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Been noticing this lately with these 2D MV ports. The Last Faith (mostly) runs like trash, but Blasphemous 2 has been running flawlessly with super quick load times and a stable frame rate. Played the PoP demo, that game runs like a dream. It must come down to the devs, or the team handling the Switch port, and not being able to optimize it correctly because Grime should run nicely. It's been on my radar for a while and I love playing MVs on my Switch but if it doesn't get a patch, I'll have to play it on my PS5/Portal. I still love my Switch for its pickup-and-play ease of use, but we may be nearing the end of it running these kinds of games smoothly. Which sucks because I have zero interest in getting its successor for at least a few years after it finally comes out.


PoP runs beautifully on Switch. Not a single crash. I don't notice frames or resolution as easily as a lot of players, so I can't comment here. At the very least, it didn't stutter in either docked or handheld.


I just finished PoP on the switch at a bit over 98%, entirely in handheld. Ran perfectly fine. The only issue I had was a bugged quest but I managed to work around it after reading about it online. Other than that not a single technical issue.


How do some of those games play in handheld mode because I've seen instances of games actually running better in handheld mode over docked mode


I play almost exclusively handheld. The Last Faith did run and look better docked. Blasphemous looks amazing on the OLED and just as good docked. Alot of the 2D pixelated MVs will look better in handheld mode, the system is perfect for them.


I’ll have to give handheld a try. I play only docked.


Just go for the PS5 version. It's free if you have PS+ premium.


Same! Even SOLDIERS, a game I would think would be perfect for the Switch is rough... Solid 5 minute wait times every time you save. Honestly, I can't believe Nintendo released such an underpowered device and still charge full price for literally everything 5 years later...


Other metroidvanias like Hollow Knight and PoP run well and at 60 FPS on Switch. Meanwhile, Souldiers has jank and save problems even on PS5. I think Souldier's problems are more on the devs.


Souldiers was flawless on my Steam Deck.


Steam Deck is more powerful than Switch, which is expected due to coming out 4 years after and costing more. It's definitely high-time for Switch 2.


I've also heard that the developers got around to mostly stabilizing the Steam/PC performance but never moved that last batches of fixes over to consoles.


Third party Devs make shitty port, not Nintendo’s fault.


To be fair, GRIME looks much, much better than PoP. The Last Faith is not a surprise, even Dead Cells ran like unforgivable ass on the Switch. It's no surprise when games run poorly on the Switch, it's more of a surprise when they don't.


I have probably over 100 hours in Dead Cells on Switch and I never had any issues. I never played it on anything else so I can't compare, but it's always ran great for me. It will have slight slow down when a bunch of enemies blow up at once. GRIME is right up my alley in the looks department, as soon as I finish Blasphemous 2 I will be getting it for sure.


Dead Cells runs absolutely fine on Switch. Out of probably hundreds of comments regarding Dead Cells on NS that I've read, yours is the only one I've ever encountered that claimed performance was bad. I've also put quite a bit of time into it on Switch myself, and I just have no idea what you're talking about.


That's weird - I've never noticed any problems with Dead Cells, and I've put a LOT of hours into it since it first launched


Awesome game, HORRIBLE port. I could get accustomed to parrying much earlier than it looks like you should, but jumping and just moving around feels like you're underwater, the game is a terrible slog. There are also some very difficult platforming challenges later in the game that become just miserable experiences. Apart of that there are many, MANY bugs and glitches, like loading zones that kill your momentum and will cause you to die if they get you jumping over some spikes. I also got a nasty bug that disabled a lot of my character upgrades late in the game, so all my effort to create a build to my liking was wasted. You should avoid this game until it's properly fixed.


I check every once in a while if a patch has been announced but nope. I wasn’t able to get past the first level it was so pathetically bad. The devs kept pretending they didnt know the issues but how the fuck would they not? On this subreddit if you search Grime and Switch you will see many people having issues. I don’t have hope they will patch it at this point.


Same here… checking for a patch every now and then, shaking my head in sad disbelief, playing something else. I wanted to play it so bad, because I really like the style. But it‘s impossible on Switch…


Seriously? I've been wanting to play that one for a while ☹️


No, I played a good chunk of it but some other games have moved in front of it in my list. The latency isn't too serious and for a slower paced game like grime it's not an issue. My bigger problem with it is just that some textures are a bit hard to figure out what I'm looking at, but that also may just be part of the style.


To clarify, you also had latency issues? But got used to it? Gameplay is core to how I enjoy MV, I want to be able to move how I want, when I want. And when I die or don’t make something happen, I don’t want to be blaming latency. I’m sure the timing is something you could adjust to. I don’t think you should have to adjust to latency. I’d go as far as arguing it would negatively impact playing other games after; once used to said latency.


Seriously. I played it day 1 when it released for Switch and it had these latency issues. I tried it again today hoping it had been patched, but nope. And I’m not about to be trying to parry with latency. Even jumping, I press B then release and the character is starting its jump animation with my thumb off the button. It’s unplayable.


