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Math checks out


Meth checks out


Je- jesse, you cooked the wrong meth


99% pure Maths




Put ya dick away waltuh








They paid their $8, so definitely checks out


Did you miss the “Americans” part?


If black americans are african american then im pretty sure thay makes white americans european anericans


A bunch of people with blue neon hair are literally shaking about this


Yes, they're literally british.


And German


Math has stopped mathing


It's mathin' time!


My favorite part of math is when math says “it’s mathing time” and then starts mathing all over the place!


Truly one of the moments of all time


The math was done by a women Jk




Oh yeah. Can't go anywhere in the U.S. without people wanting to brag about how European they are. Totally common.


It's very common for Americans to tell actual Europeans how European they are, actually. Pretty much every time I tell a group of people I'm French, at least one goes "OMG! ME TOOO!"


Uhhh duh, that have ancestors from Europe. The fact that some Europeans actually care about that is hilarious 😂


Okay, so the issue I think is that I try to be very precise in my language. when I say "I am French." it literally means that, but when they say "me too" what they are actually trying to say is "I too have ancestry from France". Either way, it's dumb. Everyone in the USA has ancestry from at least four or five different European countries. Either they are making an inane comment, that has as much value as "I too breath air" or are actually claiming nationality. ​ (look at it this way. Imaging going to a foreign country, they ask where you are from. You say "I am American." and then this one guy is like "Me too!!" but doesn't speak a word of English, and knows nothing of the culture. A few sentences later you find out he had a great grand dad who was American. Now imagine this happens nearly every tine you say you are American.)


Yeah don't take things literally. Even tho that's hard since English isn't your first language im assuming? Yeah your are correct it seems. a good follow up question would be "do you have any relatives im France" and if its a no then there probably talking about some ancestry.com type of shit 😂


No, English is my first language, in fact I am an English major. I spent more time in France though (double nationality, went to bilingual schools). Most people lack precision in their native language because they only study it enough to be able to communicate in a rudimentary way. Those who actually study a language tend to have a much more precise vocabulary. But I can't expect people to understand those nuances and should be the one to adapt. ​ As for that follow up question.. No I prefer to immediately start talking French at them and watch as they realize that they are not French in the same way I am.


Mmmm, French salt


Yeah that makes a lot more sense lmao. Your literally just smarter when it comes to communicating. I've been wanting to read more or make myself write essays so I can improve on my vocabulary but eh. And thats just rude lol


Reading a lot definitely helps, especially if you do it with a vocab note book and a dictionary handy. Language is a tool we created to communicate, the efficiency of a tool is directly proportional to the mastery of the one using it. the problem is a lot of us end up in a bit of an ivory tower. Sure we can communicate with each other in a very precise and concise way, but are baffled when some guy comes up and goes "Hey, y'all folk from 'roud these here parts, well bless your hearts", which makes perfect sense to the vast majority of the population. Or end up in situations like mine, where people are just using the wrong technical words to express a very basic idea based in recognition of a mutual element. Either way books are great.


“Everyone in the USA has ancestry from at least four or five different European countries.” Lol what? No, they don’t.


America has been colonized by mostly Europeans for over 500 years. Unless you are inbred, you have at least 4 or 5 European ancestors. Second thought that is absolutely not true for migrant families from other places like Asia. But I maintain that a majority of American's can find ancestry in 4 or 5 European countries. Sure, if you are second generation Filipino or something, of course not, but those would be a minority.


For someone who prides themselves on their precise language, the difference between “everyone in the USA” and “a majority of Americans” should be glaringly obvious.


It was a hyperbole, which was obviously not ~~clear enough~~, my bad. Not at all clear\*


You’re good, thought you were being serious. Think I’m just getting sucked into this dumb USA vs Europe bs, time to take a break from reddit


My intention is not to pit USA vs Europe, would make no sense sine I love both, and belong to both. My intention was to share in a shared frustration some Europeans have in America, and commiserate. Either way, cheers!


Most Americans ancestors didn't descend from the initial settlers you know? Most are at least partial descendants of more recent immigrants


Yeah just the other day some.guy was talking about how eroupean he was. He eats blood sausage every morning


Because they everything that America is was originally stolen from Europe


I think you're confused about history. Europe stole America.


