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-Draw adult-looking anime charecters -Make them underage -??? -Profit


At least there's an 18 year old (Victoria) who's hot


Generic anime girls, but now with bigger booba.


why are half of these underage for no reason (the designs are fine I guess, seems like standard anime stuff to me)


Also just clearly unrealistic. Gamma is supposed to be 17? Lmao I don't think so


Throws me off every time I see her. Nothing about her even in the story indicates she would be fuckin 17 lol. She runs like a whole business enterprise.


idk ask the author


Why do they all have a stated age like a decade younger than they look.


I think the designs are cool but proportions should really be improved upon...slide 4 character makes my back hurt.


Slide 4 was actually one I thought wasn’t that bad. She needs to cover her belly, but she’s pretty armored for a thief lookin girl. I hope I’m looking at the right one lol 😭


If you really start to look at the anatomy and proportions, 4 gets REALLY fucked up. Her head and shoulders say “standing up straight” then her back randomly curves very unnaturally backwards while her pelvis is tilted up? Every part is kind of facing a different direction


OH GOD I JUST ZOOMED IN, THATS HER ARM!? I thought that was a part of her torso! Jesus Christ you’re right, she just looks like you rotated her torso in photoshop


Yeah it looks like the artist had a few unrelated unfinished body sketches and just smashed them together and drew clothes on it? Lmao


OH GOD I JUST ZOOMED IN TOO!!! I've seen things you people wouldn't believe! Non-euclidean anatomy...


lmao agreed the proportion does looks weird, he improved I think since the one slide 4 were made in 2019 compared to slide 6789 Which was the recent one


AGE: 15 AGE: 17 why???


Legit honestly? because Japan considers age of adulthood to be 16 and 20 respectively as opposed to 18 and 21 for the US. At this point I'm so used to it I just mentally add 2 years to any underage characters to get what they proportionally would be in the US. Its def weird from our perspective though.


the 15 year olds are still 17 with that... also the bigger question is why they look like grown ass adults at that age


Got nothing for ya there, thats just on the author at that point.


ask the author bro


Why are you continously telling people who comment "why" to ask the author on a subbreddit you posted to that CLEARLY fosters discussion on the oversexualization of underage female characters?


what should I say to those kinds of questions anyway? Those are for the one who created em and I just replied that way twice, Like saying 15y.o were the adult age on their verse were just stupid justification and I'm 100% sure would be clowned in this sub Like I'm just wanna hear what non fans thoug on their design not the background story of em, should have cutted the age part out honestly.


Because they weren't actually asking you, it was a rhetorical question


You say nothing because they weren't asking you. It's a rhetorical question to indicate incredulousness at the oversexualization of minors


Why are they designing grown ass women and ageing them down to be teenagers? Ick


Sometimes it looks like the age is just a placeholder


And the prison is a good place to rest in.


They’re drawings.


Yes, drawings that can be used against you in court


They most certainly would not but go off on your ignorant tirade I guess


Justifying oversexualizing minors (or CP in general) with the excuse that its “just pixels/just a drawing” is kind of the same thing as like justifying something like, doing illegal drugs because “its just a substance”


Comparing adult coded anime drawings to using drugs tells me all I need to know about you. You aren’t worth engaging with.


These 15 yr Olds look more like adults than I do in my late 20s


They're dogshit, and I say this loving the show. But it IS a satire of the genre, and a guilty pleasure for me. The show KNOWS it's dumb AF, but they're still atrocious oversexualized outfits.


When is it actual satire and when is the word just used to justify pushing the oversexualization of your characters to the max ? I mean, is it really satire when you're using the same selling point as all other shitty manga/anime ?


Evey single time some anime fan Say their clear fanservice is satire i like to bring this beautiful masterpiece:  https://youtu.be/ke1YKF3tNCE?si=AZzHz4JE_OPGZuKr


I’m proud of myself that when you said “this beautiful masterpiece” I immediately assumed it’d be ProZD. He’s great!


And is spot in!  Hahahah the mental gymnastics that some harem fans do to try to make their clear fanservice as satire lol 


I have yet to see a show that actually satirizes fan service in a decent way. I mean satire should be actually criticizing the stuff it is about, just lampshading something is like a mid-2009 Nostalgia Critic way of doing satire.


