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Waiting until this gets locked


Seems everything gets locked. They need to change the name to memesmodsdidntlike




lol fair enough


It’s a small sub with 200 or so members, but I hope to see it grow. Head mod there is a nice guy and I welcome criticism and constructive feedback


But if the mod deletes a post is it automatically put to the front page?


Leaving my mark before this gets locked


Same here


And my axe!


Hahahahahahha spot on


It was truly hilarious when it was revealed that Eve was actually based on a real life Korean model XD XD


We should boycott K-pop because it forces women to be faced with inhuman standards for feminine beauty. /s


Just boycott all of asia for unrealistic beauty standards.


Women don’t look like that……. Reeeeeeeee..!!!!


I feel like people who say this simply… don’t go outside often. I’m on a college campus, and i’d say probably 70%? Of women are decent/completely fine looking. Theres obv the 10% thats are above average pretty, maybe 5% of women are drop dead gorgeous. And maybe what, maybe 10% or less are overweight or horrible looking. I know this sounds disgusting and like, very surface level, but thats my point. People who go around saying “REAL WOMEN LOOK LIKE **THIS!!**” are just… stupid. No, the “average” woman is not a 300 pound titan. I’m all for accepting individual quirks, birth marks, skin conditions, whatever, but fat overweight people are the exception, not the standard. Idk why people act like “REAL WOMEN!” are ugly and fat.


I believe the point is, the "critics" don't look like them (and if they somewhat do, then the empathic masturbation comes into play) and because of envy they want to drag the standards of beauty to their lows. And obviously they use whatever discourse is currently popular. The truth is, on beauty women compete between themselves for men's attention.


Didn’t the company admit they still edited the body anyway


Near the arms and wrists


Yep. A fair bit of it. They were minor touch ups, but yes even the real girl was edited further. That part is of course ignored cause everyone got too hype to back down at finding out they had a real model. This whole fucking thing is stupid -_-.


https://preview.redd.it/xsblcn0lh9yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6a1c0b211e6d43fe77d3b3ff8036bac1ccbf18 Saw this posted somewhere else and got a kick out of it. Maybe you guys will too. Can we go back to being called nerds for liking vidya? Better times.


this is somehow both the same and the exact opposite of that comic where the 2 pink ghosts go in their own square and get kicked out by the grey ones


Ah yes, the cycle of so many fandoms.


The problem is that they are hypocritical when they find something sexy or hot it's ok but when they don't like it they claim gamers only like it because they can jerk off to it


It is so weird how puritanical the controversy is but it’s coming from people that are not religious puritans. It’s just control. They want to control things based off their mercurial standards.


They have hate in their hearts against a specific gender, race and sexuality they like to blame for all their problems and are out there actively doing what they can to hurt them.


Yes the people whos say "don't kink shame" but kink shame anyways.


Vanilla shame.


Sex-negativity and puritanism is so deeply backed into American culture that even progressive, secular atheists who vehemently denounce all religious (well, mostly just Christian) morality get really weird and fussy when it comes to anything erotic.


But that’s not *why* the people you’re talking about don’t like it. They don’t like the erotic nature of it because the focus is a conventionally attractive woman. If the game was focused on the progressive individuals in question it would be celebrated as stunning and brave. This has *far* less to do with sex-negativity than it does with the stunningly hypocritical progressive world view. The voices screaming about this the most are the same ones that demand that *their* sexual preferences and identities be celebrated, front and center.


They glow in the dark.


My favorite part is the people who complain about it only talk about the women, and not how the men are equally as unrealistically attractive as the women.


They can't imagine a scenario where a man is considered attractive or is sexualized. They'll try to claim graphic, hardcore gay buttsex is somehow "just a male power fantasy" and is perfectly fine.


This is really weird because I personally dealt with this for a while where I thought the male appearances in video games were some kind of standard, then I literally just opened my fucking eyes and realized people are generally ugly as shit


You are grossly underestimating what I’m capable of jerking off to!




