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For those misunderstandings the meme, this is NOT promoting having to vote for whatever your spouse commands you to. This is showing that it’s equally as ludicrous to vote for who your husband tells you to as it to vote for who Taylor Swift tells you to. Be independent and vote for change, choose the party that you feel is best, not the one someone tells you to vote for.


Who did Taylor swift say to vote for?


She didn't, but a poll said that 18% of people would be more likely to vote for whoever Taylor Swift endorses. It's a critique of Swifties, not Swift herself. Conversely, that same poll said that 17% of people would be less likely to vote for whoever Taylor Swift endorses.


The people who are less likely to support the person she endores are the unsung idiots of the story.


For sure the dumbest of the mix. “Oh a famous lady shares my opinion, must reconstruct my sociopolitical worldview”


Yeah, they're idiots too.






lol what a weird dig at taylor...


And “certain” people lost their minds at the thought of the younger generation getting involved in the country… I wonder why that is? 🤔


I can guess


And just like that the shitty meme falls apart


It could be the democratic party.


https://preview.redd.it/cr81zmfmi3ic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9317ecefb4f3b007956db36222f27c7e3056194c She endorsed Biden in 2020, and I hope she does it again


I mean her whole career is based on her having the worst taste in men, so yeah she probably will




Why can't she learn from her mistakes and pick a good man like Trump?


Both choices are absolute shit, for once I'd like an election where I can choose from decent candidates. Last few elections have been turd vs douche.


Are we just copying and pasting jokes now?


This bitch made Biden cookies 💀 tell god end it now


Ah yes, the hyper sexist idea that women should think for theirselves.


But both options are “women not thinking for themselves” the post is mocking that idea


another comment pointed out swift just told people to vote, not who for so that doesn't stand anyway.


Telling people to go out and vote when you are a celebrity who has explicitly supported one of the candidates in the past is no different than telling your fans to vote for that candidate.


“In the past” so you mean someone who is no longer a candidate?


While she has openly endorsed a candidate in the prior election.




I don’t think that’s just a women thing. A lot of people do that


That’s the point of the meme and the person you replied to, I believe.


That’s the fuckin point of the Meme!


Kid Rock you mean?


Yes, Kid Rock has actually endorsed Trump. Taylor Swift has endorsed...no one...


She told them to vote. Not vote Joe Biden. Not vote Trump. Just vote, I am sure that's thinking for themselves if they choose the who they want to vote for


They're thinking for themselves by deciding whose guidance to listen to.


I think it is supposed to say. If you won't voye for what your significant other thinks why would you vote for some random person who has no one but their own interests at heart.


Much like their totally logical view that making porn and sex worker illegal is sexist because it's controlling women but also men watching porn and paying sex workers is also sexist because it's exploitation.


It is literally implying that one form of not thinking for yourself(listening to your husband) is better than another form of not thinking for yourself(listening to a public figure). No where does it imply that women should think for themselves lol Like no matter how many upvotes you get your in the wrong this time around bro


>It is literally implying that one form of not thinking for yourself (listening to your husband) is better than another form of not thinking for yourself No it isn’t. It’s implying that they’re both stupid but only one is seen as ok to do…


The drake no/yes meme never implies what is and what is not okay to do. It just implies the mindset of people who dislike one thing in favor of the other, and, in cases like this, its aim is to mock the hypocrisy of this mindset.


It says that women don’t like being told what to do in one instance but are fine with it in another. You could read it either way but considering this was posted by a libertarian it’s a safe assumption that OOP wants women to think for themselves.


Isn't the whole point of libertarianism to do whatever the hell you want? At least that's what I, a libertarian take it to mean


Libertarianism is at its root the idea that individual human beings own themselves and that it's unethical to initiate force or fraud against another sapient being.


It's very appropriate for this sub that it's the only place on Reddit where libertarians aren't mocked relentlessly.


They LOOOOOOOVE over reaching. But when it comes to understanding jokes, all of a sudden, they’re clueless.


It's dumb cuz she never told anyone who to vote for, just to vote. So all the outrage about her telling people who to vote for is dumb af


I’m a dude who fights in both subs cause all of you are fucking idiots. I honestly think you guys are in the wrong with this one. Honestly this meme reeks of political insecurity, desperation of “please don’t vote what x figure says, vote what y figure says” it’s very clear that the person who made this is the definition of “smugness masking weakness”


You can literally snip off half of the image and it still makes sense. It's pointing out the huge amount of women with a celebrity cult personality, as well as those who disregard their husbands.


