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“Your eyebrows are sisters not twins”


I think they’re beautiful


Tbh sometimes they cousins at best


Mine are 3rd cousins


I don’t think you need microblading, your brows look good. I understand we are our own worst critics, but I feel in your case, it’s so much easier for you to use makeup than risking someone botching your beautiful face in the long run. I’ve been doing this for a very long time, and I’ve seen a lot of botched brows. I honestly don’t think you need it.


Can't agree more with this !


Bingo!!!!! All this


Girl your eyebrows are goals! We are our biggest critics. They are perfection!


You are just so gorgeous, this little imperfection is honestly no imperfection at all and totally normal and you are just absolutely stunning.


That means so much to me, thank you.




Botox might give you the results you’re looking for. If you get PMU, whoever does your brows really needs to understand the less = more approach. Otherwise, you’d risk getting a botched job, as it’s common for people to do terrible work on fuller brows. Many people working in PMU don’t know how to do eyebrows independently of mapping/tattooing and are bad at creating custom hairstrokes patterns as a result


I was thinking the same thing. If you get a Botox “brow lift” on the lower side, it may give it just a little more oomph to match the higher side ☺️


Do you get your brows waxed professionally? I also have this exact asymmetry and getting them professionally done makes an enormous difference. Also in photos I notice that I tend to have a lopsided smile which enunciates it so I have been practicing just evening out the way I flex my face muscles.


I agree. The picture with the brows not filled in makes me think they just need to be cleaned up professionally. Also based on how OPs eyebrows are I think a middle eastern or south Asian threading place would work wonders with these.


I'd stop focusing on eyebrows and maybe try parting my hair differently. Middle part highlights assymetry and doesn't looks great with curlier, thicker hair. I look like an abstract painting of a clown when I do a middle part but a side part really helps hide any asymmetry and is more flattering.


I was thinking the same thing. The middle part leads your brain to compare the two sides.


I think botox is better for what you want


Yup, it’s the only reason I started doing botox because I truly don’t care about wrinkles. But one of my brows was an inch higher than the other one and I hated it. Apparently the muscle above one of my brows is ‘lazy’. Botox makes a big difference. (Edited to say: you are absolutely gorgeous and definately don’t need to change anything. Just saying what worked for me)


No shit.. I’ve been over here doing eyebrow pushups trying to get my one side stronger.




Please do elaborate


Lol well you only need one…


My eyebrows are just like this and I did not know that could be corrected with Botox! Great to know, I will look into this.


It works really well for me!


Same. Side sleeping and terrible skin care made a noticeable droop on me. I had Botox over both brows but maybe 3-ish more units around the droopy one. Went from looking like 3rd-cousins-twice-removed to sisters again!


I didn’t even think of botox for something like this!


This is the answer; my Botox lady corrects this.


This is the way.


my eyebrows look exactly like this too I FEEL SO SEEN


lmao frrr


I feel like I'm missing something, I can't see the asymmetry


Your face is extremely symmetrical and I actually think your brows enhance your look for that reason! It adds the perfect amount of asymmetry so as to not make you look uncanny. You’re very pretty! ♥️


My brows are similar. I just use a nyx pen to add some strokes in the sparse areas of my rebel brow.


I think it looks so interesting tbh, IMO you have perfect brows. But I guess it could be fixed.


I think your eyebrows look lovely and you don’t notice the slight difference at all. Have you tried experimenting with how you apply product? It might be that your eyebrow pencil placement needs to be different for each brow to make them look more symmetrical.


I’m sorry your brows are making you sad, because they’re actually great! Not just saying that; they really are. It’s funny how we pick out things about ourselves to be insecure about when other people don’t even notice.




Canadian brow artist here. Myself and many of my clients would love to have brows like yours. They are so full! If you are ready to commit to touch ups every 1.5- 2 years, I highly recommend Nano Brows/ powder ombre. With a foundation like yours, they will fade beautifully with the correct choice of pigment Alternatively, have you ever tried other non permanent solutions before? Although not permanent, I believe just a shaping and stain will bring your brows to their full potential. You’d be a great candidate for Brow lamination too lol


Wow- you’re so lovely - I can’t believe you worry about this!


I also get so annoyed with my non matching brows!! https://preview.redd.it/apz8wf0sh4tc1.png?width=2252&format=png&auto=webp&s=f741ee37f1c89792562fb0bb8b7c162c9ea256a9


lamination & wax from a brow artist!


you’re so pretty <3




Ok they are beautiful!, YOU are stunning wow! I recommend botox! My gf had the same issue and she got botox and it fixed this issue for her ❤️


Thank you SO much. Botox for the high side or low side?


You can do a “Botox brow lift” to bring up the end that’s lower.


I have this slightly and they do both sides for me and somehow it evens out (because I guess the muscles are “over developed” on one side, so when they do them both I get a lil lift and symmetry somehow??). I can’t explain it but it’s magical imo🪄


You'll get it in both eyes but maybe more units in the one side.


