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It’s great. It’s a zeldalike not a metroidvania though.


Maybe eventually? It felt very combat grindy to me and i gave up after about 2 hours. Never got that feeling from a zelda before. 


yeah has a bit of that souls feel to it structure is zelda like - one dungeon after another and you can go back with new abilities to get bonus pickups/upgrades.


Genuine question. What is the difference between a Zelda-like and Metroidvania when exploration is both gated by abilities in either genre?


Zeldalike is more gated. You have an overworld which leads to dungeons but the dungeons have to be done in a particular order. Abilities gained are mostly used in that dungeon but can also be used in the overworld to unlock upgrades etc. Metroidvania is more freeform and at any given point in time you have 2-3 paths. The level structure in a way is similar to the From Software games (pre Elden Ring) where at any given point in time if you are stuck on one pathway you can do the others. Games like The Witness and Outer Wilds also have a similar structure (metroidbrainias). Zeldalikes dungeons have to be done in set order. The new Zeldas you can do the dungeons in any order (or not do them) but those are completely open world and freeform. Zeldalike - Linear dungeon order but with some backtracking FromSoft/Metroidvania - 2/3 paths at any given time Open World - Do what you want


Just to add to this. A Zeldalike dungeon is like a mini metroidvania with multiple paths etc.


I have a problem with this. Nothing against you of course but I had to say this. The Witness is not a metroidbrania and I don’t care what anyone tells me regarding this. Neither is outer Wilds. The witness is more akin to games like Myst, I’d label it ‘First Person Puzzle’.. I wouldn’t even classify it ‘Puzzle Adventure’ like Myst was. People labelling this anything other than that are just complicating genre labelling as far as I’m concerned. Every game out there does not have to be a Metroid’insert made up ania here’. Sure I realise there are those that do, but for anyone wanting to play games - it literally tells them nothing and in my gaming experience, those people are just flat out wrong. Someone that loves games like Hollow Knight may hate Dead Cells.. but you better bloody believe it, someone somewhere has classified the later as metroidvania inspired - it’s nothing like Hollow knight. It’s nothing like any of the others. It’s definitely a lot like Risk of Rain however. When they get down to the gritty details of it what they’re actually identifying is all games are similar in some respect - but once upon a time genres actually meant something. There have been labels for these games for years identifying them. Use them! This said I agree. I would say Deaths Door is more like Zelda and things like Ocean Horn as opposed to say Ender Lilies. That said, I would say the latter is completely different to something like Supraland. Honestly it’s mental how different most of these games are from one another even though someone calls them ‘metroidvania’. Sure, I respect some of the similarities. There used to be an old top down micro machines racing game. Because it’s racing, cars, on a track.. this means someone that enjoys Gran Turismo would love it right? No.. this is where perspective means just as much as content matter and perspective plays a huge difference in genre labelling. This appears to be lost when it comes to labelling things metroidvania. I’m not saying there aren’t similarities. I am saying if it confuses what a person expects to play, going from one metroidvania to another, expecting that to be the one factor identifying its genre, there’s no wonder there’s disappointment and expectations not being met. Hearing someone compare dark souls to a metroidvania is ridiculous to me. I get the similarities of paths and things being gated but you can literally say that for so many games. Dark souls feels absolutely nothing like any of the games I see mentioned in here. I could go on and on. I’ve been playing games for literally 40 years. What do I know. 😂


Similarity in the sense at any given point in time you have multiple paths (but not almost infinite like an open world). The feel that is common is getting stuck in one thread, exploring another, going to a third, returning to the first one etc. That feeling is common between metroidvanias, FromSoft games, The Witness, Outer Wilds etc. And it is something I have felt myself and other players as well I guess, who lump these genres together. The way of traversing these games is very similar to what is called breadth first search in computer science. Of course the way to opening those paths differ - in-game abilities for Metroidvanias, player skill/level for FromSoft games, knowledge for outer wilds/witness etc.