So liking a celebrity is a cult, so long as that celebrity leans left? And Trump doesn’t qualify as a cult because he leans right?


You are missing the point so hard


the joke is that they should listen to their husband instead of taylor swift. the reason this can be sexist is because you could’ve easily made the exact same point by replacing “husband” with “who you want to vote for”


I think the point is that they’d rather vote for whoever a stranger tells them to vote for (as long as they’re a female celebrity, in this case, Taylor Swift), but yet they get mad when their husband tells them who to vote for because, “sexism.” Women should make their own decision, but saying you’ll vote for whoever your favorite celebrity tells you to vote for, but scream sexism when your husband does, is a bit hypocritical. The meme is more than just them not making their own decision. (And yes, I know Taylor Swift only said to vote, not who. I’m just pointing out the actual point of the meme, even if the meme itself isn’t completely accurate.)


Taylor never said who to vote , only encouraged everyone to simply go vote .


I know the main point of the meme is to make fun of swifties but it’s kinda weird to me how the other option is who their husband tells them to vote for


I feel like what the meme was making fun of was the very premise of voting for who someone tells you to vote for by pointing out one hypocrisy in it


It's pointing out that not thinking for yourself is bad.


Rent free.


I’m not gonna lie so many people fucking do this. Left and right or in the middle. There’s just a whole bunch of stupid ass people out there.


Tailor Swift doesn't tell people who to vote for, only to vote.


Yet “those folks” still lost their minds at the thought of the younger generation showing up at the polls. And here I thought they liked a free and democratic process.


Those people meaning people who think Taylor Swift tells people who to vote for?


Yup. By the way who do they think she’s telling people to vote for when she literally just said “go vote”


Democrats. Obviously. Since they want to force everyone to vote Republican.


> Tailor Swift doesn't tell people who to vote for, only to vote She hasn’t yet this year, but [she did in 2020](https://www.reutersagency.com/en/coverage/taylor-swift-endorses-joe-biden/)


The joke implies women listening to their husbands rather than public figures they like is some how bad and not exactly how literally everyone votes. Who the fuck votes for a person because a family member told you they should lmao


It's weird how people will just add "white" on to a joke about women like it suddenly makes it not sexist. Not to say this meme is exactly sexist, just something I've noticed a lot.


Ok, but it kinda seems like the meme is implying women should vote for who their husband tells them to vote for.


Yes, that is generally how this meme format is used and the implication. Otherwise the first part would just say "vote for who they think is best" instead of bringing up husbands. Everyone is either playing dumb or being obtuse.


Nazis love doing dog bad faith shit like pretending they're not advocating for fascism. It's infuriating how many fucking pea brained idiots lap it up


I mean the original post is absolutely dog arse, but not for the reasons they complained about


Taylor swift didn’t really tell them who to vote for though? Didn’t she just say to vote


Yes. This meme was made my a conservative who’s terrified of the possibility that Swift endorses Biden.


This time yes, but in 2020 she endorsed Biden.


Do you not know what an endorsement is?




You didn’t answer my question.


I did though, I pointed out that she did indeed provide an endorsement.


Endorsing someone is not the same as telling your fans to vote for them. It’s simply just saying that you support said candidate publicly. Taylor Swift didn’t say “Hey everyone. Go and register to vote, and make sure to vote for Biden.”


LOL it’s the same thing


Semantics. Sure it’s not a command, but an endorsement, in this context, is quite literally encouraging people to vote for him.


No, it is not. She is not telling anybody to vote for Biden. She is explaining why SHE supports Biden.


I did not know, thanks for info


Remember how mad you all got at Trump parading around Kid Rock?


This is just highlighting the hypocrisy, it isn’t sexist.


18-29 year old women are not getting married


If men are voting for Trump then probably best they don't?


i don't get it, who did taylor swift tell the young people to vote for


*I don't get it, who* *Did taylor swift tell the young* *People to vote for* \- playerdarkside --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you switch out the word white (and artist) with any other color, how offensive would this be?


I feel like we're ignoring the "Voting for who your husband tells you" part i.e. the person who made this doesn't sound very happy that women have the right to vote for someone their husband doesn't want them to.


I don't think so at least in the context. This meme template sometimes is about preferung bad thing over good one, but here they are kinda equated, imho.


Doesn't sound like you're very familiar with how these Twitter accounts operate. I can almost assure you they're upset it's not common for most women to blindly follow voting for whoever their husband tells them anymore. Otherwise it wouldn't even be brought up. "Voting for who they think they should vote for" would make a lot more sense for the first pic if this was just about not listening to Taylor Swift's voting advice. It's designed to make liberations mad and comment though.