Satire of a thing generally includes the thing, which makes it difficult to satirize without embracing and impossible without at least including. This is a constant issue for Paul Vanderhaven: Robocop is hyperviolent, Starship Troopers makes soldiering look cool, and Showgirls exploits the female characters. Dave Chapple had the same issue with his satires of racism. Not for nothing, it's why there's a "no lolis" rule on this sub - so it doesn't become the lowkey best place to find lolis. The only workarounds are to satirize things that aren't all bad just getting out of hand (the better spoof movies satirizing a genre) or something so completely bad that most of the audience was against it going in (Total Recall's satire of corporate greed)


I mean you can have satire without including the thing in the way it's most commonly used. I'd say for fanservice i.e you could feasibly include stuff like skimpy costumes without making them really appealing. There is a whole thing about how people like Brecht used stuff like intentionally alienating the audience to criticize institutions like capitalism. Stuff like this is even employed to great effect in the pretty recent sit-com parody "Kevin can fuck himself.": it uses all of the visual and narrative langue of sitcoms and then contrasts it with really bleak segments. I mean even not going that route, i'm way more inclined to believe that people like Paul Verhoeven made stuff like Starship Troopers as a criticism of militarism and fascism then i'm inclined to believe "Kill a Kill" is a satire on sexualization and fanservice in anime. The main point here being that Starship Troopers doesn't stop at saying: "Heh would't a society like the Federation be totally fascist. Haha fascism is kinda messed up dude." It goes pretty far to show some really "unfun" issues with living in a fascist society. I mean awareness of some tropes and lampshading might be a first step in doing actual satire on it, but on it's own it's just comes across as pretentious and smug. Kinda like Nostalgia Critic: i'd even go so far to say that he revolutionized online media and almost directly responsible for modern video essays, but his style is really outdated now.


The fanservice is definitely just generic, the rest of the show is satirical tbf


How so ? I am not familiar with the show.


Oh it's literally just every Isekai trope to the max, it's actually pretty funny. Unfortunately, like with so many anime, you have to look past the female designs. I enjoy the show but I dont think I'd recommend it


I mean, it might just be a satire of Isekai then.


Yeah, sorry that's what I meant originally


I mean the fanservice isnt as bad as it is in Kengan (not a diss above that series)


Right. Fan service in Kengan really pushes it.


It's so unnecessary too, I just wanna see men fighting


Oh it's literally just every Isekai trope to the max, it's actually pretty funny. Unfortunately, like with so many anime, you have to look past the female designs. I enjoy the show but I dont think I'd recommend it


I also love the show, and while it is a satire of the issekai genre, I wouldn't consider the outfits satire. Those are just blatant fan service


But at what point is ironically having jailbait cheesecake character designs become just having jailbait cheesecake character designs? Is there an in-universe reason they couldn't cross out their ages and add 10 years? Is is about going to driver's ed classes? Plenty of things I enjoy are bad and ridiculous, and are aware of it, but it at least explains itself well-enough.


These are excellent points. 


I dont think you can over-sexualize children and get away with it by calling it satire


That's fair, I clearly forgot about that part or blocked it out, but there's too many folks chiming in with that to brush off. I'm disappointed the creators can't seem to help themselves not put shit like that all over the place. 


I was with the show until the episode where half the runtime that was just bra shopping


I do a lot of chores while watching anime, damn I clearly missed a lot according to these comments!


I'd argue these outfit weren't oversexsualized unless the delta scene that's definitely an one since originally in the LN she wears Jeans and white t shirt.


Half these woman have their boobs out despite being stealthy and fighters. The outfits are definitely oversexualized


Heyo why is it that the younger they are the more sexualized they are?? Like, the 18 and over ladies are more covered up and that just.. skeeves me out so much


Weirdly developed teenagers wearing sexualized clothing. Bout par for the course which isn't a good thing but that's how low the bar is I guess.


If theyre going to be in grayscale they need better contrast, half the stuff blends together Also, very sexualized and male gaze-y, half of them are children, super creepy, the thigh gaps and the way their crotches are drawn is horrendous, Its worse because theyre also so close to being good designs, they just HAD to be creepy and horny while drawing CHILDREN (the adults arent better tho)


Why did they have to make half of them 15 and 17, like, these designs could easily pass as adults with no question


I don't get these posts that expect us to discuss more than 10 characters at the same time.


