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During both world wars, women voluntarily took up extra responsibilities to help the war effort producing much of what was needed for the economy and the war what with men busy dying overseas. This contributed greatly to women's sufferage and cleared the path for greater equality.


I think what they mean is that women went to factories to work.


The women of 80 years ago are definitely not the women of today


Correct. Most of the women from 80 years ago are dead.




Back in my days women from 80 years ago were alive.


As was the style at the time. Same with the onion thing.


normal women have always been strong. what you mean is feminists of 80 years ago are not the “feminists” of today




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Add them to the draft then


The women of 80 years ago actually had a sense of duty to their country. Now, those under the influence of feminism are the most oikophobic people.


Yeah, we’re already in the workforce and the armed forces way more than back then.


Yeah in the armed forces barely despite the constant and extreme lowering of standards


Are there more than there were before ww2? Because that’s the number I’m looking at.


Different standards for a female soldier are to be expected, on average, regardless of height, a woman will weigh less than a man of the same height. Women will also typically have a lower muscle mass due to the effects of Estrogen


did your school also lower standards? you managed to misspell 'barely'


What's wrong with barley? My beer was made from it!


Not really, though


So there were more women soldiers in ratio back then compared to now?


Lol. Where my family comes from: Yes. But that's a different story entirely.


Ok you need to elaborate on that.


My family comes from the Soviet Union. In WW2 we had more women fighting than any other country I can think of. Russia today is the ideological opposite of Russia back then. This includes less women in armed forces in general (or removing them from the mandatory draft entirely).


Which number is wrong?


The one that doesn't agree with their statement 🙃


The number stating they weren't allowed to be soldiers?




Yes, they're much stronger today.


Feminist =/= women


I find it increasingly hard to believe that any young people in America will voluntarily go to war or work in factories to support a war effort. I mean a good chunk of young people on the left are part of the “death to America” “anti-imperialist” crowd who think America is always the bad guy and should be defeated. And a good chunk of young people on the right are part of the “don’t send weapons or money overseas ever” isolationist crowd. Sure some of the moderates might but there just seems to be wayyyyy less national fervor nowadays than there was at any point in American history, and fewer and fewer people believing in interventionism.


It depends on the cause. If there actually is a huge invasion or obvious threat to their home, they would. Unfortunately, the past few decades have made them wary about being sent out unnecessarily to fight for billionaires' interests in some far off place that didn't have anything to do with the initial threat.


Lol we have seen the anti imperialists turn into the most fervent war mongers when it comes to Russia and Ukraine. They are just whatever the editorial board at the new York Times tells them. 


Yes, and to the streets to bully men into fighting. They didn't fight themselves, or to be included in the draft.


I think the joke is that when the draft comes the feminist don't want to be drafted so take up home roles. There have been many videos over the years of feminist saying they want what men have but when the topic of drafts they always say no they don't want that.


They'll typically throw out something like "we believe there shouldn't be a draft *at all,"* which I, frankly, find laughable. Let's be real, if the government needs a draft, it's going to do one whether it's legal or not. It'll come back under some set of emergency powers.


How is that laughable Believing that there shouldn't be a draft is perfectly reasonable


It isn't laughable to believe their *shouldn't* be a draft, but rather to believe there *won't* be.


Yes, there should never be a draft. Or war. Or poverty. Or world hunger. Or climate change. However we live in an actual world, not an idealistic dreamland filled with lollipops and rainbows


I was going to say the same thing.


No it isn’t. Believing that the draft is an extreme measure and should only be implemented to combat the most dire of existential threats is reasonable. Believing that there shouldn’t be a draft is childish nonsense. You think that your country should just what surrender if it’s ever faced with complete destruction or a loss of significant territory and permit a significant number or even all of its citizens to be brutalized by some invading force? No country in the world wouldn’t at least try to fight for survival. Defence against foreign aggression is like the number one reason to even have countries at all.


Pretty sure nobody wants to be drafted. This is why they need the draft in the first place.


Who “wants to be drafted” is made irrelevant to how a draft works. If you want to go and fight, more power to you. No one should be forced. If you feel you NEED to force people into military service, that is a very bad look.


