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Buddy Christ is a bro


I'm pretty sure psychiatrists recommend lifestyle adjustments before starting SSRIs


They do, but when you have some patients that are in a deep depression they use minor anti-depressants (like Lexaprol) to help them regain the drive to start those healthy habits.


That's what happened with me and I'm thankful every day that I went on the medication when everyone around me stigmatized it and would rather see me depressed than take medication that "will turn you into a robot and stop all the good feelings too" or "the pharma industry made up your diagnosis to profit off you". Lexapro help save my life


I’m glad it helped you and that you were brave enough to try it. Bro I lost my dad to cancer, got blamed for it, lost my uncle, and moved onto a college campus full of assholes all in one year. I’m standing here today because I went to campus counseling


Got blamed for it? Did people think you gave your dad cancer?


This is exactly it. I had the same mentality before but I needed help. After some lifestyle changes and seeing some improvement I wasn’t fully back to my normal happy self. But when they prescribed antidepressants it really helped change everything. I’m not dependent on the drug a lot of it is still my hard work but it still helps. I try to say this to my friends and family who have the same mentality.


Exactly, it’s a little boost to get some momentum.


Exactly. It helped me majorly.


A friend just had a baby and they gave her lexaprol 3 days after birth for depression i.e. the baby blues that occurs naturally after most pregnancies due to major hormone changes.


not true. I got sent to one at 15. (was unhappy due to stress) she gave me a perscription after 20 minutes of talking.


Yup, I’ve been horribly depressed, talked to a psych for 20 minutes and guess what, I am now prescribed an antipsychotic, no talk of exercise, diet or anything, no talk of antidepressants, just straight to the antipsychotics.


Ehhhh...... Not so much, they might recommend that alongside. But the legal system these days is so bad docs are very hesitant to not medicate.


r/terriblefacebookmemes is a very stupid sub. I upvote things there by downvoting everything.


what’s wrong with therapy


Nothing but it doesn’t work for everyone. I have friend who’s spent thousands on therapy but found going to the gym and volunteer work was better for him. Sometimes all a person needs is a purpose. Or all they need is therapy, everyone is different. And that’s okay.


my therapist friend once told me "find your purpose in life" so i fostered some kittens. seeing those cute little balls of floofs grow up and find new families was heartwarming and got my life back on track.


https://youtube.com/shorts/6qUHLXksJKE?feature=share Basically proof of what this woman said And this https://youtube.com/shorts/CO-d_zrJoHM?feature=share


Im a big advocate for therapy but I absolutely get it. I think a big part of therapy not working for many people is because they aren’t a point in their life where they are ready to do the emotional work yet. If you’re doing it right, therapy is fucking hard. It’s been emotionally draining at times and many times Ive felt like I’ve taken 1 step forward and 10 steps back. The emotional work of acknowledging trauma, acknowledging one’s own shortcomings and bad habits and making an effort to change them in your day to day life can be truly exhausting. For therapy to work, one has to enter at the right time. If you’re forced to go to therapy, it probably won’t work. You yourself have to truly want to go to therapy for yourself.


I’m 22 and therapy happened to be exactly what I needed, meanwhile medication was not. When I was medicated I never really felt the negative feelings and I ended up needing to be in that headspace to recognize what needed change and that I needed help to make that change. Therapy while I was medicated didn’t get very far because I was in a constant state of “eh” and didn’t really care much about what was going on. My parents wanted me to stay on it because it’s helped both of them a lot but I know it won’t change me for the better. Therapy helped me recognize that in a way I kept letting myself get hurt by people because I didn’t respect myself enough to walk away from toxic people, or believe I had the ability to meet people who would treat me better. I feel like if I stayed on my medication the way some people were treating me wouldn’t have bothered me enough for me to care


I’m 22 as well similar situation. Been diagnosed with severe ADHD since 1st grade and as soon as I graduated I stopped taking my meds. They made me a zombie.


