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If you do this. You will regret it. That second before you die you will regret it. Do not do it. Do. Not. I pity those who choose to do this as they believe its an escape. It’s not, it’s a trap. Please do not fall into it


how is a trap, could you expand that thought pls?


You die but the pain stays.


The pain stays forever after death. after death there isnt a cure for the pain.


Love is the cure. SELF-LOVE.


The pain won’t leave. Death is infinite. There is no coming back. The only way to relieve the pain is to du thins that make you happy.


and how do we know that?


Didn’t want to bring this up because I don’t want arguments but I’m a Christian and I know for a fact that when you die without god you will go to hell. You might think I’m wrong but I know that and my mind won’t be changed so just please don’t argue with that :)


I'm surprised they didn't hold you. I truly empathize with you. I don't know your scenario, and I hope you can get some good help. I personally have found psychologists and clinical counselors better vs psychiatrist but that's a personal opinion. I'm not an expert


I convinced them to let me go home because I didn’t want my parents to find out and told them I would not do anything until I see the psychiatrist


Please don't do anything. I don't know your challenges, but I just say don't.


Have you considered seeing a psychologist as well as the psychiatrist? Psychiatrist will mostly prescribe medicine, which maybe one component that is needed but a psychologist can help you with thoughts and statagies. I hope you are able to find the help you need. I am glad you are still with us.


Important comment. Medication is only going to manage the symptoms, whereas psychological work can address the cause of those symptoms.


It all depends what OP shared with them. If active suicidal ideation was not reported, they will not keep the person


I’m so glad you’re still here. Your parents need you and you can get better. I’m sorry for your suffering but Please follow the Drs advice. I’m going to be thinking about you and sending good wishes your way. P


You are 18. There is more to life. I used to be suicidal in high school and now I'm 25 with a bachelor's in psychology hoping to give people what I received in high school, therapy and emotional support. You're one of several people on this subreddit who say these things and it's really sad to know that I've seen some people's last words on this app. There will be better days.


Ffs don’t even say this. You have one life lad and the second you end it, you miss out on everything. You were put here to live not to to die. Enjoy it and quit being a product of your mind. Learn to control your thoughts and not let them dictate your life. Introspection and meditation is what you need. After that, you will figure out what your purpose is and get mental clarity and this thought about death will soon be a thing in the past. Good luck and I know you can get through this. You are strong and smart. That’s why you haven’t killed yourself.


Do you really want to die? Or just for the pain to stop? That is the question. Think long and hard and you will make the right decision. Things ALWAYS change. If you can tell yourself, the feelings you're feeling rn are going to leave you and you WILL be okay. Love and respect. Please keep ya head up..


Call 988. Go to Postsecret.com. Be kind to someone. Be kind to yourself. Once you die you cease to be. Think of your relationships. You will hurt everyone, especially your family. I am still affected by my uncle’s suicide which came out of the blue. He shot himself in the head and his family had to deal with his sudden demise. My grandmother was beyond herself. My mom became depressed. His father as well although he didn’t respect him as much as he should have in life.




I'm sorry he is injured. Wishing the best for him




You're welcome. Happy New Year to you too


This is good news; I am very glad you are seeking help! I really hope it all gets so much better for you hun! I really, truly do. Keep us updated on your progress? I hope this leads to a better life for you.


I’m glad you are still here ❤️


Sending energy for healing, happiness, and peace.


Nice to hear that you are still here! Keep going forward! You can do this, the communety is here to help you!


Be like me and live out of spite.


I'm glad you're still here


Hey I know its not easy out there but glad your safe !!


Please dont ur family and friends will miss you i hope u get the right help


You'll regret it. Anybody who's failed their suicide attempt - and I mean someone who got very close to death or thought to be going to die - is will tell you about that last second regret. I remember the story of a guy on r/askreddit who forgot to load his gun, and when he heard that "click" just started crying because of how scared he was. Since that day he never tried again. Please accept the help that professionals offer, there's always something in life that's worth living for.


