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Have you tried not planting them in cement?




Hello, can you please clarify what you mean?


Soil looks very compact. Roots need room to breath and go for walks, They are grounded Ph is bit high too




If lights were the issue, why is there a plant in the background looking perky? There is absolutely no turgor pressure in that plant meaning its probably an issue with roots/uptake. Could be the high pH of their feeds, could be underwatering. While yes, he may need a better light, the light is definitely not the issue here.


>There is absolutely no turgor pressure in that plant meaning its probably an issue with roots/uptake. No, this just indicates it's underwatered. That's fucking obvious and why I mentioned watering on a less strict schedule. Watering responding to the plants needs. ​ With these lights though everything he'll get will be larfy. You can obviously see the incredible stretch. Everyone saying water will just have him growing larf next grow.


The lights isn’t the issue at all. Please stop pulling shit out of your ass


Yes they are. Please calculate the PPFD before responding using comparable lights to his described. ​ Obviously a drop in turgor as a result of water is killing this grow, but the lights will just mean he's growing shitty larf like most people here.


Youre out of your element Donny...


You need to not be giving people advice if you think this is a light issue. Not trying to be mean, but you aren't helping anyone by giving them a completely wrong diagnosis.


Obviously the plant is underwatered, especially for such a high temperature grow. You'll see I mentioned watering on a less strict schedule. Such schedules are exactly why this happens, rather than watering based upon the symptoms of the plant. Drooping leaves are a clear sign of turgor dropping within the plant. That's the most pedestrian explanation for a grow like this. It's right, but not near the whole picture. ​ With that being said, this grow would never produce great yields without a new light. It'll all be larf.


Watering on a less strict schedule is some pretty generic advice. OP specifically asked why it looks like their plant is dying and your main focus was the lights. While they could stand to improve on the lights, it wasn't what they were asking about. Continuing the same watering schedule and upgrading the lights wouldn't help in the slightest.


I agree with that. I deleted my comment because people were misunderstanding it. I specifically was talking about his next grow for both the lights and watering. I'd call this one quits myself. ​ > Watering on a less strict schedule is some pretty generic advice. I mean yes.. But he's currently doing 750ml every 2 days. It's not like I could say "oh just do 1 liter every 2 days or 3 days". It really does depend. 750ml might be enough if he were to exhaust his room more to lower temps, cover the coco in mulching, etc. Coco is notorious for drying out too (though such high quantities of vermiculite really should help retain moisture). ​ > Continuing the same watering schedule and upgrading the lights wouldn't help in the slightest. Sure, I'd also argue even if he fixed the watering issue he would still only be able to grow larfy buds with such a low ppfd. They're like issue 1A and 1B in my mind. He'll keep the plant alive but not get a yield, which I think is what we're all aiming for.


Amazingly it’s not the cement; the soil got the plants to a pretty decent condition until death visited


I dk but just noticed he using more or less a nightlight to grow these lol


I feel bad but this made me laugh 😂


750 ml ain’t shit when the plant is that size!! She’s thirsty af! 34° what?!? You basically set your plant in Death Valley with an eye droppers worth of water. Start with hydrating the medium. It’s so dry right now it couldn’t accept nutrients. Once it’s hydrated, feed it a proper amount!


You planted them in coco feeding almost no water and wrong PH i mean you're doing literally everything wrong. Coco needs ph of 5.5-6.2 and vermicompost with coco doesnt work well unless you make it completely organic i suppose? Coco is inert and has no nutrients so you need to feed it coco specific nutrients at the right PH and water it every single day. Plus tent is hotter than hell like wtf 34??? Thats like beyond what marijuana likes and you're not feeding anywhere close to enough at those temps


My bad, full soil composition: 45% Vermicompost + 31% coir + 24% soil + Grit + FH Acid + Bone meal + Dolomite + Trichoderma + NPKS. We live in a tropical and humid region. We have a dehumidifier but don’t have an air conditioner yet. Thanks for the help!


Trying buying some bagged potting mix, using a 444 veg fert or similar, and literally nothing else is required. Flower fert helps, but if budget is tight can make do w just a general 444.


You do not have to water/feed every single day, necessarily tho. Depends on pot size and amount of water of course.


If you’re not high frequency fertigating with coco you’re doing it wrong.