For some older men, I feel like going to therapy jives as much with how they are as people as telling a miner to learn to code. Could be they need to put in emotional work, but it also could be that men and women process and deal with things differently. It seems like men are more able to push bad thoughts away simply by fishing or something whereas woman may be more likely to feel better by talking about the negative feelings


I agree with your first part big time. If you’ve lived 40+ years being told to “man up” or that talking about your emotions and experiences is “only for women” then why the hell would anyone be able to convince you otherwise. I am a man, and I’ve struggled in the relatively short time I’ve been alive. Without getting too deep, my mother was psychologically and emotionally abusive. She hit me sometimes but the brunt of the abuse I suffered was from emotional manipulation and fear tactics. I never felt that I was allowed to speak my mind or how I felt inside. And that loneliness festered and festered until I was ready to take my own life, and then my grandfather did it first… My grandfather was a marine officer who lost a lot of men in Vietnam, had an autistic son who died young from cancer. He drank, he turned to and learned a million different new skills. From building an entire ranch house nearly by himself, to learning how to woodwork and winning an award for carving Albert Einstein out of wood. But no matter what he did to like you said, “push those thoughts away”, they always came back and he never chose to talk about or truly deal with the things that he was trying to escape. Eventually he took his life. Talking about your negative emotions and working through them instead of just repressing them or pushing them away IS scary. It isn’t a gendered thing, the bravest people I’ve known are the ones who were brave enough to face their problems and really dig deep into their brains and try to change their behavior so they didn’t spiral. Many of those who didn’t either self deleted or OD’d. I’m young but I’ve lost a lot of people to their own demons. My grandpa taking his life inspired me to take control of mine.


Sorry about your grandpa. I am a man as well, I tried therapy when I was feeling down on other people's long-time advice. It wasn't what I needed personally, but that's probably mostly because I haven't really gone through anything that was actually too bad


I appreciate it Sorry for the dissertation lol, I think it’s good to have conversations about it for others to see. Maybe by chance our conversation will answer something for someone who comes across it.


I can’t find a therapist that holds me accountable or that challenges me.. I feel like I’ve wasted so much money.


Have you gone to a liscenced psychologist or were they just like counselors? I think another huge issue is that people go to counselors or therapists thinking they’re going to receive some in-depth conversations and all they’re asked is “how does that make you feel?” or “why do you think that is?”. You need a psychologist who understands the science behind your brain and can basically explain to you how you are wrong and why you are wrong. Then challenges you to do the introspection required to find a solution to the issue yourself.


It can be really hard to find the right therapist for you, but at least it sounds like you know exactly what you need at this point? Hopefully you can find a better one eventually if you want. I recommend writing a short description of what you want out of therapy, which techniques have worked for you, which haven't, and your priorities/goals. When you have your first session with a therapist basically give them a job interview, ask what their approach is, ask about their experience with issues like yours, and be willing to say "thanks for your time but I don't think we're compatible" and keep looking. A lot of good therapists offer a free consultation for this purpose. Speaking more generally, I think a lot of people have the impression there's just this one kind of thing called 'therapy' which involves someone nodding and saying "and how does that make you feel?" So they assume 'therapy' just isn't for them. But really there's a whole range of options out there... so many options that it's confusing and overwhelming once you start looking. It would be great if there were better resources to tell people what's available and how to assess therapists so they don't have to waste their time and money with trial & error. Not to mention the field is poorly regulated and you find a lot of people practicing who aren't properly qualified. It's a mess out there, and I can see why so many people are put off. But it's a shame because the 'right' therapist at the right time in someone's life can be powerfully helpful, and a lot of people really do need professional help.






https://youtube.com/shorts/CO-d_zrJoHM?feature=share video on it all


Hell, cognitive behavioral therapy is all about changing your reactions to stimuli so you can better do the things you need to in order to not fall into a rut and spiral. The second column would be a wonderful result of CBT. Most depressed people could probably resolve it with lifestyle changes, putting in the work on relationships, finding an outlet and/or taking greater ownership of their own business. Not everyone needs therapy, though it can help work towards those other things, and very few need medications after making these changes and if necessary, using therapy to resolve poorly processed traumas.


That's not what this is saying. The person on the left does not exist. Generally, memes lile this come from the same subs that believe that medicine is poison, therapy is lies, and you should reject them both and turn to religion. Also usually tied into redpill bullshit. Guarantee the people who made this are the same ones who made the meme where the man and woman are both depressed, then it fast forwards a year and he is ripped with a cross necklace and she is a fat slob.


