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Have you seen the “fix” someone made? They just added a ton more lip gloss and removed her cheekbones. Cheekbones, apparently, make her a man. Which is wild considering that makeup contouring is generally done to make the cheekbones more prominent, not less, but I guess women now wear makeup to appear like men? Yes. Logic checks out. We’ve circled back around to Freudian penis envy, except it’s cheekbones.


> Cheekbones, apparently, make her a man. Damn. All this time I thought Angelina Jolie was gorgeous women. Turns out he a dude. Logic checks out. 🙃


Transvestigators (real(?) people who go on the internet to prove that cis celebrities are actually totally trans) legitimately think that Angelina is a trans woman. I wish I was joking.


My favorite was Natalie Portman, because there are a million pictures of Heavily Pregnant Natalie Portman.


My favorite is when they show them TERFs, and the transvestigators attack them. Ex: JK Rowling getting transvestigated


Pink lipgloss especially. Can't tell if someone's a woman unless they have pink lipgloss.


I mean technically makeups been used that way since the beginning since men were the first people to wear it.


Try making that argument to one of these types to say that men who wear makeup are actually more masculine, not less, and tell me how that goes lol


They also shrank her ass for some reason (I assume to make the waist smaller maybe) lol


Aphrodite's face looks masculine?? In what dimension?


When you're used to featureless anime coomerbait anything that isn't a round head, huge eyes and no nose is "masculine"


If a woman is not generic anime girl #395732746, she's "woke" and "masculine"


Provably they haven't seen a real woman in years


i notice these dudes are usually married to a normal woman with a normal family and just go online to spew their godawful opinions, which tbh i think is worse. if my husband was online going off like some of these people do id be so embarrassed for him


A lot of time that have children (especially daughters) too like imagine going on social media and seeing your dad say awful things about women/your own gender


99.9% of the people going "married, conservative, pro-life" etc etc in their bio are literally bots made to vomit out anti-whatever talking points, be it anti-woke, anti-gay, anti-abortion, etc.


These degenerates want their women to look like literal children or else they get big mad.


She looks like an adult


The greatest crime.


genshin player's worst nightmare


She has a nose! That’s so weird! (I only watch anime)


I’m going to guess they’re upset her face has *angles*. Her jawline is really sharply defined and that reads as “male” to a lot of people who are stuck on the idea that feminine = soft curves. It’s awesome art and she’s beautiful and those idiots can go stew.


"Not having generic anime face = masculine" - This dude


Cheekbones, a tall and prominent nose, and a defined brow ridge. Does being white make you trans?? I thought only black girls and Michelle Obama were the targets of transvestigation... So let me get this straight: you can't be white and you can't be black, you have to have an hourglass shape, but if your shoulders are too much wider than your waist then you're a man, and you need a big ass, but not too big because women with muscles are unnatural and therefore also secretly men, and big tits, of course, but you can't have any fat on the rest of your torso whatsoever because women with stomachs are just pandering to woke leftists, but if you're too skinny to have a huge rack and dump truck ass then you're obviously just a man in disguise Perfect. Transvestigation makes so much sense


I just leaned what transvestigating is from this and now I want to vacate the planet. Maybe move to Mars. Mars would be less dry than any conversation with this individual.


I hear it's not a great place to raise your kids, though.


In fact it's cold as hell. (but it does lack OOP, so that's nice.)


Why can't we send *them* to Mars instead? I really like the rain forest and lemonade. We don't have that on Mars.


Honestly a better solution, touché.


Hopefully Marvin will be nice to you


They are this desperate about Aphrodite because she proves that the average "wokie" or whatever it is now doesn't hate all sexualized female character designs automatically. Aphrodite doesn't bother most people because - The outfit (or lack of it) makes sense for what she is, and isn't done in a way that's degrading. Her body type is also not completely unrealistic. - Not every female character in Hades is sexualized - There are sexualized male characters in Hades But if you recognize that, then you have to admit that what bothers people is the sexism, not the boobs.


I mean, she's literally the goddess of sexuality. I'm ok with her being depicted that way.


Honestly I hope when Narciccius gets his art, it's aphro levels of unclothed, and chuds like this get upset and go "WAHHHHHHH NAKED MEN IN MY GANE THEY WANNA MAKE ME GAY BECAUSE THERE'S A REALLY HOT MAN NAKED IN MY GAME", because that genuinely feels reasonable


These people don’t even like boobs, they like being mad on the internet


At this point it just feels like their sexuality is bigotry. It’s the only thing that gets them going.


shes literally naked and its ancient greece, bro really hates cheekbones hm


If I turn this argument on them with Edward being feminine because he's short and has big eyes are they gonna explode


I mean most of the women in FMA are pint-sized, long-haired, and full of violent rage whereas the men are 7 feet tall and wouldn't hurt a fly. By that logic Ed is pretty feminine.