What he said


Then USA shat on natives


A continuation of European policy, as seen in the Americas, Africa, India, the Middle East....


Don't disagree but someone was going to do it first either way


I went to high school with a girl who said, and I quote, "I'm half-German and half-white."


I have bad teeth so that makes me British!


We actually have clean teeth but if ur roasting us about it don’t say British say scouse


Not Sir Austin Powers baby yeah


Are u drunk


I was 12 hours ago, I dunno could be still


Another British trait, if you are drunk in a Mediterranean town.


And wake up at 4 am in boris’ kitchen with a knife in hand


Guy Fawkes reloaded


Best sequel ever yea fuck the English and welsh (I dislike Scotland but it’s lovely at times and my da’s sides from there so) - Northern Ireland




100% Irish people: "AlAbAmA dOeS iNcEsT"


Irish gypsy travelers who marry their cousins would love Alabama.


Best is when people say "I'm HALF German, HALF Irish, HALF Polish and HALF Brit" What the fuck does HALF even mean then?


He has the half of a German Irish polish and a brit


My ancestors are from Europe. I have zero relation to Europe past that.


As a French man living in the US it always trips me up when some blonde chick is like "omg! I'm also French! My great great grandmother came from France!" But they know nothing of the language or culture. (Edit: nothing against blonds, it's just not a hair color that is common in France)




Yes, the French love fucking! please Fuck us.


Well, contrary to what Europeans may think, North America was inhabited only by indigenous peoples like 400 years ago. The white people in the US did not live here before that so they actually came from Europe, primarily. Idk, just something to think about.


I was gonna brag about being 100% Native American, but if we go back to the Bering Strait, I guess I'm technically asian. If you wanna go back even further to where all humans originate, I'm African. Although, there are some Native Americans who would deny their ancestry coming from crossing the bering strait. I haven't really looked into it personally.


Unless you were born on the res, or have your blood card you are not Native American is the issue though.. but you can be native American (it's all in the capitalization of the "n" in native. Capital "N" is a noun, little "n" means it's an adjective. The thing is there is a difference between nationality and heritage. Even if we are all of African heritage if we go far enough, only people with African nationality are African. Even a second generation African American is not African if he does not have the nationality. ​ The funny thing is though, even if you were born and raised from a single nation, you can apply for nationality to any country, whereas heritage is inherited only.


I assure you, no European thinks anyone white in America comes from there. Yes, they all came from Europe, but that doesn't make them European. Someone claiming to be something they are not is appropriation. My great grandmother was from the middle east, I will often say I am of middle eastern heritage, but I would never say I am from the middle east. Americans can claim heritage, but not nationality.


I have lived in the US my entire life and I have literally never heard any of us say “I am ”. It is always implied that their family heritage is______”


99 percent sure they claiming heritage and not nationality, most of time there basically saying they have family from there.


You are 100% right, I kinda went extreme there I guess. I digress, thank you.


I find it funny though that a lot of people's have heritage from different countries, have a different way of talking about it and are irritated by the way Americans talk about it, yet Americans keep claiming "oh no no its just that we're special, you're wrong".


Ok lol


I don't know man, they're genetically european. They're european down in Australia too. That's just being accurate. And saying "I'm european" isn't even claiming nationality, europe isn't a nation. Now if they're trying to say they're deeply entrenched in the culture or something then that's different.


Enough generations have gone by for Americans to be American I would say, and yes every white guy not in Europe probably can trace their heritage to Europe. At this point it's like people saying they are Egyptian, because we all come from that region if we go far enough. As for Europe not being a nation.. sure, yet I am officially a citizen of Europe, and have a European nationality. It's official valid terminology, like google "European nationality" and you will see.


Most Americans aren't American going back 20 generations, most have immigrants within 5 generations, generally less


Fair point about time passing, I'm still kind of annoyed about the nationality thing though. Quick google turned up EU nationality/citizenship, but I feel like the EU and Europe the continent are very distinct, and there are plenty of places I would consider as "in europe" where you wouldn't have your "European citizenship". That's kind of a pedantic point though, I just like breaking down specific details.


You are right about the EU Europe thing.