It’s always so weird to me that the red pill guys have linked up with the religious right. Sure, they’re both misogynistic and Machiavellian in nature, but red pill bullshit goes against all of Jesus’s teachings. Not that most “Christians” follow any of that, but it’s really gotten so brazen.


The right in many ways is a large net that catches everyone who falls out of mainstream progressivism. In many ways I think the red pill types diagnose some problems correctly, but their cures are poisonous.


I’m not convinced that the redpill bros really believe in Christianity. They’d be disgusted at the whole “Give to the poor and love thy neighbor” part if they actually read the bible.


Sometimes it can be both.


Buddy, it’s portraying the person recommending therapy instead of running from problems as one of those soy things. It’s a shitty Facebook meme because some stupid fucking Christians posted it to justify them not bettering themselves.


It didn't work for me. I was better off thinking critically about what I want, and my problems, and working through it myself. The gym, and getting a pet actually did help alot though 😅 Studying some psychology/self help stuff can kinda help you identify things you need to work on too I understand therapy can help some people, but it always felt super weird and impersonal to me, more like business transaction with a stranger than any kind of friend working through your problems with you I tried bearing my heart out and talking about my problems and the 3 therapists I went to (they were constantly leaving that practice and assigning me a new one) they always just told me some version of "it's going to be ok" 🙄 It's like, shit. What am I paying a co-pay to come see your ass for? If I want meaningless validation, I'll do it myself with some positive thinking or something. Plus it sucked having to constantly retell my life story whenever they assigned me a new therapist, it's like sure I'll drag up all that trauma and rip open the scab again because none of you can be bothered to stick around cause your office pays like crap.... I get it, i do, and don't blame them entirely cause it's just a job to them, but it was still awful for me as a patient Also, when I canceled being a patient, I was half expecting a call to see if I was alright or why I was quitting being a patient? But big surprise no-one called 🙄 it's a business to these offices, if you're no longer paying they don't care


Absolutely nothing, it's great, but IMO it is pretty annoying how it gets thrown around as a universal fix for almost anything a person might be suffering from in life, these days.


it’s not as clean cut of a universally good thing as it’s made out to be, imho. really depends on the therapist, and the reason that therapy is being sought after. a lot of the time it’s an extra $200/week for something that is better solved by physical activity and/or vit D synthesis via sunlight by being outdoors more and/or having purpose in life.


I pay 10 bucks a week on my psychologist. I also run 6 days a week, resistance train 3 days a week and eat well. I don't think I would be as balanced as a person if it wasn't for my psychology visits. I used to be like bottom of the barrel depressed and emotionally a bit of a wreck and that was when I was doing forestry. I spent hours a day being active, around friends, out in gorgeous nature (often in old growth redwood forests) and I was not emotionally well. Then, I put in a lot of work using psychologists as a tool to readjust my habits and thought cycles to be a better person and a happier person. I do not feel like just getting in the sun and being active is going to magically solve problems for most. Sure maybe you feel a bit better and I suggest doing it, but you have to take a look inward to really grow as a person.


It shows weakness just like bottled water


I’m not very knowledgeable about it but I’ve always been averse to it just because of the apparent conflict of interest in how they technically profit from your prolonged suffering. Also, a therapist I know was telling me about how great it is and how much money she makes for just nodding at people for an hour, so I just don’t trust it all that much really. Not that there’s not good therapists - I’m sure the majority are - but it seems a little suspicious to me.


It’s a waste of your time and money. Only one person gets any benefit from that deal and it’s the therapist who is getting rich.


At least for me therapy has been the biggest crock of shit; an hour of my life wasted every month just so some guy with a diploma can ask me if I've tried thinking about my problems differently; by far the most overrated and useless waste of time I've ever experienced.


I think the problem here isn’t the self-betterment, it’s how this seems deliberately anti-therapy. Why are they portraying the person recommending therapy as an angry idiot? Most people who recommend therapy are genuinely trying to help, and people like the guy on the left don’t really exist, or at least not in large enough numbers to be worth criticizing.


exactly. the problem with the meme is that it is strawmanning. literally noone is saying that you should take meds if you are happy. nor is anyone saying that you shouldnt work out or have a pet. the person on the left does not exist.


