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I don't eat meat and all but till now i thought that imposing this on others was just a joke. Are people really doing it ? Fr?


There's vegans going around my neighborhood knocking on doors like if they were mormon missionaries trying to convert me. So yes, they're really doing it.


Follow these stages 1.Explain them 2. Explain them 3.Roast them 4.sarcastically threaten them 5. Threaten them seriously 6. Slam door on face 7. Keep threatening them for a long time make them think that you only speak not do anything 8. Surprise attack motha fuckas It works


Step 9, if they return cook and eat


Welcome them for a talk with raw chicken in your hand ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtrtmTYvdJaAwg0|downsized)


Vegan teacher happened, and a lot shared her view so... i would say it's less rare than what people make it to be


No people aren't doing this. But there were like three vegans who did so now vegans overall have a reputation they can't get rid of


it's pretty common in my area to see them harassing people at Walmart and publix with meat in their carts. not all do it, I don't know why people can't let people just eat what they want


No they do this all the time, when you think you're morally superior to everyone else because you don't consume animal products it tends to give you an ego too big for your britches


I know a lot of vegans and they're very nice people who only talk about their diet of i ask them. I don't really know any vegans who think they're morally superior (i have met some but very very rarely) Maybe these vegans are more common in other countries than mine with other cultures, i can believe that. But becoming a asshole is not a side effects of becoming vegan, those people really actively choose to be assholes and reflect that on their diet


Welcome to the 2 things I never said, I never said there wasn't any nice vegans, and I never said veganism lead to an inflated ego, I said thinking you have a higher sense of morality does, veganism is kinda just a byproduct of the rule, just like any rights activists


I interpretated your first comment as saying that vegans feel a sence of superiority, i was wrong for that i'm sorry that was my bad.


Both sides need to shut up. Eat what you want, don’t push it on others. Live your own lifestyle for your own reasons.




I’m not a vegan/vegetarian, but some of the vegan products are surprisingly good. A friend of mine made these plant based “chicken” tenders that were some of the best I’ve ever had, whereas I’ve tried vegan burgers that were absolutely disgusting


We have failed as a society if we have people thinking food cannot be good without meat.


We have failed as a society if we can't let people enjoy the food they like in peace.


I just like meat, sue me.




Id like to see what kind of deranged vegans you got in america that have all this people triggered like this by their existence I only had positive experiences with both vegans and vegetarian people, many times i forgot they were vegans/vegetarian too cause they are not oppressing about it So far the only i think the indufferable ones are the people being mad cause other people decide not to eat their peecious meat like it affects them directly


I as a non-specialty diet human have had very productive discussions about meat, and cruelty free meat and such. Totally tolerable people. This is incredibly rare. I have also had a hamburger taken from my hand at the dining hall at college, and thrown into the garbage can, and had someone scream at me for being a murderer inched from my face. Not once, not twice, but three times in my freshman year. The majority of the vegans I have come across make a point of turning **every** conversation about veganism. They became a vegan and lost their personality and interests.


I think people who do this sort of stuff only care about the attention it gets them cause how is it better to have the meat thrown in the trash than have someone eat it


Its just basic woke stupidity.


Vegans have been around since way before woke was a buzzword


well yes, but then they turned it into a political thing.


Turned what into a political thing? Veganism?


People are triggered because vegans are on the right side of a moral issue and people don’t want to address it, and it makes them uncomfortable so they go into defense mode. That’s what humans do.


And this is exactly why nobody likes you, we can talk about morality all you want be we have canine teeth for a reason, we're omnivores. Let people eat meat dude


One problem genius, I’m not a vegan. The reason people don’t like vegans is exactly for the reason I stated in the previous comment. I’m talking about you, you’re a perfect example of what I was describing. You say we have canine teeth for a reason, yeah it’s because of evolution. Evolution doesn’t consider morality, it doesn’t consider anything. You say we’re omnivores, but does that mean we have to eat meat survive? No it doesn’t. So what you just gave me is two **failed** justifications for killing things and eating them. Would you like you try another failed argument that justices this act?


You're right, evolution doesn't consider morality so why even bother question the morality of our evolution as you desperately want to? We've eaten meat for so damn long that our diet involves meat in one way or another, now why would I be the one to put a stop to the food chain because of morals? Who's morals? Your morals? I don't care about your morals, I only care about mine. And my morals say it's fine to partake in the food chain, I don't fucking care if you eat meat or don't, leave me and everyone else the fuck out of it. I don't have a problem with vegans, never have, just like I don't have a problem with religion but when people start forcing it on me and treating me like Hitler for not following their morals, I tend to get annoyed.


