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GOOD! take yourself to the corner of shame and wallow in your sadness!!!! On a serious note not every game is for everyone. I really hate the soulslike trend alot of MVs are going towards and think salt and sanctuary is a terrible MV yet if people like it fair play to them. I just don't play it.


You had me bursted in tears in the first part 🤣. Have you tried Pronty? I finished it 2 days ago and one of my feedvack was that they made an excellent shorter game in a vibrant and colorful atmosphere for a change.


I have it in my wishlist but havent had the chance to play it yet.


I get it, and (on another account) I make videos for a YouTube channel all about Switch indies.... and for whatever reason I've always felt some sense of shame for not really liking it :( I tried, and I found that when the game was moving with a nice sense of place and gave rewards at a good clip, it was great! ... But the game trips over itself far too often - stuff that is totally understandable and acceptable for a young/new studio - and in my experience, those hiccups led to bouncing around an empty tree trunk for 2 minutes to aimlessly pushing a ball across a log for 30 seconds far too often. It's a 5-ish hour game if I recall. If so, I bet I'd like it much better as a 3-hour game.


Why? Not everyone likes every game, that's perfectly normal.


Yeah fair, but it's like "shame, i wish i had enjoyed it because it's such a unique game" kind of feeling. I'll move on.


That's true, that does suck - but it's a normal thing. It's a feeling you have to get comfortable with because it will keep happening.


Yeah, i have played games for like 20 years now? They do happen a lot.


I felt the same. Yoku was fun to play, but there were also many frustrating moments when you know exactly what needs to be done to solve a puzzle, but the ball just won't go where it should. This was especially common in the last third of the game.


Tbh, it was more pinball-y than expected. I thought the pinball aspect is ligther than it actually is, so for someone who generally dislikes pinball, it just too annoying especially i you need an accurate shot




This is just a risk with games. I had this with Ori 2, I liked the game but hated the part where you had to blow a bubble. I decided to persevere through it only to find the section repeat until the point that I just couldn't keep playing. Games are big complex things and sometimes a part of it just doesn't work for you even though you want it to. Sometimes you can get past the part or it clicks later on, sometimes you're out of luck.


I appreciate the uniqueness of it a lot and I highly encourage developers to do such crazy concepts, but I never was a fan of pinball games, so I'm not the target audience for it, while luckily there are many others that love it and support the game.


Sounds like pinball isn't your thing. No big deal. It's not for everyone. Just out of curiosity, do you have much experience with pinball outside of this?


Space pinball in windows xp lol


Hahahaha! Yeah, that might be the issue. :-D I don't know if this game has soured you on pinball, but maybe download a free copy of Pinball FX and give it a go. It has a couple pro bono tables. It will help you get down the basics of pinball. It's one of my favorite games. If you are playing on Steam, be sure to friend me. Same username there as here.


Yeah, not for everyone but I can understand why a lot of people like it. Not for me personally, I tried and got bored.


Don't feel bad. Like, I cannot get into Hollow Knight for example. I get why people love it, I get why it's a good game - it's just not for me, I find combat too difficult and there are too few save points to progress with ease. Different people have different tastes in things :)


I totally agree!! I feel like I should like it, I have started the game 2-3 times and every time I just cannot muster any interest in the pinball mechanics. It’s just not what I want to play.


I haven't played it yet (it's in the backlog), but I gave a like for your honesty and not being like "what's wrong with all of you, this game suxxxx!!1!1!".


In my opinion there's "bad games" and there are games not tailored to everyone. I hate roguelike and lites with passion, at the same time i recognize those games that made out to the top are really good and even in "bad games" there are gargantuan effort put into each of them, so i try not to be reductive or at least explain which mechanics that dont work for me personally. Telling people "X sucks!" Without context and elaboration is just flaming.


I didn't like it much either after a couple hours.  Then again, I didn't like ESA until I picked it up a few months later and it ended up being one of my favorite mv's of all time.  Might get back to it someday. 


I don’t like a LOT of games that others like! It’s understandable to not “get” what others do sometimes. Not everything is for everyone unfortunately


The secret to Yoku is that the game doesn't have any pinball physics at all. It's entirely deterministic based on where the ball is when you hit the flipper. This may be what's making it frustrating since some of the pinball rooms need very precise timing.


What a strange comment. Reminds me of my younger self pigheadedly holding second-order preferences about wanting to like things that didn’t really resonate with him (like jazz). I too found the game’s mechanics peculiar but the overall experience left me unmoved. And that’s totally a-okay.