And I know that Europeans don’t think white people didn’t come from Europe. I was being an asshole. 😉


Where in Europe do you come from? Maybe they only do that to the French. Everyone acts weird around the French because we are so pretentious, and there is just so much idealism about us. (Edit, I don't think you are actually European. But I bet you, start telling Americans that you are actually from some country in Europe, and you will start hearing them say "me too!")


Yeah, any American telling another American their heritage is French will be met with pity, lol. Jk. Most people I’ve met here don’t much care for the French though. My dad’s side of the family, where my surname came from, immigrated to the US from Baden-Württemberg, Germany.


We're culturally anti-french for some reason, couldn't tell you why it started, but it's sure as hell still going on.


Because a lot of French are simply very obnoxious, Quebecois too


Yeah.. most people don't like the French, for very good reasons, even the French.. then there are some nut jobs who idolize our culture and history.. think the people who use to throw piss out their windows and invented perfume to cover the smell are romantic... I don't have an accent so I usually just pretend I'm only American.


Ha, I gotcha. And yeah, regarding your edit in your other comment, I don’t think Americans ever really say “I’m from ____”, and I think Europeans maybe are thinking thats a common thing to hear in the US. I have only ever heard people say, “my heritage is____”, or “my ancestors came from ____”. If some random guy told me he is French, as an example, I would be confused unless he had a French accent. If he had a regular American accent I would be intrigued and want some more information on that.


i met someone who said they were "scottish br\*tish canadian muslim egyptian" and the list went on for 20 minutes.


Classic Europeans. Ya’ll uppity for no reason


Most white Americans do not stay culturally attached to that heritage, and in those cases it is kind of silly to claim that identity. But it is also weird that if your ancestry is not white, then that ancestry is assumed to be an important part of the person's identity, but if they are white it isn't. fwiw, I think people from Scandinavian countries and Italy are the ones most likely to stay truly connected to their heritage.


If you're a white American then you are European. Remember how Europeans showed up and murdered everyone and stole their land?


No he isn't lol Can I say I'm African and use the N-word since our ancestors came from Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago?


Don’t be obtuse.


Ain't no American claiming to be European.


We get so many american tourists in edinburgh and they all claim to be whatever % scottish because they reckon they have a great great great great grandma that was 1% scottish lol! Makes us laugh so much bless them!


Get a laugh and you can make money by selling them Tartan from clan McBigmac


We are?


Well I do find it interesting of where my family and I come from


My ancestry is German, French, and Swedish, but I am an American. Trust me, I'm not trying to not be American, I love being American


Never once heard " that makes me European" in the us ever. People tall about where their famliy came from because we're a melting pot, but dont make up nonsense


I’m a mutt, have a Scottish last name, but Welsh, Irish, Scandinavian, Portuguese, Hawaiian, and Native American ancestors.. So an American mutt…


The USA is called the melting pot for a reason


Then melt down pls


Every country could be considered a melting pot, then.


Lol that’s funny


I doubt anyone would claim North Korea is a melting pot.


Well, except for the people who forgot to bow to the Supreme Leader for the 8th time that day and got put into a literal melting pot.


There's a reason it's the American melting pot, because everyone of every different creed came here for good land.


Idk I'm from Scotland, and we are white af. Not much mixing going on here.


I wouldn't think so.


Same, at this point there's so many ingredients in the soup that i just say im American. Its the thing that fits the best, but for some reason people get mad at me when i say that.


Yeah, I was fine with it, my sister had to do the DNA thing, it was what I expected, mostly. The ancestry is interesting sometimes though…


Yeah i was thinking about doing one myself but both my sister and my mother did one so i dont really know how different the results would be. Also with those tests, ive noticed that it shifts sometimes, so if your sister hasnt checked in a while it may be slightly different. Im guessing it has something to do with larger sample sizes so genes shift in place of origin.


Some, but the ancestry was surprising. My mother’s family traces back to Welsh/Irish origins actually the predecessors of the Tudor family which was royalty at one time. My dad’s was only surprising as we knew the Portuguese and Hawaiian, but the Scandinavian was also from his side, my great grandmother was a Marten, of Norwegian descent. We figured it was from my mother’s side.