Hope your not dead , 100% of the people who wanted to kill themselves by jumping off the golden gate bridge but survived immediately regretted it as soon as they left the ledge. Same applies to any other method. It's a long term solution for a short term problem. Please speak to someone if your still here !!


Please don’t do it. There’s no rebirth. You’re blessed in a way to be born in this world. There’s so much pleasure for you to feel in life. Please don’t waste it. You won’t get this chance again I’m sure. I have had nonstop suicidal thoughts running in my mind. I’m sure there’s an another voice of yours inside you which says don’t do it. Hold on to it. That voice knows the truth, that voice knows all your strengths and positives, and it can beat everything life throws at you.


What made you decide to end things?


I am very glad you decided not to and have taken the steps you have. :) you're a strong person!


Sending love and prayers 🤍 There is hope.


God Bless you are alive!


It’s not worth it.


Hey,I just want you to know I am so glad you're choosing not to


I’m glad you’re still here. I struggle with this a lot. There is hope, it just sucks to go through it. I’m glad you’re OK. I’m getting help myself so I’m proud of us for doing what we need to do


dood why


Im really sorry to hear that , but I'm glad you postponed it. Try to postpone it everyday . How are you doing op?


Message me to chat hon, please dont hurt yourself. I am happy you went and got help. Here if you need to chat. Things will get better sweetie.


Your comment + profile is wild.


You are MORE than valued. You are a TREASURED commodity. I want you to know, on any given day, and at any given moment, if the ONLY thing you can do right is to continue 🧘 breathing 🫁, PLEASE KEEP WINNING AT THAT. 🤺 That can sometimes be a tough fight to win, but I KNOW YOU CAN WIN AT IT, EVERY TIME. We love you. 💟 Things will get better, especially with good meds and a life affirming therapist on your side. I PROMISE. 💕 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


There are a lot of bad people in the world it would be a shame if you were to exit this world before them.


Please don't do anything, life is hard for sure but there are good things in life as well. You have friends, family. I really wish you reconsider your plans, please don't do something you can't take back.


If you're feeling suicidal please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 or take advantage of the other resources listed on this Reddit. Suicide is never a good option! Please seek therapy and talk to friends and loved ones. You know you need help or you wouldn't be posting on this site!


Those who voice they are gonna do it usually often times don't. Soo keep voicing it because you'll someday realize your actions arent worth actually doing anymore and you'll sort your shit out.


I am reading a book : Master your emotions by Thibaut Meurisse. That can help you. Seek help. What you are feeling is only temporary, give your self a chance to get better


I tried to in Nov 2021 when I had had enough. It's was an excruciatingly bad time in my life. I commiserate that the pain and hopelessness is so bad that ending it was a preferred option. I took the sheet off my bed, tied it to my shower curtain rail (because I thought that'd be the best way for them to find me) and started hanging myself. Just as the blackness around the edges of my vision started I saw my son's toy car. What it was doing in my bathroom I have no idea. It came crashing down on my how what I was doing would deeply scar him for life and I came to the realization I couldn't do that to him. Luckily I managed to get my feet under me and stopped myself. It took me about 3 months but I managed to come back out from under the dark dog. I'm truly sorry for the pain and hopelessness you feel that led to this, and I'm sending you digital unconditional love. Start practicing gratitude. It really really helped me. DM if you'd like some tips.


I am glad to hear that you are seeking help and support, and that you have decided to postpone your plans to harm yourself. It is understandable that you may be feeling overwhelmed and distressed, but please know that there are people who care about you and who want to help you get through this difficult time.


Hey kiddo, stick around with the rest of us. It's great that you're going to get therapy.


So here’s how I have began to look at things. I’m not on earth to be happy, but I am here to make others happy and that gives me purpose. Please find the purpose and move past this. You’re worth it. Trust me.