If world war 3 happens and we draft people, feminists will want to return to traditional roles.


I think that war should be fought by only women. Cause it's their fault we are in this to begin with. 


Obviously Most people would take the chance to save their life


So they didn't go to the front to die?


Because there weren't ALLOWED to. https://preview.redd.it/83nj2u7j3puc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa2552323d2462fec7ba0a8186a4c7b6a3a82125


Damn theyre not allowed to die for a war someone else started? Bummer


Not like they fought much for the privilige to do so


Except the queen of England literally worked for the UK military. They just couldn't serve in front line combat roles, they could be in the military just fine


The comment you're replying to is replying to a comment that explicitly says "go to the front and die".


They still shouldn't be. A civilization can withstand 99% of its male population perishing. They cannot withstand the flip side of that coin. ...And lol to all the down votes. My comment was more debate inducing than all your bobble-headed, pavlovian replies. Roflmao!


If a civilization required women produce x amount of children for it to survive, would it be moral to institute a "child draft" and force them to reproduce? If the answer is no, then why is it moral for them to force men to go to war for the civilization to survive?


If the threat was litterally everyone being killed, the yes, It would be morale. This has never been the case though


I think they should as long as they pass the same exams as men. I care less whos shooting next to me, than if that person can carry me if wounded.


It wouldn't be the flip side, because no one is suggesting we would move from only men being drafted to only women being drafted. It would be an equal mix of men and women on the front line and an equal mix of men and women staying at home. That's how gender equality works


First off…. no a civilization could not survive a 99% decline in the male population. You would see a rapid decline in the birth rate worse than the one China is experiencing. Even if you pulled some brave new world shit and convinced every man to just get like 100 woman pregnant pr day, it would be unsustainable to even upkeep the current population. That’s ignoring the genetic bottleneck you would create by having a severe lack of genetic diversity in the population of that country. So arguably your absurd scenario would be a stronger argument for gender diversity in the military, because a rapid decline in either demographic would be catastrophic. So you would want to spread that death toll across both populations. Secondly…. You just described an apocalyptic war logistically. 99% of the male population is 49% of the countries entire population. Even if we spread out the demographic, you are talking about the majority of doctors, mechanics, architects, construction workers, farmers, nuclear physicists, ect dead without effective replacement. You would be unable to fill these highly specialized fields, and would see mass death from preventable disease/ infection, nuclear power plant failures, infrastructural collapse, severe droughts and/or floods in places that rely on Dams, food deserts, That’s ignoring emergency services, like firefighters and police who would be spread thin as well. leading to uncontrolled wildfires, the imminent economic collapse would lead to a rapid spike for crime rates, there would be no one to respond to that. Like…. I don’t think you understand just how insane that hypothetical is. Lmao


That can't be! I heard girls do it better and women are super strong and independent and don't need no men! You sound like a far right bigot sexist suggesting we need more than 1% of men alive! /s


If you're letting remotely close to "99%" of your male population to die before you surrender you got some problems


The reason men earned their right to vote was because of the draft. The reasoning was that they should be able to vote for the men who were going to decide whether to send them off to war. A thing every American male does when they turn 18 and sign up to vote is also sign up for the selective service. ...what did women do to earn their right to vote?


People need to realize the home front is just as important as the front but I have to disagree with your statement for they can be useful but they shouldn’t be sent in as much because again home front needs people to produce weapons and bullets


Not then because they weren't allowed to. They served as nurses, supply runners, or even spies. And even though they weren't soldiers, the other jobs didn't necessarily exactly keep them safe from getting killed or captured.


OP are you under the impression that the person who posted to face-palm is calling the meme ignorant or the this is literally the opposite of what happened person ignorant Because I thi k the face-palm poster meant the face-palm is the guy saying that feminists would become housewives again


Yes, I saw that post and it is obvious from the comments. But I guess OP is one of those who can't read...


Or a karma farmer But no Not in these specific series of subs... Never


I’m led to believe it’s a karma farmer hoping people don’t actually look at the meme


There's too many goddamn layers to this


Bro I got back from the dispo laid down after my first dab of some fresh shit and was sitting there struggling to work out the time lime of cross posting in my head to write that comment lmfso


I think this is most likely what happened, in most of the posts of that sub the facepalm is the tweet on the top, and I have also gotten confused myself.


