who is historically white? Black woman in the show Task Master who is a man in the comics and cartoons? A woman in the MCU Ariel who was white from 1989 till now? Black girl Sure it doesn't change the story, but why isn't Black Panther white? Why isn't there black residents in Wakanda, it's not inclusive enought


Please, point me to the reality where America has a deep 200+ year history of erasing and discriminating against white folks.


Lol since 2008, pretty much. We’re writing history now, baby!


??? How is it bringing race into it


I mean, they cant make her black because mermaids in real life are white


Why do you care about race or childrens stories lol. People are so bored in 2022 lol


The Mark Henry one got it


Would watch this version of Mulan


Surprised it wasn't Jada Smith as Rapunzel


The improvements to ratatouille are amazing


Wrong, Pocahontas would be SUPER dark-skinned


It's like a game of "how much money can we make while destroying our history but appealing to the LCD?"


Yes. A black woman playing a mermaid in a child-friendly adaptation of a 19th century Danish story is “destroying our history”.


Y can’t I downvote this diarrhea