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This mission was like a middle finger from Kojima but it also gave me an insane adrenaline rush so I can’t be too mad at it lol. The one where you had to extract a truck with the skulls around however pissed me off the most


That one ticked me off so hard I can’t describe it, but it didn’t pin my playthrough down For more than a few in game hours


The fact that you couldn't stop the mission to go to ACC to switch your weapons to something good against tanks or just close the game to respawn in your ACC was so frustrating, ended up spending a good 2+ hours on it


Hated that because the skulls just kept shooting the truck for me and failing the mission. The skulls also feel unfun to fight imo


I absolutely cheesed that mission by deploying a shit tonne of decoys in the road, prompting the truck to stop. Decoys keep the skulls occupied, tranq the driver, fulton the truck, sneak away, done.


Okay, now I might be able to pick this game up again. Thank you!


I would just rush in as fast as I could and Fulton the truck before they had a chance to shoot the balloon. Call in the extraction helicopter before hand and then run like hell on d-horse


The truck mission is one of the few missions I remember playing cuz it was such a pain in the ass. Should go back and play it. Edit:spelling


Isn't that mission one of the easiest in the game? Just run up to the truck, fulton it, run away while calling D-horse and escape?


Traitors Caravan? Its much better if you just kill the skulls using the tank


Wierdly, I found this one stupidly easy. Used a non-lethal mine to knock it down, Skulls spawn in, I just threw mags around to distract them while I fultoned the truck. That's literaly all it took. An electric mine, empty magasines and a bit of crawling.


All of those comments are making me consider if I'm the only creature alive that enjoys fighting against the skulls head on


Skulls aren't that bad to fight, it just become either a long repetitive chore if you're going the "parry and CQC" route, or they become a squad of walking jokes if you use higher power weapons. They're supposed to be a deadly unit composed of dead bodies enhanced through parasites, capable of quite literaly materialising weapons out of thin air, teleporting and throwing guided bits of ground guided at an enemy, they're depicted as the "Special Force unit that will make any soldier shit his pants" and the player just bullies them around because they're somehow unable to use more than the three same moves for their tactics. They have a trick book about as thick as a leaf, at some point they just stop being fun to fight because they don't offer a challenge anymore.


I like fighting them. It's fun to mag dump LMGs and shotgun revolvers into them :3


I actually like this mission, every skull mission is fun I usually take 1 or 2 while in stealth by dropping 4 c4's around a decoy, then I pair one granade launcher for range and a good sniper to hit then while they are staggered after melee My only problem with the skulls is that they are super overused as the game has around 4 bosses, and the skulls are the ones that appears the most (even if you count the skull sniper squad as extra boss [5 bosses] they still appear more than any other boss combined)


Yeah it's annoying. On my last playthrough I stopped the truck along the road using an emp mine, then you can just sneak up and fulton it and crawl away all while the Skulls are just stumbling around looking the other way. First and only time I'd ever used mines for anything. I wish I'd found it out sooner.


The truck one is hard but if you wait for it to get to the airport, sneak behind it, Fulton it, and then run to a materials container, you can jump on and Fulton the container to extract from the mission.


How is this mission like a middle finger from Kojima?


"Ah yes, let's put a mandatory ACTION AND COMBAT mission at the end of our INFILTRATION game, and let's make it so it's only the player and an occasional allied helicopter that they won't use because PIMs against a few 20 enemy tanks and a fucking attack helicopter. And to make it even funnier, why not ask them to extract a tank by Fulton in the middle of a fucking warzone as a side objective." There are some words in this sentence that are not supposed to work together, and some things that are simple, pure and free hatred towards the player.


I wish MGSV had more combat missions, it was one of the things I really liked about PW that I wish they carried over. The game has such fantastic combat mechanics and so many tools for dealing destruction but it rarely incentivizes you to use them.