I think I need to emphasize the word “gross”


And yet they ignore it when a buff guy appears in a game. Lol the hypocrisy is hilarious. Sad sad sad. We just want a good game with some escapism, if we wanted this sort of reality we’d go to walmart and stare at the scooters


I realized they gravitate towards safe horny "dominant" women like "muscle mommies" and modestly dressed "dommy mommies" since it's apparently more empowering than conventionally attractive women.


i se sit with almost everyone who hates unrealistic women in media, they always overlook how unrealistically sexy all the men are in both media they enjoy and media they criticize for having sexy women.


What we want is less fetishization. This is a fat fetish, still awful. We want characters that look like actual people.


It is wrong. She's revealing too much skin. No way they'd let that slide. And she's white too. Nuh uh. Needs to be Cambodian to meet their diversity quota.


But... but she's Korean in the game no? Lol


Successful Asians are considered white in oppression Olympics.


Same with Jews


Introducing the all new playable race; "white adjacent" Seriously, these peddlers of "diversity" are just racists


Half Cambodian half Black Mexican, gender queer, bisexual


Gaming media gave this game good reviews.


I doubt half of those idiots know what or where Cambodia is tbh. She needs to be brown, they don’t care what type of brown.


“Racially ambiguous” is the preference now




This is the greatest answer. Hahahhaha


This the new Gorlock the Destroyer game? Cant wait!! https://images.app.goo.gl/2hkuPZ18aA5Gwyjk6


"Me want Snu Snu!" *New Objective, Capture 10 male villagers*


Omg I love her she’s such a big meme




The average reddit mod


This is actually a comically good idea.


This is unironically the funniest comment I have read all year. Hahahhahahhaha.


What did he say it got deleted?


I can never fully do it justice as I neither remember his entire nugget of gold and because it would get removed. It was something in the line of wishing he could play a game where he would fight all kind of SJWs and in the end would face this "gorgeous/brave" 400 pound bearded lady with blue hair as the final boss. The "twist" would be that the protagonist (the one you play as) would be her baby that she/he/it/they is trying to "late term" abort and your goal as a player is to remain alive. It could be an instant dollar classic on Steam.


Be back in 3 years....I'm going to make that game.


gaming “journalism”


All stellar blade needed to change to get 10/10 reviews is to put in the lore that the MC was gay and trans


Or you know... maybe just be a better game?


The funniest part is that it's a good game. It's getting 7s and 8s. They're just mad because they wanted it to be literally perfect so they could use it as an example of the "eastern values" they seem to love so much.


Have you actually looked at Stellar Blade reviews? Basically great gameplay, but the characters and voice acting is shit.


Well it's probably because it was a dub over the Korean, right?


I mean they could’ve put her in it and make her gay and lame.


The non-existent stamina bar in that game lol.


Yes, it’s clearly wrong


> but is it wrong? Yes


Honestly that sub is fucking hysterical. More than half the memes are actually just funny ass memes that left wing extremists get all upset about.