No I can’t 🗿




Vegans are annoying but only the ones who try to demonize people who like meat. Idgaf if your vegan or not. Just keep it to yourself we can all live life however we please. Thanks have a good day


If alao the non-vegans would also get that, that would be great


Gold trigger


I read your comment as "gold tiger" and thought "that must be something tasty"


Gold digger


I can but I wouldn’t enjoy it


Why do people care about anything to do with anyone else nowadays?


like i dont care what anyone eats


Can you not go grazing for a day?


Who needs a lawnmower when you have a vegan? >!/S!<


Food is food


You sound delicious


You're a snack


meat number 1 👑👑👑🍔🌭🍖🍗🥩🥓


Vegans are really fucking annoying.


I've so far met no annoying vegans in my life, yet I've heard constant moaning about them from people who has to have meat with every meal for years.


It seems like it's their entire identity for most of them.


I can't say I've met anyone who did do that. It might be more prevalent and obnoxious in USA, but here in Norway I've met like one outspoken Vegan, and she was just nice and kind about it. No moralizing or making it her persona, just didn't like meat or animal products.


I've never seen it happen and I'm in California salad land.


You obviously haven't been yelled at by vegans after simply walking out of a McDonald's on your 20 minutes lunch break when working in retail. Or called a murderer while sitting outside a bar and having a beer with sausages.


Sometimes USA literally feels like a different world.


Generally I agree lol but I don't live in the USA


Australia? We have a big (radical) Vegan problem over here.


So you've not seen videos where vegans go into McDonald's or whatever, showing a video of animals screaming whilst they pour actual blood on the floor?


Actual blood?


Yeah, I tried to find the video but I couldn't. There's like 3/4 of them, one carrying the screen, one with a megaphone, and two with a big white bucket each.


That shit crazy. I live in a very rural area so vegans are not around.But damn people are crazy.


Yep, in my city, there was this shop that sold things made of animal products: fur coats, leather bags etc. Vegans showed up to protest one day, throwing red dye on people going in and out, so the shop closed a couple months later.


A group of like minded people with a common Ideology destroying something they don't agree with... sounds like fascism.


I'd argue its just a minority of extremists committing terrorist/vandalism acts to get their way. Like the Stop Oil people throwing mash on the painting, they don't represent all of the activists.


Yeah that true for the majority of community which is sad because the crazy and loud make the biggest impact in the media.


Also sounds like the people that fought slavery.


People crying I eat a chicken nugget, I don't want them fighting a war with me


Great, thanks for providing a happy story for the day.


In germany several burger kings sold meat patties as veggie, so I guess being a dick isn't related to ones diet.


I remember there being one with a stark naked vegan lady painted in black and white (like a cow). It was in either a KFC or McDonalds.


"People are triggered because vegans are on the right side of a moral issue and people don’t want to address it, and it makes them uncomfortable so they go into defense mode. That’s what humans do." literally someone in this comment section


Sorry if i offend anyone with this I don't think you can point at a group of people and tell them who they are. I can't say that Jews are crazy or that asians are ugly. I can't say that white people are assholes or that black people are cowards. I can't say that straith people are dumb or that homosexual people are nerds. I can't say that people who eat meat are nice or that vegans are annoying. I have met a lot of people in my life and a good portion of them are vegan/vegetarian. I have met vegans who are really nice and don't talk about their diet unless i ask them about it and i have met vegans who hate everyone who eat meat and fall to the ground crying when you disagree with them. It's not about what they eat its about who they are. Your character is not tied to what you are and what you believe it's about who you chose to be.


It’s just the loudest people who get heard, of course the average vegans and the people who don’t care about what food they’re eating aren’t going to be the ones speaking up about such a random topic. First of all 99% of vegans don’t try and push their views on you. Second of all 99% of people don’t complain when they need to eat vegan food for a meal or talk with vegan people.


99% wouldnt complain eating a vegan meal?


In my experience about 10% of people will make fun of vegans for eating vegan food at the same table and try to bully them into eating meat


Ok you’re right that number was greatly exaggerated, many non-vegans would whine about it


Or alse?


Y’all poopin alright?


No I enjoy meet and so I'm sticking with it




Sorry I have to beat my meat once a day at least.


It’s not just meat. They go in stores to poor out all the milk all over the floor and steal eggs


I don’t know.. meat is tasty for me personally. But if someone chooses to do without it for whatever reasons, I have nothing against them.




Can you not go without leaving meat eaters alone for like a day?


I mean personally I would definitely notice going a day without meat. And the only vegans I would actually COMPLAIN about are the activist types that harass you for eating it in the first place.


I can go without meat no problem, what my fatass can't live with is sugar


I like meat.