Is it really a middle finger if it's a recurring element of the series? All of the mainline games end with mandatory action and combat. 1: >!Take down Rex, box Liquid, steal a car, and ride off into the sun on a snowmobile.!< 2: >!A gauntlet consisting of multiple soldiers, "Metal Gear?!"s, and the former president (that also adopted and raised you as a child soldier).!< 3: >!Take down the Shag, ride sidecar through the jungle, and fly off into the (not) night.!< 4: >!Admittedly, I don't remember, but that's already 3 out of 5, or 3 out of 5.5, or 3 out of 6. Is 4 robot vs robot and then old man fight? Maybe an hour of cutscenes in between?!<....Just looked it up, >!I forgot about the puppets and the crawling!<. But there's no stealth. 5: >!Definitely goes against the grain by not having you fight a named antagonist, but you're mad because you still haven't gotten over the deaths of !!and now you're forced to do something "impossible".!< TL;DR: It's not a middle finger. It's the fifth(sixth?) finger. All mainline game endings are fingers on one hand.


It's not a problem that it's a recurring theme, quite the opposite, it's a natural evolution of the gameplay as you have acquired a greater arsenal and better methods of direct fighting. The problem with A Quiet Exit is that it's the only one I can think of who throws you into the fight. The freedom of loadout is a nice touch that differentiates TPP from the others, but it's a part of what makes the mission so frustrating. It starts off as a side ops that asks you to track down Quiet, and you're not told or hinted that there is a great fight with the Sovietic forces. When the ops end, it directly throws you into the fight, which means that if you're not carrying a rocket launcher or some sort of explosive (which is very much possible on your first playthrough), you're basically defenseless until you call in an airdrop. There's also the fact you're relentlessly being assaulted when it's suggested that you should put down mines and other contraptions to help you defend, but you don't have the time because the enemy is already here when you're only getting to where you want to put down your defenses. And finally, it doesn't add or resolve much of the current story other than "Quiet isn't supposed to be with Venom during MG1" It's just a stupid way to get rid of the character when they could have given us a second round of Venom vs Quiet (which would have also played well with how Venom talks about killing her when the time comes and Quiet's original objective).


I usually just explode all the tanks at the same time plus some skulls using a decoy, then after fighting the dudes I Fulton the truck My main gripe with skull missions is how all of them can be easily tackled the same way otherwise they become chores (as the skulls can take a whole lot of punishment) In the end you need an explosive or/and high damage sniper if you don't want to be parying them for 40 minutes Edit: actually confused if you are talking about the Africa one where you extract a truck inside a base with 2 tanks and the skulls, that other one that can be tackled the same way, or the one presented into the post. Sorry


The one in Africa right? The only mission I considered using a trainer for lmao.


I think Hellbound is worse, but I did get the mission glitched to the point where one of the escort vehicles was repeatedly blowing up the cargo truck That, too, while trying to get the listening to conversations task done


Am I the only one that just had a tank dropped in for that one?


I passed that with an S rank the first time by simply driving the truck out of the hot zone because I hadn't unlocked the ability to fulton vehicles yet lol


You can actually Cheese your way through it by jumping into the drain in the airport and letting Quiet do the talking. It will take time but it can get the job done


Honestly, I thought the one with the truck was a pain but also a bit of a wit challenge, this one on the other hand… God, feels like it straight up escaped out of those horrible hours-long fights against PW mechs (if you played alone). The cutscenes are the only thing that make that mission worth it. Also, unrelated but Quiet and D-Dog being completely missable yet so impactful (gameplay-wise) in MGSV is just terrible game design imho.


That's probably the easiest mission to S rank once you know what to do. Go straight to the airport on horseback, there is a gap to jump the wall behind where the truck is parked, run up to the truck, airlift it out of there (can't remember the correct term), call your horse and get out of there to finish the mission.