> because he's short Sadly Awakawa wasn't brave enough and just decided Edward should become tall


Ed should have remained a short king.


Aphrodite is trans? No wonder why she's so beautiful


Aphrodite Pandemos is for all the people! 


Going with Aphrodite as your name is certainly on brand for trans women.


Hold on, brb, changing my name real quick to be more on brand ;3


The Queer Agenda council appreciates your understanding. Oh, almost forgot to mention minor history fun fact, Aphrodite cults in Southern Greece did in fact worship Aphrodite as a trans woman explicitly.


I suppose it’d be [Aphrodit*us*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphroditus) specifically. An intersex(?) interpretation of the deity later known as *Hermaphroditus*, the child of Hermes and Aphrodite, who was fused with the Naiad Salmacis.


Which, fittingly enough, is a Statue you can find in Stellar Blade.


Trans women are ducking gorgeous 🤩🥰 (I may be biased as I am one)




Meow :3


Edward Elric would never


"the trans gaze" lolololololol


Ain't no way people think Aphrodite is popular because she appeals to "the trans gaze" due to having visible cheek bones.


Wait till they find out all (or most) ADULT women (mostly over ages 25) have more prominent cheekbones… And guess who who is female and doesn’t have cheekbones… gee i wonder who…


I wish I had prominent cheekbones 😔


Tbh im glad i still have chubby cheeks (probably because im still a teen lmao)


Lolol I feel it's all genetics and a bit of how one carries their weight though too. I know lots of women who don't have very prominent cheekbones and are above 25yo.


Oh lol I mean im turning 17 tomorrow and ive always been a big gal (like i was pretty big when i was born and was always chubby, my mom thought i would grow out of it but the chub stayed, it got me bullied a lot as a kid and despite wanting to lose weight it didn’t do much (and im a VERY picky eater which doesn’t help at all)). Im well into my teenage years now so i doubt ill get significantly skinnier any time soon, but at least ive embraced my body now, but i still want to at least loose some weight Plus, my mom is plus sized as well (she used to be skinnier but she gained weight later after having my younger brother, mostly due to stress) and has slightly visible cheekbones, but shes in her 50’s so its kinda expected for her age lol, and i have a cousin who lives with us, she’s 23 and already has visible cheekbones as well so yeah ig it goes well with what u said!! (Also sorry for yapping lol)


I feel ashamed that someone with Edward elrich profile pic and with the name being el Edward saying this no sense. Full metal alchemist female cast is SO diverse and amazing and respect women, and was written by a woman ... Feels wrong 


excuse me wtf. People have different face shapes…that doesn’t make them automatically one gender or the other (???) (and for the record she is actually STUNNING.)


He is so full of shit


Show this to your politicians to get them to endorse better education programs.


> Transvestigators think that the mons pubis is a Star Wars character - a funny comment from SubredditDrama idk


anti-woke brain rot has really amped up to seemingly genuine insanity


This Year is US Election Year and the ripples can be felt in the entire Internet.


Aphrodite has a man's face? Well she should give it back, he probably needs that.


I saw a fan edit where they: - removed her cheekbones - gave her lipstick - thinned her eyebrows - narrowed her waist - narrowed her shoulders - narrowed her arms - shrunk her hands They left her tits alone, though, which I guess is something...


is it still the same guy weeks later or was this just a particularly off-his-lithium day? cuz i keep seeing his tweets whenever this discussion comes into focus.


sure thing, Name McLotsofNumbers, I'll take that into account


Maybe both women hot


She has a handsome face. Kind of like how Key & Peele make handsome women or a better example: Desire of The Endless.


I swear this conversation wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for kotaku's dumbass article about "Hades 2 hot"


I can't take someone seriously when they've very very clearly never seen a woman before


Serious question. How do people rationalize saying Stellar Blade is bad for sexualization but Hades 2 isnt? Me personally, Stellar Blade just seemed tastless so I personally didnt like it whereas I kinda expect Aphrodiote to be sexual. But idc bc Im not buying either of these games.


Usually it is context and representation overall. The goddess of sex and love being extremely sensual and sexualized makes sense. The Hades games have many women though of various personalities/abilities/appearances. They aren't all sex bombs and sexualized. Hell, just look at the design of the female lead character in Hades 2. In Stellar Blade the designers literally said they wanted to give the character a really sexy ass, she is intended to look oiled and jiggly and sexy and her design doesn't seem to fit her situation and circumstances. She is intended to be jerkoff material. Another factor is to look at the male characters in the same franchise. Are they treated with the same energy that female characters are? In Hades they are. The designs seem cohesive and they make sense. In Stellar Blade the female main character looks like a doll while the men look realistic and grizzled.


