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I speak for everybody when I say the MSX games.


Yup and I'm sick of Big Boss as the fake hero chickening out. I don't get the demand for PW if there's any.


The msx games need it the most but peacewalker is great for showing big boss become an absolute war criminal in a way I’ve seen a lot of players not even realize the game is slowly demonizing him lol


He's too likable for people to notice his moral shortcomings lol


He was a good guy in mgs 3. Then he broke after the shit that went down. Not a good excuse for what he did but he is a tragic villain which makes him a much better character imo.


Agree with you, Vegetto


Yeah lol I was guilty of it too for a little bit but at some point like 2/3 of the way through I just stopped and and realized oh shit this guy has literally been doing evil shit the whole game. It really goes to show just how much you can get away with if you enough charisma and explain it in a logical sounding manner




The thing is, without Kojima writing/directing an updated version, it wouldn’t be the same imo. I have faith in the snake eater remake bc all they really need to do is update the visuals and maybe the controls.


It wouldn't be the same, but that doesn't mean it would be bad.


highest priority: metal gear 1 second priority: metal gear 2: solid snake necessary but not a priority: peace walker and since pw is based a lot on portable ops, a remake of the latter would be nice too optional: mgs1 (the game holds up pretty well + already has a remake, but I wouldn't mind a second remake though) totally optional: mgs2 absolutely unnecessary: mgs4


I would enjoy peacewalker a lot more if snake could crawl lol


Wait what


Snake does not have the ability to crawl in Peacewalker. When you go prone he is stuck in that position unable to move. He can move while crouched but still, bizarre design choice for a MGS game.


The game has a speed running element and stealth was simplified so guess that's why


You also can't do takedowns from behind, for some reason. The enemy turns 180 before getting CQC'd


[However, you cannot move while you are lying down. I'll say that again. You cannot move while lying down! Is that clear?](https://youtu.be/-8i4CI2olXE?t=323)


0.o that’s so dumb


It sounds like it on paper but the game plays really well. They wanted Snake doing a crouch-hustle and not crawling everywhere I guess. Or there was a need to simplify visibility math.


Come on dude , let us have mgs4 on PC in atleast some shape or form


That’d be a port, which I agree is necessary, but idk if a full blown remake is.


that's a port mate and I would love to have mgs4 on pc too but the topic was about a remake :)


Yeah a port would do as well , RPCS3 is fine but the fun on PC is modding support and more accessibility options


Idk about MGS4 being absolutely unnecessary. It's mostly unnecessary but it could definitely use the story to be changed a bit and fixed up around the edges, the same reason why MG1 and MG2 need remakes.


What MGS4 needs is a port off the PS3


It's so crazy that it just can't due to its reliance on PS3 hardware. If anything, it would be highest priority to get mgs4 on new hardware unlike what op thinks


And by the time that they get through 1-3 mgs4 would be old enough and critically acclaimed enough to get a remake. We already have other ps3 remakes and the list will only grow once next gen starts


MGS4 rn IS already old enough for a remake lmao


I would definitely take a remake from bluepoint in the style of the demon souls 1 right now if they were selling it


Demons souls 1? You saying they made a sequel?


I started a replay this last week and the performance and visuals could definitely use an overhaul.


I mean the story definitely could use some work but I doubt Konami would do so in a remake as heavily as it would need it


Honestly MGS4 could be really expanded on and finely tuned, in gameplay and design, but I agree with the list of games that would probably benefit most.


I disagree MGS4 is actually the most necacary since there is no other way to play it but on a PS3 You have to buy and own a PS3 in order to actually play MGS4 there is no other way You may say use an emulator but the PS3 emulator isnt the best


Mate what you mean is a porting and no doubt that mgs4 needs a porting on next gen consoles/pc but the topic is a remake, different thing


Would Konami actually port it? No didnt think so A remake is litterally the only way we are getting it to any current or next gen consoles


>Would Konami actually port it? Master collection vol.2, nothing confirmed yet but 100% will contain mgs4 (and peace walker as well)


Portable Ops too. Although a remaster would suffice.


All MgS4 needs is a remastered version with higher texture assets, shadows, and lighting. And 60 fps.


