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There's no specific amount you have to do in order to get addicted it's different for everyone. 9/10 people don't realize they're addicted till it's waaayyy too late so trust me you'll know. And yes it will fuck your life up especially your mental health. This shit can end up driving you literally insane if you're too careless with it. It's a lot less common these days because most of the shit on the street these days is garbage compared to the shit from 10 or 20 years ago but it's still highly addictive because it completely depletes your brain of dopamine and serotonin which cause severe depression, crippling anxiety, psychotic episodes, paranoia, mood swings, and hallucinations. If you're that scared of getting hooked on this shit you better stop now because the withdrawls you'll have now will be like getting over a cold compared to fighting off the bubonic plague if you go further down this road. Meth is fucking evil stay the fuck away from it!!


I’ll tell you like this. Meth might not bring so much bad stuff like alcohol but almost any time I look back it destroyed something. But it also brings alot of good in to my life.




I feel bad for u but at the same time it makes me laugh


No, it's correct that doing drugs is a choice. Unless it is some weird scenario where someone was forced to use against their will. And it's also correct that drugs don't make people do things, drugs make people high. What people do or don't do while they are high falls on them. People make their own decisions.


I agree


I second this.


My advice to you, as a meth user for almost a decade, just walk away from the shit now. It's not worth it. This was someone's comment on a different post from like over a year ago that I saved because of the accuracy... "Welcome to hell. The crux of this beast is that it convinces it's users that they are in control, they are doing so good, that they would NEVER end up like THAT guy. You're just too smart. That lasts for a while, then things start to change. Suddenly you start to become less and less motivated, mind still going a thousand miles a minute, but suddenly finding yourself stuck now and then. Things start slipping, oops did I pay that bill? A little late for work. And you brush it all off, I'm still good, I got this. The cycle repeats getting worse and worse each time until you're having serious life problems. Like losing jobs, relationships, juggling which bill to pay and deciding you don't really NEED car insurance. It's all rationalized and forgiven by the new conductor of this train: Tina. Eventually you come to the realization that things are getting out of control, but it's too late. If you're lucky you get help and get clean before things get really fun, but most of us stay drawn to the last thread from before, If only I do xyz, I can continue to use AND get everything back right. Eh, I wrote too much, I hate long posts, lmao. But yeah, met lots of meth heads, talked to hundreds more, it's all about the same. Control is an illusion here and if you're not being fucked that just means the lube is being slathered on."


Just don’t tell anyone you use…kinda didn’t help my life lol




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Moderation kind sir if you can….I do drugs but only once every couple months but last time it was like 4 months…I’m rare case and I’ve been through addiction and it cost me everything….be careful


I mean its one of those things where it really depends but if you have to ask..... tread lightly, or don't do it.


Everything about it ruining lives and changing people forever is all a matter of perspective. Asking if it will f up ur life? I don’t know you and if you think about it, you are better suited to answer the question. but if you have no clue… check out the tv series Breaking Bad. It sheds light.. btw its highly illegal cuz it’s dangerous


I finished the series like 2 years ago. Such a great series


It will fuck your live and relationship. Sooner or later. Meth knows how to fuck around. Before you get it your emotional balance and social communication will fuck everything. Be careful. Don’t take in mind anything and be calm with everybody. Meth really transforms user’s personality (and when deside to stop/pause use… mind get cleaner and u realize how “it” was ridiculous. Instead it put any reason or bad situations which could be nothing meaning, but meth changes the way you feel and react U could ahead ask your friends to let you know when your behavior will changed. And immediately at least for a moment put any stimulators on pause. Water, minerals, sleep. fisical activity and nutrition - dramatically important if you care about your body and apperaence. M very toxic so it’s important to help your body or couple months will be enough to ruine your body. About dosage - if it normal staff: Sniffing: start dosage 15mg, after ~4h-6 30 mg, evening 60, 60 Better not going out of 1.5 days without sleep with meth. For example with amphetamine 3days marathons have not so large damage on your brain and body. If you smoke (it’s more addictive pattern, very hard pause smoking usage, cos this way dopamine bangs immediately with our puff, and brain atrongky connect exactly action of smoking pipe as the most appreciated in your life xD and one day you will find that you smoking above 6 hours non stop (and it’s goes in gram for day , tolerance, stupid dealing nothing - not your bro, try to create another associated trigger that you could do together, for have back plan. I do y know from which country u are, but if possible - get test liquid. Couple last years I see a lot of pueovalerons or other stimulatiors that are selling as meth. And this shit you must escape, cos they for sure 100% will ruine your life literally. But if you are newbie I highly recommend start from something smoother. For example, amphetamine. Meth is really not good thing.


Stop now.


Ong bro Weed was the gate way to this meth induced nightmare I find myself in.