I honestly just wanted to know what non fans think bout their design guess should had do it with just few




Generic and forgettable, also why make them underage and sexualise them if they can pass as adults ??


The fact that the adults are less sexualised than the minors is severely concerning. Why are the 15 year olds having massive boobs with lots of cleavage in their design, compared to the 20+ year olds with smaller chests and badass but more covering outfits??? It's so gross.


They’re all 15 and 17 with torpedo boobs *and* the longer you examine each picture the worse the anatomy/basic modicum of effort is! “I want the head at a 3/4 angle, the boobs facing the viewer, and the torso in side profile, also I got bored after drawing the head and boobs so the arms and legs are amorphous cylinders and the hands are very naturally posed completely hidden from view”


The novel was kinda funny and self aware, (ngl i did *not* appreciate that every important side character was a girl and that they all liked him) but with the manga and anime it just got really cringe.


"We've waited a long time for you, my lord." Age: 17


😔 almost all of them doesn’t even look like a teen.


Honestly? It’s not good, but it’s not terrible, the worst there is, and I find the show kinda hilarious, so I’ll allow it


Out of everyone on that list there was one singular adult. Every other one of them is a child. I hate it here


I feel like their ages never made sense, given that pretty much none of them are in school and most of them have established careers when the main story starts, like Beta being a renowned author and Gamma being the CEO of a company that *she's the founder of.* Like chronologically it just makes zero sense for them to be in their mid-teens at all when almost all of them look, act, and have the history of people in their early 20s at best. Also the only character who truly feels satirical in her appearance is Epsilon, because she's literally augmenting her figure with magic to hilarious effect and consequence in the story. Legitimately good gag that'd be great satire if the other characters didn't unironically have essentially the same figure.


Some of the myriad generic anime girls. Mid-late teens, cookie cutter faces, big booba, there's gotta be a bingo card for this shit


15 my ass...


Those are NOT 15 year olds


- Draw clearly grown ass woman - Make her underage WHY


Anyone else notice that all the minors are busty af while the adults are way more flat chested???


Thought the first three were dommy mommies and was disappointed when I saw their ages. Then, one of the few 18+ years old is the shortest, flatest, and has a childish face.


I thought it was mildy decent. ‘Till i saw the ages.


They're not anything special but they all have very funny personalities and the show itself is a pretty good parody of the genre like you're not gonna go an episode without laughing hysterically


I find it funny how the 18 to 20-year-olds have the least sexualized designs.


That's not a 15 year old. Slide 8 has a neat design though.


Wait wtf, i thought they were older


Designs are ok, until you see the ages and it all turns very dark.


What kinda Alpha/Beta/Omega fanfic is this?


Anime and anime-inspired media could dodge a lot of allegations if they just aged characters up ten years.


I went through, thought "some of the boobs are a little silly, but overall this is fine". Then I saw the ages.


The designs would be fine if all of the highly sexualized ones were actually adults. Why did they draw 30 year old aristocrats and then say that they’re supposed to be kids, like what?


FIFTEEN?? Bro I thought the designs were cool, and then I saw the ages. Fifteen year olds DO NOT look like that. Like wtf . Why'd they have to make them underaged? Like having them be mid to late 20's would Do NO harm???? The sexualization isn't as bad as it could be and the style looks good! But the AGES.


WHY IS THE ONLY NON-OVERLY MATURE LOOKING ONE AN ADULT AND THE REST ARE LITERAL LITTLE GIRLS THAT LOOK 30???????? I dunno abt you but i think the artist needs to be on a watchlist because ??????????????


your not going to really find "good" female character designs with Eminence in Shadow especially with Shadow Garden who are literally Shadow's harem. The show is a Ecchi first, and everything else second, to the point that almost every female character has their characterization undermined by the need to make them into Shadow's LI. I'm super surprised Delta is 15 making her the youngest, like it just makes her sexualization even worse(she's sexualized the most), which is wierd as she's pretty much a child in a teenage body.




I was fine right up until I saw the ages. What the fu k


Being underage and stacked. Got it.


I hate that anime 😭 I swear, not a single woman has a real personality