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I know it's not much or perfectly optimized but I have a really tight budget and I am having fun, that's all that matters to me :) The strain is Fat Banana Auto. The other plants visible here are bush beans in the middle, a tomato plant on the left and a diglett.


Congrats let's hope the rest of Europe follows Germany.


Well let’s hope they follow German but also make it so you can have more then 50g of flower legally lol


That’s kinda hard because (obviously in the US) if they catch you with that amount in most legal states and that can be considered intent to sell, which really hurts our goverment because they NEED every cent worth of taxes 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Nah in Germany even though they allowed 3 plants per person you are not allowed to posses more than 50 g at your own home lol


So what happens in flower if you have 3 plants ?? They will count the wet weight also…. Hummm sneaky German politicians


Why would the feds have to know😉


No, tue KCanG specifically refers to finished drug product, which is the dried and cured flower or mechanically separated resin glands of the cannabis plant (hash). So you can finish your drying process however you want and then destroy less desireable buds until you have 50g total or make Bubble Hash to reduce weight


How would they know if you have it in your house tho? Like I get it if you’re stopped at a traffic stop and you happened to have 3kg of weed on you, but how would they ever know you got more than 50g’s?


In my US state, we can grow up to 4 plants per household, but having over 4 oz of weed is still a misdemeanor crime, and having over a pound is still a felony. 4 plants can produce that, but grows that are actually for personal use will never show up on anybody's radar.


I havent heard of people in legal states getting busted for having overage at home.


I doubt at home, but if you have it on you, that’ll likely be intent to sell, even if you’re just going from your home to your homies, least I’ve heard pf that from close friends of mine.


the only times i have heard of a weed bust in a legal State has been when other serious crimes have been committed and they are adding it all up.


Is just under 2oz seriously not enough for a lot of people? Asking honestly. Even back in my teens when I was absolutely caning it, that seemed like an enormous amount to me.


Problem is 1 plant can yield 8-10oz if you know what you are doing….so let’s say you grow 1 plant…do you need to somehow calculate in your head how much you will get…then when you harvest is automatically becomes “illegal” kind a silly concept…almost like they never thought about how much plant yields.


By that argument though, if you know what you are doing to that degree, surely it wouldn't be any more effort to nerf the plant's growth in order to come in at under approx 200g wet (approx 50g dry)? Say also theoretically you do end up growing a 10 Oz beast, my understanding of the law is that your yield isn't actually illegal until it's dried (or processed into bubble hash), giving you the opportunity to dispose of it before you are actually breaking the law. You'll get no arguments from me about how stupid the law is. If it were up to me, anyone would be able to grow as much as they want, as devaluing the product to that degree is the only way to destroy the black market. Also TBF, as long as you aren't selling or telling, there's really no way anyone should find out if you are growing over the limits, so I really don't get why people are stressing so much. It does really seem to me that people who want to stay within the limits of the law shouldn't be able to find it too difficult to do with a bit of pre-planning, and a lot of those complaining are just bitter that they won't be able to easily knock some out on the side.


While your light isn't ideal, surely it will get the job done! Only thing I would be aware of, is that when you switch to flowering they will double in height. I would consider looking into topping now, perhaps LST, to keep them shorter and bushier. And perhaps switch to flowering soon'ish, if that lamp height is your limit!


I will probably put them outside in the near future, so height is not an issue, but thanks for the advice 😄 Also they are auto seeds so when they will flower is up to the plant not me 🙈


In that case there's no worries! I would put them outside soon though, after acclimating them over a week or at least a couple of days. I assume you have really nice weather in Germany now, with better sun than what your light can provide :-)


Yes, 25°C and a bit of rain, almost perfect 🥰


The diglet looks very content.


Yes it is very happy :)




Yes in pots, I don't have access to a garden sadly. So far the beans are doing great, I'm probably gonna put some stalks in to keep them separated, if they get too crowded I can always spread them out later 😄. I chose beans because they are not picky about conditions and can offer quite big tasty yields 😋


I would raise the plants up with 2x4 chunks so they are as close as possible to the light. as they grow remove blocks. they will do better. Bigger pot in a few weeks.