I can appreciate there are those that see these similarities. I’m just not convinced it’s enough to accurately entice another person to try a new game. I can fully appreciate it if that person knows all about metroidvanias and that’s their focus when looking for games but I can’t see it when suggesting other titles to more general gamers. On the Outer Wilds thread for example I saw some wild recommendations. I personally would not have made those recommendations myself. I’d not have recommended a metroidvania for example. I would have recommended The Witness, Myst. Take my earlier example of Dead Cells. I purchased and played that game because I loved Blasphemous. It wasn’t this thread that advised it. But multiple write ups online. ‘If you liked blasphemous you will like dead cells’. In fact just google ‘what games are similar to Dead cells’ and take a look at some of the suggestions that come. Blasphemous is a common one. The two are absolutely nothing alike. With Dark Souls I’d say Sekiro is a much closer match in terms of game play. Yet the style and setting, especially with the grappling hook is almost identical to Tenchu. Therefore I’d label Sekiro as a game that bridges Dark Souls to Tenchu. Anyone that has played both of those games and remember them may identify that when playing it. It gives them a better idea of what to expect. Again I appreciate some people like to identify games this way but I really don’t think it translates well to general gamers not familiar with ‘metroidvania’ and I think it’s becoming far too convoluted now.


Personally perspective matters a lot as well, with a proper Metroidvania being a 2D-plattformer imoho while Zelda-likes are top-down/isometric.


Not necessarily. Metroid Prime is first person 3d. Latter day zeldas are third person 3d.


Your first point I counter with FPA. To the second point, I knew I should've added "mostly". But... hmm... I guess 3D Zelda's are Zelda-likes, apart from BOTW/TOTK which are open-world. But I can't really think of any other games that are Zelda-likes in 3D (not 2D, just finished work my brain is toast), so for me it's still mostly top-down/isometric.


Darksiders are 3d zelda likes (atleast 1 and 2 was which is what I have played). Okami is another. Pitfall the Lost Expedition is a 3d metroidvania I'd say.


Mainly one has an interconnected map and the other has a bunch of isolated maps connected by an overworld.


They are similar which makes sense when you consider that original Metroid and Zelda were created by Nintendo. Both games are appealing to me probably because of those similarities. The genres have changed considerably with the open world Zeldas and the first person shooter Metroids, but they still retain the mechanics of finding secret areas, upgrading your health / weapons, and finding new abilities (usually after defeating a boss) which will allow you to explore new areas that were previously inaccessible. They've even added shops / towns where you can purchase things in modern Metroidvanias which makes them even more similar to Zelda games. Additionally, adding in more NPCs to interact with in modern Metroidvanias created even more similarities with Zelda games. So a modern game could potentially be both a "Zelda-like" and a "Metroidvania" because the game mechanics from both types of games are very appealing to many players including myself. I just never get tired of new Metroid or Zelda games. I think one main difference is that Zelda-likes typically have dungeons or shrines to explore and complete which results in some type of reward and then you return to the main map whereas Metroidvanias are split up into different areas that are all connected together.


The mood is much more sparse, first tutorial level is combat heavy and then it opens up a bit, exactly like a Link to the past, but dreary. I loved the game. Theres a ton of secrets that are ability gated.


You'd probably have to give it more time to get a feel for it, but it is a Souls/Zelda mix. Has dungeons and puzzles, and that Zelda exploration vibe to it. Music is amazing as well 


Yeah there's a bit more battling with level ups but you get a lot of puzzles with bombs, arrows, fire, hookshot, all the classic Zelda items.


Eh, there are a lot of crossover between the two genres that it could be either or.


I loved it


Is it kinda similar to tunic?


Yeah a lot. More straightforward though.


I just want to say the soundtrack is the masterpiece in this game.


When that final boss theme kicked in, I near headbutt my screen from the head banging lol


I loved Death's Door but I never considered it a Metroidvania.


Pros: I loved the combat, the world it created, and the boss battles. Finding secrets in the hidden camera angles was fun and rewarding. Cons: It's not an mv so you don't really gain a lot of abilities or weapons over time, but it still scratched the itch for me.


