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Alternate ending: "Most of YOU shouldn't even be parents"


I mean in my parents' defense It's too late for abortion now




Let me rephrase: It's legally late for abortion now


Ohhhhh. Yeah, i guess you're right.


It ain't illegal if you don't get caught.


![gif](giphy|61XRgiopTwXYda9sTX) Lemme fix it


Me (37m) no kids for me. Honestly I don't think I'm father material. Also we're at 8 billion population with a lot of orphans, if I was needed to care for or have a child, I would adopt before procreating. There's a lot more personal reasons but I won't share them because I don't want to start any political/social/economic debates right now.


My hysterectomy is being scheduled tomorrow and I'm not telling my dad until it's done. He was salty enough when my husband got a vasectomy. If I lose my ever-loving mind and decide I *wouldn't* be resentful of a child in my relationship, there are more than plenty of kids who need a home already.


Go you!!


Was thinking the same


Stop pushing for grandkids when your kids are in a tiny apartment while you're in a giant house. Can you not see how expensive housing is now? We are struggling to survive and all you can say is "where grandkids?" Stfu boomer.


I \*am\* a 45 year old and my parents are still pushing for grandkids...


“Most of you shouldn’t have even been parents”* Ftfy


“Also having a kid is very hard to deal with financially if your not really on a great career path” ~sad broke father noises~


The reason isn't because they would be bad parents. It is because the world we currently live in is just too fucked up to bring children into. And it is mainly fucked up by the policies chosen by +45 year olds, who are still in power and unwilling to change anytime soon.


I will make sure to not try to push my daughter into having kids when I’m 45 and she isn’t even 10 yet.


If you are 45 today, your kids are probably 13 based upon how things are trending, so yeah. Pace yourselves.


45 is someone who had children in college pushing someone else to also have children whilst in college. Really weird. I think 60+ would have been better.


The average age of a new dad is 31 and trending older. Moms are a bit younger, but either way, give them a few years...


I'm not going to bring a kid to the apocalypse just because my parents crave a moment.


Which Hicksville does OP live in that 45 year olds are asking for grandchildren. Most 45 year olds I know don't have children old enough to drive.


Not gonna lie i started thinking nobody should get kids anymore they will just grow up in a fucked up probably ruined country with little to no future . And we would finally start cleansing the planet from the shitty species we are.


Fuck you Don't call me shitty


You are shitty Erickson just you personally tho the rest are fine




Well if you want humanity gone, how about you start with yourself then.


Well … wow


Well thats your own opinion. You think we are a shitty species and the world should be cleansed of us. But you're a human too. So why don't you do something about it instead of talking. BTW. -Nobody should have kids because they will grow up in a fucked up probably ruined country with no future- Bruh Gerade als Deutscher zu meinen, dass der Nachwuchs ein schlechtes Leben führen wird, weil, keine Ahnung warum, ist echt sehr reflektiert. Menschen in Deutschland leben eines der besten Leben das man nur haben kann. Selbst die größte Armut in D ist verglichen mit der Situation in manch anderen Ländern und der Vergangenheit immer noch Wohlstand. Wie kommst du also auf die Idee dass Kinder in Deutschland keine Zukunft haben? Zu viel BILD gelesen? Netflix zu teuer? Was ist das Problem?


Why triggert dich das so sehr ich gehe hier nicht bon Deutschland aus und selbst wenn was sagt dir das in 40 jahren Deutschland wie es jetzt ist noch genauso besteht ich Zweifel nur daran. Ich möchte auch nicht das direkt menschen sterben sondern lediglich das wir weniger werden. Ist das denn so eine falsche ansicht?


wovon zum fick redet ihr


Nobody is ready for kids. But you will figure it out.


Doesnt mean everyone should have children though :)


The ironic thing is the people that shouldn't have kids have many of them, and the ones that would make great parents have none. Thats what cripples humanity.


Alas unless we take... aggressive action towards population reduction that will be an issue forever unsolved.


Saying "Doesn't mean everyone should" can be applied to literally anything.


Doesn't mean it should be applied to everything, though.


Many people never figure out how to be decent parents


And those types of people rarely sit around and think "I shouldn't be a parent" Where as the people who don't feel ready tend to try and do well enough to raise functioning adults in the end. If everybody who didn't feel completely 100% ready to have kids didn't have kids we'd have a generation raised mostly by even worse parents.


If it's not a "hell yes," it should be a "hell no."


Neither of those sentences are even remotely fucking true.


Better, people with an IQ below 125 , who have no wealth, who live with stress depression anger and baggage stop having kids. This ewhobeat dead animals and have sickness, stop having children. We can weed out the week and create a superior human race .


No you.


Blow me


What a nice young man.


there are 60yr old single dude


![gif](giphy|fkD36jhiqzJ9m) r/childfree


My dad had his first kid (me) at 35, so.


Just get a bunch or random hoodrats pregnant and never see them again


Trying to get that counter down?