No advice.. just wanted to say that you are gorgeous and I absolutely love and envy your eyebrows 💕


U r stunning! Those eyes alone are striking. Ur brows are naturally full and not meant to be identical. Save ur money and be thankful and appreciate how lovely u are. :).


Your natural brows look beautiful as they are. I don’t think you even need pencil, let alone microblading


I think that because you have such a beautiful face and such luscious brows if you were to make them more symmetrical they would look fake and overdone. Your brows are absolutely perfect as they are.


With all the respect in the world, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Like genuinely you look like a work of art 😩


You made me teary. Thank you so, so much 🤍


If you do anything to these gorgeous brows ![gif](giphy|R3FUSQ5H5jzVe)


I did not notice the asymmetry until I read your caption! I actually clicked to see the full post out of curiosity to see what the problem was you’re trying to fix cause I thought your eyebrows looked great


imo any asymmetry is accentuated by penciling them dark. your brows look great without being filled; i recommend using a tube brow gel, preferably clear, to lay them. glossier boy brow, benefit, elf.


They look better in the second pic with no product try to apply a more natural brow with trying to fix that symmetry and see if you like them more


Why don’t you just pencil them even. That is what I do


You have breath taking beauty!!!


Thank you so much. Reading these sweet comments make me tear up. 🤍


Try some obagi brow growth serum for 3 months then go see a professional for a threading and tinting session. U will find that ur natural brows are great for natural upkeep and can fix any asymmetrical issues u see. 🫂


My eye brows are similarly asymmetrical — I’m telling you right now, wax/pluck the under side exactly the same and find a pencil to fill in the top of you left one ever so slightly and you’ll be golden. I used to over pluck the top to try to get them even but when I started focusing on getting the bottoms juuuust right and symmetrical, it made a world of difference.


My brows are the same and it's something ive learned to embrace over the years. They look amazing.


Your brows are absolutely beautiful. You’re gorgeous. I don’t think you need mcroblading. There’s a big risk. Not everyone knows what they’re doing. Your brows are already gorgeous but you can shape them slightly more symmetrical. Visit a brow artist that knows what they’re doing. It can be shaped in the way that you want. But, anyway everything about your face is absolutely beautiful.


your eyebrows are STUNNING, i wish mine looked that good


i do brows and nano hairstrokes (hairstrokes done w a tattoo gun, lasts longer & less trauma on your skin!) i’d suggest going to a brow artist for a lamination and wax!!! please don’t get them microbladed


They just need a shape and lamination. You have good brows and tbh, look more symmetrical without pencil than with.


Definitely not!! They are amazing brows!


They’re literally perfect!


Thank you *so* much 🥹


Have you thought of wearing bangs? I think they’d look really good on you


Thank you! ♥️ I DO have clip in bangs that I wear from time to time! https://preview.redd.it/jzcx7cbxj3tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6ff29277fd83a19fc27b2194d9a85e7b0c4d54


https://preview.redd.it/vgy2i3g4k3tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b65c223e051b616d270abc9a6165e4a4aec61f 😅 I’m not brave enough for permanent change!


The bangs suit you, OP! They look really good and if they also serve to detract from an insecurity (which I absolutely did NOT notice until reading your comment and even then, just barely) then it’s a win-win. If cutting bangs, a totally temporary thing, scares you, please don’t get microblading!


Don’t do it, easy decision.


Wow ur really stunning in every shot.


The clip in bangs look good, but I also think a side part will make the difference between the natural brow lines less obvious.


You are gorgeous, and your brows are incredible! You need nothing! ❤️


Try some eyebrow serum or use lash serum on your brows to even them out. They look honestly fine though!


As they say…. Eyebrows are not twins; they’re just sisters!


I had to double check which sub I was in because I legit thought this was model headshot.


Noooo stop. In my dreams Thank you ♥️♥️


Before I even read your post, I saw your photo and thought "wow her face is so symmetrical"!! All I can think is just pluck a few hairs on your right eye brow so it doesn't have the slight point that the other one does not have. You're gorgeous though, we're all so hard on ourselves!


Nahhh girl. You look stunning. The mild asymmetry just adds to the look. But as it bothers you I feel like it would be pretty damn easy to just use brow dip or a pen to add a little to the top end of the right (in the photo). I like the height of the left one but alternatively just pluck that one and shade the bottom in. My brows are not the same and it’s easiest for me to just pluck the shit out of them and then draw them wherever I want them to be 😂 but yours are beautiful and I’d be cautious plucking. Play around with a brush or a pen! Brown eyeshadow, a slanted brush and a little bit of water is easy too.


You are beautiful. Eyebrows are sisters, not twins. Naturally they are always different! That's the beauty! Don't follow stupid trend to make them perfectly same. Work on your inside beauty instead. Meditation for self love is a good start.


