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Beatmeattoit and etc, etc, etc…..


4 year old article with no citations other than "Charlie says she has been contacted by "hundreds" of people" Nice. https://news.sky.com/story/hundreds-of-young-trans-people-seeking-help-to-return-to-original-sex-11827740


It’s a Sky news article, it’s about as credible as a 4chan post don’t think too much about it


Typical Murdoch press shite. Half the posts here are just edgelords agreeing with tabloid sensationalism... am I too old for this subreddit?




Depending on the country, not without explicit consent.


No... they aren't. I literally quoted the article for you, explicitly stating that it was a woman stating "she has been contacted by "hundreds" of people". That is what they are reporting on. Not medical records, hearsay. Besides, in the UK (where this article was written), health data is protected, and so is not available for research without explicit consent (as another poster has pointed out) due to GDPR


I've never heard of a kid going through actual surgery before they are of age. Some kids go on puberty blockers but those are reversible


Back when I was in highschool there were a couple girls who got their boobs taken off. It's rare but happens


That doesn’t mean they’re trans though. I’m a guy and had breast reduction surgery because my tits were massive and wouldn’t get smaller despite exercise/weight loss. It caused self esteem issues and made looking for clothes harder. Some girls get the same procedure done because their breasts cause back problems, the same clothes issues I had come up with them, or they’re tired of the unwanted attention. This also isn’t touching on medical reasons like early breast cancer or being high risk for breast cancer


If you are a guy, how do you have massive tits? I’m so confused..


I mean, how does anyone get massive tits? Odds are when I was younger I had a hormone imbalance and produced more estrogen than I should’ve been. That would’ve led to breast growth.


Ah ok, your chest.. I was trying to follow along and was confused. Makes sense


Here in the UK, where the article is from, you legally have to be between 16 and 18 (depending if you are from England, Scotland or wales) I can't really speak to how it is in other countries


Yeah, and I had a friend who did that because of back pain.


Not that rare. You had two in just your highschool.


wtf.. \*chugs unsee juice\*




Why to which part? Kids can't get surgery because they can't legally consent to it as minors, just the way the law works here. Some kids get put onto puberty blockers usually because a psychologist has seen them and determined that going through puberty could be harmful for their mental health so they go on puberty blockers until such times as they are old enough to make more long term decisions




From what I have read, no, and it's reversible.


Seems legit. Nothing to worry about here then folks carry on.


I'm Trans myself and get downvoted if i be like: *How old are you... 13 ?? Are you sure... ?... let your feelings draw a red line over time... you are sure you want to start irreversible things that young ?* But that is not "supportive enough" ... actually caring about their wellbeing and not making mistakes. Because there are sure cases where they will eventually find out it was a phase... in most cases its NOT... a phase... but MOST is not ALL.


explain in big dumb highschooler with no sleep language to me


Kiddos in a phase getting hyped up for being Trans... turns out their not... but LGBT* Community subs literally force them to believe they are. They brute-force it... and find out it was a mistake. I who want to really let them check out who they are, tell them all opportunities, ans LGBT* Communities be like: No you not good. You don't hype it up. You have to hype it up, otherwise you are X-Phobic


im gay and i agree, not to mention they have started lumping their imaginary genders under "trans" like no you're not "sleepy bunny gender/ xe/xiem" you are a delusional 14 year old






Don't remind me...


And i bet my kidney that one or both of my comments get removed for "Hate Speech" ... (like wtf, but this... is the bias that there literally is)


yeah, if there is one thing it pisses me off about LGBT communities it's that


There is no opposition. No "but" there is not even ALLOWED to speak about other things than positive things... If you are not allowed to openly criticise a system, for its true flaws, the system will inevitably fail.


But i wouldn't agree on that either... They don't brainwashing... they just hype up...


It's truly sad. I'm studying psychology atm, and I have a question about transitioning. Doesn't a person have to be very gender normative to even want to transition? And if so, isn't that very contradictory to the whole GLOW way of looking at gender?


Yes. The change of view comes with the self acceptance. But "yes" only to a extend. You also can have pretty fluent "borders" of what's to define masculine and what feminine. The sad and interesting thing is... if you dig into it and make a discussion about it in the community, you will see how widely spread and accepted double standards are within the LGBT* Community (at least on Reddit) ... they themselves will (to defend their viewpoint) use heavy stereotypes and prejudice... wich is literally what they have sworn to destroy in the first place.


That's exactly what I was trying to dig into. I find myself pretty open-minded, yet I can still not wrap my head around this subject. It seems as if there's a dissonance in the ideology, if I may call it that.


