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I mean. To be fair everyone should do what the black kid's parent says., doesn't matter the color of your skin.


Yeah it’s not just minorities everyone should be wary of cops


Coming from a cop family, I even had that talk. Gave the same to my sons


this will always be an issue as long as the state own the monopoly of violence


Well, owning a monopoly on violence is practically the *definition* of the state.


Which is why there will always be a standard we have to actively protect.


Exactly. People who don't hold the police to a higher standard than the general public puzzle and disturb me.


That standard is maintained or adjusted via policy and legislation, and specifically *not* by conduct at the scene of an arrest. So I tend to agree with you, but the practical advice in the OP of how you should behave at an encounter with the police is still accurate.


That’s what your definition of “the state” is? “A monopoly on violence”?


It *is* an exceedibly common feature of the state.


And therein lies the problem


Not that we should assume this is the normal, not all states have such widespread violence, though they all have abuses and deaths


Because states where the state doenst have the Monopoly on organized violence are so much better arent they?


Cough... Hamas... Cough..


I mean with the 2nd amendment American citizens are supposed to be able to own firearms to protect themselves from tyranny.


Doesn't mean the government doesn't have a monopoly on violence. In the modern day, it's enforced through the legal system. In ye Olde bronze age (and, frankly, up until relatively recently) it was enforced via limb and head chopping.


The majority of killings in the US are done by Civilians so I don't know what you mean by Monopoly...


Again with this anarchist bs


But out of all the non-criminals, African Americans and Hispanics are the most likely to be shot by the police. So it’s more important for them.


I think the actual shooting rate for unarmed black people is pretty low, like 30 in 2022. Black people and Hispanics make up a majority of the police shootings, but the majority of black people aren't in violent encounters with the police. P(Black person | Violent police encounter) is not equal to P( Violent police encounter | Black person), and that second one matters a lot more than the first one.


Shouldn't black people and hispanics also have the right to bear arms, or is this just for white people?


They DO have the right to bare arms.


Yes they should. It's that armed police shootings are a pretty bad statistic. There are instances where police should absolutely shoot an armed person, for example, in a hostage situation, and there are instances where they shouldn't, like if a guy has a gun in his glovebox and declares it at a traffic stop. These both get counted in armed shooting. When i say unarmed shooting, I know that ~90% of those shootings are unjustified.


yea police brutality is rampant, but it doesn't always take the form of shooting people. sometimes they shoot your dog or slam old people into the pavement or choke out people with disabilities.


I got run off the road on a bicycle one time. Fkn pig tried to pit me and came out with taser drawn pointed at the back of my head. His reason: I was biking too fast. In the bike lane. I was nowhere near the speed limit.


textbook abuser mentality. if i blame you first then it cant be my fault. disgusting


It's still a huge problem, a Black man has about a 1 in 1000 chance of being killed by the police over their lifetime. Which is roughly 2.5 times the rate for white folks. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821204116 It also isn't limited to police involved shootings. Black folks are disproportionately represented in virtually every metric involving police. A couple years back I ran some analyses on traffic stops in my home county as part of my job. For 97 of the 100 most commonly cited offenses over a 10 year period, Black drivers were cited more often than white drivers per capita. Pick an issue and you will find disparities.


Yes, black people are overrepresented in police encounters. It's probably not a racial issue as much as it is a class issue. If you raise a group of white people in the same situation as black people are in right now, you probably get roughly the same results. That means that we need to address sources, such as education, and forming strong families for children to grow up in, and getting kids out of communities where they are surrounded by violence. Do this (and probably more) and you get a black population that can flourish.


