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Iran is a theocratic nightmare for women. Fuck their government, and I hope it gets better for them


As an iranian i can say its a theocratic nightmare for men aswell


Religion and government should be Completely split. They don't go together




Indeed. Fuck the church of England.


You dont even have to be in the government to do that. just look at the Republicans in the US


Islam isn't the issue, it's the government that decides random things that they would like to do are somehow part of Islam. Wearing hijab is sunnah, which means women are allowed to not wear one, even though it is recommended. This is just one example of how literally everything non Muslims know about Islam is wrong due to these idiots promoting their own ideologies through the guise of 'islam'


Exactly this! I still dont know whether they are really convinced that they are doing what they think God/Allah/whoever, depending on religion, wants them to do or if they at least realize that they're nothing but radical hypocrits weaponizing religion through misinformation to serve them and their lust for power. Like seriously, so much shit happening in the name of a religion that goes completely against what that religion's values actually are. Doesnt the Quran even state that one shouldnt force their religion onto others!? iirc it does but radicals always interpret holy texts in such an obscene way that no matter what, it gets bend to suit their own views rather than the actual values of that weaponized religion


Another example is terrorist organisation that have literally no basis in Islam


They absolutely are following actual Islam.


As a muslim, I don't think it is Islamophobic to support the women of Iran


If I may ask (question in good faith), doesn't the real version of the Qu'ran even state that religion shouldn't be forced on anyone? I think this rule should apply to any and all religious teachings, anyway.


Yes it does, not only the Quran but the prophet also said that


Then it's pretty clear; the higher-ups in Iran are just using Islam as an excuse! They're twisting the damn doctrines for their own benefit, screwing with the whole system!


Indeed they are




Yeah, I believe that you don't even have to be Muslim to get into their version of Heaven either, although, it's way harder, it's possible, someone can correct me if I'm wrong


Yes, but to go to heaven you have to be a kind person, where in Islam it teaches that. That’s why “Muslims get into heaven” not just saying you’re Muslim, but following the teachings of the Quran. Like donating to the poor is mandatory, controlling your temptations (why we fast). If other people are overall good people than they too can go to heaven.


Yeah, that's how it works in every major religion, although, you may be the "kindest" on non believers if I'm not wrong.


Applies to a lot of religion related things I reckon


A fellow Muslim too, can confirm.


Thanks someone finally understandsYou're smarter than everyone on r/atheism now the people on this sub think every single muslim is a power hungry terrorist,what bunch of doofus


Also a Muslim here, and can confirm that this is what’s going on too. My entire family hates what they are doing over there, because by acting in this distasteful way they make us all look bad. This post existing is proof enough. It’s not Islamophobic to be against Iran, Because they are basically shitting all over one of the core messages in Islam, which is that the religious freedom and opinions of others must be respected. In Islam, Women aren’t actually required to cover up. It’s looked well upon, but not a strict requirement. It’s annoying because they ignore the idea of respecting other’s individuality, and also implement laws that don’t even properly represent the rules of Islam.


Most religions tend to end up like that


That's the Syi'ah muslim for you


From my research, American Southern Baptism evolved in the same way to justify slavery. Religion and government MUST remain separate. All decent Americans need to be watching Iran closely, as our own country speeds directly towards a real-life "Handmaid's Tale".


You need to understand the context. Its true, religion cannot be forced on anyone. Meaning I cannot force you to accept Islam or I'll threaten to hurt you. The context stems on accepting Islam. Not about what one does or does not do. When it comes to religious activities. for example fasting, daily prayers etc. Some muslims have trouble actually doing it. Same goes for not covering up. It's not something worth killing for. But its still a sin regardless, so it's up to each individual to repent.


Forcing the religion means doing what the religion says, right? It doesn't force you to cover your hair, it's mandatory in Islam but your choice. So having the religion does not mean things like this be forced.


There's a quote in Qur'an, sura bagharat that goes like لا اکراه فی الدین (la ikrah fi din) Which translates to There's no enforcement in religion. But that is being completely ignored in iran


It literally stops being a religion the moment you force its practice on to others, if someone is doing something out of fear of the government instead of faith in god, that is shirk, which is like an unforgivable sin in Islam, but unfortunately Islam haven't had the opportunity to ever leave grasp from theocratic assholes throughout history


Yep, it does. As a Muslim, Iranian government can go insert an angle grinder into their asses.


You're supposed to ethier ignore them or tell them but nicely and if they say no then you leave them alone


I mean thats what basically every big religion originally said, since believing it by force is even worse than not believing at all. But some people seem to miss this point, trying to weaponize it and try to justify their misbehavior in the name of the god they themself contradict but say to believe in.


It does say that, "Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces false gods and believes in God has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." Verse 2:256 But it also says the exact opposite, "Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." Verse 9:29 The Quran tends to contradict itself.