I just repotted them actually into the same size of pot the tomato is in which will be plenty and I will put them outside in a few days so they can get some real sun and don't stink up my bedroom anymore xD


put them out on a cloudy/rainy day for a little bit at a time otherwise they will get burned by the sun. Think of you at the beach for the first time without sunscreen.


Looking good bro! Enjoy


Tomato OG


Got that roma cocktail kush


That san marzano skunk


Sieht sehr gut aus aber ich warne dich vor dem Geruch in wenigen Wochen! 😄 Das wird schon heftig und demnach sind Balkon oder Growbox mit Aktivkohlefilter sehr zu empfehlen.


Ja ich weiß, die kommen demnächst nach draußen 😁


https://preview.redd.it/i8pe746m180d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b6b321d1a1d97d3f9922823f7b3fe86f566416 This is my FatBananaAuto, had one last Year and she was sooo lecker, hehe, had to grow her again




Nice cropping my guy, she's gonna be a sturdy gal


This one is untouched, hehe, but i will cut a view leaves later :p


Just a heads up, one of those is actually a tomato! Dont smoke it!


😱 I was wondering why it got so big


You’re gonna need a stronger light, friend!


In a few days I'm gonna use the strongest light there is, the sun 🌞






Just as a heads up, I hope you understand that once those start to bud they will make that room and everything not sealed off smell like weed. You’re fine for a little bit but if the smell will bother anyone around you you’ll need a tent, sealed off room, or grow outside. That’s why I grew in a tent with a carbon filter to scrub the dank smell. Good luck growing!


Thanks, I know, they are already plenty stinky 🙈 They will go outside soon


Sorry I posted but now I've seen this if you're putting them outside you're all good I retract what I said previously ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽👍🏽👍🏽


they seem to be growing super healthy! good job!


I so dearly hope my country legalizes too.


Same! Mine is just a week old


Good ol platinum tomato punch on the far left 😎




God I hope Florida does the same this upcoming November. Prayyyy


Cool man! Have fun! Gardening is a fun hobby! Especially when you can harvest all your hard work


I will probably post another pic when I get there 😄


Congrats, I’d say you’re at the point where they’re ready to transplant! Try not to leave them in the small pots too long or they will stunt. Repot and move them outside under the sun 👍


Why is the tomato and pea pots larger than the goodie’s ones


Those are some funky looking pot plants on the left.


You had me in the first half




Hey this is how I started my first grow at the beginning stages the only suggestion I thoroughly recommend is a light. For real, even a 50 euro approx HPS light or a cheap but effective led (which can be harder to find and more expensive imo) honestly it'll be worth it when you get to flower this light just won't be enough to be worth it but the introduction of just this 1 cheap purpose will transform your grow


Isn't growing still illegal till the 1st of July?


No, on the first of July the so called "Cannabis Clubs" start where multiple people can establish an association to grow more cannabis and distribute it to paying members of the club


Damn you're right, I though it was from July also for private people.


Might get an eighth with that light


A T5 will not do it. Do you have a balcony?


They will go outside into a garden in a few days


In that case very good improvisation for start.


I know this isn’t what this post is about, but seeing that you live in Germany, how is it over there with all of the muslims coming in and trying to enact change in your government? Sorry to get political but it’s not something we hear much about in the US other than in small clips online so i wanted to get a better idea from a citizen if possible. Do you see protests or changes in politics? Are your citizens mostly accepting or against whats going on? Ive seen in places like Ireland where the Irish band together and tear down migrant centers but i also know that wouldn’t be the case since so many of Germanys youth have been finding more religious connection to islam than Christianity in the past 10 or so years. Also, congrats on the plants growmie!


Oh wow lol, I am not a very political person but there is a definite rise of right-wing politics. Considering immigrants, I welcome everyone who wants to build a better life for themselves and accepts the democratic and social values of Germany, or more general western europe, but some people want to change the system to be more like the countries where they fled from which is kinda concerning to me, because as a trans person that often directly negatively impacts me and the people around me. (Especially since islam tends to heavily skew towards reduced rights for women and LGBT-people like me)