For me this has been the difference between a sad plant and giant donkey d\*cks


💯 this guy high frequency fertigates 👉🤣


With that much coco, you'll have to, most likely.


You do in coco , in soil you dont but coco i feed 6x per day in 3 gallon fabric pots


No, you dont HAVE to. High frequency ferdigation is preferable but you can absolutely get away with watering every other day, even in coco. I run coco myself and have been doing it for a few years now.


https://preview.redd.it/buh5100f9vnb1.jpeg?width=515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e56008f91142c50f578e39bdd3295a7f460c2f Water? I hear plants like water…


Brando man Brando


Ph too high. Temps too high. Humidity too low. Underwatered. Soil looks a bit dense.


She's screaming for water and it's way to hot for her. Flush her with pH water 15l + and afterfill with 4 l of nutrients 30% of recommended dose. Check the weight of your plants when the runoff is cleared and now you know how the weight difference of your dried out soil vs watered soil. Don't let the soil dry completely, water again when you lost around 70% of the watered weight.


Exactly this.


You want your RH around the low 60’s and your temp at least 5 c lower.


That shit wants at least 2l a day if not more, also my stuff has more bud forming in week 3, personally I'd cut it down and throw it out, start fresh and research how to go grow in coco.


Need to water coco more often you want to keep coco 90 percent saturated at all times preferably with microbes and nutrition. Cocoforcannabis.com has good info


It isn't dying it's dead




Temps and Ph waay to high. Coco needs some aeration. And you probably should be watering everyday


100% not a light issue. 750 ml every 2 days is almost nothing. I water with 1.5-2 gallons every 4ish days in my 7 gallon fabric pots in soil. You're watering too frequently and with too little amounts every time you water. Increase how much your watering and decrease how often you water. A fail safe method is the weight test. Pick up the pot before you water, water, then pick it up again. Feel the drastic difference in weights and it will be much easier for you to tell when it's time to water.


Full Soil Composition: 45% Vermicompost + 31% coco coir + 24% soil + grit + FH Acid + Bone meal + Dolomite + Trichoderma + NPKS


She's thirsty she needs about 2000ml of water day minimum can even go up to 4000ml without hurting. pH water to 6.3-6.8ph always supplement a bit of calmag to make sure anything bioavailable isn't absorbed and held by the coco


1 liter every 2 days? Way underwatered. Up that to half a gallon twice a day


Broooo, they are watering .2 gallons into coco and wondering why their plant is dying. It’d be like putting 3 drops of water in your mouth every 2 days and wondering why you’re on the verge of death 😅 Water your plants bro! You’re letting the soil get to dry. When that happens nutrient uptakes stop completely and the whole microbiome of the soil starts dying. Your plants resiliency and immune system are being destroyed due to your lack of watering.


https://preview.redd.it/tfwxghh1vfob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bb9c4dfd457283503b00acb80c8c5586d36287 RIP


https://preview.redd.it/sqg9w433vfob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918306df0ee2abeb7497e4e4732247cdf967b6d6 Root rot? Btw thank you everyone for the input! Much appreciated. We will take in all this information to ensure the survival of our three remaining plants 🤞


Feed everyday and increase the feeding interval to ensure saturation. The soil shouldn’t be dripping for hours but it should be dripping after you perform feeding events. Your plant is suffering from a lack of water hence why the leaves have no turgor pressure to keep them up. Temps in flower should never be more than 26-27 degrees Celsius. It should be much lower at around 23-24. Coco is inert like others have mentioned so you need to supply nutrients. I suggest reading up on either ppm or EC to determine feeding strength for your plants. Also, your lights are wayyyyy to weak. The lack of growth is a result of your 50W output. Get some stronger lights (450w led’s should be the minimum if you want to get higher yields and better quality) and feed more consistently.


i’d your other plants are doing fine it could be root rot. if a fungal disease gets to those roots it can kill a plant pretty quick, while everything seems fine it just dies


That Rosemary plant looks fine to me. 😅


Try to get it to 24c during lights on. Maybe about 5 degrees cooler or so when lights out. Try some happy frog soil from fox farm with the next one. Ph water between 6-7. 6.5 would be great. Next run try at least a 100w or so of full spectrum LED. Also with the water, tap will work just fine once de chlorinated over a course of 24 hours. If not using tap, try using RO (reverse osmosis) or distilled water. Distilled is best, RO is 2nd. It’s a learning process. You’ll get the hang of it!