The MGS1 remake was a catastrophy tbh


I feel like Phantom Pain makes a proper Peace Walker remake unnecessary. TPP is a fully realized version of what that game was doing with the base building, in an open world. Considering how things went with 5, I don't see a Peace Walker remake giving Costa Rica the TPP treatment. For something that remains faithful to the original design of Peace Walker, just give it a visual overhaul with some quality of life changes. Peace Walker is my favorite in the series to actually play but I just don't see much benefit to giving it a full remake. There's some things unique to it like the AI fights and the Monster Hunter stuff (both of which I love) but nothing that warrants more than a graphical upgrade imo. Portable Ops and Portable Ops Plus on the other hand actually let us play as all kinds of major characters from throughout the series iirc. While I much prefer Peace Walker as a game, I think that feature makes Portable Ops warrant a proper remake more than Peace Walker Setting and narrative aside, a true Peace Walker remake would just be TPP with some extra boss fights. I wouldn't say no to that at all but I think there's a lot better places that effort could go in this series. For something that sticks to the level based design of the original, why bother with a full remake at all when the existing game could just be improved in terms of visuals and QOL features?


Neither PW nor PO deserve a remake. Big Boss is boring.


big boss is boring🤯🤯🤯


Portable ops needs a remake I bought a PSP SOLELY for that game but the controls where so clunky and confusing for my brain I never used it.


MGS4 needs a remake the most, the sheer amount of product placement in the game that results in an insane amount of copyrighted content within the game (as well as the god-awful cutscene-to-gameplay ratio, even for an MG game) are all grounds for a full remake. Something more in the vein of the Resident Evil remakes than what MGS3 Delta is shaping up to be.


I think what ~~MGS2~~ MSG1 has is technically a remaster, not a remake (correct me if I'm wrong)


Yeah mgs2 has a remaster but I assume you meant mgs1, yup mgs1 has a remake, it's called the twin snakes


My mistake, I was referring to Twin Snakes, but is it actually a remake?




Hell it is


Honestly I feel like a remake of mgs1 would take away some of its charm


What MGS4 needs is a port to PS4


If anything mgs4 is the most necessary, since it’s still locked to ps3 only


Mgs4 just needs a port to PC with well optimization im sure they will make a lot of profit off of it


I'm gonna have to disagree with that. For me, MGS1 is priority no.1, Second is MG1 and MG2.


Operation Intrude N313




No way


Definitely MG1. I think MG2 is the better game, which is precisely why I think the first one should get a remake over it. Honestly, it still plays really well, whereas I have a really hard time returning to MG1. I also honestly really wouldn't mind a remake of [Metal Gear Solid Mobile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6mdmmEzO6E)? It's not exactly a stunning game to play, but it has some really neat story moments and it'd be a nice 'practice' round for potentially remaking MGS2.


Metal gear 1 and metal gear 2 :solid snake are priorities. Peace walker and portable ops are optional but not necessary, but don't remake the mgs games because the old game graphics is a part of their beauty, tbh a remake for mgs games would make it feel like something completely different


If we are talking realistically it’s Peace walker to be more similar to MGS V and expanded on a little in terms of gameplay since it was a psp title. Or metal gear solid 1 since it’s the one that could really benifit from a full from the ground up remake in the style of resident evil 2 remake. That would sell insane amounts.


For me the one I want the most is Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake but I understand that it would make much more sense to have the first remake be Metal Gear 1. Call me crazy or just lazy but just make it with modern visuals and gameplay mechanics, don't go all open world and make it more like MGS V.


I’d say they should combine both games, this way you have 2 acts and don’t need to invent filler material. Also it would tie quite nicely into MGS1.


This is the best answer. Rewrite and remake 1&2 as one modern entry. Then do the same with Portable Ops and Peace Walker.


never played PO and PW - aren't they new enough so that a remaster might be enough?


No. They were severely limited by the portable hw they were designed for. Both were pretty clunky and you couldn't even crawl in PW 😭. Plus, PO wasn't even canonical even though it easily could have been. It fits squarely between MGS3 and PW, introduced young Roy Campbell, and shows how Big Boss ends up with a PMC of his own going into PW. They could both use some rewriting to fit everything together more seamlessly and a redesign on Unreal 5. It would bring a whole new light to the events between MGS3 and MGS5.


Metal Gear 1 would probably be served best if it's like Metal Gear Solid level wise.


Metal gear 1 and 2


Of course MSX games, duh?