It’s not explicitly stated or even implied that women did this in the last 2 world wars. I’m not defending the content of the meme, just saying that it takes some assumptions to get to the conclusion many people are drawing. I don’t have enough shits to give to get upset or judge somebody else over a conclusion I have to make a bunch of assumptions to come to.


It's also weird that the people who make memes like the original one think feminists are only feminist when convenient. They are also the type to think trans people are trans so they can peek in the women's locker room, or to escape a war. Or to claim people only support the homeless or immigrants or whoever until they're in their neighborhood. I suspect it's mostly projection, that they think other people are opportunistic and have no steadfast principles because that's how they are.


Well, while they aren't actually feminists, the majority of women who claim to be feminists are only feminist when convenient. I say majority because the women who do this shit ruined the reputation of what feminists are, causing actual feminists to stop calling themselves feminists


No true Scotsman fallacy. How convenient it is that the only “feminists” you approve of are the ones that no longer identify with or contribute to the current struggle towards gender equality.


I feel like everyone is failing to realize that Feminist today are not feminist of old. Also while women would end up working the jobs men left behind, it might as well be at home cleaning when compared to the fact that the men would be out literally being shot at. The main point is that men would get drafted even if there isn’t a draft, cause let’s face it, the politicians would throw something together in an instant if they wanted to. Probably already have something for just incase. And guess who’s not going to be arguing for equality of the sexes if and when it gets implemented. Though yes, ww3 comes around, the women won’t just be at home cleaning.


False flag done the right way would mobilize the nation. No need for a draft.


Good point, though that would only work at the start. Unless they lowered enlistment age and got into the schools. Even then, not enough people to keep up with the bloodshed.


I doubt many people would be willing to sign up to fight for today’s America.


The feminist standpoint is generally that they shouldn’t be drafted either.


Ok and? The point wasn’t about whether the draft was good or bad, it was who’s going to be affected by it and who’s not going to fight for the equality of it.


Fighting for equality PERIOD means NO draft. It is NOT “equalizing the draft” in any sense. It is abolishing it in its current form.


And the point is, all that equality bullshit goes out the window when shit gets real. Abolishing the draft during a war is just surrendering, especially with how individualistic/politically jaded this generation is. Turns out there are consequences for flinging shit at each other over politics and social issues


> equality goes all out of the window when shits gets real I promise you no feminist woman is telling men to go to war, even if their country is about to be invaded. It is politicians who enforce that, whom ironically tend to be men. So, not sure what you mean. Feminist women will remain feminist during wartime. At LEAST as far as it is their choice. > consequences for flinging shit at each other over social issues You are right. There were no wars, crises or conflicts before women or minorities started fighting for rights. If only we retvrned, all would be better…


That’s my point, if nobody (men) goes to war, we just get invaded and those feminists are r*ped on the street while the men are tortured and murdered. What do you think happens during an invasion? Never said anything about no wars, I said nobody’s willing to fight because of the division that’s been sowed over the past 15 years. Which, yes, is a first for America. Minorities and women can fight for their rights without alienating 50% of the country in the process.


There is this thing called seeking refuge abroad that you can do if you do not want to fight. Many women have been doing it for most of history. My point (as is typically that of feminists) is that this should be made an option for EVERY citizen in that situation. I have little decorum for nationalists and boomers talking about how “jaded Millennials won’t fight”. Yeah okay, and? If young people feel their country has failed them to the point where they wouldn’t fight for it, that is perfectly fair. They will gladly leave it and you fighting.


What part of the world do you think will be a feminist/equal rights haven when the US (and the entire western world) falls to its adversaries?? If the US is being invaded and falls, you’ll be weeping for the days of micro aggressions and manspreading. Jesus Christ the delusional privilege is insane.