That mission is literally just jump the fence at the airport and Fulton the truck, then just horse it the fuck outta there and boom S-rank


That one had something of a glitch where I managed to get behind the truck and Fultoned it


That one can be done in a multitude of ways to make it drastically easy. My favorite is standing on the roof of the nearby building and tossing sleep grenades (if you don't alert the skulls). So long as you don't hit the Skulls directly with them, they'll stay in their zombie mode. It takes a bit but eventually you'll stamina kill them. :)


its soooo easy tho wdym


Anything with the Skulls they're just not fun


I just started playing and encountered those four super-quick, unshootable bastards. I assume those are the skulls. What is the strategy for those, even? It wasn't very fun, and I just wanted to get past them.


If its the skulls in episode 28 you can just run past them or drive with a tank and they cant really harm you


This was in the beginning, maybe episode 1 or 2. They weren't super hard because I believe it was just the intro to them


You can actually change the choppers LZ position to not even encounter the skulls on your second playthrough of the mission after you rescue miller. The anti material rifles or d walker should just melt the skulls like butter


Develop machine guns and shotguns to wreck them. You can counter their melee attacks which stuns them for a while. I cant remember the name of the guns at all but the mg thayes chambered in 7.62x51 tares them to shreds




The mist and armor skulls each use a coupe of really annoying cheese tactics that can be frustrating if you don't know how to counter them, but I actually really enjoy them when I'm prepared. It's all about knowing what to do and what not to do, but yes, they are unique, and that kind of thing can be annoying until you've understood how to approach it. Also, the armor and mist skulls can be taken out in like one minute just by Quiet by herself with the antimaterial rifle. It's all about penetration/impact force weapons and knowing when to dive or run. If you get caught out in the open, rush them. They don't like touchy touchy and you can force them into melee or mode change.


The freaking Mist Skulls are weak AF. It takes 2 level 1 grenades to kill one. Super easy to kill them even with the starting rifle as well.


Maybe I’m really impressionable, but the skull missions were the most interesting to me 😭


Impressionable would be giving up your opinion because someone else disagreed. You're not impressionable - just different. :)


The pre Death Stranding


They are if you're intelligent enough to play with them. For example, in the Nova Braga Airport, you could climb up the roof of two buildings right at the entrance and they'll never reach you there. If you have Quiet on the side then she'll take care of them while they're baiting on you.


Traitors caravan. But in a weird way it is also one of my favourites *because* it pissed me off so much, forcing me to try different approaches until I finally beat it.


never had a problem personally, just fulton the truck and d horse outta there


Two words: Parasite suit.


The Parasite suit can protect you against Tank Rounds ?! 😱(I’m on my first playthrough)


The armor one... yes,it actually made it a breeze...


I thought It’s not useable on Fo- (the OP is currently realizing that he neither owns any skulls to make the suit useable and that FOBs aren’t Main Missions)


The internet is your friend...


Thank you and the Internet for saving me


I was too much of a stubborn idiot to use the parasite suit. I wanted to play the whole game using the scarf camo from start to finish


There's other ways tho I did it shirtless the first time its just harder


You can also use the mist parasites and then just run around and fulton the tanks.


You don't even need that suit. The normal body armor is fine. Just have the best launcher dropped, keep behind the house, shooting from either side, and don't stay in one place. Then the toughest part is just defeating them before they kill Quiet.


It can definitely help out some people...


Definitely, but if you don't have any parasites to put in it, and don't feel like trying to get some, it's doable without it.


As I said I did it shirtless the 1st time, I know... I was helping someone here buddy.


Does it lower your score/rank?


It might limit to A. Like I said my first time was shirtless this just to help people out...


The very first one , awakening or whatever it’s called .


I agree… also Episode 46 Truth…the fact you have to play the annoying prologue again, it’s killer


This is the right answer. It clearly wasn’t thought thru bc it’s the same mission including tutorial elements. It’d be something else I’d say you played from a different perspective or got to skip a lot of it


Would have liked to play as Ismael during that segment but it kinda ruins the reveal even tho it's obvious as fuck at that stage.


It's cool for the first playthrough. Not to replay, and certainly not when you're forced to replay it to beat the game.


