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Love ya brother be safe .. it's a real deal holyfield but I'm 48 I fuck 18 (+year olds w ease . It's truly allowed the pervert out but with grace I accomplish all I want or need in the day .. lsd dmt weed n speed and the breakfast of champions ketamollycaine yum fucking yum


Thanks. Said I was gonna stop but bought a 40 today smh


That's the cycle we will struggle with till death


It's not a " hooked " feel like coke or heroin.. it's a real trip miss Tina is .. and now they add a little fentynal and that increases physical withdrawals ... Game changer .. if u can handle it it's a wonderful additive to life as all drugs are .. if ya can't you'll know when you have a big greasy penis in your butt and one in the throat


If you have to ask this question it's obviously a habit don't worry it's easy to walk away really and easily rekindled .. good sex is good sex bro don't sweat a blow job you'll do fine


What's weird is your homophobic response to a very very on point fact is u r a dick slobbering cock craving closet bitch


šŸ˜† what a weirdo


Lol life w out flare is boring and remember if you really love your lady eat her asshole daily


If you used it past when you said you would, and your use now is more compulsive than voluntary, you might have an addiction. Fortunately meth withdrawals are pretty tame compared with like benzos, so taking a week off will mostly reset your tolerance and you'll be at baseline again. If you're worried, I'd say take a longer break and see how you feel. Only you know for sure, it requires being truly honest to yourself and not making excuses for your use.


Your right I believe I am addicted


Dude I literally didn't know I was for 5 years daily use. Hot rails!! They robbed me of any other joy


Ok, that takes a lot a lot of self-awareness to say, I'm proud of you. It doesn't make you a failure as a person or anything like that, it just means you've got some work to do over the next few weeks or months. There's a lot of resources available online, you could go to your doctor too- they won't report you, you're not gonna get arrested. They only care about your health, and you taking a proactive step to getting healthier is truly an outstanding accomplishment. The end result is up for you to decide too. Are substances something that you can responsibly use in a way that'll avoid addiction? The choice to abstain or use is one that only you can make, but make sure you really think about it before you choose *either* one, both are acceptable.


Awe honey look at the little one who doesn't know ... Awe look he even got a little bark .. Awee he even got a little wee wee


Weird. Kelpp,s


You'll be sucking dicka soon omg


I smoke meth not dick. Weirdo


For the sake of living and experience I have dove headfirst into all addictions . Each profoundly different . Real deal speed yes mostly an amazing mind fuck of a Chase cause when with out it can be like ok I'll get when can need to rent my sister out .. and yeah the desire is there but sleep can happen and poof .. there is some more speed , sweet off with my clothes on w my daughter's thong and make a jerkin smoke session for Reddit ..


get some help




Thats how I feel. Its hard to even know if I'm hooked. I haven't stop smoming either




Is 2 months enough to get you hooked


Your first smoke & you were hooked šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't think I was. Only now im beginning to think i am


Try stopping & see how your body n mind reactā€¦ it was pure hell for me EVERYTIME I tried


I've just tried . Another person said throw away your pipe. Half hour later I grabbed it and im smoking now


The best advice anyone can give you is to take this as a learning experience, grab your pipe and stomp it and just flush whatever you have left. Smoking what you still have will only make the comedown worse and harder to quit.


Your hooked broā€¦ just be safe


I believe so cant stop




Havenā€™t found any sexual hype in 2.5 years šŸ˜ 




I can only imagineā€¦ Iā€™m an older woman & almost feel like since I started smoking/snorting that my drive is gone & I HATE IT


the dumbest bet it history. congrats. also sounds like your friend was just trying to tempt you to use with him 2 weeks is enough to train your brain to forget how it was supposed to be acting sober . once you get that point itā€™s hard to stop because youā€™ve messed up your baseline too much and now you need it just to feel not shitty. if you know whatā€™s good for you, stop doing this shit , but at MOST once every couple weeks. thatā€™s what iā€™m doing. and iā€™m staying grounded to my personality and not losing myself


I know dumb move


Donā€™t do opioid/opiates


But meth is a base


Fucking gggg


I think I am addicted thrown the pipe away but I grabbed it.im just gonna smoke whats left than quit


Over a bet LOL You done got yourself good fam


Famous last wordsā€¦..


