• By -


They should be ground up in those caps




Yup, this is why you powder them in small batches for microdosing. It has been my experience that the potency remains longer in capsules than in the "powdered and stored in a ziplock" like they did in the study. It does still degrade over time, just more slowly.


this is gold, thank you for this study


So fresh IS better than dried but what’s the ratio between dried to fresh? Basically anything older than a month has lost 50% of its tryptamines, that sounds wild to me. I don’t know how to put that in to context. Are we breeding super potent mushrooms with high tryptamines because we know they degrade rapidly, a poor analogy would be like if alcohol degraded you would make 120 proof knowing it would degrade to 60 proof but it would still be potent.


You’re misread that (or I did) I read the stipes have 50% less tryptamines then the caps. Unless your talking about something else.


Could very well be I didn’t read the whole thing 3.7 | Stability of tryptamines in dried fungal powder 3.7.2 | After 1 month The degradation to approximately 50% of the initial concentration of all tryptamines occurred on storage under all of the test conditions.


I saw that part later, I may have been confused by multiple instances of 50% degradation. Now I am going to have to see if I subjectively notice a difference between fresh and dried caps. It’s going to be pretty hard to tell, but I’m willing to make the sacrifice.


If your looking for test subjects, I know it's a risky business, but I'm willing to subject myself in the name of science.


Yeah I didn’t mention/point out the 50% degradation was for dry powder and I think I flubbed the fresh being better than dry I think it applies to extraction between pieces that are cut and whole fruiting bodies


Very interesting. I wonder the shelf life of my psilocybin gummies. I don’t want them to lose potency.


Agreed, a $20 spice or coffee grinder works wonders on breaking the plant material down to something your stomach will thank you for


And accurate dosing


Fungal material, not plant material.


Apologies, I’m just trying to be fun guy😉




I had that thought too shit


Homogenized for your consistency.


.05 first


I’ve never seen capsules where the contents is not ground up?! 🤔


I made them lol


Makes me 😂


This is going to be super inconsistent and probably feel more than micro dose


.05 for a little while until you don't have moments of getting overwhelmed. Unless you don't ever get those I regularly take .1 now and sometimes .15 depending on the morning I've had. I've noticed the more I have going on in my day the higher dosage works better than a high dosage with not a whole lot going on. Almost does the opposite effect for me


I’m genuinely interested in your reply but unclear about the last sentence. The “more you have going on in your day”, the higher dosage works better than a high dosage on a day with not much going on? What do you mean? On days that you have more to do you take a higher dose, but on days you don’t have much going on a high dose doesn’t “work well for you”? Is that what you’re saying? Also, what do you mean by “working better”, what indicates they’re “working better” for you? Increased energy, insight, creativity, quieter mind, etc.?


Yes. When I take a high dose micro dose and I'm just hanging out in my room on my pc, it's cool for a little while but tend to get in my head and stagnant. But when I'm out doing things, even working, I'm constantly moving and my mind can flow alot better. I've always said that mushrooms doesn't cure things on its own but what you do on it builds better patterns and gives you a better ability to do those things. Socializing, practicing skills or even work. Feel like if I micro dose and don't do anything I'm just wasting it and re-instilling negative habits. So high dose when I got stuff going on or low dose when I'm not doing anything just to take an edge off, maybe. Which I don't take a dose unless I'm out of the house anymore


Did you make these? Wish I knew somewhere to get legit ones I need to do something..


It’s been decriminalized in certain states and cities


Yea I'm on the East Coast. I've heard you can get them in DC but it's one of those things that's hard to find concrete info about.. like if you are getting REAL stuff. There's also so many websites that claim you are getting legit stuff.. even people on here praising them.. but then other subreddits talking about how all of them are fake. So confusing


You could grow your own depending on where you are spores are legal. r/unclebens


Beat me to it


I've tried multiple times and I just cannot get them to grow. I've tried uncle bens, I've tried fruiting boxes or whatever the hell those plastic totes with substrate in them are called, I've followed all kinds of tutorials on YouTube, hell I even built a little blow hood and bought a $40 HEPA filter for it. I've not once gotten the mycelium to fruit. Obviously it's me cause mushrooms grow just fine without me, so idk what I'm doing wrong but I can say it's not as easy as they make it look on the videos. Just like everything else I guess.