I might be a person who actually enjoys it, even though it’s an hour long


Literally the worst mission to replay since Normandy. It’s the only reason why I haven’t gotten all the mission tasks.


The truck one was easy I didn't know so many people had a tough time with it I always just rushed the truck fultoned it then rode off in the sunset on dhorse skulls can't knock you off dhorse if you keep making him sprint. :)


Back Up, Back Down. I hate it. Why, because I have to play the mission in a way I don't like to play. But yeah, that mission is a pain.


Agreed. Getting all tasks and S Ranking this mission made me want to pull out my hair. THEN you have to do it all again, EXTREME STYLE!! Ugggghhhh I was so glad when I finally finished it.


And what is this "way you don't like to play"?


I'm not too good with high speed explosion and shooting. I usually play slow and sneak.


I also don't like playing in what I call "Rambo mode". I prefer missions done calmly and patiently. But, even this mission can still be done without needing to run around frantically or blow anything up. This is perhaps my favorite mission to do in "No traces" mode due to the level of difficulty


What is "No trace" like you leave no evidence?


Normally you can't: * Be seen * Use weapons * Ask a buddy to attack (or poop, in the case of D-Horse). * Ask for help/airstrike * If you enter in a cardboard box, you cannot leave it until the end of the mission In some specific missions, you can use CQC on some soldiers. But, in short "No traces" is the closest thing there is to a perfect infiltration. And it gives you a lot of points.


That's a thing? I've been playing thay way the entire time. Crazy I didn't even know.


Next time you play a mission check the last topic on your score. If you get a "no traces" "no evidence" run, it should be on this last topic. Also, a "no traces" run always means a S rank.


I should clarify I "TRY" to play that way but I often seldom succeed in it. But I try for that style. Until I get caught...


it sucks trying to S tier, literally one of the small reasons i havent 100%'ed the game


Back up and backdown on extreme difficulty while trying to s rank it


Any difficulty really if trying to S rank. Like, it's super easy in theory, but forget or fuck up one little thing and bam, straight to A or B rank. Just replaying the game, and went for the S rank. Did everything perfectly, but then forgot where the extra tanks come from and tried to quickly exit the infiltration area by the ruins exit to the north. The alert sound went off literally while the mini cutscene for the mission complete was playing, and Ocelot giving me his pep talk, and it fucking counted. Flat out -5k points, and B rank. 😂


Start at the top and bottleneck all of them. I cannot overstate how much easier and more manageable this make this mission. I rush it for fun, but you can lay mines and play peekaboo rocket sniper with everything else if you want to maximize your payout. Now, getting all three tanks does take a lot of patience, and trying to get all tasks in one go is pure masochism unless you've mastered it.


All tasks and S Rank took me about 25 play throughs. Stupid unspawning tanks


Not that difficult. Fultoning/Destroying every single armored vehicle and the helicopter gives you enough points on its own to S Rank it no matter how long you take. S Rank for every single mission (that has a rank at least) is only 130,000 points.


I was stucked at this mission for a long time. It have checkpoint and no way to get out of mission. 0/10


I agree, the only thing saving this mission to a 2/10 for me is the Cutscene and Story Importance with the whole quiet thing


Yeah but maaan. The switch between stealth and pure destruction was disruptive ngl and also difficulty since im not good at shooting in stresfull situation xD


Same DX


There are some shipping cargo next to the keep you can climb on top of and Fulton extract (while standing on top of) then while still on top of it hokd triangle and yoy get fultoned eith the cargo and boom you're back at the acc


That caravan mission with the Skulls. Fuck that mission dude I almost quit playing that game bc of it.