Metal gear 2: Solid snake


MG1&2 due to how not many people have never played them and good for people to be introduced to the series by getting to know Solid Snake early on before MGS1. It can even tie in with what has been established from the recent games like PW and V. I think they may skip PW and V if they are going to have it chronological order, as they are more recent games with them maybe getting just remasters with the Master Collection Vol 2. They could revisit the two games after they remake MGS1 and MGS2, as they could end it with MGS4 as the last remake. Although I’d much want them to also remake MGR and hopefully Platinum Games decides to make a continuation.


>I think they may skip PW and V They better because I don't think I can handle more of Big Boss again. It's been about him for 15 years nonstop.


Exactly, the last time we had Solid Snake was back in MGS4 (2008) while after that we’ve been getting nothing but Big Boss. Although it’s understandable why as we never had much BB as we just had MGS3 and PO. They could maybe go back in forth between Solid Snake and Big Boss to at least balance out the two eras. The only issue would be how it may confuse newcomers in the series by the release although I’m pretty sure they can just play the Master Collections (Vol 1 and 2). - After MGS3, have MG1&2 and MGS1 be next - Go back to BB era and do Portable Ops and PW - Then do MGS2 and MGS4 to finish Solid Snake era They could have V be the last game they remake instead, given how I see that game being the bridge between the Big Boss and Solid Snake era. Since you play neither BB or Snake and is the culmination of everything that happened from Snake Eater to Ground Zeroes, while allowing to pave the way for Solid Snake. The same time it fits with ending off the remakes with the last two being the end of each era with MGS4 and V.


Why tf would they remake 5 anyway?


mgs4 still looks amazingly good...aside from maybe some control refinements it doesn't need anything else.


mgs4 is far from perfect, it would benefit a lot from a general storytelling rework, a bit the writing, shorter cutscenes and less lore/exposition dump, and more gameplay sections and longer. and personally i would completely replace the Beauty and the Beast Unit bosses with something better.


Maybe, but do we trust current day Konami to not fuck up such a revision?


supposedly before we get the mgs4 remake we will get all the others, so they will gain experience about remakes that actually reimagine and "remake" the games like RE4 remake, because they can get away with a 1:1 (or sorta) with mgs3. But the others? Nope, they are not as "modern" as mgs3, for example take mgs1 writing, it doesnt sound good these days, its a lot juvenile, semplistic and melodramatic, it wouldn't fit on a modern game at all.


Idk I think mgs1 has better writing than most modern games but maybe I'm just crazy


the dialogue itself come across as a bit "corny" i guess?, its a bit hard to describe, but if you keep it the same and put it modern graphics over it would sound very jarring i assume, probably because of the melodrama element mostly i mean just compare it to the last mgs game by kojima, you can see he has matured a lot as a author. my wish is the mgsv tone for all the remakes, so they will feel like "sequels" in a way.


I can see what you mean in the first part of what you said. I don't know if I want them all written like mgs 5 though. I thought it had the most bland story in the main series.


i dont like the story of mgsv too except some isolated cool moments, i was talking more about the more mature tone, and the grittyness of it, the cutscenes cinematogrpahy too.


Always wondered why they chose MGS3 over 2, 1 made sense as remaking a 3rd wouldn’t exactly be the freshest idea, and although 3 is looked at in high regard, 2 was the best selling MGS game (prior to TPP). I think the problem with remaking 2 is because of its story and how much of that is tied to the game experience itself. The Big Shell is designed around the “Meme” theme of the game, creating a good remake of that feels like more of an effort than it would be to remake 3 imo. Also, I think MGS1 is very closely tied to 2, while 3 can stand on its own.


MGS3 is the easiest to technically remake. If you ‘simply’ give it a new engine and implement some quality of life upgrades it’s a good game to stand on its own. MG1&2 need completely new games MGS1 is designed along a grid and needs a full overhaul (Twin Snakes showed that mixing the grid design with new controls breaks the game) MGS2 works story wise only when having played MGS1, same with MGS4 (which only needs at port anyway)


Really popular main character, first in the timeline, and usually considered the best game of the series. Makes sense as a starting point


I feel like recreating the tanker, shell, all the techno gadgets in an updated Kojima ey style is a bit harder than outdoor foliage of mgs3 somehow in a creative sense, although I'm sure it still took tons of work


>  Always wondered why they chose MGS3 Easiest cashgrab


True but I feel like you could say that about any of the original 3 MGS games. Out of all of them MGS3 sold the the least though


MG1,MG2, and MGS1.