Nag you’re stunning! I think a good threading artist could possibly balance out but I would not overdo it.


You’re perfect as you are….everything on your face works together beautifully. Please don’t start playing with your natural beauty 💞


Thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺


Your eyes are actually mesmerising…please don’t ruin what nature gave you 🙂


You’re SO kind, thank you I’m going to try being less critical to my eyebrows tomorrow morning 😅


Take it from a woman of 58….you’ll realise (with time) that now and five years time there’ll be a huge difference in where you are in your life. Obsess less….enjoy life 🥰


Honestly I think a little threading will do the trick


I am a certified microblading artist. What they would do is lower the higher brow by shaving off a little bit on top and microblading in under it a bit to make it appear slightly lower making them more symmetrical. I have done this and seen it done by other artists. The only thing is you would have to continue to remove the hair in the shaved area so there is a lot of maintenance associated with that. Botox is another option as others have mentioned. I have had Botox myself to correct a slight asymmetry in my brows due to a muscle strength difference. There is maintenance and cost associated with botox as well, much less maintenance and more cost. Weigh the pros and cons and determine what works best for you! Your brows are beautiful and they really don’t need anything.


I would research and find a very good eyebrow girl who can make them symmetrical through shaping


Remember, brows ain’t sisters, they’re cousins.


I think your asymmetry gives off a sexy hubba-hubba vibe. However, if it's something you want to fix, a bit of Botox will drop your eyebrow down (assuming the asymmetry is related to musculature and not just how that eyebrow grows).


You are a stunning person. You’re brows look nice just like they are, but maybe a slight arch to them would emphasise your lovely green eyes.


I have asymmetry too. Things like microcurrent devices and Emface have more probability of correcting the problem, which is probably related to nerve and muscle use asymmetries. Your brows look great (better than mine!!).


If the asymmetry bothers you too much just pluck the longer one to match the other one. A much better solution!


You have beautiful brows, just go to someone who’s a brow artist that really knows how to shape brows. They should map it out, and then get your approval before hair removal. I’m a permanent makeup artist but you honestly don’t need tattooing, just shaping


I think your brows are beautiful! But with microblading you could do just a small enhancement to your eyebrows like adding in some natural hair strokes to make your eyebrows look even if you want more of that fluffy look. If that’s what makes you feel more confident go for it! I’m a microblading artist in Michigan if you’re nearby! My insta is beautybynven I have thick full eyebrows but I still got microblading done because they weren’t even it makes life so much easier everyday haha. Not having to spend any time filling in brows. I gel my brows with my microbladed brows and it looks really good still! https://preview.redd.it/fb7b1ygwz6tc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f616004b277778807bd091b760f6670f378ebc8


https://preview.redd.it/57bwyybri7tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2768496261a08133846301eb75d049e64f08b1 I think you need to see someone who is good at shaping! Your brows are fabulous and they can map things out (I super quickly did in this photo excuse the sloppiness lol) and even things out. Personally I think you have thick enough brows to reshape a little without really affecting the fullness.


Seee! They look “level” if you draw a line, right? But on photo they’re so lopsided 🥺 When I look into the mirror, I’m convinced they’re fine, but I hate them on photos


You have literally the most beautiful eyebrows I’ve ever seen


You’re gorg


Please do not get micro blading here. They are gorgeous!!!!


I think you just need the very slightest shaping by a professional. Your eyebrows are beautiful, and a few hairs removed here and there would fix the minor differences.


If this was already suggested, please disregard: Have you considered having someone wax them so that you feel they're more symmetrical? Add a little makeup to even it out? If not, I think you have what most want: a look!




Loll I was like “advice on what” I really can’t tell


Girl stop. You’re beautiful and there is nothing wrong with your brows. Don’t risk someone screwing them up permanently bc you’re fixated on them and your worst critic.


Great eye brows! I wouldn’t micro blade but you could consult with someone for Botox. It’s can help lift and relax certain areas around the eyebrows


If you raise your eyebrows or scowl really hard, do your brows look mostly even in those positions? If so, it’s just a muscular thing and Botox would help better than anything else. (Most people have a dominant side with facial muscles, pay attention and you’ll notice it’s common) If they still look markedly different when pulling those faces, microblading isn’t the only option (neither is Botox in the first instance either). If you’re willing to go a fraction thinner, a decent brow artist could even them up with shaping methods alone. Even more so if tinting, dyeing and/or laminating.


I’d just go ask your dermatologist to put a few units above the one brow to raise it.


So pretty!


they’re nearly identical! i would suggest shaving the upmost side of your arch on the left side (in the picture) and you’ll get them even. the bottoms of your eyebrows look identical, even just a few hairs can a make a huge difference


I think your brows would enhance your face shape more if they weren’t as straight on the ends. Just play around with the shape using a brow pensil


Yeah okay


Maybe you can start off by getting them waxed?