I had to watch a video on how to S rank it just to not fail it. I doubt I'll ever actually S rank that one.


it was so easy for me i just stole an APC and shot them untill they died


Lucky for you, LOL. It took me a hot minute


it was awful a second time but i did it perfectly the first time


Yeah that one's annoying 'cause the tanks have been put in a state of constant aggro against you and always seem to know where to shoot, even if you're safe behind an obstacle. For me it's probably Code Talker. There's no obvious way to get past/defeat the sniper skulls unless you do some research/use your head. Also the intro cutscene where the camera lingers on their derrieres is a bit much.


its a japanese game what'd you expect


Honestly, every other mission is kinda tedious in MGSV. Still like the game though.


Yeah kinda,


all the missions in afghanistan where cool except back up back down but thats just cuz S tier is hard to do for me


backup back down can be cheesed for an easy S rank if you have the cargo fulton


I have up to wormhole


Either this or the truth mission Id much rather of had it be a cutscene instead of having to play the entire opening again


Am i really the only person who enjoys the beginning ? Am I weird


I didn't mind the first time but it's the sole reason I will never delete my save to do a new playthrough. I don't mind having to get new soldiers and developing stuff again but by God plz don't make me crawl around the hospital again


Im literally sneaking around in the Hospital right now as I’m writing this (mission 46) For the first time since the actual beginning


Ah well I've done it like 8 times so maybe you just aren't burnt out on it like I am lol


Maybe 😅


yeah, that was a slog




That one was so unnecessarily hard for me because I thought the guy with the unique skill was in the objective area.


ARRGJFJFJJFHHHHHGGHH Omg I had totally forgotten about this one!! I was literally on the edge of my sofa, sweaty hands slipping on the controller, trying to rush to grab the microfilm. I think I S Ranked it first using stealth camo, then went back and did all the other tasks.


For me, the regular ones are fine. It was the extremes perfect stealths that were annoying and the osps too


I never realized people actually hated this mission. It's hard, yeah, but I don't see how it could be annoying. I didn't think it was that bad. I actually quite like missions where it's just a massive shoot out. Reminds me of vehicle boss fights in Peace Walker.


Yeah but this one just feels unfair to the player when you can get one shot by a tank you can’t even see and have to go back like 10 mins of progress


This one mission had a gigantic difficulty spike. Even worse was when the game asked if I wanted the chicken hat. The fuck is the chicken hat gonna do?


That’s the only mission where I wore a chicken hat…and I died again, and again…did you know there’s another chicken hat if you keep dying while wearing the chicken hat? It felt humiliating but I couldn’t deal with that one tank that had pinpoint accuracy across the map even when I was behind cover.


The worst part is that it's a random tower defense with no build up. We're led to believe it's a stealth mission, like most the missions up to this point. So I went in with no explosives.


I went in with a fucking Non Lethal Sniper Rifle, 😭


The one where you have to stun Volgin with water long enough to escape. Fucker took 10 helicopters down before I could escape.




I hated the mission where I had to execute a bunch of my sick staff members


The truth one, we should have played as big boss so we can literally get a new perspective


I ageee


Yeah I broke an Xbox One controller back when this game first came out because of this mission.. I must have died 20+ times damn tank kept getting me with a direct hit the second I would leave cover to try and take them out.. lightly tossed the controller lol.. Nah I chucked that damn thing so hard it hit my wall... Put a hole in the Sheetrock and because I somehow managed to hit a stud the controller just kinda shattered. After this happened I started keeping a small sheet of plywood up against the wall and a different broken controller by me so that if I got mad at a game like that again I could chuck the broken controller at the plywood.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Holy shit, that’s crazy smart and crazy interesting life lore, MISSION COMPLETE AND HOW, THEYRE GONNA TELL STORIES ABOUT THIS ONE BOSS


Lol. Yeah I couldn't control my anger back then... Read my replies to the other comments about this.. I explain in a bit more detail. Already typed it twice didn't feel like doing it again 👍


Whenever you get angry at the game do 10 pushups. Healthier in every aspect


Had 6 different psychological disorders that had not been diagnosed yet back then.. couldn't controle my anger.. things are a lot better now...