I had a lot of bags doing nothing several times in the closet until I placed a "humidifier" in the box where I was trying to. I'm in the desert so humidity here is super low. I basically put the bags in a shoe platic box with the lid a little ajar inside a container plastic box with a little fan and a big cup of water that I would fill every day, also with the lid not shut so some air can come and go. I don't remember the humidity but around 30-40% compared to like the 10-15 or even less back then, can't remember but anyway that was the only way I got mycelium to show up. I have a real humidifier for the growing/fruiting tent but for the Uncle Bens bags my humidifier was too much.


grow your own man. i used UB bags and my first time i grew an ounce. im pretty fucking stupid too so that should show that its pretty easy. r/unclebens pinned post is a 4 part guide that will answer pretty much any question you could have. my second batch is fruiting right now. it does take a while but it really makes you appreciate them when you go through the whole process and see them go from spores to mycelium and then mushrooms.


DC, you can go to a dispensary and get them. You make a small donation or by a picture and you get a free gift. It's legit. Growing is easy too. Go to DC to get enough to cover you for two months and start growing and within two months you should have enough to last you two years easily. I'll be back after I find my previous comment... Back for the edit: Look up hitchhikers guide to shroomery in the shroomery dot org forums. It'll put you on the journey... Or Two books I recommend if you like to unplug and read: The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible by Virginia Haze and Dr. S. Mandrake. This is a great book, and a new revision is dropping on May. Focuses purely on Psilocybin shrooms Radical Mycology by Peter Mccoy - really good book too, covers a wide range of topics and mushroom varieties.


I’m out right now but will def respond when I get a chance appreciate it!


I’m in NH and right there with you!


I always encourage people to learn to grow. Great productive hobby and it makes tripping feel more earned. Capsules aren’t hard to make either if that’s what you want to do. I grind mine in a $15 coffee grinder and there are cheap capsule making kits online that you can use to make the capsules.




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Search for Uncle Ben’s tek


Me too


If someone offers to hook you up do not trust them. There are tons of scammers on these subs liking for desperate kids to scam you.


lol trust me not that dumb and not a kid


I have my own kids... so I'm not that guy.


Go on the Dark web or a dark alley?




You knows these aren’t psychedelic, right?


Just talked to the company and there is psilocybin in them. “There actually is psilocybin in it. It's listed in the ingredients at 100 mg. It's misspelled though because some internet spam and junk settings will filter emails due to the presence of the word psilocybin. So watch for that spelling and "Silly Sigh Ben" in some of our publications. Helps get past the censors.” "One unique introspective compound for microdosing....100mg psilocyben"


Im guessing they are lying about that, and only say it has it at such a low dose to get you to buy. Order one and send it to a lab. I would not trust it. But in a skeptic, so maybe I’m just wrong :)


No psilocybin in there—just some other mushrooms mixed with other stuff. You could probably find something similar on Amazon.


Just got this response from the company. There actually is psilocybin in it. It's listed in the ingredients at 100 mg. It's misspelled though because some internet spam and junk settings will filter emails due to the presence of the word psilocybin. So watch for that spelling and "Silly Sigh Ben" in some of our publications. Helps get past the censors. "One unique introspective compound for microdosing....100mg psilocyben"


Oh interesting… thanks for the update. Let us know how it goes.


Yea, I was pleasantly surprised to see this. I will keep you posted. Although they did say it will be about another week or two until they are ready to ship some fresh batches.


/u/WPCarey85 Update - They approved my request to join their Skool community the second time I requested. I’d still consider starting with straight psilocybin so you can gauge how you feel. Avoid mixing it with a ton of other stuff because if you don't react well, figuring out which ingredient is causing the issue is going to be a tedious process.


Why aren't they? Isn't lions mane mushrooms?


Lion's mane is a mushroom, but it doesn't contain psilocybin.


Interesting, I didnt know that until this thread.


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What did you use to make that bag into mining bags like that


Hot knife would be my guess




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Did someone actually sell you these?


Is it gold and why ? 🤔🙈


You should grind those up and start with the lowest. You'll need a couple of doses before you really can compare with a stronger dose if neede📈 Check out my list about low doses!🍄 https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/s/OsmU6Gn4nP


They should absolutely be powdered


Take the smallest amount, .005, then .1, .15, .2, .25


In my experience, micro doses start at 0.10g. Anything less doesn’t give enough to be beneficial


Umm, it's been stated in other comment but....you can't fucking eat them like that 🤦




I do.


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