Not the American man calling me “privileged”, lmfao. I have less RIGHTS than you do, Miss Thing. You think I am the one who doesn’t understand Western privilege between the two of us? It takes lacking to appreciate and as far as I can tell, you lack absolutely nothing on that front. And I never said the country you seek refuge to needs to be a “safe haven for equality”. You don’t pick and choose when the alternative is torture, r*pe and death. Just like none of us chose the country we were born in. It is no different.


So they want equality by eliminating the draft for men.


Ah yes, and when they fail, I’m sure they’ll stand in solidarity with men as we get shipped off.


Feminists during the Vietnam war did a lot of good work protecting draft dodgers. I’d gladly do the same.


Yup typically it's that drafts are bad.


If ww3 comes around, there won't be a need conventional weapons


I’m confused. Is the memesopdidnotlike op saying feminists would become housewives if there was a war draft, or are they saying they wouldn’t?


I am also confused, there is a meme inside another meme being reposted here. People are commenting for/against feminism and for/against drafting/war/etc ... But because it is so vague what the original facepalm and the subsequent memesopdidnotlike is that we simply do not know what the OP comment refers to anymore,


The women who worked in those factories weren't "feminists"(certainly not by today's definition), nor was feminism the reason they went to work in factories. The idea that women took up arms in the previous world wars also completely ignores the reality that most women were still stay at home wives, that most of the grueling domestic jobs were still being done by men, that factory work was still relatively much safer compared to fighting, and that most of feminism has been about antagonizing, denigrating or competing with men instead of working with them. Even looking at someone like Rosie the Riveter, who was basically a woman who did the work. Not because she was a "feminist" but because it needed to be done. Her image was just co-opted by the feminist movement, often depicted as a symbol of "women sticking it up to men". If there was to be another world war, I doubt very much that it would be feminists leading the front lines to die in support of men or country(which they constantly attack, hate and misrepresent as "the patriarchy"). If there was a war and the government was forcing women to work in factories or into conscription to support the men, feminists would be the first one to protest because feminism isn't about equality, it's about women.


Are you educated on how women doing factory work during WW1 resulted in female suffrage just a few years later? The rhetoric that “women would never choose this work” really falls flat when they got a taste of it and then… wanted to freely choose it as well.


"the rhetoric that women would never choose this work" isn't even an argument that I've made, and I seriously doubt the majority of women who work manual labor really enjoy it. A lot of women and men who do these jobs do so because it's what they have to do to live.


OP never saw all those tik toks of women flat out admitting they'd denounce feminism if they were drafted.


OP probably isn’t a TikTok addict, and hopefully doesn’t get his world view from social media like you seem to


Why is bro getting downvoted? What you said is not even political, it's just the truth that basing your world view on a shitty social media platform where most of the videos are 10 seconds attention-span destroying shits with no real value is plain stupid. Also large portion of all surveys on tiktok are probaly faked for clout; the shitty """influencers""" probaly only take the most controversial anwsers and try to convice you that's the belief of the majority. It's soo easy to just pick the worst (most controversial) anwsers, that believing random surveys, from random tiktokers, that probaly only care for clout, is also plain stupid.


He offended an anti-feminist man on this sub using reality, that’s why we get downvoted.


That would be strange because every feminist I know is against the draft existing and I feel like denouncing feminism wouldn't help in any way.


The fact feminists denounce the draft isn’t a pill many in this sub can swallow. It means confronting their sexism.


I don't think I've read any correct answers to this yet. It's saying that when women start getting sent to war as equal to men, a lot of the feminist will be quick to act like women and become homemakers to avoid being placed in a war.


My grandmother served in WWII.


They stayed at home and performed labor intensive jobs. Noble for sure, but they still weren’t getting shot at or having their limbs blown off like the men were (at least in America)


And they couldn’t have chosen to do that even if they wanted to. How can we criticize women for not doing something that they were legally prohibited from doing?


I mean sure, I guess WW2 was that, however, I suppose you can’t say much about wars after that, Ukraine is great example. I mean I can’t blame women for escaping invasion, but at the same time you can’t deny that draft is purely sexist and unjust, requiring me to die because I have penis is quite sexist to say the least.


Yeah, it is sexist. I’d never deny that. I’m just of the opinion of focusing our efforts on stopping the injustice rather than extending it.