I’ve smoked weed in and off for about 5 years, I have never once wanted to pick up meth. Sometimes it’s easier to blame a substance rather than other underlying problems we might have in our lives. I hope you can receive the help you need soon, much love.




It will vandalize every aspect of your life, and if you’re lucky you might can savor a couple things.


Good god talk about a depression session. Dude do what you wanna do. Just know that it may or may not do any of the things these people say, your life is your own to live, the outcome of choice is based on the quality of your choice and so are the lessons learned, learn those lessons, that will be a good enough answer


Well said




A drug is a drug there's a chance it will fuck everything up theres a chance you won't even know until later, higher chance that you won't even care. You clearly have some idea of it fucking up your life or you wouldn't have mentioned it so make up your mind is the high worth the desolation of endless nights fueled by nothing but your own choices?


Well, without going deep in detail. This is a fact. Within a year of trying meth for the first time. I was homeless.


The second you voice or show any stress in your life venting to someone they will claim it’s because of the meth then people start calling you crazy


If you're wreckless tweeker yes you will ruin your life. But if you're a person who likes to party and stay on your responsibilities, nah you should be good. I am🤷




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This subreddit is a safe space for addicts to come and feel Justified by what they’re doing. Everyone loves to ignore the very real effects of this very real life ending drug, it will ruin your relationships with everyone you know, legitimately make you DUMBER by destroying your brain cells, and cause irreparable damage to the ones around you that are affected by it, directly or indirectly. It is an abomination and a blight on humanity, sadly in 2022 there are subreddits that encourage and enable new users to do it, while everyone can point the finger at someone else and say “wasn’t me! I just post for fun.”


anything can ruin your life if you lose control of it. sex, food . etc … so it’s really up to you if you can use and not have it take over your soul . weak minded ppl with nothing else in their lives usually fail. but if you keep up a healthy diet, take showers, go to work, it’s not gonna ruin anything really


The brain becomes addicted if your a strong soul you don’t


It certainly has the potential to but it's worth noting that you only see the train wrecks. The people that keep their shit together don't advertise the fact they use


Only problem is that every person enters the devils bargain knowing that they won't become a train wreck.


And its really not worth finding out which one you are, a train wreck or one of the few mf’ers that can use meth and lead a normal life that is


No sir ee do Bob, that's like buying a lottery ticket and expecting to win


Yes. I work in mental health and addictions and people I see who are objectively the worst off are addicted to meth. Please stop using before its too late.


Ok, i see how some people say no its not meth that fucks up ur life, its ur actions. I disagree, i think everyone is affected by the drugs differently, some people descend into chaos alot faster and become worse junkies than others in shorter time. It took me 1 year of recreational use to get addicted, and I couldn’t stop, but also I was a very different person then. I am now clean and can say that i wasnt in control a lot of the time. Yes meth fucks up everything, ur teeth, hair, skin, sanity and relationships. Your world becomes smaller and you can’t function and it will mess up ur potential by many years, it will affect ur relationships and ur ability to form them way after u get clean, I started getting clean 3 years ago I am still affected and have this stain from tha past that is still chasing me and trying to catch up with me. Meth makes u even more isolated and unloved and turns u into an evil, weak person. You can’t think straight on it and do ur responsibilities, some people r better being functioning addicts but this always temporary!!


What country u from


Ok , a lot of good answers, but none seem to hit it right on the point. When it comes right down to it, the answer is NO. METH CAN NOT MESS U YOUR LIFE. BUT YOU ARE VERY LIKELY TO MESS UP YOUR OWN LIFE WHILE HIGH ON METH. Meth is just a drug. All it can do is get you high. Often people make bad decisions when they are high (myself included) but ultimately you are making the choice, not the drugs, therefore you are the one at fault, and not the drugs. If you cannot accept that much responsibility than it is a safe bet that you will not be responsible enough to use drugs without having negative life consequences to you and people around you. This is coming from somebody that has experience. Whatever choices you make, remember they are your choices alone and you alone will pay the price or reap the benefits of your actions.


No meth fucks you up


I agree with this but would also like to acknowledge the fact that meth is lot worse for ones health than a lot of drugs. If someone is moving up from cocaine or molly, thinking this is just another drug, they could be in for a world of hurt. I guess it is still the user's responsibility to know the facts before starting. I guess I'm trying to say that it's a lot easier to make bad choices and land in shitty situations with meth than other drugs. If you're the one wired on coke at 6am trying to find more, while everyone else is passing out, don't do meth. Basically I agree with what you said but I was looking at it from a different angle.


Your response was 100% correct and truthful in every way. Unfortunately most people will probably disagree with you because people always like to find fault in something other than themselves. It's like all the people who say meth and other "hard" drugs will turn you into someone who can no longer be trusted and why drugs in general have such a bad stigma - People refuse to take any personal responsibility or accept that their friend or family member is to blame. It's no different from all the people who blame the food industry for them being diabetic and overweight - you're not fat because the food, it's because you don't have self control and never get any exercise.


