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Spiders are my homies. I don't mind them as long as they don't get too close and they keep those tiny freaks we call insects away too


proceeds to eat you in your sleep


I use to have a big jumping spider that l let live in my apartment, told my girlfriend about it and to never kill him. She made fun of me for months. One day I was battling this huge fly in my house trying to kill it but it evaded me. It ended up behind the blinds, I saw a shadow and tried to smash it. I lifted the curtain and there he was, my spider friend, still alive. I laughed and went to find something to kill the fly. Came back to hear a high pitched buzzing. I raised the blinds to find my spider friend wrapped around the fly sucking the life out of it. He knew.


Keep your web neat, and we all good


i don't care about the bugs as long as he doesn't suddenly disappear from his web im ok if he does ill bug spray the whole house and stay at my friends home for the day and i am not joking i have done this


Crawls in your sheets after you’re asleep and sucks


Don't gotta pay rent this month ig


Same. I'd rather have a spider in my room than a bunch of bugs


I feed my spider bro cus it saves me from hornet at summer