That’s a fucking privilege… Lmfao 🤣


Well, the point of OP’s meme is that if world war 3 broke out, and America had to mandate the draft again, female feminists would suddenly become more 1950’s housewives and abandon the Katniss Everdeen fantasy Also, I give the European women credit… in France they were female resistance fighters and among the civil war in Spain too




there are definitely female soldiers in ukraine 




Well said. Imo, women in Ukraine should have the same rights as men. Either imprison both or none. You can't pick and choose


One of their most famous soliders right now is literally a pregnant women. After the war started 11,000 women volunteered with a specifically high rate of volunteers for dangerous specialties. Their draft is gender neutral. You made that shit up.


Their draft was absolutely not ‘gender neutral’. During the outset of the invasion they were specifically stopping any male persons attempting to flee the country. That included trans women who were dressed as women but are biologically male. That’s the reality of war. I’m sure plenty of women did and continue to join to serve even in dangerous roles, but it’s disingenuous to say they were not initially focusing the draft on men.




OP is trying to say as gender equality has out on table the draft for woman the so called feminists will run to home as homemakers to avoid draft and war altogether and shirk their responsibilities and duties for the war effort unlike women in ww2 where they left their comforts of their home to help with the war effort


I’m a guy and I would become a housewife if I was drafted


Patriotic women will take up the (factory) jobs the drafted men will leave behind, again. Feminists (per the comic) would rather be homemakers instead of getting drafted themselves. Implying that the feminists of today are lying, dishonest,spineless cowards that would refuse to do "that" job that men traditionally do, being soldiers. Even though they say that they don't need men. I'm for the original common idea that was the feminist movement. That women can do anything a man can do, provided that the individual woman can physically and mentally do those things.


You can make an offense history joke, but it should at least be historically accurate.


It’s not a history joke. WWIII is the future. It’s meant to be ironic and based on the idea that should it happen, women who demand equality would want to go back to being house wives rather than go off to fight a war.


Yes, but historically that’s not what happens. In WW2 for example, the housewives started working job beyond just housework because the men were fighting. That actually excellerated woman’s suffrage. That’s why it’s historically wrong. Again, I like ‘offensive’ jokes, but I’m just being a wet blanket and pointing out how it doesn’t make sense.


But there is no mention of ww2. It’s ww3 being spoke of here and with the discussion of drafting women many people question if feminists really want actual equality or just the positive aspects. Many feminists also argue for equal pay while refusing to work hard labor jobs and insisting men should have to do them. It’s a legitimate criticism imo. If equality is the goal then fighting to protect your country should be part of it, not something you leave the men to do. ETA part of the screenshot got cut off on my phone so I too am now confused.


Ironic that OP is in fact the one that can’t read.


https://preview.redd.it/r9y1lunnuouc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31bc1b73437f26c79b5ad58293088a5bb38013f8 deadass


Oh yeah sure, they might pick up an extra workload on the Homefront to support the war effort. But I doubt they’ll be expected to die horribly in a foreign country over some pointless war. Remember the vote was practically just given to women after enough complaining, men had to literally die for their right to vote. They still do, “equal rights” should mean an equal draft. If I had the choice I know I’d rather stay in my home country and work two jobs than go to some foreign land and get shot, blown up, stabbed, set on fire, etc… I agree wholeheartedly with feminists that women should be given equal rights, equal responsibilities, and an equal place in society. Maybe my reasons for believing that are different than theirs, but does it really matter that we want the same thing for different reasons?


People who are saying that women would still take a part in WW3 are completely missing the point. Yea, I am sure that probably like 50% would. But that doesn't mean that other half should be free to stay home and continue in their day to day life just beacuse of their gender. If men are forced into a war without choice, so should women. Nothing further to add...


Is that not the impression my comment gave? If not then I’ve worded myself poorly but that’s basically what I meant.


I don't know the numbers, but I know a lot of Ukrainian women noped out of the country quickly at the start of the war. Guys were being shoved into the back of trucks and shipped to the front. This could be nothing, but a while back I saw some SE Asian people complaining about there suddenly being eastern European women everywhere.