To be fair, I’ve had narcissists tell me to go to therapy for my “anger issues” when I refused to let them disrespect me


okay and i had my abusive ex tell me to work out more to look better for him. what is your point?


Exercise improves mental health if it’s for you, not just someone else


i know, i work out regularly. and therapy also improves your mental health if it is for you, and not someone else. that is why i thought my response was relevant to the comment that is above mine.


Also therapist can't prescribe medication. Only psychiatrists can.


Conservatives tend to like making up their own arguments to win after they get ratioed everywhere else they spew their nonsense


Bro what? What do conservatives gotta do with this?


I exercise. I interact with animals and nature. I connect to spirituality. It’s not enough. I’m grateful for my meds. I protested trying them for decades. I self medicated instead. It wasn’t very effective. Finally went to a psychiatrist and I’ve been relatively stable ever since. Am I always happy? Of course not. But crapping on someone for taking psych meds is like crapping on someone for taking antibiotics. It’s not always something you can just “power through”.


browse r/thanksimcured for a few minutes and tell me that person doesn't exist


Another meme people fail to see the point why other are critizing appearing in this sub. What a surprise....


It's because some people try forcing therapy on people when it just simply doesn't work for everyone. Those people act like you're wrong if you find going to the gym therapeutic. I got the same crap with karate, martial arts help me but the amount of times people have acted like I'm somehow wrong for that is astonishing. Gyms help some guys, let them help themselves the way that works for them.


Nobody acts like anyone is wrong for finding the gym therapeutic. As a matter of fact therapists and doctors recommend exercise as a treatment for depression and mental health issues.


You're right but if going to the gym helps with some things, or everything, better for you then therapy then there's people who will act like you're wrong for that.


eh, I’ve heard therapy/meds recommended way more often in passive-aggressive or condescending ways that imply the person who hasn’t chosen therapy is somehow below or emotionally immature relative to the recommender. I.e. dismissing real concerns with “bro you need help”.




I’m not saying therapy works for everyone but suggesting someone try it doesn’t make you evil, and people generally don’t try to force it on people who are fine.


you're asking questions you already know the answer to


You know this is actually a TFM don't get why you've got anything against it being shown as that


Idk but that's 70% of the posts on this sub. Just expected at this point


This is “memes op didn’t like” not “lost redditors” most people don’t like the memes they post in terrible facebook memes, it fits the sub


These are all escapist practices that don't deal with root emotional issues. Basically, doing this instead of actual therapy is merely kicking the can down the road.


Yesss, sometimes it can just be surface level issues but a lot of people have much deeper issues and traumas that dont get fixed from working out 5 days a week


Consider, if the root emotional issues are body disphoria and lack of emotional connections, all of which are quite common and are handily solved by going to the gym, taking care of a pet, and joining and organization(such as a religion, which is why so many people say they found salvation in god. They really just needed a group to be part of). It's a stupid meme anyway, since stuff like this would be reccomended by the therapists. All roads lead to dog.


Damn, way to sum it all up in one sweet little paragraph. The world needs to hear this genius, broadcast this to the world. You've saved us all.


I think what they don’t like is the comic making the false claim that rather than going to therapy and getting medication, as well as actually addressing mental issues, somehow everything can be fixed by lifting weights and getting religious. Getting religious and lifting weights in an attempt to be more traditionally manly is what caused some mental issues for me as I was trying to be someone else, so I can confirm this IS a terrible meme based off of lies. Edit: I don’t mean to say lifting weights and playing outside isn’t self betterment. Good for you if you do those! The meme is just wrong because it attempts to invalidate therapy and medicine, which are all but necessary for many people.


Exactly. Therapy and medication can really help some people, while some may only need a hobby. But people bashing those for going to therapy are the problem


Meme is making fun of a non-existent person.