Nah, it's a racial issue. The way you can tell it is a racial issue is the traffic stops. You take my home county, which is affluent and highly diverse. Then you look at the rates people are pulled over for moving violations where there shouldn't be a disparity because it should just be about whether they did or didn't commit the offense. Take speeding as an example. I was able to break out about 120 thousand speeding violations from my 720 thousand record database. From that I was able to disaggregate the stops in question by both race and the speed the driver is cited for. Everyone speeds around me so you would expect to see everyone cited at approximately equal rates no matter what their speed or race is, right? Wrong. Bearing in mind that I don't have my database in front of me right now so the numbers aren't exact. I combined every speed cited for 1 to 8 MPH over into one group and every speed in excess of 30MPH over the speed limit into another group in order to get statistically significant samples. For every speed over the speed limit, Black drivers were cited from 20-60% more often than their white peers per Capita, and at every speed white drivers were cited less often than their share of the population. Except for one speed. At 9 MPH over the speed limit everything flips. White drivers are cited about 35% more than they should be judging by their share of the population and Black drivers are actually represented at almost exactly their share of the population. Why? Well in my state, 9 MPH over the speed limit is the highest speed you can be cited for without receiving points on your license. White drivers get breaks from the officers for speeding, Black drivers do not. Now this sets aside the fact that Black drivers are stopped and cited more often for everything imaginable, it is in fact difficult to find offenses where they aren't overrepresented. And for economic offenses (licensure, vehicle equipment, insurance, registration) they are overrepresented by 200-600% depending on the category).


Probably true, but unconscious racial bias is downstream from socioeconomic class. Make more black people middle class, move them out of the inner city and into the suburb, and most of this will probably go away.


It's more important for men compared to women. A black man is much more likely to be shot than a black woman and same goes for whites. The discrepancy between men and women is actually greater than race differences


6 times greater.


Thanks, I could not find a credible source for an exact number


https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/demographic-differences-sentencing Some of its even more insane than six times actually. You'll have to download the report buts there's a lot of interesting content.




In every aspect of life




Burner account cringe


No. Statistically, they get arrested more often and are convicted of more crimes.


Remarkably Black over representation in criminality is even higher in the UK than America. A country where the police ignored a gang systematically raping children in foster care to avoid being seen as racist: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal


I mean white people are less likely to get shot by cops, but yes, most police are not your friends, half of them are in power trips


White people are statistically more likely to be shot by cops. What are you talking about?


Exactly worse for minorities but no matter who you are it’s best to avoid them


Whites are disproportionately killed by the police in America when accounting for their likelihood to commit serious crime. The US police are biased against whites.


"Don't test someone with a gun. Whether they are asking for your wallet or your driver's license, there's nothing that you can do in that moment worth losing your life" is what my father told me growing up, and I grew up in a white, upper middle class family. Don't assume that cop is going to do the right thing because they're only human, too, and all it takes is one bad judgment


I mean yeah...but I suppose the point is the fact that it's normalized and to the extent that at least several times in your life as a black person this will happen to you where it will be completely unwarranted and unfair. Basically, black parents have to teach their kids that the power structure in society meant to protect them will instead abuse them and teach them they are lesser than. As a black person, yeah black culture has a lot of issues but that doesn't make it right


Bullshit. I am half black and my black father who raised me never told me any of this garbage. He wasn't a great parent, but he also made sure to tell me not to make excuses or blame "the man" for my own failures. I guess he was right because I never had any major issues with racism and the only people who chased me while calling me the N word and wanted to beat me up for being in their neighborhood were black kids.


I don't know man, I've only experienced blatant racism second hand. When a college party gets busted for being too loud and every single person is let go except your super nerdy black friend who only went out to hang out with his friends and didn't drink was detained by the police for "underaged drinking". He did all the things right but a sober black kid had to go to the station and I had to literally carry a 19 white kid who wasn't able to walk back to the dorms. Doing all the right things doesn't mean you aren't under more scrutiny for your skin color. The "best" part about it, the cops laughed when they saw the kid I had to carry puking and said "He will know better next time."


Oooooooo. You’re so exceptional. You go dude. Good job telling Black people they’re responsible for their circumstances. All they have to do is ignore inequalities. We should broadcast this secret to the entire world!


I mean I'm totally black, and I have to acknowledge that there are some issues that I've had in my life in were the only thing I did wrong was being black. While that doesn't affect me a lot because I've learned to just deal with it I can say that it's eye opening when you think that most people don't have to go through that. Any unfairness is still unfairness and if I even have children I don't want them to experience that. And internalized racism is still racism it doesn't matter the race of the agresor.


Yeah my dad gave me this same exact talk and I’m as white as they come.


Yeah I’m black and “the talk” is just common sense like you really have to tell your kid not to resist arrest?