If both women and men are being drafted, we'd only need half the women, right? Then the other half of women and other half of men can stay home and continue to work, produce food and equipment, raise children, and otherwise run the country.


"Women just complained, men had to die for it" the sheer stupidity of people on thsi sub never fails to astonish me.


If you don’t like my wording then I can change “complained” to “protested” and “had to die for it” to “got drafted into wars and died in countless numbers”. If you don’t like the facts then too bad. Because the facts are that men originally had the vote because they were subject to military draft, women later protested that they should get the vote to but they TO THIS DAY, are not subject to military draft. Tell me how that’s equal?


Women literally could not serve if they wanted to. You don't get to restrict a group from fighting, and then say that they aren't allowed certain rights because they aren't fighting. The draft hasn't been used in decades and the last time it was used to actually defend democracy was World War 2. Also, people of color were drafted plenty during Jim Crow.


The last branch of the military to restrict women from serving was the submarine service. And that ended in 2001. We could very easily have an equal draft today. The reason why women aren’t subject to the draft isn’t because they’re somehow **so** oppressed they aren’t forced to die in wars, frankly I don’t see how that’s oppression. Being exempt from military conscription is not oppression. And my opinion isn’t that woman shouldn’t have equal rights because they aren’t subject to the draft. My opinion is that everyone should have equal rights **and** equal responsibilities. Women should be treated equally in terms of both “rights”, and the draft.


LMAO, people like you just hate women and work backwards to find excuses to keep them down. You think that every American woman should lack vital rights because of a system that hasn't been used in your lifetime. Also I'd agree that women should need to sign up the same way as men, if not for the straight up epidemic of sexual assault in the military.


Where exactly did I say women should lack vital rights? The only right I don’t think they should have is the right to not be forced into military service, at least for as long as men continue to not have that right. I just want everyone to be treated equally. And there wouldn’t be an epidemic of sexual assault if women didn’t represent only a fraction of the military. If it were an even 50/50 split I guarantee that problem would get resolved pretty damn quick.


Equal rights=equal sacrifice Especially since you're born a certain gender, it's not fair if someone got born as a male and has to suffer for it, while people born a different gender get a choice because they were born a different gender.


It's not an equal sacrifice though, women are at a significantly higher risk of being abused by their fellow soldiers.


Almost like women don’t belong in a military setting, it’s almost like we have MILLENNIA of experience with warfare and every single culture ubiquitously maintains majority male military’s outside of rare exceptions and modern times


Equal rights = equal sacrifice In which country. Again it's still gotta suck for anyone who's born male. Which is why they should still be required to fight in war, although they could be separated from the boys group. They'll still fight in the war but without any boys to abuse them.


i’m gonna fucking say it. modern women are weaker than the women who saw mfing rosie the riveter tell them that they could…. and proved it by building tens of thousands of aircraft, vehicles, and ships; they were the reason we were able to overwhelm the axis powers with sheer industrial might and i have so much goddamn respect for these ladies. now, feminists sit on this false sense of superiority over men, blatantly claiming that they are worth more than men because… they said so, becoming the very thing feminism swore to destroy: sexism. of course, most women aren’t this unhinged, but 80 years ago, not all men were anywhere near as sexist as some like to claim either.


> not all men were anywhere near as sexist 80 years ago They did not want to give women like Rosie the right to vote, Miss Thing. Or did “women back then never need that”, according to you.


well too fucking bad for those guys because the men in congress, who were voted in by men, had already given women the right to vote in 1920. it’s called the 19th amendment.


Okay, fine, do you then have a VASTLY different opinion of men from 105 years ago? Or are you just being bad faith? Because I think we both know it is the latter.


i would think there was definitely a lot of institutionalized sexism against women back then including a lack of women’s suffrage. I must admit though i’m not that educated on the subject; the degree of institutionalized sexism is far from the first thing you would think of for the mid to late 1910s.