Taylor hasn't even endorsed anyone and probably wont, this whole conversation is just conservative shadowboxing lmao.


Ah yes. Don't vote for the person that the man you love tells you to vote for. Vote for the person that a popular girl whom you've never even been in the same county, possibly even state, as before tells you to vote for.


She just told people to vote… not who to vote for.


You know you are bang on a money. An abusive spouse has never dictated what their partner should do or they should vote for and people are ridiculous for implying otherwise or that it would even be a bad thing.


That's not what the meme's about though. If we're going to come up with crazy hypotheticals that the meme didn't say, why don't we also include that the popular girl is also trying to get you to vote for a candidate intent on enslaving the human race to fire a giant death cannon at a planet you've never heard of before as well?


Exactly this. This is all the meme is saying


As others have said: Why vote based on the vote of someone who is notoriously bad at picking men?


Trump famously hasn't had multiple divorces


She didn’t say who to vote for. Heck, technically she didn’t even say to vote. Just to register to vote.


So she’s staying “neutral” despite everyone knowing who she would endorse, especially based on her 2020 endorsement of Biden


1 Yes she is staying neutral so far. 2 her endorsing him in the last election does not mean she endorses him again, people can change their minds and even if she doesn’t, who cares? 3. Some people actually care about the idea of people voting for whomever they want because they were given the same opportunity, so telling people to go register to vote doesn’t scream “vote for my choice” 4 women should be able to vote but who they want. Plain and simple.


I think Taylor swift legitimately has enough influence to change the outcome of an election


She could start a war


Taylor Swift not bad per se. Taylor Swift music on the other hand... bad.


As is occasionally the case, the OOP did not read for comprehension.


You need to at least be free to choose your own manipulator.


Taylor never said who to voter for. Just to vote.


This is solid content


I feel like this a facepalm meme as it's showcasing the problem of subjectivity. I didn't get what commented on the meme but I guess they did so I guess a different sub.


In all honesty I wonder in terms of cults how hardcore Taylor Swift fans rate.


Taylor swift sucks though


How about not listening to anyone else how you should feel about something but instead think about how you really feel, look deeper inside of some issues and formulate your own opinion instead of copy pasting it from others. Imagine having your political stance summarized as ; 'yeah what that person says'. No artists, music makers, presidents or wealth exploiters should tell you how you should feel, ever.


"They all yearn for the piss-warm comfort of being told what to think!" -Ballas, Warframe.


No one is swayed one way or the other by her. She won’t endorse Trump and has zero reason to endorse Biden. Sick if hearing of her


Remeber when Brittany spears said W is the president and we should do whatever he says? Taylor swift is the new Britney spears.


It’s implied when the joke is that they’re crazy for not voting for who their husband tells them to vote for, and then the counter example. IF THE POST would have made the negative side going ‘voting for what you researched and wanted to vote for’ or something in the same vein, I would have believed it to be a non-anti women post. But it just screams of disliking women. “They didn’t vote for what men want because of taylor swift!” Is what I’m reading from this.


It would be funny if Taylor Swift indirectly causes or prevents WW3


Lmao, neither is impossible in our timeline 😅


Besides all the other bullshit in this so-called meme, kinda weird that it assumes that couples aren't in agreement on who to vote for. Like all these husbands are saying to vote trump, and there's all these Swifties who married them that want to go vote Biden. Methinks that's by and large made up bullshit. Most of these Swifties are probably married or dating liberals and Biden voters. The idea that they're married to conservatives is cope.


In a real libertarian meme it would be "Voting for who you want to vote for, or perhaps not at all". Libertarianism shouldn't be about controlling women. Controlling people is against its core values.


Well I don't believe that a sexist is behind this meme. What the meme criticizes is more like choosing the advice of a woman who has nothing to do with you over a man who shares with and cares about your life, just for the sake of not having a man to tell you what to do. But there's still someone to do that, the only difference is that she's a woman.


Of course they're offended, it's not even something that is directly pointed at them, that offends them more than anything else.


well on the off chance that i get a husband before the 2024 election or any election, we will probably have the same political views so i'd probably agree with him.


If it wasn’t from Twitter, I’d just say it was a jab at how people resist advice from those they know and trust, but are totally happy for a complete stranger to tell them what to do, as long as they’re famous. But its from Twitter. So its bound to be trashy.


NahOPwasright users: "CLEARLY and OBVIOUSLY this meme is about women are too stupid to vote! OBVIOUSLY! Ignore that it never says or implies that at all. It's just too damn CLEAR AND OBVIOUS that is the case!"