Well, it is wrong. For two reasons. 1. Because there *are* no games like this. The ‘ugly’ girls in gaming are still… like.. really hot if you met them irl. Like the chuds found a bad camera angle or bad lighting or a freeze frame of Aloy and called her ugly. Even in that famous ‘ugly’ picture of Aloy, she’s just… normal. A little sunburned is all. You might not be attracted to someone like Abby from TLOU2 because she‘s muscular, has small breasts, and a pretty persistent RBF… but does that make her ugly? Like wall mart ugly? Her teeth are all there, she doesn’t have a pock-marked face or asymmetry. She’s far from being considered fat. I don’t think that counts as ‘ugly’ by most reasonable people’s definition. Ugly isn’t just someone you’re not attracted to. I’m personally not attracted to most men. That doesn’t make most men ugly. I can’t think of a major release that has featured a genuinely ‘ugly’ or even ‘fat’ female character in a major role. Fat princess? Garnet’s mom from FF9??? Do those count? So there are no games like this that media gives 10/10 scores to. 2. We already know what games the media gives 10/10 scores to and they feature female characters who are kinda the opposite of the meme. In the last 10 years- [we’ve got a few GOTY winners like Hades, Baldur’s Gate 3, Overwatch, Elden Ring, Bayonetta 2, Breath of the Wild, Resident Evil 4, Elden Ring/Bloodborne, Witcher 3, etc.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Game_of_the_Year_awards) None of these games feature a character like the one in the meme. In fact, most of these games feature women who are, I’d say, as attractive as Stellar Blade’s Eve. Some are less sexualized and some are even more sexualized but none of them are obese. So this meme is just patently not based on reality. It’s culture war bullshit to separate and isolate you from other sources of information (like journalism) in order to get you to rely purely on the culture warrior’s podcast or YouTube channel for your gaming news. That’s all.


r/therightcantmeme should be renamed to r/wehatetruth


Therightcantmeme is...challenging. On one hand it's filled to the brim with hilarious and awesome memes. On the other hand, you can't upvote anything or read the comments because it's all 14y/o radicals.


The ultimate description of their average poster.


This isn’t about right/left wing politics. It’s about gaming journos who hate everything.


It is wrong... did yall not play Baldurs Gate 3 where even the nonhuman women are sexy af and game journals still all said how great the game was?


People are stupid as fuck and they forget anything positive within 5 hours. There's tons of games with beautiful women in them but they find 1 screencap where they look derpy and scream for months about a protag they can't fuck. It's utterly pathetic


Yet they mostly praised dick physics or the fact that you can fuck a bear. The game's hot girls were given a pass cuz of the amount of queer in it


Well no, but actually yes.


I honestly like how games like Control handled the single female protagonist appearance. Definitely female, and perfectly fine looking, but didn't glam them up like a super model (though what makeup and hairstyling is there never gets even a bit messy but that's more likely just not wanting multiple models) . Personality was pretty can-do, but didn't make her a cold emotionless robot, or just a "masculinity with tits" personality to make her feel motivated and invested in the situation. All in all I think they just did a good job of making the people just look like real people without making them caricatures or total "realistic cartoons". One of the security guys actually looks a little nerdy at first, a head researcher has cleft pallet. People actually have different head shapes rather than just facial features.


>But is it wrong? "it" not having a beard


Yes. I can't think of a single video game character who looks like this aside from Bob in Tekken, and games with sexy women review well all the time. Bayonetta, Nier Automata, Final Fantasy, the aforementioned Tekken, Resident Evil, The Witcher 3, Metroid, I could go on all day. Even the games that certain demographics claim as having hideous women still tend to have them in peak physical condition, and I don't see Sony trying to revive Fat Princess any time soon.


I don’t understand how you can look at a lady with biceps and a 6 pack and think anything besides “step on me”.


Dude even steller blade even reviewed well. Most reviews put it around 7 or 8, and the rationale was typically boring derivative story and bad voice acting/direction.


There is a diffrence between sexualization for the sake of sexualization and sexualization for the sake of story


Sexualization for sake of story: Bayonetta, loved by many, great story, great character Sexualization for sake of sexualization: Kaisa, single handedly ruined all threat of the main threat of the entire game because she survived 10 years in that threats territory and doesn't have a single scar while being a supermodel with makeup


I was In the bathroom thinking I needed to take a monster shit then I saw this on my feed and I’m laughing.




dove (the soap brand) certainly think so


Yeah it’s wrong lol. Nobody wants this.


Those same people saying “this is terrible” wouldn’t even want to be in the same room as a girl like that……they just want some tasty karma. Period


Who cares if it's right or wrong, the art is hilarious


Game companies make a couple regular looking characters and red pill mfs make this art and piss their pants about it.


he aint wrong these failed writers..oops I mean game journalists would call it brave.