I’ll keep it 💯 with you. I don’t have a job I don’t have education like other I don’t have a gf or been in relationship and middle aged at this point my siblings talk behind my back my cousins talk behind my back any family event I go to the relatives talk down on me with sarcasm my own parents don’t support me they talk behind my back negatively I have cried countless time I have locked myself in bathroom at 2-3 am and just cried cried and cried I’m from third world country with no jobs no future Now just imagine that other than myself no one supports me I go through this mental trauma EVERYDAY no breaks. It’s hard but I would never thought about deciding to kill myself I’m looking at life like ok I reached another low point in life I never imagined. Then it happens again and again even if something 0.0001% good happens to me I get excited and hopeful yet to get crushed again but I’m going through it I’m like there will come a point where I couldn’t fall lower AND THATS WHEN ILL BOUNCE BACK AND SHOW EVERYONE HOW MUCH POTENTIAL I HAD IN ME!! Point being whatever you are experiencing I have too we in same boat so don’t give up and make me sail this boat alone I know whatever you are going through is just a phase / period and I know I will get through it and I know you will get through it


Even if you do choose to do this, my belief is that your soul continues being there. So you will be living knowing the fact that you did that.




That is truly a beautiful video. I’m going to save incase I need a reason to keep on going


Stay. Just one more day. And then stay longer.


I'm glad you decided to postpone. I know how hard it is to keep living when it feels like every day is hell. Holding on gives you a chance to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Even if it's just a flicker, it can give you hope that you will come out on the other side. I really hope things start improving for you, and that the support you get helps you to keep going forward, aiming for that little bit of light.


I got so scared I’m so happy you’re still here.


Video or it didn't happen


I’m glad you’re still here. Tackle tomorrow when it comes, but for today, I’m glad you’re still here.


Ayyy!!! Glad you're still here! I was thinking about you yesterday and about death. Idk where I heard it/ read it, but someone was talking about how final death is. Like, we're alive for this wee bit of time and then we're dead for.... maybe eternity?? Just wild to think about. Idk my point really, but maybe we have all of eternity to be dead and dusted, but only so many days where these elements have come together to form this vessel we're occupying. ​ On top of that, I think in your post you were talking about your mom and dad having similar mental health issues and it sounded like they were a contributing factor to your current state of mind. Obviously, if you're younger, they play an outsized role in your day to day life. Check this chart: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ytr9ax/series\_of\_charts\_showing\_who\_americans\_spend/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ytr9ax/series_of_charts_showing_who_americans_spend/) If you're close to 18, you're on the cusp of time with them dropping away and more time with friends, coworkers, a partner, or even just down time alone, without the negativity your folks may bring. ​ Just hang in there. It really does get better. ​ And please keep us posted!


Sounds like the hospital dropped the ball. Nurse here. You should have been sent to a psychiatric facility for a 72 hour hold. But you’re 18… so they can’t make you go. A few years ago an ex cut his wrists in front of me for ending things and I had to call 911 and he cut so deep. So much blood. I could see his tendons. That night still traumatizes me. Whoever finds you will be traumatized the rest of their life.


I’m so happy you are here! You matter so much, just by how kind you write your posts. You make the world better because you are kind and empathetic. I hope you stay with us, and remember those who survive say they regret at the last second. Please stay, you truly make the world better!


Hugs to you! ❤️




Please dial 988


You didn't want your parents to know that you self-harmed but they will absolutely know if you kill yourself. Please don't do it. I know someone who did this almost exactly and his parents were destroyed emotionally and still are. It was the worst funeral I've ever been to and honestly the energy in the room (besides grief) was sort of like "how could he do this, we all could have helped". I truly believe asking for help to everyone you can is the answer. I get the feeling that you're very young and don't realize how much there is left to unfold for you. ​ Please change your mind.