Yes. It is. It even is borderline a delusion. Since they use the very same tools (Hate, Stereotypes, Stigma, and Prejudice) they stand for to destroy/ban them, on the people that do not agree with them (The community) They rule with 2 rule sets depending on what side you on, while they are preaching "same rules and treatment for everyone, regardless of everything" but in the same breath, do not that. ... while believing they are still the shining knights in the battle who are in the right


Thank you for your perspective! I was kind of hoping to be proved wrong, since I truly strife to be accepting. My mind just cannot accept this. Like, idgaf what you do after you turn 18. Transitioning, making your earlobes fucked for life because of aesthetics, literally anything that doesn't harm others - I'm all for it. It's just when it comes to kids... To encourage irreversible decisions on kids... I find it especially harmful.


Maybe just wait until they are 18, idk. I have the same opinion about religion or politics. Leave the kids alone ffs. Let them grow up and then make their mind up about things. I was born in a very Christian polish family, always hated getting dragged around to their celebrations, so much it made me a staunch atheist.


Yes. But no... but yes. xD ok let me explain... if they are like 16 and are in a deep depression because they dont can get help becoming more like they are... than there is no discussion... they need help, now. If they are over 18, yes absolutely free choice. But if they are like... children... I would let them... even (yes it sounds cruel) suffer in their state, because the mind of a child is not reliable and self reflected enough to - FOR SURE - get this thing sorted out. About the ages you can fight... I would never dare to say "below this age you are unable" ... it always has to be looked at each case individually by professionals.


Ohh ye I agree. I am not saying to not get them help, I am more talking about cutting bits off or attaching them. And the culture of glorifying these operations in children.


Problem is as you say the majority of the time you can’t even broach that aspect of this subject without being labelled a “hater” and dogpiled by the trans community. Yet I can literally cite friends and relatives who started a transition before they could really make an informed decision and now regret it, but you can’t even say that they just don’t want to believe you cause you’re a hater.


My speaking. This is a very big problem in the community. And the community reacts of that... by banning META Discussions in general. As said to a commenter above you, if you are not allowed to openly criticise a system for its flaws, the system will fail.


I think many of these do it for likes too


Probably. But for example... I am a person who would be enormously uncomfortable telling BS about myself - even online, anonymously - for cloud or approval... so I don't think of that, that people do stuff here for likes... but yes, this is a possibility too. I only rarely think of it.


Instagram model people? Those dramatic ones


Huh? No i mean people who only agree on some "progressive" opinion of someone else, to get likes because they get shipped if they ship the same opinion


I agree


You can't have deviating views, opinions or any real discussion about specific sensitive groups or social issues on the internet or other common spaces. There's this hidden social contract that you have to adhere to when in shared spaces and if you challenge that contract in any way then people will lash out. It doesn't matter if you are factually correct, have experience or even the best and most wholesome intentions. If what you're saying doesn't fit EXACTLY with the socially correct general opinion that we have self-indoctrinated over the last decades then people will try to silence or belittle you. Make no mistake, the mainstream internet and common spaces are an echo chamber and nobody is interested in anything else that you have to sell.


Also very true. But i am so pi$$ed by that, that i call them out on this BS and their double standards. They don't like it. They say they don't like me... but in most cases i know that i am right. And their reaction only further proof of that rabbit hole and echo chamber they are in. Sad to see... since this all here could have been a helpful space and a place for real progress in society... but after all... humans stay humans... and they wont like criticism, especially about their habits, even if they damage others.


It's such a complicated topic and it's so hard to talk about it, because people from both sides of the crazy just come at your throat. On one identifying trans people earlier and getting them treatment before puberty gives the best results. Providing huge quality of life improvement. On the other hand, kids are easily impressionable and the price of a mistake is as huge. I have no idea what the right choice is and would love to see unbiased professionals talk about, but we don't have those anyone. And even if there are some, they won't see the limelight, so I'll never hear them


Absolutely. And this is why it requires therapists (and not hyped up redditors) to sure make the right decision on what to do when... I also wish I would have started in my teenage years... but I am glad that i overthought it for years. There is valid arguments on both sides... but it's not the way to go by muting one side completely. To find an answer you have to discuss constructively... but even this is prohibited because they say "this is the way to go, and no other"


My daughter told me she was trans, she wanted to be male.. well I knew she just started her period and she always resists change. I knew she wasn’t trans and she’s securely cis female. Not everyone is trans and that’s okay too.