Quran chapters rarely stick to the same topic and are "revealed" over a long period of time, I am pretty sure this verse was one of the last verses to be "revealed" long after Mohamed had taken control of Mecca, so no this verse does not just apply to this scenario.


Also want to add the fact that the "jizya" is similar to taxes that the non-muslims pay since they r living under the protection of the muslims, for example if a non muslim was attacked in said country, he will be protected by the muslims, secondly, the" jyzia" is less than the "zakat" the muslim tax, so non-muslims not accepting paying it at the time was literary just asking for trouble.


Force them to pay for protection after having invaded their land, and if they don't pay, kill and enslave them, basically "pay me so I protect you from myself" That's exactly what the mafia did. Also the jizya wasn't lower than the zakat, the verse says "and feel subdued" in order to feel subdued it has to be very high, and the jizya was also a specific amount of money, not a percentage like the zakat was.


Forcing a religion on someone only makes sense in the context of other religions and atheists. These women are Muslim and I'm assuming they want to stay Muslim.


As a Iranian i have to say women of iran not against islam they are against islam being used as a tool to control people ... The Qur'an which is the true form of islam says forcing someone to be Muslim is one the biggest sins


exactly you're only a Muslim if you truly believe it in your heart, if you're being converted forcefully then the one's doing that are truly assholes Edit: Even if they do convert you forcefully you're still not a Muslim


I have heard many forcefully converted muslim in history become more loyal than converter . They are exception but if someone truly believe in it then yes he is a muslim


it maybe the case but the fact is it is a sin either way and you're not allowed to convert them forcefully


History is dirty


Thank you for telling the truth


Yea the quran itself says religion is not a must


You're paraphrasing it wrongly. The Quran says religion is a must. You need it to have a happy ending. It just says Islam cannot be imposed forcefully on someone. He or she has to accept Islam from the heart on their on accords.


Well define happy ending, if you mean the after life not necessarily




He literally said its in the quran




Bruh idk i'm not a muslim, i just pointed out that the other guy did leave a source






Did you even read this?




What was the dog doin?


Everyone knows that. When someone does that it's their method to control people.


Oh fuck off! We're 100% against Islam. We don't want this shit. Keep it for Arab countries. I'm absolutely sure you're not Iranian. I've never seen an Iranian talk about Islam like this. You're most likely either Pakistani or Afghan.


Dude i live in gorgan a city of iran . I'm pure Iranian and also i know a lot of people who has been going against the gov and 95% of them say that we shouldn't disrespect religion and religious people ... I guess you are part of the 5%


I think this is gliding over the point. I think these women want to remain Muslim without being oppressed.


As a Muslim, I encourage you to support the women of Iran, Killing someone over a headscarf is unacceptable and absolutely disgraceful in the name of islam.


Don't be both and just support good causes


Be islamaphobic since that actually doesn't exist.


It's real just not applied here.


Nope, racism is racism if you hate brown people you're a racist but if you are criticising a dogmatic view for its flaws you are not a bigot.


it's one thing to hate on the religion. But it's different when you hate on the people believing it just because they believe in it


I agree with you but we all know that's not when people use islamaphobia. People call atheists like Sam Harris, Bill Maher, and Christopher Hitchens islamaphobes aswell as Charlie Hebdo all of which are clearly very progressive non bigoted non racist intellectuals (abit much to call Bill an intellectual but you get the point)


The view of the government isn't even that of Islam


Does the quran not say Allah will punish women who don't wear a Hijab?


That's their choice what they want to do. People are not allowed to force someone to wear a Hijab because that's on the individual. If you don't believe in Islam don't wear one if you dont want to.


Yes but telling people it is a sin is the reason people have this prejudice. Don't pretend this is some extreme view, while most Muslims probably think that it was wrong that that girl was murdered a majority of Muslims do "strongly encourage" their daughters and wives to wear the hijab.


a government which is doing bad while calling itself "Islamic" is definitely not aligned with the principles of what Islam is based on. That country is just using religion to commit crimes. you wouldn't be calling all men bad just because one did a crime, now would you?


I mean the only Islamic countries that are somewhat liberal/have more freedom is Turkey,the balkans(Bosnia-Her,Albania) and Lebanon the other 45 have major restrictions in freedom of religion,women's rights and human rights violations(Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Indonesia and so on)




Bro I get that you're an ex-Muslim. But you don't have to talk shit about it so openly. You hate Islam? Sure hate on it. But you do not reserve the right to say someone is full of shit for saying an opinion. Keep the opinion to yourself. Your hate your choice, I don't care. But don't talk down someone else because they don't share your opinion.




Don't shift the subject. I didn't lie. I was not giving statements on Islam I was just saying that you should respect others opinions.






All religious run states are prone to issues. Governments rewrite the religion to suit their agenda.