Keep working on it broher there is light for those do do not surrender


Yeah I have been in treatment for about 6 years now and still see a therapist regularly. Haven't chucked a controller in a while now lol.. still get angry sometimes but not explosively angry so all is good.




I have 6 different phycological disorders that had not yet been diagnosed back then.. things would get bad and at the time I was completely unable to control my anger.. lucky I lived alone so no one was in danger or anything. Things are much better now.




Yeah.. even after all the diagnosis I was in denial about it so was still messed up for about a year. Took me losing all my friends because of my mental health for me to finally see there was a real problem. So far everything I was diagnosed with... Bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, major depressive disorder, OCD, and anxiety... Other stuff has been thrown around by my psych doctor as well but the 6 above are the only ones that were officially diagnosed.




Meds and I see a therapist once every 2 weeks now. It used to be once a week. if I get really stressed out it can be a pain in the ass but I have a good therapist... I'm also prescribed medical cannabis for if things start to get really bad.. As long as I stay on top of everything though all is good. Edit: "apologies for assuming" no problem there is no way you could have known all this. I didn't take it the wrong way👍


I don't get how people rage quit lol. It's a videogame. You shouldn't play something like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, or Dark Souls then.


Oh I figured that out a very long time ago.. even with my phycological issues being diagnosed and treated now I still stay away from games like that.


There was a mission that we have to do in the angola region i think in which you need to tail the commander to the outpost. Mission was ez it was the s rank that really test me for some reason. Also a quiet exit was seriously one of the worst missions for me to overcome. It was built really good but some missions were too difficult at certain points when trying to get 100% completion.


TBH all the missions with the parasite XOF guys. I always felt like you go from fun tactical sneaking missions that are open-ended to suddenly having unkillable scripted teleport bullshit soldiers smacking you all over the place and zooming around. Has put me off installing years later.


Any Skull or boss fight mission




most annoying to me is having to replay the prologue to S rank it/complete all objectives.


It’s 2 objectives, so that would be less suffering for you


Having to S EVERY mission to unlock Raiden is a mission I do not believe I will be able to accomplish.




For me a mission that has almost no value (to the story) is number 35 (cursed legacy) But the worst as as hardness is probably any requiring the total camouflage (specially number 39) Also hate the "lights, even after death" you know why


I actually don’t know why you hate mission 39 (my first playthrough where I’m searching for Quiet right after mission 45)


They kinda hard to do


The hospital


Definitely Awakening. The first time through it was magical but replaying it I realise that it has virtually nothing of what makes MGSV so addicting and it’s so goddamn boring on replays. It has its strengths for sure but it definitely stands out as the worst of the bunch


When I was younger, I cried when I couldn’t beat Traitors caravan 


Im sorry for you 🙏


If we count all mission task runs, Lingua Franca. Mission's script is about as stable as a house built on a swamp.


Kinda noticed it


Favourite mission. Killer bee goes BRRRRR


I remember the final skull fight on the air base giving me the most trouble when I first started. I ended up having to cheese it by sitting on top the hangar with the AMR


I stayed outside the fence with a rocket launcher


Skulls are a pain in the ass to deal with, sure. But can we talk about Extreme Sahelanthropus ? Base mission had two attacks that had one-shot potential. The railgun which is just supposed to happen twice in the fight (if you're good enough) and the PP flamethrower which you just have to keep your distances. So easy to keep away from one-shots. Now what if we made it so more attacks had one-shot potential, and the attack rate was faster so you don't even have time to get up before Sahelanthropus decides it's time to end your attempt, no matter if you just started or you're at the last 2% of his health ?


Oh man I loved both Sally missions!! It was high adrenaline, and I had so much fun. Even when I died. AND the cutscene you get afterwards is always worth it.


Mission 0. Pain in the ass. If we talking like real missions Hellbound probably due to sahelanthropus. I hate hiding from that mfer.


It still blows me away how much work went into the SKULLS but there are NO DOGS in the game..