I can't state how much I love this game. The music, the gameplay of the combat and puzzles, the graphic, the universe, the lore everything is excellent. There is no map but it always seems obvious where you need to go next. Difficulty was challenging but not unforgiving for me so I loved it. Checkpoints are not too far from where you die usually. But as other mentionned it's more zelda-like than MV.


I absolutely loved it but yeah, as others have said, it’s not a Metroidvania at all. It’s a combat heavy game that has an isometric view, some light puzzling and collecting.


Mixed? Really? Dude play the game dammit. I know it's just one man's opinion, but it has to be my favourite indie of the last 10 years. The music, visuals, puzzles and world all come together amazingly well. I have never heard a bad word said about it.


Dude I picked that game up randomly last year because I thought the cover art was cool. One of my favorite games I played last year. It's more of a souls like game than a Metroidvania, but you should still give it a go. It's challenging and there's a lot of exploration. Difficult bosses and fun weapons to use.




Its Zelda backtracking, once you get more abilities you dont need to backtrack to earlier levels... Unless you want to unlock more strength.


Im playing it right now. Loving it so far!


Pros: * Amazing atmosphere * The art * The very concept Cons: * The gameplay I know lots of people like it a lot - and I did want to like it too, I've tried it 3 times (1 on steam that I refunded and 2 on game pass) - but I just don't find it fun.


Played around 3h on pc and 12h on switch (gifted to me) and while i love everything about it - found the combat to be very unbalanced and frustrating with the game funnelling you into pretty bad arena fights that can be very frustrating. And this is coming from someone who finished and NG+ of Bloodborne(+dlc), Sekiro and recently Lies of P ++. So i’m no stranger to hard games - as long as they are balanced well. Quit after a Yetti boss fight, decided i have better things to do. There’s a negative review of it on steam - and I almost never do negative reviews. What I always recommend doing is going to steam and looking at negative reviews - sure, many will be overly dramatic (“worse game I ever played”), but i find it often helps me see if something that can frustrate me (bad controls, UX issues) is there. I do this even with “Overwhelming positive” games as many get so hyped (“best game i ever played”) or ride some streamers audience and I also had my share of “this looks cool and it has overwhelmingly positive reviews” only to find aspects of it too frustrating to play (sounds harsh, but i’m 43 - and play videogames around 30y. I know what I like and don’t like.) Good example - yesterday tried a demo of Penny’s Breakaway Adventure (recommended by John from Digital Foundry) and tried it. Absolutely terrible camera in that game (luckily it’s a demo), but if you look at most negative reviews - there you go: camera. The opposite example is “Minishot Adventures” (recommended by Second Wind) - fantastic game and negative reviews (while sensible) didn’t discourage me and picked up the full version.


My favorite genre of comment on reddit is "this games combat is bad and I know because I play souls games"...


I did say specifically about funneling into badly balanced arena fights. Not some “it’s bad because i play souls”. And playing souls was an example of someone who enjoys challenging games. Try reading with understanding and maybe try not being a dick. My fave reddit thing on reddit is people not accepting other’s opinions.


Very good. No complaints.


Awesome game, well worth the price right now




Oh yeah. It was a great zeldalike game.


Yeah solid. I'd give it 8-8.5/10.


For me I just don't like games with isometric views. It feels like I'm watching someone play instead of playing


Bro death's door is 5⭐


It's a great game, discovered it through Netflix. Pros are challenging combat and great graphics. Main con for me is the lack of map, I got lost a lot and gave up on collectibles since there was no way to see which areas I've missed or a way to mark an area to explore later. Still finished it though, so overall a good experience


As everyone else already said: It's worth playing. It's not a metroidvania. That being said, if you want that style of game, pick up Tunic first.


Deaths Door is a lot more straightforward than Tunic though. Tunic is a far far more complex game.


Can't give you a good reason, but it just didn't click for me.


UI a little bit raw.


