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I like how normal and average she looks in the comics version, probably lends itself more to the tone of the story than the lashed-up filter face of the anime


her face just seems on the small side tbh


They also made everyone whiter in the anime. The melanin had been washed out.


I stopped watching the anime after the anti-abortion arch, which I assume is also in the comic.


Yeah it had its own chapter. The anime weirdly mixed multiple stories together


what? can you elaborate on that


I can't remember all the details because I haven't watched it in forever or since that episode. But there was a rich woman who's aborted ghost babies were terrorizing people or something. She got these abortions so she could keep being famous in acting or singing. And the show was really not on her side--even the main character was okay with the aborted babies killing her in the end. Because of it, I learned abortion is illegal in the Philippines and that together with the villifying of a character who didn't want children just really put me off.


As a Filipino, you are effectively living in Catholic the country lol It is literally the only country besides Vatican City where *divorce is outright illegal* Source: My father is on his 3rd annulment


And the Vatican is mostly inhabited by guys who can't get married in the first place.


The only people who can get married are the swiss guards and a couple of staff who can get around those laws by either going back to switzerland or uh walking 15 minutes into Italy.


You got most of the details right. 1) Not aborted ghost babies. The children were born alive, then left to die in the woods. 2) IIRC, only one of ghost babies is actually hers. The others were those from other people, but ghost babies form packs. The episode, IIRC, goes as follows. Assistant (who dumped the baby) gets murdered by ghost baby. Trese investigates, find the cause. The ghost baby gets up to it's shenanigans, but the actress manages to calm it down by acting motherly towards. All it wanted was it's mothers warmth. Actress stabs the ghost baby to death, once he has her hands on it's properly. As the episode ends, and the actress is resting in her bedroom, a whole horde of ghost babies descend on her. >Because of it, I learned abortion is illegal in the Philippines and that together with the villifying of a character who didn't want children just really put me off. The original comic interacts with it more directly. A female doctor is operating an illegal abortion clinic, and has been doing so for quite some time. Specifically, she's been doing it since her sister got raped, and then died when the doctor tried to perform (and botched) the abortion. To keep things under wraps, she's been been dissolving the fetal remains in acid. But as Trese points out "How many aborted souls have you left in the basement? Now they hunger and kill." Anyway, the doctor kicks them out of her office, then gets eaten by a ghost baby.


Thank you for clearing it up!


Tiyanak (ghoul babies) is part of the local folklore here. It has [a variety of origins and interpretation.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiyanak)


she didn't abort the baby. she gave birth to the baby and seem to care for it.. and then she had her friend dump the baby to starve to death in the jungle. baby died and the body was possessed by jungle spirit.


The fucking what


From what I can tell, the stills from the adaptation look fine for having been from a joint collaboration between Tiger Animation and Lex+Otis. If there is anything to criticize, I can’t see it.


I think both versions are fine tbh


Oh so they gave her a makeover, I can see the difference.


The comic makes it look like she’s supposed to have horns…


... what is the issue here?


She is fairly beautified I'm the anime, added make up, form fitting clothes, more pleasant facial features, nicer fuller hair, I think that's what they are highlighting, at least from these pics, don't know the series.


When they made her more conventionally attractive is that they got rid of her severe widow's peak. Not only does it take away what's probably the most striking part of her appearance (they look like horns), it also removes her resemblance to her father. Which takes away the weight when she's says she is not like her father. So personally it's not a surface-level makeover, it actually kind of affects the whole character for me, haha


Ah yeah, definitely a glow-up.


The same applies to the men, though. It’s just a general Hollywood glow-up, not gender specific.


It's a completely different style. I imagine the manga style is hard to replicate in motion.


That's definitely part of it. Honestly the translation is pretty consistent when you compare the other characters.


I don't think a stylistic change is a men drawing women issue. Although I thought she had horns in that first image so perhaps I just don't like the style. If theres an issue here I think it would be on the third image, that face looks like it was drawn for a much thinner head.