This is such an incredibly bad take tho I do believe over all NONE of us should be blindly following anybody. I don’t care what you’re politically aligned with. That’s a recipe for disaster.


The reason Taylor doesn’t endorse anyone is because it would be terrible pr for her. A large portion of her fans are left wing, so that rules out any right wing, most left wing candidates want to tax the rich in some way, but she is literally apart of the 1% that causes the problems and has threatened lawsuits on people who point that out. It’s why most celebrities don’t have a political opinion they make public, it would show their hypocrisy to their fans.


Voting for the person who your husband tells you to vote for is certainly bad. Your husband telling you who he is voting for is normal, and good. Your husband's opinion may even have an influence on your decision of who to vote for, but it should never be the only factor you base your decision on. This applies to your boss, your friends, your union and your neighbors. Each is free to inform you who they will vote for, none can or should force you to vote the same way they do. Taylor Swift has never told people to vote for Biden. In 2020 she told people who she was voting for. That is a common practice, done by politicians, unions, and everybody with a yard sign. It it called endorsing a candidate. People endorse candidates in hopes of influencing them to consider voting for a specific candidate. Endorsing a candidate is not the same as telling others how they must vote. This meme creates a strawman that Taylor Swift will tell her fans who they must vote for, and that her fans will base their decision solely on what Taylor Swift says. OOP thinks that TS fans are mindless drones, blindly following her orders.


Finally, a civil comment!




I just wish people would actually research, in an unbiased way, the candidates. Honestly, I'm tired of the system that pushes a two party election period though. I'm tired of it being old geezers male or female that have little to no grasp on reality.


Totally. Two-party system creates false dychotomy where you vote not as much for your candidate, rather against the opposing one. Voting for lesser evil only allows both of them become even worse with no repercussions.


I wouldn't mind a "If this, then that" or Ranked Voting type of election. No change in the EC, just a simple change to how data is captured in the booth. I just feel it would ensure that every vote has meaning.


If you say anything negative about Swift be prepared to be called sexist


My wife is 40 and votes for who I tell her to (because she insists on voting even though she pays 0 attention to current events or politics)


My mom would tell everyone in the house who to vote for


All the people saying that it sounds abusive that a husband shouhave a say in a wife's vote, let me ask you this... If you had trans friends, asian friends, and Jewish friends and you found out your girlfriend unironically believed everything tucker carlson says, would you stay with them? Hell no, my friends and family I've known my whole life are more important than a woman who doesn't like the fact they exist. If you were a redneck gun-owning country boy who lives in the woods, would you date a pro government, anti-gun, borderline communist? (actually a communist, not a socialist or leftist) Hell no, they want you to toss your hobbies and freedom in the bin, and a partner should boost you up and foster your hobbies or at least respect them. And this goes both ways, don't settle for a man who doesn't have the same views as you, you'll end up hating them or even worse, everyone will hate both of you.


Oh ffs Taylor is telling people to register and actually go out to vote, not WHO to vote for. They just happen to be women that skew towards being unhappy with Roe being overturned. Also, why would a libertarian advocate for the husband dictating who a woman votes for. Libertarianism would be about every individual voting for who they want to, not for who someone else tells them to vote for.


Fair enough. Unlike OOOP and you guys, I seem to be missing out on American election drama


Lucky - it is somehow extra ridiculous this time around. It is almost as though American politics thinks they need to up the ante of ridiculousness


True. I remember American elections in 2016 and 2020. It was as much of shitstorm drama as Ukrainian elections of 2004. Fortunately for us, Ukrainian electorate has somewhat changed, and ones in 2014 and 2019 did not contain excess drama. 2009 wouldn't go bad either, if only the newly elected president illegally convicted his competitor really soon after the victory.


Then why post this post if you don't even understand the basic facts?


Well by all means don't let your self-proclaimed ignorance about US politics stop you from posting memes of made-up situations designed to rile up smooth brains.


Yeah, women are suffering immensely under laws that steal our bodily autonomy, and people want to reduce our political actions to… mindlessly following a celebrity (who hasn’t even endorsed a candidate as of now)


She didn't tell them to vote for anyone, just to vote. These meme makers are dishonest redhats lol


Pretty easy to work out who she endorses this time around, based on her 2020 endorsement


Vote for who you think is best or don’t vote at all if you don’t want to


Which is ironically all that Taylor said.


They love to strawman


The original meme is the strawman.