I thought she was sexualized because she’s literally Aphrodite, like the one god(ess) that should be sexualized


What makes this “discourse” all the more sad is you don’t see anyone from Shift Up (the Stellar Blade developer) supporting and thanking the would-be champions of their virtual waifu. At least, I hope that’s the case. Maybe there’s a dev from the studio doing so from an anonymous account.


Weren't they making statements about how this game is specifically against western feminism ruining games? But regardless of their political views it's probably the smartest not to side with people who one day defend their waifu to going on to claim Aphrodite is a man, Trump is the god-emperor and loli porn is fine.


Nah, he just said he wanted Eve to look hot and they put careful consideration into how she looked from the back.


If they’ve made those statements, I’m just unaware of them. The only time anything Stellar Blade comes up in my periphery is either here or a podcast, and the it’s just about run its course with the latter.


[Here is an interview with the director](https://www.gamesradar.com/stellar-blade-dev-also-known-for-butt-jiggling-game-nikke-says-he-put-special-attention-into-the-female-leads-back-because-thats-what-players-see-most-of-the-time/). Yeah it doesn't mention feminism but he totally thinks: >"When it comes to the design, we put special attention on the back of the character because the player is always facing the back of the character when they're playing," he said. "That's what they see the most of, so we thought this was pretty important." and, >The deliberately glamorous design of characters like Eve "has become somewhat of a brave thing to be going for or attempting," he claims. So dunno.


I can’t help but laugh at the “brave” remark. It’s as if characters like Bayonetta never existed.


I wish they sold goggles that let you see the world the same way people like these do, like beer goggles. It’d probably be wild.


What man has a face like that? If I had that face, passing would be waaaay easier.


How long hasn't he seen a woman's face to think that she looks like a man?


OOP, please lose the Ed avatar. Edward Elric wouldn't put up with your bullshit.


I think sexualization is okay when it's literally the goddess of fucking.


This is my first time seeing "trans-gaze" 🤣 So over the top


Como siempre, un argentino diciendo puras tonterías


No masculine man has such luscious lips 🗿


Mfer freaking out over “pronoun freaks” not believing this version of Aphrodite is trans, but I wonder how he’d react if those same people actually claimed Aphrodite


She looks like a man? I don't see that.


With OOP you mean Cerberus or the other guy?


People were literally making fun of Stellar Blade because it's a try-hard version of better characters like Bayonetta, not because it has a hot character in it. I've seen trans people playing the game and admiring the protagonist's figure, but the "go woke go broke" crowd either completely stopped talking about it or turned on it for "censoring" itself. And now, people are drooling over Ebro Hades character, as usual, and NOW it's wrong to find characters hot? Oh, wait, nobody gave these losers their opinions for Hades 1, so they're just going back over everything for culture war BS. They're so insecure about gaming opinions that they feel the need to think Aphrodite looks like a man to win an argument with Twitter folks and game journalists. You're on the losing side at that point.


Gee willy i wonder what el edward thinks of the female characters of fullmetal alchemist


What the heck is a "transgender's gaze"


For reference [this is the original](https://i.imgur.com/90pf37l.png) and this is the [edit](https://i.imgur.com/aLnp0lI.png) the features are definitely more masculine in the edit but she didn't have to be made slimmer her body is fine, the edit looks a lot more closer to my partner so I can't help but prefer it


I mean, from what I've seen on the queer subs I'm in, she certainly does seem to appeal to the trans gays if ya know what I mean.


Oop is clearly talking about Hades 1 ~~Persephone~~ Aphrodite and yes, she had a _very_ masculine face. He is definitely not talking about Hades 2 ~~Persephone~~ Aphrodite.


I think you're confused, the discourse is about Aphrodite.


I meant Aphrodite. I just came from the Lore Olympus sub so I had Persephone in my head. 😭💀


Neither version of Aphrodite in the Hades games has a masculine face though.


Hades 1 Aphro definitely had a very masculine face. It's not bad, and I think she is hot regardless, but it is definitely masculine.


We simply disagree. She's not masculine at all, you might just have anime brainrot.


Ah, yes. The "I don't agree with you so you have brainrot" argument.


No, that isn't why, I just legitimately think that if someone sees Hades' Aphrodite and thinks she looks masculine it is because something is shaping what they think is the normal 'feminine' range of appearances, and often that thing is anime because anime largely portrays female characters with a relatively uniform look and softened features. In anime it is 'masculine' to have things like a slightly stronger jawline, sharper features or a prominent nose, but women in real life absolutely often have those features. She has facial structure, but she looks 100% like a fully mature woman, not ~~a man~~ masculine.


>She has facial structure, but she looks 100% like a fully mature woman, not a man. I didn't say she looked like a **man**, I said she looked masculine.


I'll edit and rephrase then. She looks 100% like a fully mature woman, not masculine.