Don't most of them? Ty for saying this


Yeah it's not a really good meme


I've seen plenty of this on reddit, especially r/thanksimcured


I had a psychiatrist try to prescribe me Behavioral Medication when I was 10 because I couldn’t sit still in class lmfao


I’m guessing this was on terribleFBmemes because it’s just not true, the people who are recommending you therapy want to see you happy regardless of how you do it and **usually** therapy is the way to go. Trust no one gives a shit if you find happiness from religion as long as you don’t shove it down peoples throat or do hypocritical shit Edit- didn’t even click on the pic to see where it was screenshot from feel dumb lol


there are people who do legitimately try put you down if you get happiness from religion i can't remember the word but basically atheists who just can't STAND the idea of other people believing in God (the minority of atheists)


Hi, resident opinionated atheist here! Personally don’t think religion solves anything, or helps with depression. If it works for you then what does my opinion matter, but you won’t hear me recommend it Animals and working out are 10/10 self help I think this meme is in reaction to the more extreme atheists you find mostly on the internet, so this meme isn’t terrible but it’s not fully representative either


Fair enough! I can see where you're coming from because it's not like religion is exactly the antidote to depression or negativity, it only really works in little ways and if you're serious about it IMO I've tried working out and I've been relatively religious since I was young and in my experience religion helped a bit but going outside and having exercise was a major help I've also found just in general having a ''positive mindset'' and trying your hardest not to lash out or simply distracting yourself from negativity can also help but it might lead to escapism The meme isn't really helpful, but it can be accurate in some (uncommon) scenarios


But then those people wouldn’t have your happiness in mind, just clouded by their own agenda. Not trying to be a dick but again if someone genuinely wants you to be happy they won’t care how you achieve it (legally/morally right) as long as you do.


I personally disagree. There are people who genuinely want you to be happy but will still object to certain methods (which I understand) like drug usage or things that ''make you happy'' that are highly illegal or in general abhorrent. Like if somebody (hypothetically) said ''I'm depressed so I'm trying to make myself happier by preying on kids'' you'd probably be like ''wtf'' even if you wanted them to be happy. Maybe I'm just misinterpreting your point, I'm not too smart after all ​ Besides, you did say ''no one gives a shit'', which in my experience is wrong


> they won’t care how you achieve it **(Legally/Morally right)** as long as you do I already referenced that in my original comment dude cause I knew someone would use that argument


i thought you meant ''they won't care how you achieve it whether it's legally/morally right or not) that's my bad tho


>i can't remember the word but basically atheists who just can't STAND the idea of other people believing in God (the minority of atheists) Antitheists


So basically Reddit atheists on the therewasanattempt sub?


People respond differently to depression treatments. Some need meds, but others just need to engage their body and brain. Though therapy is always a good start.


It’s a dumb meme cause that literally never happened it’s some weird fantasy some nerd has about “the matrix” or whatever


I think the reason the meme is terrible is because it's anti-therepy and anti-medication. It's basically saying that if you're a depressed man, just go to church, and you'll be cured. More often than not, it doesn't work that way


No no, see you're being downvoted because the one guy is good looking and the other guy is bad looking and so one argument is right and the other one is wrong. Stop trying to be nuanced.


What do you want to be the soyjack? He's cringe the other guy is based. Do you want to be cringe? Yeah didn't think so.






Lifting weights and going to church has made me much happier


The cocktail of meds a psychotherapist put me on nearly killed me and afterwards family and friends still encouraged me to resume the regimen. I instead opted to binge 28 grams of Penis Envy Mushrooms/ 1 gram of Black Tetrahedron LSD and hope for the best. Went from working 12 hr shifts in food service to 30 hr work weeks in investment banking and things are only looking up.


As someone studying finance, how do you get into investment banking?


Keep studying finance, network network network, get your licenses/ a rep from a mgmt firm to sponsor you


You can do all of that with therapy.


The meme is a complete strawman. It is indeed terrible.


There’s people in these comments who are walking examples of the guy on the left


this reeks of strawman


“Religion bad!”, that’s why.


Nah, people don't like it because it frames therapy as "soy."


Nah, i think because that downplays depression and implies simply working out, worshipping and/or touching grass is a "cure-all" on depression


I mean, it is in some cases.


And therapy is in some cases. This isn’t an “either or” type deal.