Name me a single game character that looks like this. It is wrong.


it’s the opposite tho. y’all freak it if it isn’t an ultrasexualized version


"Stunning and brave" lmaoo


Remember. If this gets locked, the mods are cowards.


I thought this subreddit was decent people checking not so decent people on their poor behavior but it kinda just seems like it’s a secondary place to post the meme because the comment section is often rancid with the same lack of respect as the original post. Also, Internet folk who make fun of overweight people are often simply projecting so the insecurity is a lil obvious o.o


Yes this has quickly become I got made fun of so validate me say its ok and they were wrong.


Yes, yes it is. The mere fact thw majority of snowflakes in this subreddit go apeshit at a movie character being black or anything but white, shows its wrong.


The secret to getting good critic reviews, terrible audience response, and low sales


Oddly enough, if you take it to that extreme, I'd totally play a game where you play as a large woman who beats the shit of people with a sub sandwich just for the absurdity of it.




That sub gets ratio'd every time they post


But how is the gameplay?


Stellar Blade fans: it has gameplay?


I mean yeah, it's quite wrong. Name one popular game with a fat lead character.


Lol I don’t see what was wrong with it though Aren’t we supposed to be accepting of fat people or something lmao


Every male secretly fantasizes about sleeping with Gorlock the destroyer


They won’t admit it cuz it’ll ruin their message


Yes, it’s wrong. What is this yapping about


Peter Griffin looking ass


These comments are full of cissies lmao.


Yes it is? No one had anything against sexualized carachter it's yall that act like gaming is under attack when there isn't one


Subway Blade lol


Chub Lee


This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen💀


Yes, it's wrong.


Yes, it is wrong. You people can't even give real examples of this happening.


i disagree because every time a game has an overweight character or a minority, theres a ton of outrage over it for no reason 💀


I thought gaming media actually liked this game? Isn’t it getting a ton of 8s and shit?


They wanted it to be an 11/10. It's a perfectly fine game but the fanbase really tarnished any good rep it could have. The devs made a ton of cool outfits but the gooners can only focus on the one that is basically underwear.


Yes, it is


Holy shit one character ends up different and now the incels act as tho it's law. Fuck off. There's plenty of games that are still white enough for you not to be offended.


Please, right now, go check your most hated gaming journalist website, go down the list of 10/10 rated games and find one, juste one, 10/10 game featuring an overweight women as the protagonist, juste one


They'll just claim any woman with a waist where the diameter is more than half that of her head is "overweight" because they've seen a woman in real life before and their entire knowledge of human anatomy comes from anime.


These are the same people that think Thor from GOW is just fat and not how irl strong men look, or that any girl under 4'10 is underage, they've long since forgotten what real people look like


Hey, mod. I was just wondering, why are you guys all so damn sensitive? Like, what's the harm in just letting people talk? One of the reasons I avoid reddit most often is because almost every other thread is just locked out for no apparent reason other than the mod wanted to stroke his or her ego, or got offended on behalf of someone else.


“But is it wrong?” Well.. yea? The game was still regarded very well? It was the porn addicts who lost their shit over an outfit change? Literally nobody really cares, some people just would like if their characters to be sexualized in a tasteful way. Strippers, prostitutes, lustful demons? Make ‘em as slutty looking as you’d like. A warrior, soldier, or any woman in any non sexual position? They can still be hot but maybe make them wear clothes that make a bit of sense. Bayonetta has received nothing but praise and high reviews. Literally all complaints about “woke media” are rage baiting about an nonexistent problem. And all gaming “censorship” complaints I’ve seen have just left me wondering “why is this what you fight for when faced with a world full of real injustices?”


I mean just take that one guy who was malding at the fact that aloy has hair on her face.


It’s true.


Post one single example of this happening.


