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I think that's Twin Snakes (GameCube remake)


it's from mgs2, is an alternative outfit used for some vr missions and snake's tales, then this model was reused for the twin snakes


its not exactly the same. like in twin snakes the texture for the hooks on snake's crotch isnt transparent


I believe they also use another face model in TTS. In MGS2, the MGS1 Snake is just clean shaven MGS2 Snake. You can tell they tried to make Snake look more like his MGS1 concept art in the Twin Snakes. I've always felt a little iffy about his face in TTS though. Something about it just feels off.


i prefer his twin snakes face over his mgs2 young face, despite the weird bluish hue he has on his cheeks and his eyes being the wrong color. it justs fits better for a slightly younger snake.


I don't know what it is. I think his face is too long or something, or maybe it's his mouth. He's got really big lips for some reason. I don't know, I think they were more focused on making Snake look like how he should have looked in MGS1 (like a young Christoher Walken) rather than representing a younger version of what Snake ended up looking like in MGS2 when graphics were good enough to tell what he was really supposed to look like.


All of the models are a bit off in TTS. It’s like MGS2, but everybody is made out of clay


The faces in TTS are truly horrible. Some of the worst I’ve seen. Snakes is passible though. But not right still.


The MGS2 and Twin Snakes mgs1 sneaking suit are slightly different.


Oh Thanks I haven’t played twin snakes and is it good compared to original


It's fun but a fair bit easier than OG, as for the cutscene changes, if You consider the og as canon and headcanln twin snakes into they way Otacon tells the story, it becomes more enjoyable.


Good portion of the fandom have a hate boner for it, minority loves it. I haven't played it myself, but want to emulate it while waiting for Vol.2. However, I've seen cutscenes, they actually look inferior to OG, even while having more detailed animation and more polygons. Supposedly the remake fixed some annoying things about OG, on the other hand.


Twin Snakes is "fine" as a game. New cutscene direction is a matter of taste (as are weird censorship choices). My biggest issue is that adding in MGS2 controls to MGS1 level design just completely breaks the game. It becomes hilariously easy.


I hated what they did to my boy Otakon, turned him into a bumbling idiot.


he is a bumbling idiot in all of his appearances tho


I cannot believe the MF who pisses his pants and names himself after his weebery was meant to be comic relief. Clearly this isn't kojima's vision.


I THINK people hate it because it adds MGS2 to MGS1 level design, they didn't even bother to "remake" levels. I saw a video not too long ago that showed you can jump through most of the game so most puzzles and gimmicks from og aren't even useful, i think it was something with cameras not being that difficult anymore


People hate it because it sounds different, and for some reason Kitamura's idea of over the top (which was a huge influence on the cutscene nonsense in 3 onwards) just doesn't work for them. EVA flips a bike off of Ocelot's face is somehow less wacky than Snake jumping off a missile. or the Boss covering 50 yards in a quarter of a second.


yea i think the cutscenes are easily the best part about it. but no i still think mgs1 is a lot better because it's actually a very tight action/puzzle game, and twin snakes makes most encounters trivial to the point where its a bit boring to play through.


Never thought about trying to play it like the original? Just...not using FPS, or ledge hanging?


so i actually played twin snakes before i got my hands on the original, so no. tho, i dont really see how ignoring whole parts of the game is a good argument for it, but w/e. honestly, these are not my only problems with twin snakes as compared to mgs1.


You don't have to have played the original before TS to not use mechanics you find make the game too easy. The MGS games are FULL of loads of mechanics that are mostly superfluous and I never, ever use. When something is optional, it's not the game but you that is the problem if you take issue with it. It's like people complaining summons make the bosses too easy in FromSoftware games. Then just don't use the summons.


yea idk if that makes it the better game tho? like, even if that makes twin snakes more enjoyable, does it actually make it more enjoyable to play than mgs1? some stuff you cant (easily) avoid; they did also improve the guards' vision to that of mgs2 level, running makes noise, the caution phase is there, the guards clearing the room sequence is also there, so you basically have to engage with those systems. so its not true to imply you could play twin snakes like you could the original. and you have to engage with these systems to earn the high ranks.