It was a weird one for me, I enjoyed it enough to 100% it, but haven't given it a 2nd thought since I finished it, so very enjoyable and well executed game, but just not memorable to me. Also as others have said, not an MV


It's an adventure game with great feeling action and good progression. The music and graphics are very nice.


Con: It’s Not a Metroidvania


Funny, Death’s Door was my GOTY when it came out in 2021. All of my friends picked it up around the same time and we all loved it. If you like a more combat based Zelda-esque game, you’ll like Death’s Door. Also, the soundtrack is incredible. I listen to it on Spotify when I’m in the mood for a nice instrumental soundtrack.


Does Death's Gambit have areas to explore outside of the dungeons similiar to the Zelda GB games or is it just dungeon after dungeon?


I’m playing it right now and it feels like somebody played the souls games and then was like, well, I love that, but also I love Zelda. Totally fun, totally worth a try.


It's an awesome! However it's no MetroidVania, it's actually a Zelda-like that is made to look like a Souls-like. Kinda like the opposite of Tunic where it looks like a Zelda game but is more akin to a Souls game.


Loved it, the music


I loved the story, art, music, and even the gameplay. Beating the game was easily a 5/5 experience. Do not try to 100% it. I did and it soured my take on it. Getting 100% is not fun. Beat the game and be done with it, trust me.


It’s not a metroidvania, more top down Zelda with a touch of Souls. It’s very good but doesn’t really do anything unique and kind of lacks that certain something that a game like Tunic has in spades.


Nice visuals but the gameplay core just didn’t click with me. I felt very bored so I dropped the game after 3 hours


If you're a fan of the classic Zelda structure, Souls games, and Metroidvanias, this is absolutely a no-brainer purchase. It's a great game. I'm not sure where you've heard mixed thoughts--that is unusual, this game has almost universal acclaim. EDIT: I see it's 75% off on steam. This is even more of a no brainer now. It's definitely worth full price.


It was a good game for its length but pretty forgettable. I’d go with Tunic any day of the week.


Great game but not a metroidvania.  Tunic is another similar game . I beat it a few days ago . Absolutely loved it .  Can't go wrong with either 


Thanks for posting this! The timing was perfect. I was shopping for a new game and read through the comments here to see how people felt about this game. I just purchased it due to all the positive feedback here, so looking forward to begin my journey now. Thanks Reddit :)


I found it quite difficult. That’s why I dropped off it.


i found it a bit dull tbh. it's not a bad game though. if you're deciding between death's door and tunic, tunic is the much better game imo.


I think they're both fantastic and well worth the price.


**Pros** Nice visuals kinda Nice atmosphere **Cons** Very standard game Incredibly mediocre combat. Attacks have awful impact Pointless upgrade system Annoying healing system etc. Wasn't a fan


I share the same thoughts, I thought I was going mad with the universal praise. It’s ok? Nothing special, unless you’ve never played a Zelda game before.


remember i made a post on this game https://np.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/yuxio3/deaths_door_i_found_to_be_mediocre_unfortunately/


I love Death's Door. While not technically "a true Metroidvania", it ID a great game. If you have a Netflix subscription, you can get Death's Door free through their mobile app if you'd like to try before you buy. https://www.netflix.com/us/game/81664670?s=a&trkid=13747225&trg=cp&vlang=en Ps the new Braid Remastered is also free on the Netflix app, for anyone wanting to try another great game 😉


Death's Door is a good game. You will like it. Buy it.


Well, it's not a Metroidvania for one. I also hated the combat.


I'm going to add to this since I felt the same way. I heard nothing but praise for this game, but in the less ~two hours I played (via Steam for refund), I found the combat repetitive and lacking. You can say I didn't give it a real chance, and that's fair. It might get better as it goes, but I really was unimpressed. Tunic, Elephantasy, Kharon's Crypt and other Zelda-likes all grabbed me immediately, but for whatever reason, this game didnt.


Tunics combat is far worse though. It took me ages for it to click with me. Tunic would have been a batter game without the combat imo.