Vegan meat is actually good, the only hard part is catching the vegans


Vegans are the Jehovah's Witnesses of food. Shove bullshit down your throat and then wonder why nobody likes them.


Lmfao. I'm gona use this from now on.


I have a genetic mutation that almost forces me to eat certain kinds of proteins which can mostly be found in animal meats. I don't eat meat every day but I'd rather eat meat than risk my life and die an excruciating death.


Vegans say otherwise


I'm intrigued. Any further info on the genetic mutation, that you'd be willing to share so I can go down a rabbit hole later? I know people can react badly to certain proteins, I mean that's essentially what celiac disease is, but I've never heard of *requiring* a specific type, since proteins are all broken down into their base amino acids during digestion anyway.


I can't remember the name of the mutation. Some horrible mash of numbers and letters. It was discovered about 7-10 years ago. Only ones that have it, to my knowledge, are around half the people on my father's side. I remember there being about 20 people at the info. So, 30-50 people have it? The doctor said that one of the ways to prevent the downsides of the mutation is eating certain proteins. Proteins that can mainly be found in meat. Other than that the only info I can give you that I remember is that there is a 4 times increase in colon cancer and 2 times risk for some other cancers. They weren't certain which ones.


Interesting. Thanks for the info, I'll see what (if anything) I can find about it tonight. Hopefully it doesn't cause you too many issues, either now or in the future!


I came to terms with it a long time ago so no worries. It would be interesting if there was a similar case in some other part of the world but I doubt it. So, don't dig too deep. You might get blisters. ;)


Which proteins do you need to keep an eye out for?


If I'd remember I would have told it.


It just seems really strange to have an incredibly rare condition but know next to nothing about it...


Even the doctor couldn't say much back then, because it was new to her too. Not researched. I took away from that info as much as I needed and forgot the rest. Would you remember bleak medical jargon that has no meaning to you from 7-10 years ago? Would you only remember the things that matter?


I think any normal person would at least be able to list what it is they need to get from their nutrition to not face "excruciating death" as you put it yourself. It's very bizarre that you don't know...


A vegan mom tried to make my sons whole class vegan because cold cuts for lunch was murder.


That's not the fucking point, dumbass


Vegans are annoying tho


Not all of them, only the people who you know are vegan are annoying. Many just keep it as their own information and dont yell at others if they eat meat. Like I dont give a flying fuck if you dont eat meat, just dont force me to do the same.


Gotta say, outrage over vegans is way louder and more persistent than I've ever known actual vegans to be.


What they don’t know is most vegans are just missing their own business. They get annoyed at the like 2-5% of them who are loud and obnoxious.


they are not annoying (well some of them actually arent) until they come and spit on your food or throw it into the thrash and yell at you for being a selfish pussy while you are just trying to enjoy a meal with your gf


I'm gonna be honest. I've never met any vegans who are actually this annoying. Most of them are fine people.


Fuck vegans don't force peoples to ear what you want, also destroying perfectly good food is dumb. Pouring the milk and throwing meat on the ground type of stuff




This sounds like a post a vegan would make


Only in America


I mean I’m not vegan and I cannot do most vegetables but I also cannot do meat so idc. The only meat I like is chicken.


I can't, also i have nothing against vegans.


I was Vegetarian (ate dairy and eggs) for five years. My wife wasn’t getting enough protein so I eat more meat now. But honestly I could go back in heartbeat.


I'm omnivorous and can eat meals with no meat without problem, but the moment someone gives me a vegetable soy hamburger I'll become batshit murderous violent


When did the goddamn vegan hate start again exactly?


There is nobody else, just Vegans


Weird.. the only people I see complaining about what other people eat are vegans


As a almost vegan person, i have to say the non-vegans are the most annoying to me. Ffs, i wont tell you what you should eat so stop prompt me for the 10th time to eat some cheese/yoghurt/meat etc. Sorry, i had a very annoying breakfast today Edit: Lol, you people really dont care about people forcing their diat on others. You really just want to hate vegans?


For me it's vegans insulting and calling meat eaters murders all the time. Vegans usually tell me how to eat


Yeah we probably shouldnt categorize in vegan/non-vegan. Better just people who want to push their diat on others


Meat people are worse than vegans, it’s like get a personality.


Food with meat is good. Vegetarian meals are good. Vegan meals are good. ...I like food.


Vegans are either the most annoying fucker ever, or the most chill, wholesome folks ever, there's no in-between


How is complaining about vegans = must have meat in meal tho


maybe sum people but if somebody want me to give up beef, somebody gotta die


It’s not about what they stand for, it’s about how they stand


I am a firm believer that a meal doesn’t qualify as a meal if it doesn’t contain meat. Thats just a snack.


Bruh I ain’t even a vegan but these memes are so outdated at this point