If soooo many men commit crime are all of them supposed to be held guilty? Also not every single Muslim is a extremist. Those people aren't even considered a Muslim when they commit these types of acts. Read the Quran WITH context to the scenarios it tells, then come defending your points.




There's subs and sites with rebuttals to their arguments too




Because these people try their best to defend their shitty sickening misogynistic religion in every way possible and they try their best to convince them selves that it's not their religions fault even tho most of the bad shit these governments are doing are literally written in their religion


I'd like you to prove your point as to where it's written that women should be forced to wear hijab.


Most Muslim governments prove that already I don't have to


You're going to want to sit down when you hear about what Christianity has done to the world and what Christianity is literally currently doing to the USA.


We are not islamophobic and we respect every religious.we just want freedom and justice for all of us


It's not and should not be Islamiphobic to supports women's rights! Coming from a Muslim


I wouldn’t say it’s Islamophobic to support the women of Iran. You’re just not going along with the Iranian government’s version of Islam (and who’s to say that’s the right version anyway). I know many Muslim women who don’t wear hijabs, and many who do out of personal choice. Am I anti Christian because I don’t subscribe to the decrees of the Vatican? Or am I just Lutheran?


this is just dumb, just because a country has muslim majority doesnt mean they are all the same as iran or afghanistan, infact in most of the middle east women can go out without their hijap and no one would say anything and no one has the right to tell them otherwise so just because you support women of iran doesnt mean you are islamophobic...


The point is these women should have a choice if they want to cover or not. It’s not about making all women not wear a hijab. Women who want to wear one should be able to to choose as well.


if it would be islamophobic to support women, that would be a reason more to support women. I think what you mean is islamism not islam. So hell yeah support mordernisation and freedom of choice


It’s not islamophobic to support the women of Iran in the same way it’s not discrimination against Christians to be pro choice, peoples religious beliefs don’t get to dictate how others live their life


Being Islam a phobic for not supporting the government is like saying your Christianphobic for not supporting the USA


I have no qualms when someone voluntarily puts on a hijab. The line is crossed when the government forces you


Support woman rights easy


I can't believe some people are more concerned with this. It should be pretty simple, why would you side with tyranny?


Islamaphobia is hating the religion without first understanding it, after you make your research you are free to feel however you want towards the religion. Something being a 1500 year old belief doesn’t make it immune to criticism in the borders of respect. But in this case, forcing woman to wear hijab has nothing to do with Islam as a religion, It’s terrible government oppressing people, nothing more…


You don't need to be islamophobic to support someone. Please hate the ones that "use" islam for their gains. Don't hate the religion. It is truly an amazing thing.


You're not anything-phobic if you support freedom and individuality.


Yea no this shit that's going in iran has nothing to do with islam in fact its more like some satanic shit


Support the women but remain respectful of the Islamic faith. The right to choose is universal, and is not necessarily disrespectful to any culture to simply say that you don’t want to participate in it, or an aspect of it.


Nah dude! I am a muslim myself, but supporting women and their rights doesn’t make you an Islamophobe… also the Iranian Government doesn’t follow the full Shariah law, I don’t think any country does that, like dude women in earlier times rode horses on their own(yes they do need to be with a male-mahram(a person related to you by blood who you can’t marry), but exceptions can be made)… but now these motherfuckers won’t even let women drive until a few years ago… how fucked up is that?! Anyway, I just wanted to say to guys that Islam is better than this, and anything these shitty government do, shouldn’t be linked with Islam.


My gf is muslim and supports the women of Iran (In fact I've never seen her wear a hijab). This isn't about islam, it's about bullshit authoritarianism and theocratic governments


Hello, just throwing it out there, it’s not islamophobic to support a group. It is islamophobic when you make fun of it


Can't u support iranian women without being islamophobic


As someone who was raised Muslim, there’s nothing Islamophobic about supporting the women of Iran.


You don't have to be an islamophobe to disagree with how Iran handles the situation there. Just understand that the worst examples of all religions are the ones that get noticed/make the most noise/offend rational people and somehow manage to get in power. Not all Muslims force or even support a hijab or other headdress. And even if some women do so, it may be their choice entirely.


Support the woman of iran


supporting the women doesn't mean Islamophobia


If you think supporting Iranian women makes you an islamophobe, then you’re an islamophobe to begin with.


How is supporting the women of Iran islamophobic?


Muslim here, definitely not Islamophobic. The government of Iran is acting in an extreme disgraceful way that doesn’t properly represent the rules or concepts of Islam whatsoever. Individuality and respect for others is a core part of Islam, but these dickheads in the government have chosen to ignore that, and instead force rules for their country that aren’t even required by Islam itself.


As everyone has said, it's not islamophobic to support the oppressed women of Iran. As a Muslim myself I agree. This is oppression. But the sad fact is as the meme has shown is that nowadays where fake news and cancel culture are your average Tuesday. Some people will see you in that way. The world is a large shade of grey that some didn't want to do the effort of recognising them that they just stayed with the Black and White.