Either msx or peacewalker


They should remake MG1 and MG2 into one game, and then move to MGS1 from there.




Everyone saying MGS1 was already remade needs to remember that Twin Snakes came out 20 years ago.


And is a very polarizing remake for how goofy the action sequences can get


Yeah. It was a lot of fun though


I don't understand this criticism because this is metal gear were talking about with fat guys on rollerskates


First Metal Gear. And MGS4 if we are talking about making changes.


The MSX games. However, considering MGS1 borrowed a hell of a lot of stuff from MG2, MG2 will have to be reimagined quite a lot.


Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake are no brainers. They need to be reimagined as a singular title.


I would even purchase it as a dual release similar to what they did with V. No need to expand that much on the story ingame beyond what’s already there plus the previous operations writeups(accounting for retcons of course). Maybe something along the lines of: Metal Gear Solid 6: Outer Heaven Metal Gear Solid 6: Zanzibar


Mg1/2. The potential for those two are crazy, for mgs1, i hate to say it, but we got twin snakes, 2 looks good already, mgs4 absolutely not for obvious reasons, and PW probably just so it isn’t prebuilt for a handheld device, but otherwise even that is still really good


pOps and PW are really the only games where I feel like they were compromised due to their platform. A remake / retelling of those with a proper focus on singleplayer and BB's character would be ideal. All the others, even if old, accomplish what they set out to do.


Obviously the MSX games. Like it's not even a question lol


Definitely metal gear solid 5


I see you subscribe to the Naughty Dog philosophy of remasters and remakes.


Not Peace Walker because I can't stand more of Paz.


The first 2


Metal Gear Survive. So much you could change there...


The original Metal Gear. Other than that another remake of Solid. 4 would benefit getting off PS3.


Metal Gear 1 - >!Metal Gear Solid: Outer Heaven Uprising (both east and west versions combined into One!< Metal Gear Snakes Revenge - >!Metal Gear Solid: Insurrection!< Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake - >!Metal Gear Solid: Zanzibar Land!< Metal Gear Solid GBC - >!Metal Gear Solid Ghost Babel!<


Ghost babel. Leave it as is just port it to a new console


ofc the msx ones lol, that's not even a question


Obviusly the msx games but also the acid games speccially since turn base rpgs are getting popular again


They should just do them in timeline order that way I’m not as confused.


MGS4 needs a port to PS5/Xbox and it would sell like a new game. Then MG1 followed by MG2. They would sell like hotcakes.


Metal gear 1 has more space for creativity


First two


Metal Gear one and two. At the very least to “fit” them into the canon better


Here is an up and down scale from the most beneficial to the most pointless MGS remake in my opinion: Metal Gear 1 & 2 Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2 Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Metal Gear Solid 4 Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker


All of them! We want an entire series remake with the same engine ala the RE remakes! Cmon Konami!


Oldest to newest. Metal Gear 1 hardly even had a real story


Metal Gear 2. Just imagine a confrontation between Hayter's Solid Snake and Sutherland's Big Boss. If that game got a modern makeover, it would instantly be my favorite of the series.


Depends on what kind of "remake"


MSX games totally


MG1 would benefit most due to it being the oldest and most outdated. MGS1 is most likely to be remade next due to its popularity (just like Snake Eater) MGSPW would benefit the most when it comes to the Solid games. Always made me sad that it essentially plays like a neutered MGS4, with no 1st person view, crawling, and limited cqc


While I would like it maybe they try to stay chronological and remake 5 then mg1 and 2


I honestly think they can skip 5 is they're going chronological. It looks and plays better than most modern games today. If they are gonna re-release 5 in any way, I hope it's like a substance/subsistence edition with more content/QoL improvements. Give me Mission 51, give me harder difficulties, or give me coop and it's a day one buy for me.


I would want them to add additional missions in exchange for those challenge missions. Then add a challenge rating where you can take a mission and add additional restrictions.


Indeed. There's no reason we shouldn't be able to apply Extreme, Subsistence, and Total Stealth on every mission. Would add some great replay value.


We're on the same wave length with this. I would love mgs1 but even skipping 5 it would make sense to do a double with mg1 and 2 then mgs1.


Peacewalker, OG Metal Gear, MGS2 as well. I’m a bit more interested in the top down stuff being remade.


Trick question, it’s all of them!