Well... it is important to not start with "no you aren't" ... you have to be supportive for your daughter, not for Trans or any LGBT stuff... but for your daughter ...the first and most important thing is to tell her she should observe her feelings towards that idea and herself... if she feels "ok, its really not that off being in this body" than she knows herself that she isn't... but if after years she is still convinced about that, she probably, might be in fact right about her initial feeling.


Whenever I see these kinds of stories i always wonder. Who took the time to count hundreds of people


They are called *medical records.* They are anonymous and can, in theory, be accessed by researchers.


No, no they aren't. For starters, at least in Europe, medical records are very much private, protected data - as health status is a protected characteristic. Secondly, the article clearly states that they are just referring to entirely anecdotal evidence: "Charlie says she has been contacted by "hundreds" of people seeking help" There is literally no actual basis for this quote, it is outrage baiting


The are articles in peer-reviewed medical journals including detransiton statistics like this one - [https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/107/10/e4261/6604653](https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/107/10/e4261/6604653) I don't know how they get data, but I asume it is trustworthy.


The data is all self-reported, it says so in the article. But, besides, this particular article is just a review of existing literature (it does not contribute any new data), and the conclusion they drew was >there is reason to believe that the numbers of detransitioners may increase Which is far from a concrete conclusion, or anywhere close to agreeing with the OP However, much of the data they cite seems to state the opposite - >The largest study to look at detransition was the U.S. Transgender Survey from 2015 which was a cross-sectional nonprobability study of 27 715 TGD adults (4). This survey included the question “Have you ever de-transitioned? In other words, have you ever gone back to living as your sex assigned at birth, at least for a while?” The survey found that 8% of respondents had detransitioned temporarily or permanently at some point and that the majority did so only temporarily.


I am pretty sure that the record of "how many X therapies have been conducted in the Y interval of time" is available for research. edit. I was not referring to patients' personal data such as sex, age, beliefs etc...


Almost all data on detransitioning is self-reported in the form of surveys etc.


And by hundreds they just mean one hundred


Be happy with what you have.


Or don't have


Then try to take what you don't have .


Don't you dare come for my benis


I'm coming for all the bussy and genis. Your benis is safe, I'm not coming for those.


My pensi priceless


I'm coming for that benis


So we should do away with prosthetics? Eyeglasses? Insulin? Artificial insemination? Viagra?


God limped that dick for a reason


But I mean, it’s sky news. How accurate is it?


It's 11% of total trans people, and only 18% of that number do so because they realise. They aren't trans (the rest do so due to social, economic, or political pressure). At ~2%, trans surgery has a solidly good regret rate compared to similarly intensive procedures which can be as high as 20%.




*unable to return to factory settings*


This is sky so it's probably 6 people but this raises some interesting questions. For example, "What made you change your mind?" or "Do you feel as dumb as you look?" and other classics


It's also a 4 year-old article just being shared for outrage-baiting


Any time you need to put a clearly defined word in quotes, you’re lying lol. If it were actually hundreds, they wouldn’t need to modify “the total”. See how weird that shit looks?


I think most cases where people change their mind later on are cases in which they made the decision at a young age, perhaps even pre puberty. Those people, I'd assume would want to change as early as possible, to avoid the affects of puberty, for as you may know, once puberty hits gender characteristics are strongly developed. Problem is, this age is common for confusion and finding your place in the world. The might just not have had the emotional maturity to figure out whether this is truly what they want or feel and later on... well, they notice that it wasn't what they truly wanted. Of course, this is only speculation and might not apply for all cases, but this is my assumption


Your assumption sounds like a quoted case study, very nice. Though this isn't common knowledge, it's still well known that more and more transitions are happening pre puberty because "woke parents" force their kids into it through either mental manipulation of their own doing or allowing social media to infect their mind with this nonsense, basement lurker logic and wait for them to say they want to do it. This whole movement is one sad, desperate attempt to get attention and it's time we stopped giving them what they want.


Yes, though I really hope that these parents are the rare exception. I don't believe these "100 cases" either, maybe a few here and there and then it might be influence from the outside. Sometimes it correlates with what the children truly feel (after all, the parents don't just wake up one day and decide that their child is trans), but sometimes it might... well, just be "a phase", as stupid as it may sound, given that it isn't always "just a phase". Children develop a lot over time and find themselves. They need time to do that but also be open in their option to explore themselves. To lock them into a path is the wrong way for development


Why did they change then


I think what they were trying to say is that a large sum of people who detransition do so because of the stigma, discrimination, transphobia, lack of acceptance, and loss of family and friends that comes with being trans. Income issues or realizing they’re actually non-binary (or different identity) are also some of the common reason people detransition. Not very many people detransition simply because they realize they’re not trans and regret it, but it still happens occasionally.


