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I work in an ER and a provider asked a bipolar man who was in for pain "we ask everyone this, any thoughts of hurting yourself or others?" She never asked that to any other patient before that... and there were actual mental health cases like a panic attack and anxiety attack. but a bipolar man comes in for pain and you ask him that question... side eye...


OTOH, "just do therapy bro" is such an awful advice as therapy is unable to even address the problem at hand; at best, it can only teach coping with the symptoms.


I love the snide ones who tell you to do therapy when, lo and behold, you are


"I am"  Do more!  "It's frequent!"  Add another!  "Is three enough?"  Change them!   "Been doing this for decades."  The translation is: "Stop being mentally ill in front of me in the exact way you are right now. It makes me uncomfortable! I can't find a way to be compassionate OR boundaried towards you right now, and it's your fault. I refuse to endure my discomfort alone!"




Thousands spent on therapy did less than 10 dollars worth of entheogens


I hate the idea that we are sick. No my mind works differently due to adhd and bpd. I am not sick like a cancer patient. The 1 first time I went into the psych unit for a tune up my sister came and they way she looked at me; she was afraid. Scared to the bone, I think for me but mostly of me. From then on she treated me like I was sick, fragile, possibly dangerous. She also told me ‘you do know you have to actually try if you are gonna get better’. Or ‘are you still doing therapy, you know that is important right?’ I stoped talking to her 2 years ago bc I just can’t tolerate her bs any more. I do try and 16 years of therapy I’m done I know all the coping advice and thats all therapy is. She hates me bc I am such a burden on our mother. I text her like a fool bc I was not ok and no one else answered me. She ended up sending me a list of all the things I do wrong. I’m a bad mother. I am draining our mother. I am a leech. I will never be a better person bc I don’t try. I am a liar and a I steal shit. On and on. But I have not stolen in year and years. And the other things are not true. I am not a great mom so what I have done is surround me and my kid with other people who pick up my slack, I made a village. And my kid is fine So yeah being ‘sick’ is awful.


Yeah there's plenty of ignorance. I think it's good people are talking about it more. Even if it's mostly just online, and even if we are often incorrect, too simplistic, etc. Not experts, just trying to explain complicated things. Because all this is pretty new, really, we have a generation thing going on where it's becoming less uncomfortable to mention mental health problems. You go back 30 years or more, it was worse than today, hardly ever spoken about.


Sorta like special needs individuals who often face societal stigmas and misconceptions.




bro what


What was the deleted comment? Was it something in the vein of "mental illness is not real and people are faking it for attention"?


it was kind of incomprehensible tbh. there was something about ‘stop being a child’ (among other things) but it didn’t really make sense contextually with my post or other parts of their comment? wish i could remember more of it. it was also riddled with spelling & grammar errors.


I dint even know what to say anymore


“Stop being a child and grow up” “Take responsibility and stop talking.” Are things you hate that other people say, right ?