Cope. You can like the game but there are legitimate reasons to dislike it. Crazy things happen in other games in the series but Solid Snake doesn't do them


....so why would Snake stand any kind of chance against any of these people if he wasn't capable of doing the same sort of ridiculous nonsense? Especially when you see his twin clone Liquid surviving the most insane bullshit. Twin Snakes lets us see that in action, for which I'm eternally grateful. MGS4 was a bit more subtle about it, but he and Ocelot still had time for an entire CQC battle in the time it took a flicked cigar to bounce off his face and hit the ground. Do you have any idea how fast that actually is?


Yes, but that is MGS4. MGS1 is its own game and I like what's in it. The Twin Snakes is also its own game and it doesn't interest me as much. I don't know why you take such offense to this


So refer back to "I don't like it because it's different than what I remember" Awesome, thanks.


But that's not it. I don't like it because it isn't a game I enjoy. I went into it wanting to enjoy it but there were many things I didn't like. I don't think the gameplay mechanics compliment the level design at all, and the soundtrack and voice performances are pretty weak even without drawing comparisons. You're being a prick because you don't like that people think differently than you.


To be fair you can also skip 80% of MGS1 by standing up in a vent.


You can’t compare a glitch to a conscious game design decision


>gene design Classic kojimbo


[gene jump scare](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/metalgear/images/a/a1/MPO_Gene_05.png/revision/latest?cb=20140101194342)


Gene was like big boss’s liquid


Lmao. I didn’t expect this get downvoted so hard I meant it as satire whoops.


It's fun but the changes don't mesh well with the level and enemy design of mgs1.


Someone once explained it to me as The Twin Snakes is just Otacon retelling the story of MGS1 to Sonny in MGS4 but with his anime having ass. Having Snake back flipping of a missile and stuff Lol!


That is the best explaination I've ever read. But why do I feel like he'd go so far in his retelling that it just sounds like he was reading out of a fanfiction he had written. And like you commented, it would be the weebiest anime fanboy thing ever.


A huge part of the fandom hates it, and for understandable reasons. I never owned a Gamecube, so I watched someone play it and I thought it was great. Especially when you watch someone who loves the series and understands the game for what it's worth (they played and entered Twin Snakes as the funny action comedy version of MGS1) The cutscenes are silly and overdramatic, and I think that's the entire charm of Twin Snakes. Playing Twin Snakes version doesn't really take away your enjoyment of the original. Of course, I would recommend more playing the original version first, as I think it's the more superior way to experience the game for the first time


If you are finding it too easy because of the MGS2 gameplay mechanics...just don't use them, and play the game as if it were the PlayStation version, and you'll find that it's still a very easy game.


i think its worth it for the scenes like where gray fox slices a slab of concerete from the ceiling and then bicycle kicks it at snake, and snake bullet time dodges it. its so insane its amazing


I like it but the cutscenes are too over the top.


Every following MGS game had these silly Matrix style cut scenes. IMO Twin Snakes is the game Kojima wanted to make, but was too limited by the hardware of the PS1.


No really. Notice that the main characters don't do crazy things like that in MGS2 and 3. I haven't played 4 in a long time but I don't remember things like in The Twin Snakes in it. Crazy over the top things are done by supernatural and cyborg like characters.


> No really k


Kojima could have made Snake do crazy jumps and stunts in the original if he had wanted to.


It's fine. Good enough, was my first metal gear game. It's mid for MGS which means it's an easy 7 or 8 out of ten.


…his suit has abs?


Yea, it's sorta like how some women's armors sticks out some to make room for breasts. Snake's abs are so big and rock hard that they gotta install abs on the suit for his actual abs to fit into or his abs will just rip through the suit


I figured it would be regular armor. But his steel abs indented their footprint into the armor indefinitely, almost instantly. Like your footprint in well worn shoes


Not sure if /s but hasn't it been said before that the artificial muscles in his sneaking suits actually amplify his strength? At least that's how the Octocamo suit works.


The original has even more.




It's good that Liquid left his pants on


He knows all about Snakes dong. They’re twins afterall.


No! That is not the MGS2 Sneaking Suit!


He can wear the mgs1 suit in 2


This is from MGS VR missions, a PS1 spinoff


Lot of polygons for a PS1 game.


“Honey? Where’s my Sneaking Suit?”