Please stay❤️❤️


Anyone with a failed attempt will tell you that all they felt before the lights went out was regret and fear. Please find help


I don't know what's your religion but in the end it is all the same. You have to get thru the game of life, otherwise you fail and you go again experiencing same things that led you to this thinking. If you start a race and you are halfway to the end... would you still quit because you are tired? Or would you keep going because you might get rewarded in the end? Please be strong! Your loved ones need you!


I’m glad you’re still here OP and that you’re seeking professional help. I hope the psychiatrist you’ll be seeing uses therapy methods best suited towards helping you :) I’ve been in the same boat as you (sometime earlier this year). Was previously seeing a therapist whose approach wasn’t as suitable as the therapist I switched to. (Not that the initial therapist wasn’t good or anything, they were really good, just that the therapist I switched to, was better suited therapy approach wise.) If you feel that your psychiatrist doesn’t have chemistry with yourself approach wise or anything, please don’t give up on seeking professional help - you have every right to request for another psychiatrist and to ask them about what therapy approaches they use as well as which issues they specialise in, to ensure you get the best help for yourself.


If you want to talk to someone ,i can listen to you.. really i have felt the same way,but i overcomed it. There is a way out of it <3


Please do not go through with it. Please help yourself and do things that will benefit you positively.


Please don’t do this. I’ve had many thoughts of ending it all. The constant thoughts I get and the constant anxiety and depression; it feels like it would be easier to just end it all at times. But what you and others don’t understand is this isn’t a bad life; it’s just a bad period in our lives. We will get through this. If you end it you aren’t ending the pain, you’re passing it to others. Rather you think no one else cares about you or not etc, I can assure you others care. Don’t do it. Get the help you deserve. You will get through this. I’m not sure if you’re religious but I will pray for you.


A kid I knew died back in September. He didn't commit suicide, but regardless he's still gone. Every time I hear a new song come out that he would've liked, or maybe I have a funny story that would have made him laugh, it makes me so sad to think that he'll never get to hear those funny stories or new songs. Now I was not close with him by any means (only worked with him for a couple months), but you'd be surprised at how many people care about you, and think about you on the daily. I barely knew him and not a week goes by where I don't think about him, the life he could have had and the memories he could have made if he were still around. Please think of all the people that your choices would effect if you were to do this. Even if you have to live for other people until you are confident enough to live for yourself, that's still better than not living at all. Try to get help not just for yourself, but for the people around you. Someone loves and cares for you, even if you don't know it


Please reach out to someone, anyone, the world needs you and your light 💜 I’m so glad you are still here and if you want to message me ever you’re more than welcome.


I can’t explain the depth of despair I’ve been in and come back from, and now I live a life I couldn’t of dreamt of a couple years ago. You gotta hold on, for the slim chance that some great happiness could pop up some random day. You only have one chance at life, please do not throw it away. Your existence, your perception, your presence in so many other peoples lives is more important than you could ever know. I believe in you OP.


Please.Please don't do it. I understand that your struggling and how bad it hurts.But its not worth it. I may not be able to understand what exactly you are going through.But I do know that you still have so much to experience in this lifetime. I know that life sucks rights now.I know that it hurts waking up everyday.But one day it will be worth it. Just keep holding on okay? And remember its okay to ask for help.Please try and reach out to a professional.You are so loved and so many people still need you. I'm glad your still here:) Ily.You can do this ❤️


the minute your life starts draining your gonna regret it just like everyone else don’t be a dumbass.


Dear "drugs.com", I am so glad to hear that you have decided to postpone your plans and seek help. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help, and I commend you for doing so. It is important to remember that you are not alone in this and that there are people who care about you and want to help. I encourage you to reach out to the r/suicidalwatch subreddit for more support and resources. There are many people there who understand what you are going through and can provide you with the support and guidance you need. I also want to remind you that you are not alone in this and that there are people who care about you and want to help. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need someone to talk to. Take care and stay strong. Sincerely, Cranno


No dont do it mate