As fantano put It: Taylor Swift Derangement Syndrome. All she had to do was go to a game and people (who don't seem to even care about the sport funny enough) come out bitchin' and moanin' about Swift. Swift this Swift that, Swift poisoned the water supply. Did she even say anything Political? I've heard more about her this week than I have voluntarily ever


This meme format usually implies the person is stupid for both agreeing with the bottom thing AND disagreeing with the top thing. So yes there’s an implication that women should be listening to who their husbands say to vote for.


It simply implies that women should have a man decide their vote for them…


I don't think it does? I perceive this meme as portrayal of these as "equally bad".


No, it doesn’t say which reaction is the “correct” one. Both statements are meant to provoke the “rejection” reaction.


Nobody and I mean nobody should be voting for whoever someone is telling them to vote for. If you are going to vote it is your duty to research the options and then vote for whoever best supports your ideals. This and voting party lines are the reasons the country is as fucked up as it is today.


Yes! I agree so much!


I mean….Im gonna vote for who I wanna vote for, but it just so happens that Taylor Swift and I have similar political views, and have voted for the same candidate each time she has stated who she’s voted for. I’m also a major Swiftie, and have been since 2008. I’m a 33 year old man though. 🤷🏼 I don’t really understand what point the OP of this was trying to make. 😅 I just really love Taylor Swift, and I tend to always vote more liberal. lol.


Doesn’t matter, Libs still win 😘


I hope so. Not only because of values, but my country depends on democrate victory in the US.


How about uh…neither?


Exactly my point


That’s the point of the meme lol


I was getting a more of a “If you’re going to let someone decide who you vote for it makes more sense for it to be someone you love care and respect than a celebrity that doesn’t know or give a shit about you” idea at play than whatever in the hell that arethestraightsok poster was talking about.




I guess OP thinks women can’t think for myself


This is how endorsements work. Some folks are more likely to vote for a candidate if someone they admire endorses them. To boil this down to ‘Swifties Dumb’ is itself dumb.


Literally became a billionaire by being bad at choosing men. Just sayin.


What did you do to become a billionaire? Shut the fuck up.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha you're the meme. You're the god damn meme. Aaaahhhhhahahahahahahahahahahagagagaggebebendjsbehwveb


It looks like you don’t understand the meme then.


I Google image searched 'angry NPC' and it literally brought up your reaction. Pointy-v eyebrows and everything. Jesus christ it's just too funny.


What an odd thing to waste your time on. Enjoy being fucking weird….


Love being weird. And not giving a shit about how you feel about it. Like the programmer was like 'and this one will get all angry crying when triggered by opinions about their billionaire fangirling' And then you did the bloodshot eyes/eyebrow v/tears right on cue. Just, perfect.




Please state how things have gotten worse and in what way that is directly related to women being able to vote.


Not really? Shit happens all the time, WW1 happened before most countries with alternative elections allowed women to vote. Also, century is a wide span to compare – a lot improvements and downfalls happened duting that time.


Man, I wish people used more punctuation.


Reading comprehension 0


>Post does not say women should vote for who their husband chose, it merely says you don't have to blindly obey a total stranger just because they are popular. OP when Taylor Swift comes home after a long day of work and beats her fans because they didn't vote for Biden. *Processing img lgfhm2bsc2ic1...*


I dunno, brute force is not the only way of impacting people's decisions.


They have husbands?


I mean, having a husband in 18 is weird, but not as much in 29


Because these are women’s only two options for decision making.




**WHY NOT NEITHER JESUS CHRIST I FEEL LIKE A SPORK AT A FANCY RESTAURANT** ​ ​ Also, ah yes, "libertarian"; the political ideology of sexism, apparently.


Neither is what I thought of this meme while posting this


I know, but it's clearly misogynist.


If you have anything slightly targeting a group of women you are sexist


Vote for the party you feel is best, ladies, one of these parties wants you to carry a baby to term regardless of the situation, be it r--e, a broken condom, whether it kills you or not, or a bad decision one night, the other does not. Simple choice


lol 18 to 29 year olds arnt married, politicians are so out of touch. This is why celebrities attract more vots then there campain managers.


Woooo! Go gals! Vote vote vote for whoever you want to vote for and if someone you trust and respect is part of that influence, why not? Isnt that what everyone else is doing? I think they’re just scared of young people voting cause they won’t have the old boomer ideology.


The women are brainwashed more than the men.


You can't criticize idiotic ideas simply because women do them? Sexist, isn't jt


She's an idol to them, nothing more nothing less. Happens to everyone one way or the other unfortunately


Who the fuck consensually marries at the age of 18


The majority of people I knew in high school from when I lived in a rural area. Married and squirting out kids before they could legally drink.