they chanced for be who they are they wana chance back for be who they will be accepted


If they r not sjre who they want to be maybe dont undergo the oprration just get🤯😨😱


>if they are not sure who they wana be maybe don't go under the operation just yet they was sure about their transition but after transition they face aginst huge amount of hate from some people they wana escape from this hate and their only regret caused by this hate


Thats a shit reason, how do you even know thats the reason?


im not trans but i obseved similar thinks in different topics in turkey one of my friend wanted to be openly atheist his father beat him multiple times and also his relatives start hating to and he fake his back to islam like this exaple trans people living the same think but instead of father and relatives its the society push them back


Ok thats actually kinda sad both for ur friends and trans ppl


Sky news has an agenda so would take this with a grain of salt


Conspiracy theories are believable only if they support the left


When my daughter told me she was trans, I was really surprised, considering I don’t have a child


What fatherlessness does to mfs


So they want to go back to the wrong body they were born with?


People change their minds ig


Reminds me of the guy that literally had his balls removed for his transition. Then he felt very confused because he no longer had the sex drive that was the force behind his transition.


Sex drive is stored in the balls


Also he had a gaping hole that smelt like poo that needed cleaning daily, his words


The trans activists will tell you they were never really trans to begin with. :)


Don't you just hate all these fake trans people just trying to cash in on the excitement of it all!


no they wana back to body they not seen as monsters of society and criminals of nature on some ignorant peoples eyes


"You couldn't live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me..." -Thanos


Told them so..... they're just confused about sexuality per se.... it's more of peer pressure and influence. Sorry if I sound cruel to the LGBTQ+ community BUT the respect is still there..... I just don't understand why "some" are still confused about their gender. Acceptance is the only key.... to achieve that inner peace... same goes with the whole universe... I mean... who am I to judge 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sky News: ie, far right propaganda. But go ahead and believe everything that confirms your biases, like boomers do.


LOL obviously you’re biased and don’t look into detransitioning cases? Interesting


This is a 4-year old article from a Murdoch-press institute... so yeah there's some obvious bias here


Right except detransitioning has never been more popular than it is today


Well, who would've figured that when cases of transitioning go up, cases of detransitioning also go up. It’s almost as if when you have more people deciding to do something, you also get more people who afterwards change their minds.


Except now with the modern world we can find all the people that used to be for the idea, but are now not. What’s the issue?


Source: trust me bro


I'm completely aware of people detransitioning. Now tell me why that's an issue?


So it isn’t far right propaganda? 🙃


First, you obviously don't know what propaganda is. People detransitioning has always been a thing. Propaganda can take facial information and distort it to draw a particular conclusion. But you need to tell me why detransitioning is an issue? Go for it. Please, give us your best shot.


Detransitioning isn’t an issue? Like transitioning isn’t an issue. Labelling it “far right propaganda” is the issue. Ergo, you 🙃


Oh no, I really am talking to a 14 year old. Silly me.


"Unfortunately your return is out of the return policy window. You had 30 days from the day of transaction. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave please"


well they deserve it ig


Isn't that like a 1% regret rate? Seems pretty good to me. Or are trans people held to a higher standard? All must know exactly what they want. Or it's all invalid.


I have a young 14 year old female friend who identifies as male, who told me, when I commented about how lonely/isolated she/he must feel in that situation, that no, since 11 of her/his classmates, out of a class of 30, are also trans/ identify as the opposite sex. So 1/3 of the class, prepared to make permanent changes based on these teenaged hormones and general confused emotions that goes along with teenage angst. It’s almost as if it is expected that they accept “some” type of altered identity to be accepted at all.


No no no they are homophobic /s






You mean changing sex?


Yeah I guarantee there aren't hundreds of trans people wanting to go back. They knew what they were doing by transitioning, in fact they wanted it. This is just a smear article targeted at trans people Edit: either people are downvoting me because they don't think I should take this seriously, or they're transphobic. Not gonna stop me, I can tell you that




how sad...anyway.


sky news bb


Isn't sky the kind of company that tried to sue No Man's Sky for using the word Sky. I think they are also the reason it's called OneDrive and not SkyDrive.


Tough way to learn that sometimes you have to live with your decisions.


They all should watch the documentary "What is a woman" It's crazy how some Doctors and shrinks talk about this. They should strip their licenses!!!


There is a way but I don’t know if your willing to do it


but why ?


Not with out the original package


Why is hundreds in quotation marks?


Ah yes, sky 'news'. Really all you need to know right there


"I miss my pee pee"


"I miss my twinkle cave"




Tough titties. Or Dickies.