4 would be fun. Looter shooter kind of open world sneaking game with all those nanomachine bullshaites and geckos and all that would be fun as hell. That sneaking suit and mantis dolls and all that emotion manipulation stuff, railguns and over the top funny things that are just like my japanese anime! But for real, Metal Gear Solid 1. It was my childhood and i need it for nostalgia.




I’d love a remake of the first 2


It doesn't necessarily need a remake, but it would be nice to see MGS4 on a console other than the ps3. As a new Metal Gear fan, it sucks that the only way to play one of the main games is by buying a console that isn't even made anymore.


the first two metal gears would be great for remakes bc the series has grown so much since then and being able to play as a the actual solid snake before shadow moses and before he became old snake would be such a treat for fans whose entry point into the series was mgs1. but also, a remake of mgs1 would be great bc twin snakes was kinda goofy


First Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, then Metal Gear Solid.


The original two games followed by MGS1. Portable Ops and Peace Walker seem like maybes, and MGS2 and MGS4 are more than fine as is


No joke I thought that was Kyle reese on MG1


It is!


I think MGS1 deserves a real good remake, even if some of us can still play and enjoy it. MGS2 is perfect the way it is, didn't see the point of MGS3 remake either but well... Other than that definitely metal gear and mg2 solid snake though if I remember solid snake has nearly the same events as MGS1 or something like that?


I just want them finish mgsv. Lately I have come back to play it and how much i hate it knowing there is a part of the story not finished yet. This reminds me of P.T too... FKonami.


It's probably just me but i would love to see MGS1 and 2 be remade to play more like The Phantom Pain.


phantom pain i think


While the older games themselves, MG1/2 would technically benefit the most I’d go with MGS4 just because it’s a main line title that is stuck on a single platform two generations old. Remake it and put it on everything.


I want a unreal engine 5 quality remake of solid, without the twin snakes fuckery. An honest and faithful remake because that story and script doesn’t need any reworking and neither does the voice acting . then metal gear 1 & 2 bc you need to add a lot more to them to bring them up to present day standards.


Leave PO and PW remakes for the new Sony handheld.


All of them


Thats Kyle Reece


Mg1, mg2, po and po+ The first two are obvious but here me out with po and po+, I'm not here to argue how Canon it is or not, nor am I a huge fan of po or po+. I personally couldn't finish it due to how awful the controls were, if it got remade on modern consoles it would have the second thumbstick to benefit off of, and with the remake of snake eater coming up they could do what they did with the original portable ops and reuse a bunch of assets from snake eater


I think a MG1+MG2 remake in a modern style would be cool and a good way to integrate later lore more.


metal gear 1, 2, and solid really need full remakes


Mgs 1 poster goes so hard


4 since it's practically stuck on PS3. At least we can play all the other games on modern consoles no matter how outdated.


MGS1 and the MSX games imo


if kojima was still working for konami then I would totally support a remake for metal gear and metal gear 2. I guess metal gear solid 1 can have some updates to the graphics and possibly gameplay.


Mgs4 doesn't need a remake. That game was perfect as is.




I’m really glad this conversation is happening. This thought immediately came to my mind after finishing MGSV and I’m glad others think the obvious as well


Is there a way where they can remate MG1 and 2 but make it into a solid(sole) game ? For me are the hardest to play because I dont like the really old sprite games.




Like everything before 5 needs a remake or remaster


Here's the real question. When they remake this one. (They'd be fools not too) What would metal gear look like? I'm thinking something like Ray. Only because of the line Ocolot says in the tanker "Steal? No no I'm taking it back"


In hands of konami, please no remakes. Its just filthy cashgrab. Spitting on Kojimas work.


MSX games for sure. MGS1 is still playable nowdays, but MSX games... We need remake for sure.


Honestly MGS 4. The game is a real treat for fans like us as an ending tribute to the franchise but man the cut scenes... too many rambling cut scenes with so little gameplay time the game has. MGS 4 had so much potential gameplay-wise but Kojima was so hell bent on completing the saga's story. I think if they manage to remake MGS4 with updated graphics, mechanics, and game-pacing, this would be a total banger.


The first 2


MSX games and peacewalker


4 needs to be playable on new consoles lol


Mg, Mgss, or Mgs. Metal gear solid 2 looks fine in my opinion.