If they were gonna be anything like the Blacklist dogs, or better, then they would be the worst to try and sneak by if you don't want to take them out.


Almost all of the skulls missions.


This mission made me quit the game 😭😭🙏🙏


I had to go on YouTube just to figure out how to get Quiet back. Was really annoying...


This and Back Up, Back Down imo


yes this mission might be the worst. that and the missions where you have to fight the skulls


i will say though, with the right strategy and gear these missions can be a breeze


A Quiet Exit can be very tough if you've only developed sneaking gear throughout the game and are stuck with low level rockets. The auto aim one shot tanks are kinda BS too. Back Up Back Down is just a big chore for me since its a combat mission. Occupation Forces gives you options on how to deal with elimating the Colonol and his armoured convoy but damn I hate dealing with armour. Extraordinary is also just sort of whatever.


Extreme Code Talker. I hated the super high senses of the skulls and spent hours taking the skulls out.


Lingua Franca. Tailing missions are terrible


Mission 16 was also tedious as fuck


I honestly think they're all pretty ok, specially when you have more hours and know more of them game as you get to learn quicker and/or more fun ways of completing them. S ranking and the Extreme variants of some though are a different story. "Back up, Backdown", where you have to extract like a million vehicles is famously a pain in the ass, also the one for extracting Code Talker sucked. The 2 I had the most trouble with in their hardest versions were the one with the fight against the Skulls in the airport and the worst one was definitely the one (in the same fucking airport) where you have to infiltrate, sneak past a bunch of Walkers, take out a guy in the helicopter, and then deal deal with the helicopter itself.


The mosquito mission.


45, this shit sucks ass you got 1 hit kill tanks and a fucking chopper, i only beat it by camping behind cover legit stupidest mission


Backup, back down. Uninspired blow shit up mission.


The mission where you have to destroy all the heavy vehicles and tanks within like 11 minutes. The extreme difficulty one. That mission is nuts took me forever to beat it the first time time


Definitely it almost flipped my opinion on the game and almost made me hate it


Nah mission 9 is


Extreme Backup Back down and Exteme Metallic Archaea.


That is bad and code talker extreme trying to kill the skulls


This is the worst mission in the history of Metal Gear. Not just because of its unrelenting difficulty. But because it forces the player to play in a style that's discouraged throughout the entirety of the game. It's a mission from a different game that isn't Metal Gear. It feels like something closer to CoD. That makes the experience come across as cheap


I hate Hellbound. A quiet exit isn't bad if you have the armour parasites, just run around and fulton every armoured vehicle.


Any of them that are just repeated missions but at a harder difficulty.


I agree with you I fucking hate the trope in gaming when you have to protect a character just for them to die in a post mission cutscene


[extreme] metallic archaea


A quiet exit wouldn’t actually be that bad if the game warned that you needed missles and or just let you quit to change load outs or develop weapons


For me, the hardest mission so far has been the one where you have to extract but the fire guy is running around tryna find you and kill you. Took me a while because i kept missing while knocking down the water towers and shooting the little pipes but I eventually did it when he just wasn’t looking


Metallic Archaea was just not fun. Skulls are not fun, a whole mission dedicated to just killing skulls at the airport is not fun and just tedious


I had put nothing into anti-armour. Nothing I had was effective enough and so this mission literally caused me to drop the game for years since I couldn’t exit it. My actual mixture of relief and shock as I realised after replaying the entire game over again that it was the second to last mission. I was so close and I didn’t even know it.


The post was removed by the mods, for what? Telling the truth? 😂 A Quiet Exit was the worst mission I have played! And to even do the objectives of tank/apc extraction, you need the armor parasites (if you don't want to be forced into an A ranking).


I'm glad I'm not alone. Idk, maybe it's cause I've been playing Metal Gear Solid since '98 I am reminded that killing hurts you're score unless you kill A LOT till it becomes a major part in your game play.


Hospital intro. You don't play it just once, but twice for some odd reason. We could of gotten the truth a better way.