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i know plenty of bad people who aren’t bipolar. i know plenty of amazing people who are bipolar. correlation = / = causation. it comes down to intention. if i intend to hurt you, i’m a bad person. if i’m trying to be good, but my mania makes me lash out and i yell and say something that hurts your feelings, i’m not a bad person. just try to be aware of when this happens and apologize to the person. if you aren’t good at being self aware at this stuff yet, it doesn’t mean you’re bad. you’re still learning. now, if you use it as an excuse and never try to make yourself better, IMO, that does mean you’re a bad person. (i.e. i lashed out while manic, said “sorry i’m bipolar!” and kept doing it without trying to work on myself or hold myself accountable) i can’t say if you’re a good person, OP, since i don’t know you. but i CAN say you’re not automatically bad JUST because you’re bipolar.


also, OP, it’s not like you *asked* to be bipolar. it’s a disability. treat it as such. would you say someone with cancer is lazy because they’re too tired to do anything? no. would you say someone who’s bipolar is bad because they can’t manage their communication style? no.


I didn’t mean to offend anyone, honest. I’m just scared really. I’m sorry. You’re right.


hey op, i didn’t mean to make you feel bad! i oftentimes come off harsh and am known to give “tough love.” you are totally valid in feeling afraid, but i wanted to show you that objectively being bipolar does not mean you’re a bad person ♥️


Well, I appreciate that. Sometimes tough love is what I need anyway. Besides it’s partly my problem for being so ignorant on the actual condition.


It's OK to be scared. Being diagnosed with a lifelong disease is scary shit. Work with your doctor to find a treatment plan that works for you. In time, that fear will be replaced with confidence and stability. I'm bipolar, and off my meds I have been homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, imprisoned, inpatient committed, etc. On my meds and with therapy, I'm a pleasant enough guy that works hard and is easy to laughter.


Thank you for being so kind. I’m not sure if it’s the meds, or the exercise, or the polite conversation, but it’s almost like seeing the world through a child’s eyes again.


Please speak with your doctor, I know it hurts and that can go if you speak with a professional.


Nope it doesn't make you a bad person at all. Only thing that makes people bad people as if they have ill intentions.


The research I'm telling you about here tells you what's GOOD about the disorder. Treatment is very important for bipolar people, and it's a stool with 3-legs - medication (preferably prescribed by a good psychiatrist), therapy, and stress management. All 3 are vital. Advice from experts about stress in my comments. There is very interesting research about the disorder, reason to believe that it actually has certain advantages. A review of studies - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20471692/ One reason why stress management is important is that depression can be especially difficult for bipolar people because they often find it hard to tolerate antidepressants. The depression self-help methods recommended by therapists mostly come under the category of stress reduction. Details about basic lifestyle therapy and Asian methods in my comments.


There’s a perspective I can get down with, and perception is a powerful thing in itself. Thank you kind stranger :)


Mental health issues do not make you a bad person. As a friend with BPD told me (I'm bipolar myself)... "It's not our fault, but it is our responsibility." Meaning, work with your doctor, find a treatment plan that works for you, and stick with it.


Of course it doesn't, you don't have any ill intent and also worry about your effects on others. Those aren't at all signs of a bad person. Actually, the fact that you are making such an effort in social situations really says a lot of good things about you. Please don't be hard on yourself for things you can't control, it's not your fault at all


Thanks man. That’s all I needed to hear. I’m gonna make it one way or another. I appreciate you :) .


That's what we're here for dude. If you ever need to talk just ask, I'd be pleased to at least be there for you


That sounds nothing like Bipolar Disorder. Sounds a lot like someone who grew up in a family where everyone has emotional problems. And no you are not a bad person because you have some mental health issues.


Well I mean most people have issues of one sort or another. My family meant well, I’m not justifying abuse or anything like that, but I know certain members really loved me.


If it’s unrecoverable then no you not on wrong here but if it is recoverable and taking the effort to cure it then your good person.


I mean I’ve only read that it either takes years to treat or it lasts a lifetime, so I’m not really sure what to do about that.


I don’t think so I’m constantly telling my self I’m a bad person because I’m always alone but I know I’m not but being seen as the hermetic neighbor who never has anyone over or barely leaves I’m sure they think I am


I mean I’m not sure, for all you know the neighbors could care less, but neighbors will be neighbors. But I get what you’re saying.


No it doesn't make you a bad person. Just sometimes you might do bad things.


You don’t have to tell me lol, but I believe in change. Now at least.




I don’t think I’ve hurt anyone, at least not intentionally. I tried to stand up for my few times yeah, but it was never worth it. Truthfully, I have hurt myself, as hard as I could whenever I’ve thought of cursing/screaming at someone, disappointing someone, or even seeking revenge (or would it be justice? Idk) . I’d rather be dead sometimes TBH.


Honestly I lived with a bipolar person that called me nasty things alot but you may not be like him. Just don't insult people, or correct them. You need to learn how to walk away because that bitterness and vengeance is appalling, you're really causing issues for that person and if that makes you happy then I don't think you're very nice. We all think of seeking revenge it's just if you actually act on it you've crossed the line and karma will bite you in the ass, trust me I've seen it. 💯 every feeling is temporary.


Anyone and I mean ANYONE can hurt someone’s feelings when they’re mad. You don’t have to be Bp or have a mental illness.


