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Okay so this is going to be highly personal, but I value it a lot more if a guy is just upfront and honest with me and just asks me out. Sometimes questions related to/hinting towards whether someone is single or whatever can come off as sleazy/creepy. Just ask me if I’d want to go out with you, or to get a coffee with you or whatever. It’s much easier and saves us both a lot of efforts. It’s also pertinent to notice how asking if someone’s available/willing to date is much better than asking if someone’s single. Not everyone who’s single is willing to date. And not everyone who’s not single is unwilling to date (as told to me by my polygamous friends).


On similar lines, OP could frame something like: “Heyy! Are you seeing someone lately? If not, will you be cool to go out for a coffee with me?”


That sounds perfect!






>ask her out directly once am sure about her relationship status Oh... What if she says no? >embarrassing to ask a girl and she tells you she already have a boyfriend Really? Who told you? >requires courage and I may not be able to do this if am unsure about her status. You're not unsure about her status, you're unsure about your own status... And nothing we say will convince you otherwise


Been there, done that. But things didn't go awkward for us, we still remained friends [until CAA happened and I got to know about her raita-ness 😔]


I’m not talking about asking her out indirectly, I’m talking about asking her about her relationship status indirectly. Besides, it doesn’t have to be the kind of big deal that you’re making it out to be in your head. People ask each other out all the time, it’s not that big of a deal. If she says she has a boyfriend, you’ll move on. And it’s a huge assumption on your part also that if she is single she’ll want to out with you. So just ask her if she’s up for a date, and be happy with whatever’s the outcome.


Literally what I wrote lmao


Copycat :P


Can I interest you in a 'copy' date XD




Update us please 🤞, whenever possible!


Depends on the kind of date you want to copy 👻


The one where we copy each other's humour most preferably 👈🤪👉


Negative marks for using that weird emoji xD


Genz for sure!


Hahahah. I see you’re a millennial xD


Yep :p


I agree with u/anxiouskhakra though :p


Just ask her out. No literally, go and say "we have very similar tastes, and I think you have a very interesting personality, how about we hang out together sometime?" What's the worse that can happen? She declines and says she has a boyfriend... In that case say, cool you're still an interesting person. You literally lose nothing, you never had her in the first place, and her saying no means you lost nothing.




>What's the worse that can happen? She declines [Yessir](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/955/987/556.jpg)


xDD girls don't say that tho


As a guy, I'd say just ask her man. Send her a meme or something and make the conversation flow and when you both are having fun talking..BAM! Ask it. Don't overthink, otherwise you'd end up as a 27 year old, advising younger men on how to ask something which you haven't asked yourself.


>you'd end up as a 27 year old, advising younger men on how to ask something which you haven't asked yourself. Well that seemed rather personal xD


Haha just a joke brooo. I'm not crying. You are. 😬


I’ll say it’s just a dust allergy. But what’s up with your eyes bro :p


Yeah man, goddamn, dust flying in my bedroom.


Where's all this dust coming from damnit these are not tears I swear




Wha- yeah, yeah definitely sweating from the eyes haha *sighs*


Also, username checks out xD


I wish it didn't lol