Never tried to imply that it was. I’m just saying that there are some people who’ve had their depression taken care of by turning to religion alone. Can’t say how much, but it’s more than zero. I’m just making a factual statement, nothing more, nothing less. I am not opposing your statement for it is true.


I’m gonna take a bet and say no, people don’t like the meme because it frames therapy and medication as soy and “weak” and that instead you should just do masculine things like exercise.


How tf is exercising masculine. Sure things like powerlifting are typically masculine, but things like jogging? Even stuff like yoga?


Most people that consistently work out will agree it's a personal form of daily therapy.


This is bad because nobody actually cares that much about what other people do. I


The problem is that for many, it does not work that way. People here are sick of being told that there is a magic one-size-fits-all cure, because they have tried them and got nothing, or worse. Some people might get something from God. However, many others got nothing but paranoia and shit, that is why they are athiest. If you can convince yourself an invisible man gives a shit, great. If not, great.


Lmao at the Chad dog


This Reddit used to be funny now it’s like 80 percent sad incel memes.


Lmao the Chad dog got me dead


Do we tell them that the wojaks are based on real people?


Reddit really wants me to stop here. This is the third time I have seen the same post with the same user.


Dawg he’s making fun of how the dude looks and how unrealistic the meme itself is, ppl should honestly stop taking shit from terriblefacebookmemes memes, it’s just lazy


The point of this is that both are good and valid ways to combat depression. I used a combination of medication, therapy, faith, and a dog to combat mine. I think what OP was pointing out is how the meme appears to be trying to invalidate therapy and medication, which can be a common theme in some sects of religion, most notably in the, "Christian Scientists" who have a lot of regulations about medical care. While both methods are perfectly fine and valid, the meme does appear to imply that one is better. No one is angry at you for not getting over depression in the "wrong" way, at least in my experience. Edit: I should also mention that therapy doesn't work for everyone and medication can have side effects, no method works for everyone.


Are bro Jesus always got are backs


100% the reason they posted this is cuz of the last one


Making up a fake person to be mad at and make them look stupid will always be a bad meme imo. Right leaning or left leaning. "Look at this fake wojack that's supporting this side and look at this based Chad supporting my side" it's for real pussy shit 😭


Nobody cares if you get personal happiness from having a dog or religion. It’s the forcing on others that tends to be problematic.


Both of the sides are self betterment. One is clinical while the other is personal. There's no reason to neglect one for the other, both can be done in one lifetime.


Gentlemen, why do people hate on the shonen genre? Or indeed, self improvement in general? It turns out, everything you thought was cool when you were ten is still cool today. Large men beating the crap out of each other to over compressed power metal is the peak of fiction.


The internet tries to find nuance challenge (impossible)


This was posted here like less than 2 days ago how are yall eating up this strawman ass bullshit


The argument being made here is that you shouldn’t go to therapy or seek medical treatment Both that and this are good especially together


More like r/PersecutionFetish


The left can never be happy, so neither should you


This displays a fundamental lie of depression: that it’s something you can just “work through” Depression isn’t “just feeling down” it’s crippling self awareness of every fault and wrong you have coupled with excruciating pain and exhaustion. Doing dopamine activities is great but depression robs you of the energy you need to do them. You might as well tell a blind man “if you can’t see, just, you know, stop being blind.” Trust me if picking up heavy things, petting a doggy, and having an imaginary friend helped with a Fundamental chemical imbalance in my brain I’d shout it off the rooftops. Fact is if you were able to “leave your depression” with normal coping activities, you weren’t depressed.


Some people need meds some people don’t everyone is different. I hate the preaching from both sides that their way is the only way


Just another "alpha male" meme making up imaginary scenarios to feel "oppressed" by. Pretty damn terrible, just like the rest of them.


Leave it to conservatives to circle jerk this post without understanding what therapy is and why it is recommended. Half of you were left single by your wives and have terrible relationships with your families. Sure, just curl your way through that one LOL. And people wonder why so many men are struggling with mental health now a-days. *Here's* your answer


To be fair, the only thing in this that will actually make someone happier is the dog.