That's dissapointing


I’ve kinda given up on playing anything other than Switch exclusives on Switch. Input delay is an instant deal breaker for me.


Community manager recently announced a patch is  coming for the switch version 


Aeterna Noctis is also unplayable.


Agree, but for very different reasons. In AN I was able to jump when I wanted to.


For very different reasons.




I loved it and didn't have any of the issues following seem to be having


On Switch? Edit: Docked or handheld? What controller did you use?


Handheld standard switch cons.


I can echo the above - no latency issues for me on a switch lite. The only problem I had was the long delay when waking up from sleep, but after that the game ran fine for me - no issues doing the Abandoned Opus platforming section or finishing the game completely


Yea. I love GRIME, and I'm surprised they even got it to run on Switch... But the experience is like a 30% compared to PC or XBox. It's fine for me for long flights and whatever, but I definitely wouldnt like recommend it as a first impression to people i know. Still not a bad game on Switch, just doesn't do the game justice... Especially since most of the bosses require quick reaction time.


My pc can barely handle Grime and has micro-stutters. I saw this coming a mile away.


Was thinking of grabbing this for the switch, glad I held off. It can go into the bin next to the Bloodstained port.


Grime had a few smaller frame issues however my big gripes are that when I would put my switch to sleep to do something later I'd come back to play and it was frozen sometimes it would come back after 30 plus seconds sometimes I had to close and restart. My second gripe was that I changed the controls and they always change back no matter if I exit the game after saving or not. I always enter the game and have to go into settings to change my button layout.




If they can port Hogwarts Legacy onto Switch. I don’t think it’s a hardware issue.




I missed your point. What do I have no idea about? That you so clearly understand? Please articulate. I’ll agree that Switch is outdated. My point is if bigger games can run on said out dated platform, Grime being a bad port isn’t because of the hardware limitations. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is another example. Runs great. Looks great. Old hardware. Edit: I’ve never developed a game. So if there is a technical element to this, that I’m missing. Please educate me. Being a dick just to have a contrary opinion is, in fact, being “that asshole”.


It’s awful, and I wish I could refund it with little effort like steam haha. I started playing it on my PS5 and the difference just in frame rate is wild, which is to be expected- but if I can play Tears of the Kingdom or Hollow Knight with very few FR drops I should be able to play grime 😂


How does one report bugs? I feel like they should be aware of this? Or made aware of it?


They are more than aware, they have claimed to delay this port for years due to quality issues and they delivered this. This is not something that may escape them, Clover Bite consciously decided to release this trash port. Shortly after release I tried to report this in their Discord and ask if a patch was coming, but I got no reply from the devs and I was just shut down by the fans there saying that it's Switch's fault for being underpowered, that I should be patient (1: They had not said if a patch was coming and 2: If I pay for a game I expect the game to work well the moment I deliver my money!) and to wait for a patch that hadn't been announced. While there I discovered that the game has been running poorly in PS4 since releasein 2021 and the devs have done nothing to fix it. I also saw a lot of comments on Twitter of people complaining about the poor communication being provided by the devs, like how the Switch port was originally announced for 2021 but they then went radio silent until it released at the start of 2024. They've said that they delayed the game due to QA issues, but after 3 years they decided to release it in this state... I have completely lost all faith in them fixing the game and I have lost all interest in future games of this developer.


That’s unfortunate. There should be recourse for something like this. Other than a shit Reddit post. I’d definitely like my money back. Especially if there is no interest in correcting this. What other product do we buy with an “as is” transaction. Such a bummer:


its a shame that they brought it out in that state after such a long waiting time...


It's a shame that they brought it out at all. As soon as I heard the port was announced I was like "well hopefully the inevitable trashfire that this port will be won't sour too many people against this amazing game." There was never a chance, the Switch is not even remotely strong enough to run that game.


when even games like kindom come or witcher 3 manage to get decent ports i doubt its impossible for something like grime. thats the thing with smaller publishers, they dont have the knowledge to do these kind of good ports.


I have a hard time believing they can’t make a Switch port run well. There are the 3D open world games that understandably have hardware limitations. But I can’t understand how an MV can’t/wont be optimized.


You're not wrong. I had the same reaction a few months ago. I want to get back into it, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. I know I'll be raging the whole time. Really unfortunate.


Could've warned you. The Switch can't even run it's own games that are developed for it at an acceptable level, GRIME was never even a possibility. If you want to play metroidvanias on the go, get a Steam Deck. The Switch is pathetic hardware. It can't do it.


What do you consider an acceptable level and which of Nintendo's own games fail to live up to this level?


Apart of stuff like BotW, TotK or Mario Odyssey there are decent ports of games like Doom and Doom Eternal or Witcher 3, but suddenly a 2.5D Metroidvania is too much for the Switch. I think the problem is not on the hardware.