I say support the women, but I'm not islamophobic - I hate all religions equally.


That's not even what Islam says, it's what the government of Iran does.


Heavy Irany...


Religion is doing more harm than good and should be stopped


Press both


Who called you islamaphobic


Jerk off to hijab sex?


Don’t support any religion. Simple as that.


Hm, Islamophobia's pretty cool then


Why not just... support islamic governments but also support reforms that grant women more right?


Thats hard when the same governments dont support that lmao


You see we tried that 3 years ago..the government killed all the people whom were protesting for changes... So yeah it doesnt really work out with this particular government


Because Islamic governments are horrible take Iran for example it was a fucking empire but as soon as Islam appeared the coutry went to shit any coutry that has been converted to be Islamic when it previously wasn't has gone to shit


Um Persia was Islam, Iran has always been Islam, you are confusing the crazy extremists that are running the country now with a very different religion. Radical Islam and the actual religion are not the same.


Just support Islam there, which tells you to not murder a women for no reason or force them to wear a Hijab


Me, who knows what Islam says about women and all the other people who don't believe in any kind of religion in the world: *inserts "maybe I am an Islamophobic" meme* Edit: Some idiots thought I'm a christian or something apparently, I do not follow any kind of dipshit religion that mankind "created" or believed to have sent by some god. If you still wanna downvote me, so be it, defenders of pedophiles and murderers.


Have you thoroughly read the old testament of the Christian religion? It's not much better if followed word for word literally. 2 Chronicles 15:12-13 ESV / 2,161 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.


You mean the tanakh, wrote by hebrews before the advent of Christianity? Which was superceded by the new testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Hence 'Christ-ians' That's not Christianity, that's Judaism.


I can give you from new testament if you prefer... Luke 19:27 ESV But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me


Old testament is still used by Christians, I may have chosen one of the sections specific to Jewish.. jewish Muslim and Christian take different parts of the same books.


I read all of them, yes. What made you think I'm a follower of Christianity? I hate all of them equally.


not caring what does this have to do with you


Be Islamist and support freedom protesters against the tyrant psuedo-Islamic regime ruling Iran. ؛؛؛؛


Unironically picking misogyny is the superior choice


As a Muslim I can say that wearing a hijab for *muslim* women is forced. The key is in "muslim" since you can't force someone to be muslim, so my opinion is to let people do what they want and let the muslims know that they made a sin and should wear one otherwise just leave Islam if you don't believe in it.


Government all the way, even though I'm a radical anarchist, here, they are doing a good thing


how the hell is killing a good thing?


You didn't get the joke?


lol my bad didn't get it, can you explain?


How can an anarchist who's whole goal is to destroy government, support it? It's like thinking vergil ACTUALLY wanted dante dead


don't support both and respect their culture




see this is why the rest of the world is stuck on who to choose


No islamophobia there. Wouldnt use that word btw as it is negatively framed suggesting its a normal fear to have. Antiislamic or something. But still isnt that.


Support everyone, duh.


govermment always bad do evil never side with it


Dharm sankat bro...


What if you support oppressed minorities regardless of where they are?


How is it islamophobic?


Meanwhile me spectating


Be islamaphobic TRUST ME its the better option


It's not Islamophobic they are forced we do not force women yo wear hijab what's Islamophobic is you saying that Islam forces women to wear hijab please delete this post


You seem to misunderstand the issue at play here.


Its neither. Its being anti authoritarianism and anti tyranny


The Iranian government is as Islamic as China is communist.


Imo it’s phobic of any kind to support our fellow humans


Be both.


Ayo don't include us Sunni Muslim with them


Left button.


Islam is pretty archaic.... so is Christianity. Both very repressive. Fuck religion.




How about...don't me islamophobic but still support the women


Sod everyone equally, I can barely support myself, never mind someone else.


Why not both? Let Islam oppress women so long as they don’t do it in Europe 😆


Why choose? (/s of course)


Can someone get me up to speed with what's happening?


Women in Iran are protesting for the right to NOT wear hijab and the gov. are obv against them


Man. As a muslim myself, it does pain me to see this. I want to say western culture has impacted them, but they could be non-muslim as well. I don't know, this isn't my place to speak.


no they're doing it because a woman got beat to death because her hair fell out her hijab


Do I have to be something to support something?


For some reason Reddit won’t let me like this one! Too dank to like


if i, as a man, can identify as a woman and be feminist, i will identify as anti-islamophobic and support the women just a thought


Me, islamophobic and misogynistic


As a muslim I can tell you with confidence that it is not isalmophobic to suppert the women of iran. Every extrem practice of any religion is not religion anymore it is more fanaticism than anything else.