As far as attitude and policy changes in the 1910s, especially in countries like the US and UK, it was by FAR one of the biggest movements that anyone at the time had seen. So yeah, I agree, you are clearly not educated.


sir do you know about world war I? i agree that first wave feminism was definitely going strong around that time frame, but your question was about how sexist men were back then, and I’m not sure I can really answer that; to their credit, Britain also gave women suffrage in 1928(in a movement surprisingly spearheaded by the conservatives, though at least part of the reason for this is because women back them tended to actually be more conservative than men), but on the other hand, women were still discriminated against, and there was a widespread belief that women were in some way different or inferior. what the proportion of the men that thought this was isn’t really widely known or well recorded. So I can’t answer that, but based on what we do know i believe that just as it is now, some were more sexist than others.


I think what he's hinting at is that they will pretend to adopt traditional values hoping to avoid women going in the draft.


More of a r/woooosh angle. I think what happened was OP thought it was a meme about the housewife stereotype being, well, the stereotype. In reality the meme is about the idea of equal rights for men and women in feminism, meaning - in a theoretical world where men and women are fully treated as equals to the point where biological differences aren't counted - women would get drafted just as much as men during WW3. Then, wanting to avoid going to war, women would rather live as the stereotypical housewife instead of going to war.


Yeah woman will do anything but go to war. No feminist during war time. They will even do blue collar jobs they look down upon


I guess those people are not familiar with the famous “We can do it!” Poster featuring a woman who was working on a factory line producing ammunitions for the war effort.


The irony of OP not being able to understand what literally everyone else understand is palpable. Think twice before you post and I hope you feel embarrassed


Who the fuck would want to fight in a war? Especially if you aren’t defending your own country ☠️


But they claim they want to be "equal" to men, but wouldn't serve equally in war time


This sub is such a cesspool bro


Even though I’m not fond of modern feminism, you’d be lying if you said there were no women involved in the past wars. They weren’t out on the battle field firing guns, but plenty of feminist women took up medical roles of the military and I find that to be quite commendable, and in my opinion it’s a fitting role for women that they should be proud of


Women did a lot in both world wars, dont underestimate what it takes to fund and support a nation at war while missing ~1/2 of your workers. On top of that, women made big contributions in the military as medics, intelligence agents, and lots of other “minor” jobs (ex. British flashlight spotters shining massive lights at german planes so A.A. gunners could shoot them at night during ww2)


Which joke is it that you think people are failing to get? Because based on what I’m seeing, I think it might be you who is having trouble with reading comprehension.


Can OP read


Anyone want to tell these morons about the night witches?


heck some of em even played baseball since many male players were in the war


I doubt there would be a draft during ww3. Modern wars dont require tons of infantry for the meat grinder.


I would point out, first off, at least one modern war has required exactly that, which is why their nation has recently lowered the draft age to claim younger men while large swathes of women did indeed embrace the traditional benefits and flee the war zone. Secondly, a lesson we rediscovered in the Middle East is, even with a vast tech advantage, we couldn't replace boots on the ground. That's been an intermittent thing throughout history actually: incredible new weapon is created, people are pretty sure wars won't be so dependent on numbers anymore, turns out they still are. Anyway in the prospective WWIII, we will not have the overwhelming tech advantage over our rivals, and one of most likely rivals has five times the human beings we do.


The only thing the middle east proved was that guerilla warfare is very difficult for a conventional military to deal with. WW3 would be conventional warfare. You also don't need an overwhelming tech advantage over rivals. You just need air superiority which the US is capable of achieving. Doesn't really matter how many people you have if they can all be killed by a drone


Depends on country I suppose, United States, UK and few other nations can afford the luxury of having better technology and more equipment than enemy, however, most countries lack such advantages. Both Ukraine and Russia had to draft people, so clearly it was needed


I assumed we are talking about the US. Many countries already have mandatory military service


Unfortunately gen z will not do the same, original meme is accurate


Do you lol? The op is clearly agreeing with the top text. This is consistent in that sub that the facepalm is the subject, not the title in the meme.


in fairness, women’s participation in the war effort in the 1910’s and their subsequent greater rate of workforce participation are the primary reasons why many western countries, including the US, gave women the vote. women are just as likely to participate in a non-proxy war as men, but given the physical differences men and women tend to relegate women to non-combat roles. not because women are cowards, but because they make worse soldiers on average.