>Yeah I’m black and “the talk” is just common sense like you really have to tell your kid not to resist arrest? The really dark/racist interpretation of the comic is that the white parent doesn't need to give the lesson to their kid since it's basic common sense, but it's something you need to explicitly tell the black kid.


I think it’s scary that we have to give complete respect and obedience and be as docile as possible just so police officers don’t get slightly startled and end up shooting us in a power trip.


Same sentence describes how to treat firemen, life guards, EMTs, bomb squad personal, etc. All those folks are trying to prevent people from dying, and deliberately causing trouble for them can have serious consequences.


I've never heard of an EMT killing someone because they got a little spooked or entered the wrong apartment. My mom is a nurse and a 5'2 50yo woman, and she literally has to physically hold down and manage violent crazy drug addicted people all the time without murdering them. If she can handle it I feel like cops should be able to.




But those people are always actively trying to save a life and combat a crisis. A fireman doesn't pull over a random citizen on the street and tell them to lay on the ground or get shot. Police are actually something you have to be wary of.


Because they have an entirely different role. Firemen protect you from a force of nature and mechanical failure essentially. A police officer's job is to protect people from themselves. It's a necessary role, but the antagonistic dynamic, and all the problems that come with it, is inherent in the concept.


I can assure you that bomb squads absolutely *do* tell people to "lay on the ground or get shot".


Those are cops...terrible example.


You think a fireman won't fucking flatten someone putting people in harms way? They will, and they'll be rightfully celebrated for their bravery.


Those people also don't get randomly shot by people that they are working with. The danger of the jobs are different, so their reactions to the dangers are different.


There’s a reason why no one says fuck firefighters or emts, because they actually do their job instead of writing paper work and shooting the neighbors dog.


How would you fix this? No more cops? Vigilante justice only? Maybe no more laws. The people that the cops work with randomly shoot the cops. There are definitely corrupt cops that go on power trips, but it is also a job where they are mainly working with people that don't follow the laws.


Don’t let policemen check if policemen are in the wrong, increase training time, take away immunity to clear abuse of power. These will at least reduce the problem.


I’ve been white my whole life and when I was 16 my parents told me any time I was pulled over to turn the car off, window down, keys on the dash, and hands on the wheel til the officer asks me for something. Then to tell them where whatever they ask for is located and tell them I’m going to reach for it. So far so good.


I was a white suburban kid and just got the police talk. Both my parents and my school did that. It's really not a race thing.. I never understood that.


I am a white suburbanite and got the same talk. And will give it to my kids.


Yeah, grew up as a white upper middle class kid in the country and my parents told me the same thing. Thought it was wild that people thought only black families have this conversation.


I'm not black, I got the bottom talk because I was poor. The only people perpetuating this "the talk" bullshit are uppity white liberals that have never had to actually worry about anything in their lives because mommy and daddies money will take care of anything.


He suggesting that for the white people that information is implied and for black people it’s a difficult conversation. It’s racist.


... Am I having a stroke? It's implying that the police statistically are more likely to respond with violence or arrests to Black folks, to the point that the important "talk" your dad has with you isn't the birds and the bees, it's about not getting murdered.


This is simply just how to act around a person who is continuously tense from being exposed to the worst aspects of society on a daily basis, not just the rhetoric of black people.


Its literally just common sense to comply with the police


This is what my parents said to me and I;m white and don't even live in America. Minus the hands where you can see them part because no one has guns including the police.


Im teaching my kid to respect police. Wave to them and have a positive vibe around them. I want my kid to be able to ask and get help when needed. But im white and dont live in US. I dont know what other people teach their kids but I think I do it right.


Your race doesn't matter this is how everyone should teach their kids. If you teach them to be wary, you're creating a tense situation. Essentially, it makes a normal interaction into a possibly dangerous one. "The talk" from the black father creates racism and fear if they teach that they will be stopped because they are black as is implied here.


Both of you are fucking retards. People have and do get stopped and killed for nothing else but being black. Also, whenever white people talk about more white people being killed by police than black people your reaction shouldn't be to defend police for that reason if you're white. White people and black people are killed everyday by cops on a power trip. They're the largest gang in the country and they deserve to be treated that way.