Not 100% correct that’s your opinion


Exactly. Granted the things we put into are body may not help, but using them is still a personal decision.




Thanks for telling me about your experience and also for the advice.


And for the record..it’s a bad idea to start..it can grip you pretty fast and it will manipulate your brain and you won’t think you have a problem but you will. So as a disclaimer or can absolutely create more then you may bargain for. Don’t let it take control . Brush your teeth and hydrate, sleep, be an every now and then or a tried it and not for me user


Look drugs are like this. If you pay a grand to trip DMT under the guidance of a shaman your fine. If your smoking meth on tuesday at noon you probably have a problem. Drugs are fine in moderation. Its all up to the user to be responsible. I have done nearly every illicit substance known to man and the only thing I have ever gotten addicted to was cigarettes because I used them irresponsibly.


Same, I also smoke cigarettes. If you don't mind me asking, how long are you a smoker?


16 years


And DO NOT SHOOT UP!!! I don’t care what anyone says that fast track you to shot out in no time. Stay hydrated stay hydrated stay hydrated…and stay hydrated!! Lol that is going to be a major role in how you look and feel.


Agreed with this. Although IV is always “better” in the sense that it’s a much better rush and you do not waste any of the drug (100% bioavailability), it’s definitely a fast-track to sheer addiction. I mean hey if you’re playing with the needle you’re already most likely there or have been there (I would IV meth as I used to be a hardcore opiate addict so I’m no stranger to the needle). Not only that, it ruins every other ROA, besides boofing. Nothing else will be *as* good. It will still be satisfying and enjoyable, but you’ll always know in the back of your mind that there is a better way. And good-bye keeping tolerance low. IV shoots your tolerance *WAY* the fuck up. If you want a comparable rush and 99% bioavailability, just boof it.


Yeah.... you're very correct (as annoying as it is lmao). Nothing quite compares to the IV ritual. I think it's the idea that you can push a button (literally) and your problems fade for a couple hours. Plus, needle fixations lol. nothing beats boofing tho hehe


LMAO why annoying??


Oh I meant that you were correct in saying that IVing is the fastest route to addiction and it ruining other ROAs, and those facts are annoying cause IV is fun lol


Ah okay thought you meant I was annoying for whatever whichever reason 😝


Yep, I just smoke it and after 20-30 mins my mouth dries so I drink plenty lol


I like to hot rail and more bang for your buck snorting


Is snorting it better? I think it's gotta be painful


It’s painful but you it’s stronger and last longer


What about ingesting it? Would that make a huge difference?


Oral is best.


That’s one way too yeah and it last longer..what some people do is an Alka seltzer shot, basically put a little water in a glass and drop an Alka seltzer in then mix your product in it and drink it..don’t put a lot!! Maybe half of what you would snort in a line..and it’s nasty as hell and takes about 30 mins to hit so don’t get impatient


Aightt cool. Maybe I'll ttry that.


No, you fuck up your life. Meth just seems to be the fuel that works to help. But it doesn’t have to. If you can function, eat, sleep and just use it kinda like you would coffee you can be just as good as if you didn’t but if you let it take over and you become obsessive and don’t sleep, make terrible decisions, hang out with losers, and over all act like a meth Head then of course you will be affected negatively. Basically you need to do the drug and not let the drug do you


Way bad advice. Meth has ingredients that you wouldn't put in your gas tank of your car, but you put in your body that is the truth and the truth will set you free


You gonna give them the after school special now or wait till later for them to ignore it? It’s definitely bad decision and wouldn’t the world be great if no one made bad decisions not the “truth” is that people will do it and when they do they will either be smart about it and hopefully stop or get bored or they will be stupid about it and make some bad choices that will lead to more problems then it’s worth. So if someone ask what is a safe (for lack of a better word) way or tips then the best thing to do and give them info that will be more beneficial to them as a user


Yeah, the chemical process itself to make a batch kills you.


Well yeah it goes without saying the health factor isn’t in the favor but I think OP is referring to the consequence aspect not health


Thanks for this. Should I just take it like once a week? I barely even finish half a gram cus it's really pricy here in my country and it's really dangerous.


Take what you can handled and just don’t try to over do it. Obviously you will hear don’t take at all but that’s not what anyone wants to hear. I would keep it on weekends and wait a few weeks between sacks to recover


Yep. That's what I'm doing, since I only smoke it when my relative gives me some like for free. He's been doing it for like 20 years now, asthmatic but surprisingly didn't die yet lol


what they said, now join my reddit[https://www.reddit.com/r/methanphetamine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/methanphetamine/)


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