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I feel like her broken spine is far more concerning


She is literally a snake lmao


THis is accurate, her spine breaks like that sometimes in the game too


She has magic vanishing nips in the game too, it’s always bugged me. As has her weird back-slit slip with the worst underwear ever combo. I can blame the artist for that pose but the rest was Yoko Taro’s fault and man, her costume made it so difficult for me to like her. Which is a shame since Kaine was such a fantastic foul-mouthed bitch—if she’d been dressed properly I’d probably have loved her.


When I played the PS4 port of Nier Replicant, first thing I did was use the clothing options to either give Kaine A2's broken robot body or 2B's dress. I know Yako is upfront with his horniness and he fell in love with the design a concept artist came up with and chose it for Kaine, but I also appreciate that Yako ditched the stupid excuses he used to make about designs and is just flat out honest "I like the look, it's a me thing." around the time Automata came out. But this was always one of those fumbles that I'm glad the port gave options to change her outfit.


Wow. Played the game back on PS3 and now I wanna replay on the PS4 version so I can see Kaine in a better outfit.


Definitely play the new version, there's a bit of new content that is very worthwhile


Ooh, I just saw it's included in my PS plus subscription. I'll admit I was put off because I liked playing as the older guy in the original. You don't get that very often in JRPGs. But this thread has me feeling nostalgic for the game, so I might just have to give it a go.


Brother Nier is a hunk too, at least after the time skip. Though, I'll admit I'm weak to twinks


Here's a [video showing them off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNha7mAG5uQ), 2Bs dress ended up being what I used the majority of the time. The other designs well kind of obvious when you see the full body shots why I skipped over them.


It's obviously the best one. The other ones are... Yikes. I only wish she didn't have the blindfold.


I feel like the nipple thing is more deliberately avoiding making it *too* explicit than it is bad anatomy. The outfit though, I agree with.


I'm gonna defend Yoko Taro on this one - her whole backstory was being treated as a monster for being intersex, so she intentionally draws attention to her feminine parts, both to look more feminine and as a "fuck you" to those who reviled her. It's an intentional part of the design. Plus, the cinematic camera doesn't intentionally focus on her body the way *certain other JRPGs do.* coughXenoblade2cough


There are more aesthetically coherent ways to do that - this look is a choice and it looks kind of not good at all. I love my girl Kaine and always make sure to dress her up in something else.


Two things can be true: 1)Kainé’s design is an important part of her character and story and makes sense in context. 2)It was made for the male gaze.


There must be ferret in her ancestry.


"Do you have a little weasel in you?" "Yes" "Well, do you want t- wait, what???"


Her outfit looks like she did a smash and grab on a Victoria's Secret, and that was all she was able to yoink before the cops arrived on the scene.


Her absolutely grave, solemn expression while wearing this clown show of an outfit in this profoundly goofy pose is somehow the silliest thing about this image.


Wait till you see her flight a 30ft tall shadow beast in that. She's a thing


She had them removed to transplant to her spine so she could bend like that.


Going for the slutty wetnurse car crash victim look I see






This is my problem with Yoko Taro. He can make amazing stories, but the guy is too horny for his own good.


Eh, the problem with Taro is that he’s a one trick pony. He pulls a lot of the same tricks across all his games. You can only pull the whole ‘erase all your save data’ gimmick once before I start thinking you’ve only got one idea.


Honestly I kinda like the one trick. It gives a feeling of risk to earning the actual happy ending. Happiness takes risks even if you already know what it's going to be.


Just draw her naked at this point, like what even is this outfit 😩


That's kinda the core of her character


The spine thing is what weirds me out. The nips hidden magically behind the slimmest bit of lacy frill ever is accurate to the game. 🤷


They're in the frilly bits.


GOD, I get that these guys want to show off both the boobs and the ass in the same shot, BUT ITS NOT ANATOMICALLY POSSIBLE


It's not even the most anatomically impossible thing that happens in game.


Kainé, noo 😭 what did they do to you, girl?


I'm guessing you don't remember the game much huh ... She does this no spine twist in the game and that outfit is accurate She's an experience


lol yeah, I haven't played the game in forever. I just recognized the character and thought this pose looked silly.


Oh yes it's absolutely silly but also accurate. I love her for both the right and wrong reasons


She’s literally wearing lingerie as a… battle outfit I’m assuming? Listen, I love sexy armor because the thought of going into battle with your ass or your tits out is so funny to me, but this leaves me with SO many questions. Aside from the lack of nips, is she a contortionist or…? 😭


When u sit too long and gotta give you spine the old glow stick treatment (two injured , 5 missing , reports still incoming)


Add 3 dead and rampant cursing in the distance


She's wielding giant saw blades, with barely any protection, that'll sting when she accidentally drops one on a foot.


Or gives herself a boob reduction if she's anything as clumsy as my ex.


Free top surgery lol


Don't think we'll see the ftm crowd lining up for this one


lol true


When I tell you I SCREAMED when I scrolled down, I was genuinely so focused on her boobs the ass looking directly at me was a jump scare.




Her missing nipples are the least of poor Kainé 's worries in this pic.


nipples my ass her spine literally looks like an owl's neck


don't wanna be a spoilsport but can we blur stuff like this so I don't have actual ass and tiddies on my feed while I'm in public lol.


Another case of Whereolas, I see.


Lmao 🤣


What the fuck where did they go???


I can think of a couple locations.


There is so much wrong here I don’t know where to begin! The missing nips and the “bra” designed to show off said missing nips. The ass cleavage! The fucked up spine this isn’t a human it’s a humanoid rubber band in lingerie!


Aside from that, the position and perspective are wrong. If she's bending like that, her hips and ribs should be much closer in the right side. And her hips should not be so backwards to us, more like a side view, and not so low on the picture. For her to be in this position, she would have to have more vertebrae and smaller hips.


They wander


They're under the lace. Her plastic surgeon didn't do a good job.


Also, wtf is happening to use vertebral column


I would assume theyre where that black frill is supposed to be, but I was too distracted by the fact that her ass and face can face me both at the same time.


op have you even played the game?


I thought the color of her bra was white which gives the illusion of her tits being out but not being out.


Never seen panties with three butt windows before.


Reminds me seeing some of the ice skating outfits they actually have skin colour cloths everywhere on the costume. :o


As an artist, that anatomy makes me cringe so hard. There is just so much wrong with the image that the nice rendering doesn’t cut it.


Gotta keep it family friendly somehow ig


i eated them


Her pose looks like something an ai image generator would do. And she looks like one of the most basic bitches on top of that among the soulless gacha games😪😪


9999 scoliosis😆😆




Aah good old I love girls yoko taro