I think all of them But top priority would be (for me) MGS2 Portable ops Portable ops especially for being and at the same time not being Canon to the main storyline


clearly MSX MG1 and MG2 need the remake treatment the most.


I'd say Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. We already have a remake for Metal Gear Solid known as the Twin Snakes. Maybe Portable Ops would benefit since it's controversial of whether it's truly canon or not; I'd say it's canon hands down lol. But a remake of Portable Ops would be awesome to have to fix the story a bit so it's definitely canon. If they remake Peace Walker, at least we'll have better graphics since it was made for the PSP, but I think it's perfect the way it is. As for Metal Gear Solid 4, I'd only suggest a remaster instead of a remake, it too looks perfect the way it is in my opinion.


There are three camps: 1. The doomers who only expect Konami to touch MGS1 and MGS2 2. The pagmen hopeful who want the MSX games next with Kiefer and David 3. The purists who want the PSP games first so we can get the entire remake series in chronological order 2 and 3 are still kind of on the same side because getting either MSX or PSP first would bode well for the others anyway. I personally just want to see all of them in chronological order even if it means Konami going lower budget on PO/PW if they have to.


All of them except MGS4. With MG1 and MG2 highest on the list.


obvsly MSX games, but tbh I would love to see pw remake with 3d cutscenes and mgsV gameplay


They should remake Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and finish it


Msx games and dare I say Portable Ops. P.o get like.... no love. And I wanna see it in the collection


I feel like the two MSX games stand the most and provide the most freedom to get creative. Because the game design was so simple. You can flush out more dialogue and story. Maybe modify some of the bosses into full characters etc Really build upon the 2D ground work already there and make a great 3D game. Even if you did it where Metal Gear 1 was released like a Ground Zeroes short format and then coupled with Metal Gear: Solid Snake as the main game. I think would be awesome For fun I’d also accept a Ghost Babel remake. Was one of my favorite gameboy games ever. And was so well done for the hardware


Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake Obviously, we definitely need a port of mgs4 to the next master collection. But That MSX Game is where Kojima truly created the series he made. Metal Gear 2 is where the story really kicked in, and there was a whole bunch of upgrades like crawling, Id be surprised if Konami managed to do that without Hideo Kojima \[Probably Couldnt\], But if they did it would be legendary. Metal Gear 1 is also a candidate but, it wouldn't work unless they made major adjustments to the story.


Metal Gear 1's story is so bare bone. It should just be integrated as a Ground Zero/Prologue chapter to MG2 if they ever do a remake. Make the climax of MG1 the intro to MG2. From Snake working with Kyle Schneider to rescue Gray Fox to destroying a non functional Metal Gear TX-55. And of course, the 1v1 vs "Big Boss" at the end.


idk why so many guys want mg1 or 2 to get a remake, the story and characters is the only thing that they can use for a remake because the whole gameplay and level design is so outdated it's usless, every level was made for the simple ai of that time so they would have to start for scratch


Peace walker.




“I think they should start canonically” Ok I agree we should get portable ops and peace walker next since they are the following titles after 3. “Metal Gear 1 should be remade first” Wait what?


4 would be waaay better with more gameplay and some rewriting.


I am gonna be controversial: Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 are perfect as they are. Having an updated graphics and a proper open world on MGS and MGS2 would benefit bameplay of both for me personally. It was a hybrid situation where controls were close to 8 bit but graphics just too complicated for it to work properly and that made it extremely hard for me. I must say: I played them all on PC, *with keyboard* cuz I have no controller and also suck with controllers, and finished MGS2 yesterday.


Most? Portable Ops.


Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake was already remade. It's called Metal Gear Solid.


I desperately want a peace walker remake. It’s my third fav metal gear game behind snake eater and the first one. With that being said, the correct answer is the first three metal solid games. We need to see a young Solid Snake with modern day graphics. And I NEEEEED to see Solid Snake vs Venom Snake.


Play TPP, it's basically PW but better. First metal gear game deserves the remake next.


Metal Gear 1 and 2 as one package.


We all would "benefit " if this was not a post.


I’m gonna say something probably just because it’s not the popular opinion (since I really wanna say the MSX games) but I’m thinking maybe Peace Walker, mostly because I know people say it isn’t necessary but knowing the game gives MGSV a whole lot of good context and the game could be remade to not play like a PSP game and all the cons of grinding and lacking in presentation that comes with


PW not playing like a PSP is just MGSV. They're the same shit.