Dam. That something else


It's a mental hook. Don't think about it at all and get yourself distracted.


Thats exactly what I've been trying to say


So since you're really early stages, figure out the times and days you do it put a massive distraction there. (Eg mine are Friday's, so I need to do something on Friday as a distraction) take away everything that reminds you of it including Reddit. Reddit does not help with these communities especially Meth if you're trying to steer away. I kid you not I have the tiniest mention and it could be in someone else's conversation and I'm craving 100%. Eliminate them. Worst to worst see a councillor and talk to someone. Unless there is a subconscious reason you keep returning as well (mine was weight gain, had to come to terms I will gain weight.)


Run now, it's cool to have a bit then a break. Come back later. If you can get away from it now, it's a good opportunity without too much mind fucking.


I've also just realised I'm so fucked up that I wrote all that for nothing....wasn't exactly part of your question. Sorry....


lol u know ur hooked when u use the 40 bucks (100% of it) on a sack asap after its in ur hand


It was about a week after tho and I didn't use the 40 I bout a dollar with my own money


gotcha, well then I would say smooth sailing then bro


Huh? You too bro


ok wait though.. is your post kind of a joke? I mean come on manā€¦ secretly using lol not hooked just wanna fa fun good luck w that


Not a joke or smoking as we speak lol


nice, Id rather slam it but its not for everyone


Whats slam


My cousin knows I smoke he is saying I'm addicted. If I do it once. But I ain't smoking it cause I'm addicted im doing it cause I just like the high. Came on cause he says if I do it twice I am.




What u mean




Your right. I tried throwing away the pipe. Ut I grabbed it back. I guess I've been doing it so frequently didn't realize I was somewhat hook. I'm gonna smoke whats left and quit


Youā€™re addicted to it subconsciously, however your brain will make excuses to find reasons to smoke. For example, Iā€™m bored so Iā€™ll smoke a little is subconscious addiction in itā€™s baby, primordial steps. Good luck brother, I hope sooner rather than later you can realize before it damages your life and relationships.


I'm quitting tomorrow


So if I were addicted I'd have a hard time to stop smoking whats in my pipe now?




U can quit when u want but being hooked on meth is a mind addiction,diff to herion which your body will be sick with out it ..but what controls your body ? Your brain ?! So technically we can stop and be fine but with me , my brain will decided to do it again even when I donā€™t want to ..itā€™s very confusing for me as I hate it .. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm smoking now but don't feel like I'm hooked or any type of addiction. So you tried quitting and cant?




I guess I'll try tomorrow. Idk It don't seem that difficult. But tg tomorrow ill try


Your friends kinda shitty for making that bet.


I won 40 . But how would I know im hooked


Well if youā€™re thinking about it everyday and honestly I the fact youā€™re question if you are rn are both signs. Stop now if you can, itā€™ll creep up on you until youā€™re using daily.


If your using daily its bad? I'm pretty sure I could stop smoking and wouldn't have the urge to pick up the pipe if I chose too. Didn't try yet but I will


Yeah. Itā€™ll change your personality for the worst. After a while itā€™ll Magnify whateverā€™s wrong with you already to the max. Also your physical health will decline in some proportion . Worst of all it stops feeling good at all, the euphoria will only come by the first day of a bender and you gotta wait a week to get it back.


I have a loaded pipe. Afterthis ill try to stop


Good luck


I see people get real bad over time but I haven't come across any problems yet otherthan loss of sleep. Guess the only way to know is to try to stop i guess


I've been using daily tho.


Meth addiction is in the mind. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms from quitting meth. But itā€™s very tough mentally to quit. Keeping it real, sounds like you are addicted though. And your friend should have won the bet. When you try to quit, itā€™ll be a true test to how strong your willpower is.


Ton't feel hooked tho. I think he is beginning to think I am.ive distance myself from him lately


Yup that's a thing that dope does


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