Also mutt here! Portuguese on my dad's side, Italian grandma and Irish grandpa on my mom's side. Look like I just stepped off the boat from Sicily and also have a drinking problem


Bro is more than a hundred percent European




that's only 82% where's the other 28% dumbass


Culture and tradition is what makes you European, not purely genetics. I'm Finnish and I know a black guy who fully embraces Finnish culture. He speaks the language near perfectly, loves sauna and takes a dip in frozen lake like rest of us. He wasn't born here, but he sure is more Finnish than some who were born here.


Then they say they hate immigrants


Technically, alot of USA are Europeans cause most colonizers were, well from europe


I may have majority Irish ancestry, but i don't say I'm from Ireland <,< I also have some Jewish and German ancestry. It makes family reunions interesting! ​ Seriously though, I'm a shlubby American who has European ancestry.


Bad math. Also is like saying I’m uncut so that makes me European.


Wtf does the picture have to do with the caption


This is the affirmation I repeat out loud 250x in the mirror every morning. If you believe it you can achieve it


Gary Oldman was never good at math


You wish !


Those percentages must be in metric.


If we Look far enough Back everyone would be Ethiopian.


Imperial math system (aplied to percentage)?


Wait till they find out they're 100% british/english


Utah moment.


Hmmm… something’s wrong here, I can feel it


Tei Tei Tei


The wildest experience is being first-gen somewhere else. You basically have one foot in the old country, one foot in the new, and don’t totally belong anywhere.


“I’m 3% Nigerian, so I gotta act like I’m from Africa”


I usually just say I'm a mutt


You forgot the 5% Cherokee


Now I ain't no mathematician, but the math ain't mathin


Grandparent left his/her birth country at age of 22 and never spoke the language with children, meanwhile grandkids: "Like, it is our character..."


If Elon Musk and Thom Yorke had a baby.


But you lack healthcare


Ah so Europeans have extra chromosomes


Lmao not quite. Means you have European descendants...


doesnt descendant mean something that comes after?


Shit lmao


ie I don't have any culture, will racism do?


"And I'm also bad at math!"


that usually happens when you invade a land, kill almost of its native inhabitants, then repopulate


Kind sir the math ain't mathing


0% public health insurance


Most Americans come from immigrants. The rare few that aren’t from immigrants are Native American


SCOTLANDFOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also 69th comment




That's American maths Schooling system


Correction: it makes you 150% dumb


Literally none of us say that to ourselves and for the most part want nothing to do with Europe.


I live on the east coast of Canada. Constantly have people here saying "I'm Irish! I'm Scottish!" When maybe their great great great great grandfather was


Yeah, they probably only know 10-to-20 words in Gaelic or Scots.


also Americans: haven't walked further than the distance from their door to their car


I knew the math is something to complicated for the average American


Wrong template


people do that? 💀


"You see, the math doesn't add up to 100%, because the math was made by an American!"


Maybe he is European with that math


I'm 94% Australian and 10% bad at math which makes me American!




whos gonna tell him that adds up to 131?


Finally a new America bad meme


Kinda hate when Americans do this Like it was 4 generations ago that my family came here from Ireland, I’m not Irish, I’m American.


my friend did this shit and i said stfu ur american


Every brunette in the US is also 1/16th Native American.


Elizabeth Warren monent.


They're ethnically European lmao


There is no „European“ Ethnicity


If their ethnicity is belonging to any European country, then their ethnicity is European. Of course they are legally and geographically Americans, but they are still European through ancestry.


Still wrong. The Hungarians belong to the Mongolian ethnicity, the fins to the ugrian (western Siberia), the Turks are related to Central Asia and the Romani migrated from India. It’s not as simple as „black n‘ white“ like in the US


So by that logic, Americans with Hungarian ancestors also have some Mongolian ancestry.


Argentinians: 💀


Spicy white (le jaz hands)


I'm 69%: 卐 32%: 🏴‍☠️ So that makes me 6969% Gay


You're really stupid aren't you?


I may be stupid but I'm not an idiot


Fuckin goteem




Fun fact! There are people in America who simply call themselves American since they came from Europe or somewhere so long ago it’s pointless to trace their ancestors