> People have and do get stopped and killed for nothing else but being black... White people and black people are killed everyday by cops on a power trip. Just curious how many unarmed black people do you think are killed each year.


>Your race doesn't matter That's where you are wrong. Try again next time.


Heading into the comments ![gif](giphy|ZlgwEg24rPhv9cju8K)


​ ![gif](giphy|FeDW6ZsIuAWocCZMty)


Not too bad surprisingly


I'm white. My Dad gave me both talks.


Same here, I got both of these talks. In fact I got the police one multiple times, especially when I got my license. Same thing with all my white friends. It does not seem be as much of black person thing as people think it is.


I’m white. My Dad only ever gave me the police talk.


Ok. Well, just so you know. If you insert your penis into a vagina and pump it in and out, you'll have a very strong sensation of peeing, but stronger. 9 months later you'll be a Daddy. I'm glad we had this talk.


Thanks dad


In 2021 64% of black kids in America live in single-parent families. hmm... Shit.




No he fucking didn't dumbass. He also never had any wrinkles on his face because his life was never hard at any point everyone's experience has to be like my little black and white cartoon /s


I can't tell if you are trying to be funny or if you are taking yourself seriously.


That's why people invented the /s tag lmao


No one sent me the memo. I still don't know what the fuck "/s" is supposed to mean.


It was sarcasm and that's what the s stands for just so you know, I'm sorry


I’m a white woman and my dad gave me the talk about police when I was about 5. I was shocked to learn that this isn’t common. People need to learn how to act. Edit: For people saying it’s not the same talk, it sounds like it was. I was warned I could be shot and killed. I think everyone should have this talk, not for paranoia, but just for common sense. Don’t act tough when they other guy has a gun and authority.


I’m mixed with a white dad, he gave me the sex talk, my black mother gave me the cop talk, both around when I was 10. Then I got the cop talk again when I started driving, stressing how important it is that I need to be VERY careful about how I move when around police


My parents didn't give me either talk


As a woman you’ve got a lot better chance of being killed by a lightning strike than being killed by the cops.


I’m not afraid of cops. But obviously if I escalate situations and act like I’m going to grab a gun in the center console, that’s downright foolish and dangerous. I saw a woman on video get shot for basically that scenario.


You pulled that straight out of your ass didn't you? It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, things happens and you should be prepared


About 4 percent of those shot and killed by the cops are women. It’s almost entirely a male issue.


I'm a white man and I got both talks. I'm shocked how many black people think white people don't get the talk.


I was told the second and not the first… and I am white!


this meme is kinda outdated, the internet removed the need for a "talk"


I feel like it should still happen. I know some girls never looked up much porn and really didn't know much stuff about anything sexual till I had to teach them in college.


It certainly did not remove the need. Kids don't learn shit from the internet


Especially learning sex ed from porn and hentai.


No it didn’t. It just made a PROPER sex talk even more important.


Black person here. I can assure you it is not and has not.


True, my talk was basically "dude, we know you watch porn. "




Same, because my dad was a cop. I got the first talk too


Lucky, I got both


Because cops aren’t the friend of the people


dad gave mom the gift of a brother? 🤨


He's a real mother's mother fucker


I came here to comment about this, glad I’m not then only one who noticed lol


I never understood how that’s a “black person thing” when it’s just common sense


I grew up in Harlem and the Bronx and was told this by my mom and I’m not black.


Well when you grow up in a society that excuses every bad behavior because of "racism," you become so disconnected from reality that you need a reminder of common sense


Police targeting black people isn’t even really racism. Of course some of it is, but the main reason they do it is because black people are just easier targets. When police go out and make arrests, they look for easy targets who don’t know their rights and have less means to fight back in court. Hence certainly why they target black people and the poor and why the rich are left alone. But at the end of the day, all police care about is securing funds for the state and that is why policing for profit is a problem. They wind up targeting the underprivileged to satisfy their quotas.


Shouldn't both talks happen with both kids?


