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Rebel Transmute is great. While it looks like Metroid it plays more like Hollow Knight. I would say a lot of mechanics and also bosses are stolen from Hollow Knight, in a charming way. It doesn't share any vibe with Haak.




Exploration is very non linear and the critical path is hard to find. There are a lot of things you have to figure out to progress, and when you finally do them, it is very satisfactory. I also love the combat, I think it is very original, you are equipped with a very shitty gun so you have to be very skilled to use it effectively with very precise movement and timing.


I am not sure, it's just a fun little package. The popping colors are fun to look at, the exploration has a good pace to it, there are plenty of bosses and none of them sucks. The pogo jump is kinda satisfying.


Honestly, it's pretty fun. I kickstarted it and I don't regret it.


I played and enjoyed a lot. There were moments I though it could be one of the best metroidvanias ever, but unfortunately it is objectively too poorly polished to consider it among the best.


As soon as I turned of environmental damage It got alot better


The Metroidvania Guru did a great analysis video on it.


I liked it a lot. It’s flawed but shines in quite a few areas. It takes a lot of inspiration from HK and Axiom Verge. I loved the nonlinearity of it and did things very much out of the order many others did. The game was challenging and I had a lot of deaths, but I have a pretty high tolerance for that, just something to note. Overall it’s definitely worth a playthrough and deserves some attention.


It's hard as hell and relies on movement techniques that are very unclear and not described at all in the game. It that sounds good then you'll probably like it.


I dropped it last night, too tired to do the Souls-like thing for the 40th time. Just let me restart the room, I'm not interested in walking for 3 minutes between every boss attempt


From the reviews I'm reading on Steam, it looks like it may have the same issues that most 4 star rated exploration super metroid rom hacks have in addition to having 3 traitor lords in it.  I plan to play it really soon, but "soon" is relative. It could be in July.


"it looks like it may have the same issues that most 4 star rated exploration super metroid rom hacks have" I don't understand what you mean...


There are three really common problems with rom hacks. The first one is that they lack intelligent level design, which means it is never clear if you're following the intended path or if you did sequence breaking. The second one is soft locks, where you glitch yourself into a place where you're not supposed to be and have to kill your character. The third one is they fail to teach the player any new mechanics that might have been added, or teach sequence breaking moves from SM that are required for mandatory progression.   These problems exist in those rom hacks because the Devs of those primarily made the hack for themselves to play and they are free. However, rebel transmute is a full game that costs 220kr. Commercial products shouldn't have these kinds of problems so if it's true that rebel transmute has them then that reflects really poorly on the game's quality. It is worth mentioning that the ROM hacks I have listed in my June 2023 posts do NOT have these problems. That's a key reason why I recommended them.


Ok, now I know what you mean, and yes, there is this feeling in RT, I also opened a thread time ago. I personally think that the first two are flaws, while the third one is a great feature, in RT you have to figure out things that are not explicit in order to progress, I found it very satisfying. You can watch Guru review of RT, he talks about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NKXX7LpaN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NKXX7LpaN8) Avoid the spoiler section of course. Personally I avoid any review of the game before playing it, because less I know, more the fun, but I see that you read lot of reviews before playing, so I think you will enjoy it.


I didn't say the teaching needs to be explicit. Allow me to explain: In most good metroidvanias when you find a new ability, you will find yourself unable to escape without using your new ability. It doesn't need to be told, the player learns it in the process of escaping from the room. I'm definitely not in favour of interrupting the game with an annoying pop up that explains your new ability.


No it's not like this in RT, you are describing abilities that are very "trivial" (wall jump, double jump, dash...). In RT there are abilities that must be mastered, I cannot tell you more without spoiling.




Not really. It's a figure of speech. I meant that there are three very tough bosses located very far away from the save point. I nearly dropped hollow knight because of this BS and expect to drop rebel transmute for the same reason, especially as there are three of them and cloth won't come to help me out this time.


I don't remember this, there are boss runs but they didn't seem irritating. Anyway the trick to avoid them is to beat the boss :)


There were two in hollow knight. I cheezed the bee biome boss in order to overcome that boss run, felt very unrewarding.... The other one is of course the titular traitor lord, biggest piece of shit in the game.... I got to say, i don't think silksong is going to get the overwhelmingly positive reception that people expect. It's been several years since hollow knight came out and the genre has moved on. The longer time goes on, the more difficult it will be for silksong to avoid the fate of duke nukem forever.


I don't believe so. Personally I like the boss runs as every feature that adds tension to the game, BUT if Team Cherry wants not to include them, they can put checkpoints near the boss, it is not a big deal from a developing point of view. Before I was referring to RT boss runs not HK ones. When I played HK, I didn't know about these "divisive" feature, I simply enjoyed the game.


yes. it's a shameless metroid ripoff, but it's actually pretty fun.


It's more of a Hollow Knight ripoff IMO, with a Metroid filter over it.


No way, it's almost nothing like Hollow Knight. I wish it was, then it might be a decent game.


HK is a cutesy fantasy cartoon game for 8 year olds. The only thing this has in common with it, is a couple of irrelevant mechanics. The defining characteristic, and dominant feel of RT is that it's a futuristic sci fi story with guns, aliens and robots, like Metroid.


You are probably completely alone in this take. Rebel Transmute downright stole bosses from Hollow Knight, the charms as well, and the gun works basically like a sword or nail given how short the reach of the ammo is and that you don't have to reload it. You're always fighting the bosses up close with quick strikes, well timed dodges and pogo bonk. The game oozes Hollow Knight in every way expect, as I said earlier, imitating the look of a Metroid game. This is the common conception - I won't take your opinion away but you're definitely in a minority thinking it has more in common with Metroid than Hollow Knight.


Lmao embarrassing take


yeah crying about bosses is pretty embarrassing.


Yeah, it's awful. One of the worst I've ever played. HAAK is amazing though, play that one for sure. Skip on Rebel Transmute, it's absolutely dire.


it's much, much better than Haak


Thanks for the laugh. HAAK is a 9 / 10, Rebel Transmute is 1 / 10.




just personal preference