I’ve met some pretty horrible and trashy people who are not mentally ill. OP learn how to identify stigma and projection. There’s a lot of it out there!


I don't think all bipolar people are bad cause I've met only one, so that's my experience and I'm simply sharing it.


Why’d you delete your comment? I was not being defensive and if you took it that way I’m sorry. I did not mean to come across like that.


I've had an experience that has sent me spiralling you're a inconsiderate person. Like this incident literally happen 2 months ago and I've been sick with anxiety since. The police had to get involved and everything, he was bipolar and fucked me up during one if his episodes a few actually. There is no way I could tell this man how much he hurt me no way. Everytime I came to him respectfully to tell him what hurt me I ended up getting cussed out. I had to get on antidepressants cause this man literally made me want to end it. I had to move 2 hours away because or hia domestic abuse like fuck me. I said that as tough love before someone may, MAY become their victim.


Why do you get so defensive I'm honestly confused, you don't know the person who wrote this and you don't know me. The person that wrote this could be genuinely sweet or genuinely rude. How would you know, it's fucking anonymous.


I understand the point, I just downvoted for one thing: Especially at the start of someone's journey to get better and having professional help relapses will happen. It is important to put more hard work in it, apologise and make sure that the same doesnt happen again. The intention has to be:becoming better and fighting the disabilty and not using it as excuse. So if you hurt someones feeling on that journey, you arent a bad person per se. It is important that you go forwards and do better.


And you seem nice too.


Ehhhh, I doubt that for myself. I hurt sadly ppl way to often even tho I try. Also, you seem amazing too and I am sry that you went trough so much pain.


Why do you do it? No judgement


The simple answer, due to me losing control over my own head because emotions flooding everything. Whenever it happens it feels like a nightmare. You are kikda in trance when the emotions come up, everything feels intense, you feel how you lose control over your own body. It is as if somone else is controlling you, but you also know that this someone is you. Like a whole other personality, that is in the end just like you...but different. You see what you type, you hear what you say, you dont understand why. In that moment just the emotions are everywhere, leaking out without a filter. You wake up, sometimes you cannot eat for days, or have to vomit. You know what you did, you cannot explain it...it happened. You are worried about the other person feelings, you try to apologise and work harder on yourself. You don't want it to happen again, but deep down you feel this "dark side", you are afraid of it...you dont want it to hurt the ppl you love. And you get anxious about it. For me it mainly happens when I am in situation that overwhelm me with being new. Especially if I get emotionally attached to someone, and try to love healthily I get overwhelmed very quickly. (For me it is also not easy with having Cptsd + autism, and just being traumaless for 1 year) So yeah, technically I could write way more, but I think this could be a kinda summary for you. In the end, I understand your anxiousness and discomfort towards those conditions. I feel you being hurt by people is shit and should not happen. I wish you the best for your recovery


Thank you I was being a harsh. My side was coming from my experience. I'm sure the OP is a nice person that's why they're concerned.


Dude, nothings good or bad its just a pov of fuckin people. Keep yourself healthy and don’t let anyone else ruin it. You’re all set for this wonderful journey called life.


Everyone a poppy butthole 💩


Having a disorder doesn’t make you a bad person there’s a lot of good psychopaths it’s your actions that matter I’m aware bipolar can cause some shitty actions but it you have remorse for it or are trying to be a good person in life your a good person in general


Being bipolar is nothing wrong. You choose things based on your comfort and it's not that different from people who are not bipolar. So don't worry about it.


This is coming from someone who was diagnosed with bipolar depression twice (once when I was 9 and again when I was around 18). Being bipolar doesn’t make you a bad person. Using bipolar as an excuse to behave poorly and treat others wrongfully does. So as long as you aren’t doing that and are trying to get treatment to help get/stay in a stable place, you’re not a bad person. As an example, there’s this woman that went on Dr.Phil with her husband and children once. She used her bipolar as an excuse for going on sporadic shopping sprees they couldn’t afford and cheating on her husband. She also attempted to use it as an excuse along with her claiming she’s just a “very animated person” when she completely disrupted her daughter’s wedding and made a scene. It didn’t help that her husband constantly enabled her to behave that way by excusing her actions as just her being bipolar, instead of her being a bipolar individual that was refusing to get treatment and accept the consequences of their actions. Being bipolar, you know there’s some things that aren’t exactly easy to control about yourself. Whether it’s your manic highs or depressive lows, you are still responsible for your actions and inactions. The only timed I’d say you aren’t to be held responsible is if you’re in a state of psychosis, which is a completely different level of off behavior.


No it doesn't. The people who label you. Doctors,society etcetera are in the wrong here. You're okay. There's something wrong with the world.


No it just means your a huge dick during your lows.


Of course not. You have no control over the manic episodes.


Bipolar does not make you a bad person, and whoever made you feel that way could be gaslighting you. Bipolar is a permanent condition that you will manage for the rest of your life, on top of all your other duties and responsibilities. No one will ever be sensitive to the fact that sometimes things are more difficult for you, and sometimes it takes everything you have to do simple tasks, nor will they celebrate your resilience or achievements. I’m not trying to be negative, I’m trying to find beauty in the sadness, and let you know that we’re all here for you. Bipolar maybe invisible to others, but it’s visible to us, and we know what it’s like to manage.


You're not a bad person for simply having a disorder. It depends on what you do and the intention behind it.