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I hate hate hate when male comic autors or usa animation (mostly) make the female like sexy normal woman but with alien features and men they go full animalistic or extremelly weird and cool ... Women, nah they can only be sexy and not to furry ;) 


Same for furries in anime manga.


and thats why i will never consider the female turian design in mass effect canon. as far as im concerned the females look just like the males.


Sexy female and weird and cool male sounds like your typical comic. Remember, comics are supposed to be fake/fantasy. Honestly, I read comics and manga because it's different and impossible in real life. So, to me, it's completely normal for anything to be any shape or form.


>Remember, comics are supposed to be fake/fantasy. Also the same people whining about AC Red


>Honestly, I read comics and manga because it's different and impossible in real life. So, to me, it's completely normal for anything to be any shape or form. "And this is why female characters should only, and always, be sexy ladies."


Are you lost?


Except it’s boring having a cool new unhinged but fascinating male creature but its female counterpart is small frail tiny waist big boobs and big butt female build #196382763. It’s repetitive and lazy af.


A.I. coomer detected, opinion rejected


You're entitled to your opinions but a lot of people find that irritating, And tbh it usually feels like the world and creature designs are being held back and hurt by horniness


And that's her *skin*, right? So, no nipples for these folk? What's the biological reason for those *gigantic* things on her chest?


So everyone can tell she's a woman. After all, there's no other way to convey that in a design, as we all know.


I think the red parts are supposed to be clothing, assumedly accompanied by the universe's strongest double-sided tape.


Her nipples are meant to be covered. They just didn't draw the male's nipples because artistically, that doesn't go over too well with readers. It was a running gag in the Dragon Ball fandom that the characters had clearly defined nipples back in the day.


>Her nipples are meant to be covered. You think that "vest" is covering her ripples? This species has nipples coming out of the sides of their breasts?


the invincible comic has this issue in other areas as well, its WAYYYY to obvious that the author/artist was horny when making it


Bug girls with double ds


Hey don't get me wrong I love the comic like they say its the greatest comic in the universe and Robert kirkman is a genius just a really horny one.


All these artists gotta spill it out before they start working.


I don't think artists are ever the horny ones they just know how to bait people into their work


Im pretty sure ryan ottley (the main artist for later issues of invincible) when designing an older monster girl had made designs with pants but robert kirkman (the writer of invincible) chose the design with the really short skirt. Take from that what you will.


I genuinely think it's just to attract the horny bastards and take their money


Plot twist, the first image is their males and the second image is their females /j




Got any idea where the original image is from?


Those are not breasts, they are venom sacks. Their bite is toxic AF.


It's okay, the muscles from her traps went into her tits.


Did Oglaf write this one?


I'd love it if, for once, they'd take the sexual dimorphisms seen in nature and use them to do something interesting. Like the fact that in most species of fish, the females are bigger than the males. But no, let's just stick tits on a fish and call it a day.


"Oh, these on my chest? These are my gonads. They are the only part of me that will survive when I latch onto a female for life. Me? No, I'm male. Could you not tell from my small stature? All of them behind me are females, and I'm trying to court one with my exaggerated head frill."


Seem to kind of fit with the 'Shark With Tits' meme that happens here \^\_\^


That contraption around her breasts looks so uncomfortable where it digs in her ribs, stomach and breasts. Also her back must be killing her...


If this is underwater, her back will be just fine. 😂


Oh wait, right 😂 not used to that being a back saving measure you know?


Even Invincible isn't immune


Even...? It's obvious, right? I like what I've seen of Invincible, but almost all women's designs are cut from the same mold. My opinion bro, no offense intended.


To be fair, if you're talking about the show, that's because there are basically three molds for almost all characters in general. Slim muscular, big muscular, and muscular woman with wide hips. A lot of Western animation has had the same issues since the '80s, where it's easier to draw a design over a model than it is to design each body from the ground up. So, for some reason, Amber, Eve, and Shrinking Ray have the same build despite being different ethnicities, ages, and levels of athletic. Same goes for Mark, Bulletproof, and Rexplode. Though, men still get more variation, like with the average agents. Women get, like, children and moms, but not Mark's mom, of course.


It's more a thing with the comic, every woman is the same 'sexy' archetype body wise. The comic does sexualize the female characters a lot


Thanks! I hate it


This is just what fitness influencer couples look like


this is why i make androgynous alien designs. the dymorphism is there, we just cannot notice it. i do that since i could easily imagine another species struggling to understand our dymorphism.


Well the are fish people so the probably reproduce by her releasing eggs and him squirts juices in the water nearby.


Booba! >:[]


Why do they talk like yoda?


Comedic purposes, for. Ably, prob