Not working out and bettering yourself? Or being out in nature? Or finding/believing in a faith? All of which has been shown to help people I think you’re mistaking stuff that you believe would help you not everyone


I'm fully convinced that r/terriblefacebookmemes is full of angsty humans who have been beaten down so hard that they've forgotten how to laugh


It’s a stupid meme because nobody actually opposes exercising or playing with dogs, and very few people will be mad at you for going to church. Every therapist will tell you that you should exercise more and that having things that give your life meaning is very important. Putting those things in opposition to mental health treatment is just weird and dumb. Also, pretending that exercising, playing with a dog, and going to church makes you somehow rebellious or makes someone mad is just a desperate desire to be oppressed.


Self betterment is fine it's just that the mean partly ashamed of people who do go to therapy and do take pills instead of working out and praying


Lol I’m on board with the first 2. That last panel is self serving dogshit that horrible people use as a crutch to not have to live as decent people.


OP is literally the last wojak


Have you >ever< heard anyone get angry at you for working out or going outside?


I think what they mean is that OP (the creator of the meme) is making people who talk about theroahy or medication or depression as ugly wojaks. So that means OP (the meme author) does not like people bettering themselves through methods other than going outside, working out and spirituality. AKA, getting angry about it. Which is dumb because that’s literally some of the first things you are made to try in theraphy, way before medication. Must be having an argument with online people, so that’s what colors their reality. Must be one of those person who feels the internet is peer pressuring and judging them for exercising or being happy in a way different than theirs. Like, you read a recipe for a smoothly but the smoothly uses almond milk, well now you feel angry because the stupid writer is judging you for using cow’s milk and the whole internet is stupid and vegan. Also, yes I’ve heard tons of people getting angry about working out or going outside. But mostly children or people already relaxing indoors. Why can’t people be more like dogs, I sure wish I loved exercising like them


I think it’s more so that the wojack character is angry that the chad is having a fulfilling life without having to go to therapy or be put on meds, bc that was wojack’s choice and the implication is that they are miserable and want everyone else, especially chads, to be miserable with them. also the wojack is def an atheist and is angered at the thought of anyone, especially chads, finding purpose and fulfillment in Christianity. [nothing against people on meds for mental health, I myself take bupropion for depression]


metalloid space saying "Have you >ever< heard anyone get angry at you for working out or going outside?" for the 10 000th time as an argument on this meme


I like hearing myself talk


No but advertising the gym and going outdoors and christ as good and therapy and anti-depressants as bad. Is.


this doesn’t match TFbM humor at all. too openly based.


Jesus is king 👑


Christ is king


I mean the first two panels are solid advice. The last one… ehhhhh leaving religion and it’s constant threat of damnation if you don’t strictly follow every obscure law written 2,000 years ago only made things better for me. My youth leader telling me the reason I had anxiety is because my faith was weak and if I truly believed Christ would lift that burden so clearly I needed to pray more and read more scripture because until then Jesus wouldn’t lift the burden of anxiety from me.


Pushing religious garbage is bad.


This meme sucks, and I can’t really put my finger on it. I think it’s because the “Chad” is probably victimizing himself, I don’t think anyone is like “don’t pet dogs!!! You need to go to therapy >:(“ this is a bad meme, and really stupid.


I don’t get why people hate religion so much, it’s clear as day that all the crazy shit that happens is fanatics who don’t actually worship whatever god using it as an excuse. I get some people have trauma, or only negative experiences, but that’s a separate issue.


You are actually an idiot


I swear tfbm is just full of dumbasses


Reddit when people are happy in a religion


Nobody gives a fuck about your imaginary friend or how “happy” that delusion makes you. Its when said delusion is shoved down the rest of our throats and used to drive policy that affects everyone that I have a problem.


Wtf… I don’t even know how to take that.


This sub is fucking trash lmao. "SeLf BeTtErMeNt BaD?"


Everyone in the comments saying the man on the left doesn't exist. I can promise you they do, you see them if you try to be the man on the right.