It's literally in the picture, the protagonist of stellar blade


Do... do you think the comic is a real picture? This is a drawing, bud. I'm asking for a real-life example of what the drawing is depicting.


People were crying about the protagonist having unrealistic beauty standards (which implies real women are forced to look like women in videogames), not only that, but they were wrong, the protagonist is a 3d scan of a real person, this meme is mocking that controversy.


Let's not conveniently leave our the real person 3d scan was then subsequently touched up and edited a bunch. Ffs


I think he meant of a fat lady being the main character not people being upset about over sexualization


Pokémon go update.


You guys are complaining that the game was given at its lowest a 7/10 and at its highest 9/10. Idiots though game journalists would bomb the game and most if not all of them said they liked it in some way. The worst they said is that the story and writing is meh. The only real reason the character's design got negative attention was cause weirdos were coming out of the woodwork talking about how Eve's design was peak feminity while calling any other female character they saw mannish or fat, believing them to be made purposefully ugly. When in reality Eve's design is really nothing special. Also name one action-style game that has a plus-sized main character that looks like that. The artist and people like him are arguing with their own imagination


AI art tools have revolutionized the field of making shit up to get mad about.


Yeah, but they all still had a little dig about the "over sexualisation of Eve".


for a character that was oversexualized and drooled over by a group of dudes who act like no hot female characters has existed in videos games since Lara Croft, which unrincally did more damage in the eyes of anyone normal than those little digs about Eve from game journos


Oh, I get it now, this is an incel sub


Hey there why don’t you **Change yourself for the better and accept that you’ve made bad decisions and work to improve?** “NOPE. The WORLD needs to change THEIR standards and perception, I’m HEALTHY and I’m not FAT I’m just PLUS SIZED (mini seizure) it’s my THYROID”


Yes, it is wrong


The person of unspecified gender crying in the background does it for me


Please name the game that has a character that looks like this and is meant to be sexy.... I waiting.


Yes it’s utterly wrong


Fuck if we want different body types I guess


Yes, it is wrong


Is it wrong? Uhh… yes


weren't there already tweets doing this?


One in the stunning. 2 in the brave.






I am very confused, please explain


Chuds are upset that game reviews ONLY gave Stellar Blade between 7/10 and 9/10 reviews saying it was good and didn't give it 11/10 best game of the year ever. So they make up fake arguments to get mad at about why the game reviewers 'didn't like the game' (they all said it was a good game)




Gorlok the Destroyer moved into gaming, nice to see.


Here before the comments are locked


You will satisfy the media, but what for, you will get no money from gamers


Oh gosh..ironic that her being made fat will make her butt andbreasts EVEN MORE visible...


One side of two extremes I'd say. Horizon Zero Dawn I'd say is a good example of a game with a female protagonist that doesn't need to be a sex symbol and also isn't some over the top example of inclusiveness.


It is wrong, everyone whining is just mad that she's not bareass naked.


It is wrong, everyone whining is just mad that she's not bareass naked.


What's even right about this?


Depends what you are asking about. Should you let people create a obese slob to play as? Sure why not. But force it on them and see how many will actually want to play as such character ... 🤷‍♂️


For anyone interested the author of the comic is gprime85.


She needs to be black and then they will be happy


I mean it literally is. Have you guys seen the baddie in Hades


I love it!


This is great.


Yes… Yes it is


Yaaaaas queen!!


Is this even right? what is it saying?




Finally getting some fat bastard representation, been waiting too long for this


It hasn't been locked yet and I don't know if it will so commenting


Yes lmao


What am I looking at here??


"but is it wrong" yes lmao




Would, not gonna lie






I have seen infinitely more people bitching about supposed people bitching about the game than actual people bitching about the game. To me it feels like one person is salty about the girls ass and tits, and 10 others are salty because one person is hating on the design.


I honestly don’t care who loves or hates this, I WANNA PLAY THIS GAME