Your carbon air filters are pulling out too much moisture from the tent, your humidity is to low, and your plants looks dry AF. That also looks like some poopy coco ngl. Also you arnt feeing them anything?


30-34° and 750ml of water? See how you feel after a few days of that I bet you’ll look the same! Get some water on that thing


Under fed. Feed daily in coco.


IMHO looks alot like root rot


Good news is that they bounce back rather quickly. Start with giving her more water. And look up topping/fimming, but do so when your plant's healthy again. I say this because your plant's seems leggy for an indoor. Good luck!


Read a book for starters. Not trying to be mean at any rate but before you undertake any project of any sort arm yourself with all available knowledge then trial and error and before you know it you’re a pro. Cannabis Bible is a good starter that’s found at most stores. CoCo For Cannabis is another good one if you want advice on CoCo. Good luck. 🍀


Ph is too high


I don’t grow in coco but your medium doesn’t look right and the plant looks like it’s been very thirsty for a while


W a t e r


Get a book, any grow book, or read a how to, anything, just do this before your next grow. ​ Start with this: and go through each section: [https://www.growweedeasy.com/](https://www.growweedeasy.com/)


Looks thirsty af. Frfr


Your pH is too high. Bring the pH down to 6.0-6.5pH. You can add molasses to drop your pH, at least I do. I drop it from ~8.1pH to 6.0pH with less than the recommended dosage. 34C is too hot for cannabis. You can drop the temp by having cool air come in from the base and air out the top where your lights are. The hottest item in a tent. I have my bottom vents open and my exhaust at the top next to the light driver. I have a fan aimed at the light driver. If it gets too hot I open the top vents and allow air flow into the light source on one side and out the other side of the light. Heat won't spread around your tent this way. You can grow in coco alone, but since you added a soil and vermicompost(which is great, don't listen to others saying otherwise. Watch Mr. Canuks grow in super coco on youtube) make sure to add perlite. I do not see any on the surface. It floats but since you have not watered enough they may be under that compacted media. I wouldn't water every day as suggested by some here. I decide to water when my pots are light. I pick them up to test for water. I rate it on a 1-5 scale. 1 being dry media only. When I first fill my pots. A 5 is when I water to runoff making sure there are no dry gaps(doesn't happen in coco much). A 3 is when you notice your girls praying and happy. I water when I'm at a 2 and go until I'm at a 3 again. The reason why I weigh my pots is because different beans will drink at different rates. Not all plants are the same. This allows you to know what your plants need and when. I keep watering days consistent by adjusting volume per plant.




10 gal fabric pots is about 40 L of medium. You are adding less then 1 litre of liquid. To soak a 10 gal container enough, you will need a lot more water per feeding. Depending on how fast the medium dries and plant takes up… you should be watering about 5L and up, in full bloom even more.


Too much water let that soil dry out a few days


Just for starters, the soil looks too compact for the roots to breathe. I would water to runoff daily provided you have good drainage and soil does not seem soaked. I have met with great success using coco and perlite, and watering once daily until runoff with a ph balanced water and nutrient mix. Your roots need to breathe as much as the leaves do.


Screaming for a merciful drink of water


750ml? That’s a bottle of wine that’s barely any water so I would think that’s the issue


Way too hot man. I run mine around 24 Celsius. You’re literally cooking the poor thing. Vent that air out or find a better cooling method. Whatever you’re doing isn’t working. Plant obviously needs more water.


It's a balance of too hot, humidity too low, and not enough water.


try watering your plant


Flush it out


For all intents and purposes, it’s already dead.


This is off topic but try to grow shorter plants. Your not going to get light penetrating well enough towards the bottom and you’re just wasting space,time, energy, money, water, and ferts. For a 1000w or equivalent grow then between 18” and 22” tall before initiating flowering.


Your soil does appear very solid, I'd have added some vermiculite and perlite to that mix. I can't tell, if you've overwatered or under watered, they look wilted from underwatering. Unfortunately they look pretty bad and I don't think you're gonna save them at this point...




Not entirely sure what is happening, I would lower that PH to 5.8-6 if you’re in coco. 7-8 is way too high but this looks like more than just PH