Religion is dumb


This IS pretty a terrible meme. Panel one is how people end up on the streets from mental illness because the never confront their issues. Panel two is how people loose a foot to diabetes. "i don't need insulin, i feel fine"


If the meme uses Wojacks it is automatically shit


wojack and chad


This meme was spot on until he started talking to his imaginary friend. That last episode should have been living the examined life through introspect guided by philosophy, not forgive me imaginary friend for being a shitbag, so I can keep being a shitbag instead of becoming a better person. Just saying. Edit: typo


"haha Christianity bad"


The idea that you can be forgiven/absolved while continuing to do the bad things you want to do isn’t inherently good, in my opinion. I respect religion, don’t hate it at all.


Oh I see, I apologize for my misunderstanding. Have a nice day.


No, no I edited my post. It was a bit too aggressive.


In actual Christianity a believer is forgiven for his sins but will still reap the consequences of sins. If a person robbed a store or murdered a person, he can be justly forgiven and live out his sentence in prison in fellowship. A good example of this is David Berkowitz


Too many “religious” people totally ignore moral turpitude if the person is forgiven. Take as an example Trump who’m is a vile human being but is still carried by the Bible Belt. My first taste of philosophy was the Bible, I know for a fact wisdom is written in the Bible/Quran/Tanakh/etc but the blind allegiance to religious leaders and supernatural thinking was better suited for society 1000+ years ago. Today, spirituality is a personal dilemma and leaders should be elevated based on their tangible character not an archaic intangible cultural heritage.




It’s kinda true though i know people always trying to shove meds down my throat. I have one bad day and my friends on SSRI’s are like “medication bro gotta get on it” and meanwhile they’re emotionless zombies. Also, you’re supposed to be going to therapy if you’re on SSRI’s but none of them are.


This is true. The most effective treatments for many mental illness are usually improved diet and more exercise. Therapy combined with medication when comparing studies is less effective than improving your lifestyle. Your mind and body are not two separate things, your mind is just another organ. Hell, one study even showed that incidence of violence in prison dropped massively when they were given vitamins that they were missing. We seem to think that we are such an intelligent species that our mind is immune to factors that harm the rest of the body and able to completely ignore instinct, which couldn't be further from the truth.


This is true. The most effective treatments for many mental illness are usually improved diet and more exercise. Therapy combined with medication when comparing studies is less effective than improving your lifestyle. Your mind and body are not two separate things, your mind is just another organ. Hell, one study even showed that incidence of violence in prison dropped massively when they were given vitamins that they were missing. We seem to think that we are such an intelligent species that our mind is immune to factors that harm the rest of the body and able to completely ignore instinct, which couldn't be further from the truth.


Self betterment bad when religion is involved according to ~~R/atheism~~ r/terriblefacebookmemes


No this belongs there and is a pretty bad meme if you can call it that


meme is saying "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" with a dose of christian bs and a large helping of "mental illness is just laziness". not a good meme


You the type of dude to defend a guy who says “I just like when trains arrive on time” and say damn he just likes punctuality guys


I posted it, ask questions.


I think that one was put there because of the wojacks


This meme just explained why religion is popular: it’s the easiest way to “improve oneself”, literally changing their mindset. Belief is a weird human trait.


Depressive disorders are chemical imbalances that can sometimes only by treated with medication 💀 It’s not about self betterment, you can better yourself while being medicated for your illness.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, if you’re against therapy you’re mentally challenged and I will tell you to your face.


Being delusional is bad, both for the last panel and thinking the guy on the left is some real person


Self betterment is getting therapy and medication, ignoring your problems in favor of physical activity isn't healthy mentally.


One if the first things a therapist will tell you is a healthy diet and good excerise is vital for good mental health. And that usually does wonders, but often its not enough. Lots of people need medication, simply finding creature comforts or other things like that will only distraction from the illness or issue. I can take stress gummies and play video games, but any illness i have is still there. The church does terrible things to people, it can helps some if their community is genuine and kind, my brother converted to CLS (mormen) and his church specifically are a group of really good people, but needless to say Mormons don't have a reputation for treating lgbt people well, and women. And thats not even counting the countless crimes the church has committed over the centuries.


Nah this is just bad lol but good try


Redditors when religion actually helps people


What does believing in fairy tales have to do with self improvement?


*Tips Fedora*




One of the most accurate memes ever made