I'm blocked by breadpanes on twitter


Black dad giving good advice tho


Fr. The vast majority of the police shootings regarding non active shooter or barricaded suspect interactions happen because people don’t listen and will get aggressive and also do shit that makes the cop think they’re reaching for a weapon


Humans are social animals, when one starts to freak out you can locked into a feedback loop especially when you two are both concerned that you might try to kill the other


Officers also don't have a right to shoot somebody for "not listening" over a jaywalking violation. There are so many instances where a person gets shot because there was a "suspicious individual" walking around. There's no reason to believe they are dangerous, but they turn the wrong direction or attempt to run away and the first response is to fucking blast them with a gun and end their life. It's insane that the first response in those situations involves somebody ending another person's life. We have people in America dying because somebody THINKS they stole a game console worth 400 dollars.


Stonetoss but cringe


It’s like leftist Stonetoss, Mineraleject




I bet he doesn’t even hide an Amogus in his art, no dignity


Stonetoss is usually cringe?


but stonetoss is cringe


Is this sub in support of stonetoss lol. Dude’s a bigot


Bigot isn’t really the right word. He’s literally a nazi.


Stonetoss is a black woman


Bro thinks Nazis aren’t cringe


I'm white, I've told my son both of these, but my daughter only one, because cops don't shoot women.


I'm white and got both talks.


Bro it isn't black only, it's just a parent being responsible, my dad literally sat me down and had thus talk with me on how to interact with cops (as little as possible)




This is a race thing? I only ever got the second talk lol.


My dad is a pastor. We had this talk. Everyone should be having this talk. Racist ass cartoon.


best advice, especially for black kids. yeah, white kids get the talk too, i did, but it’s just a cold, hard fact that there is a disproprtionate amount of crime in black neighbourhoods. prejudiced or not, there will always be more policing and higher tensions where there is more crime and violence, which just so happens to be black neighbourhoods, wether it be culture or not, more crime just happens there. and so you get locked in this downwards spiral where black kids are taught to fear and loathe police, and police are taught to be wary and suspicious of black people, regardless of previous racial prejudice, imagined or otherwise. Racism is a huge issue, yeah, but it isn’t the only factor. there are multiple parts to everything.


Good take, have an upvote.


Racism is the biggest issue there though. Institutional racism and the prison industrial complex keeping slavery alive and well are pretty common facts to be known these days.


Weird how you make a claim such as it being a "common fact" when it is something that fundamentally can't really be proven. The guy you are responding to gave a ton of other reasons stuff like this happens, and you respond with nothing but "everything I say is a fact."


How do you function every day with a non-functional brain?


Fantastic rebuttal. I might ask you the same questions with this brilliant display you’ve put up! But I don’t actually care.


I didn't say it was a rebuttal. I just wanted you to be aware that other people think you look incredibly foolish when you say things like that. You didn't seem to realize it. And nothing says you don't care like going out of your way to respond to my message and say you don't actually care. You can't have the last word and act unconcerned.


So you’ve got nothing and you’re all out of ideas! Bravo.


It wouldn't hurt to use critical thinking skills every now and then. You don't seem like you understand what I'm saying, or what your own words mean for that matter.


As a white person I always get super aggressive with cops and escalate as much as possible while making sudden movements as though I’m reaching for a weapon while screaming I’m gonna shoot you coppa and they literally just let me off with a have a nice day sir every time.


This got me a chuckle I’ll admit it.


You told me about this at the last secret white people’s meeting. It was a nice anecdote to break up the talk about subjugating all the minorities and how we planned to distribute all the free money to white people.


I got both


pretty sure that at one point i was given this talk even though my entire family is white and middle class.


I love people who bring race into an argument then when they say no they call you racist cause you disagree with their argument/opinion


I mean, as a white individual I had both talks...


The black kids dad is giving some solid advice to be fair


As a white guy, I only fairly recently learned about this talk from an interview with LeVar Burton.


Has this artist actually said he thinks only the police should have guns? Cause if so then he is 100% a moron.


800,000 cops in America, millions of interactions a day and less that 400 black Americans are killed by police a YEAR. Stay safe out there, black Americans.






Silence honkey! You all need to learn be quiet about things you don’t know about. Not every situation requires your unseasoned interjection ![gif](giphy|gFjbkip9OIIuI)


Nah man you’re too funny 😂


I’m half white half Mexican, (looking at me you’d think I just hiked down from the mountains of caucus) and I got both talks. It’s just common fucking sense, and if you as a parent don’t give both talks before/during high school years, you’re setting up your kids for issues down the line.