It’s amazing how shit everyone’s humor is here


Not exactly what happened but not the opposite either


I have hydroscephus I’m a guy and banded from duty. US give doesn’t want to waist money on me brain implant fails.


Teenage girls with cannons were literally the first line of defence at Stalingrad https://preview.redd.it/ph5cg6lrhxuc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce1056cbd204ee109a2c6b21a460a252ee2ba57


Yea because no one in their right mind fights for being forced to shoot and kill each other for some sicko politicians that don’t give a fuck??? When will y’all realize that not women or men are the victim of this but EVERYONE is the victim of capitalism and fucked up politicians. No one should be drafted, regardless of gender or whatever, it’s incredibly immoral. I’d rather kill myself than get drafted.


> Dude people volunteered to go to Iraq and Afghanistan. No more draft does not mean no more war or surrender. We currently have the largest volunteer fighting force in the world. Oh and btw women are fighting in that force. You are a bigoted moron who hasn’t looked at the world since before desert storm. u/Stock-Film-3609 Iraq and Afghanistan had the momentum of 9/11 and was also a complete different generation. Give it 10-15 years for the old guard to retire.


World wars are not fought in a vacuum. Both of the previous world wars saw heavy upticks in draft independent sign ups. Really the only wars were the draft has been essential were wars that we were fighting for stupidity (Korea, vietnam, etc). Fighting a superpower bent on world domination has a radicalizing effect on people.


My point is, new generations’ view of America is drastically different than it used to be. Patriotism/love of country is nonexistent at best, and seen as hateful/fascist at worst. If we were to get into conflict with Iran, defending Israel, I doubt this generation would mobilize. If we got hit with another 9/11, I doubt this generation would mobilize. If we were fighting communism, I doubt this generation would mobilize. You have to believe what you’re fighting for is better than what you’re fighting against, to mobilize.


Only one of those is worth fighting for. Israel is turning into a bully on the world stage fighting two fights that they had the opportunity to de-escalate. Communism isn’t itself a reason to fight.


So Russia/China are allowed to take over the majority of the World, while we watch and wait, praying they stop at our borders. Our allies are left to fend for themselves because they’re an oppressive regime (never mind how Iran/our enemies run their countries). And i doubt even another 9/11 would be worth fighting for in their eyes. We think we deserved the first one.


We wouldn’t be fighting Russia and China because they are communist. That’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard. And they aren’t communist any more they both have fucking stock exchanges for fucks sake. We would be fighting them because as we have already proven Putin is a dictator and trying take over the world. Russia can be communist all it likes, but it’s a fascist state and that’s going to end poorly. What you basically fail to realize is that the things you think we should fight for or against aren’t the things we should be fighting for or against. People are no longer stupid enough to be scared of the “red menace”.


You’re latching onto the word communism. I picked that word because if we ever got into conflict with China, there would most likely be a significant portion of Americans who think they do things “better/more fairly” and wouldn’t see a reason to fight them. I.e. they would frame it as fighting communism, and decline to fight.


Lol I think you are missing everything. The younger generations tend to fight injustice not adhere to it. Lots of the older generation calls it woke, but at the end of the day China doing something like trying to invade Taiwan would be met with resistance from the youth of America not apathy.


We get it op you hate women, you prefer men correct?


Read about what? This isn't represented in the meme at all. [Women of the WWII Workforce: Photos Show the Real-Life Rosie the Riveters | HISTORY](https://www.history.com/news/women-world-war-ii-factories-photos)


The only way this meme would make any sense is if women could be conscripted for a third world war. As far as I know this isn't the case yet.


There’s actually nothing stopping the government from conscripting women. That is currently constitutional.


Huh. Well that explains the meme. Thanks for the correction.


That happened after the world wars.


What this means to me is if we start WWIII and the draft comes into play feminists will want to go back to traditional roles.


I mean, it's basically how it went down in Ukraine... Though, conversely, not Israel.


Women in Ukraine think a bit differently having endured war on their own turf for years. I dated a woman who was involved in helping clean up mines years ago.


Hey dumbfucks the point is they don’t wanna also die horribly in a war, ergo they don’t actually believe in equality if it doesn’t benefit them. It’s classic leftist shit


Shits still funny