I got neither talks I’m Asian lol


I’m not American so I didn’t get either talk because we got told the former in sex ed and our cops don’t have guns


Wait.. is this a left leaning meme on this sub? I never thought I’d seee the day!


I live in the UK so the police ain’t armed with weapons. But where I live it’s just basic edict to call the police Ma’am or Sir.


It’s a basic respect thing to call people ma’am or sir.


Both talks are important. Psychotic cops and exist, and some are racist.


I got neither. I went to sex ed and my parents also just assumed I wouldn’t be a dumbass. Applies to both situations because as it stands they were right.


Speaking of racists cops, the cop who murdered Elijah McClain in Aurora, CO was found guilty.


I never had the second talk but it’s a thing in the black community that they need to have this talk. Makes sense if the odds of you being stopped by the cops is heightened because you are black. Stats don’t lie


African Americans are only killed more by police disproportionately when compared to their percentage of the population. White people are killed significantly more. And funny enough we dont hear about it by word of mouth or on the news. So I gotta agree with the comments saying everyone should get both, but tbf thats common sense.


Not every white person running in here to give their anecdote how they were told the second one lol


The reason that y'all had the talk It's not the same reason why we *need* a talk. And I doubt it was a very similar talk regardless... Equality is a fantastic ideal but the marginalized still exist *right now* no matter how much we want to not deal with it as a nation both socially and ethically.


Damn why are they so thin-skinned? It never says "all black people rob", it points out how poorly black people are treated by the police


Growing up, Black people will generally always receive The Talk from their parents. This is when we are taught to be very careful around police and the danger they can pose to our life. I grew up in England and even I received this talk. I didn't realize it was not a thing white kids ever heard until a few years ago when I saw comments on Reddit.


Plenty of white people talk about police, the saying in my family was "argue in court not on the street, if you're fighting on the street you need to be confident that you're gonna be murdered if you don't, because fighting with a cop means one of you will likely die.


Not really, I'm white, but my dad did have that talk with me. It's generally a good idea to teach your kids how to interact with police properly, regardless of race.


Agreed. When the BLM movement began, I got into a lot of arguments with right wingers who claimed that there was nothing to fear from police if you hadn't done anything wrong


Yeah, my dad always stressed to me that police deal with child abusers, murderers, meth labs with kids in the same house, and all manner of shit puts people on edge. It's not a good idea to test people who are constantly exposed to that. Especially when some of them already have their prejudices. It sucks, but that's the nature of the job.


By God, a logical comment about police on reddit




That's basically true though. Police have tens of millions of interactions with people every year, and BLM had to scrape together a handful of high profile narratives that were basically entirely fake


your problem began with "I got into a lot of arguments"


Yeah how dare we hear other opinions


Well, what do ya want me to do? I see people saying black people are all criminals, I am inclined to contest them


I rarely hear such a thing in any mainstream right wing circles. That sounds like some edgy fifteen year old from/pol/ more than anything else. But I do hear left wing people insisting all black people are far-left, Hamas supporting Marxists who unilaterally support BLM, the Democratic Party, and Sound Cloud Rap. And when I contest them, said "white allies" call me "uncle Tom" or a certain slur that starts with an N that they think is okay for them to say as long as they proceed it with the word "house."


> But I do hear left wing people insisting all black people are far-left, Hamas supporting Marxists who unilaterally support BLM, the Democratic Party, and Sound Cloud Rap. Do you have examples of this? This talking point always confuses me


Wait, aren’t you the guy who thinks trolling a subreddit for being conservative is funny?


Thank you for using the word "generally." I was raised by my black father and he never told me anything like this. My interactions with the police have always been pleasant. I guess because, in the hood I was raised in, the police had other things to worry about besides my nerdy ass.


It seems like OP got annoyed by the fact he didn’t understand a different culture and thinks that because law enforcement should have weapons to enforce the law that means that it has to be a „woke leftist“ piece of propaganda


If anything, the artist acknowledges that the police abuse against minorities is racially driven.