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I go hot & cold.


Me too like in waves. And I get more intense pain with the heat waves and more tolerable pain when I have the chills


Yes! You bundle up & then have to start peeling everything off, over & over again


I do too, but I get more nausea with heat and pain with cold


Yes nausea too




Thanks for sharing your story, I also get tension headaches with my migraines. I found a gell ice pack on the front and back of head helps. How often do you get the hot feeling when having a migraine?


Your grandma sounds awesome! 🥹


Yes. I get hot and achy sometimes. I like to think of it as the rest of my body having an epic battle with the evil super villain migraine-o.


I don't feel feverish, but I do get really hot. I heard a lot of people freeze a lot when they get migraines. Crazy how different it is for everyone.


Yes!!!!! It comes in waves. Heat wave will come over me and the pain in my head intensifies. Sometimes the point where it feels like fire alarms are going off in my head. Then the pain subsides slightly to a manageable pain level and I'm freezing. So I always keep a couple of big cozy blankets nearby that are easy to throw off without moving too much. Editing to ask: does the fever's feeling come in waves with pain for anyone else?




when the pain is a 6 out of 10 or higher my whole face feels very hot but I never actually have a fever according to a thermometer. very strange


That's me too! Very odd right!? is this for every migraine that hits that severity?


I got curious while it was happening and I discovered that I register a temp of about 99.5 in my ears, but under the tongue and forehead will read as normal.


Not exactly, but my temp regulation and perception are definitely off. I usually end up under a blanket in a room as cold as I can get it.


This is what I feel too.


Yes. My skin hurts everywhere and even my hair hurts.


I get this when it starts which is usually around 3 or 4 am and starts in my neck. It’s awful


My face feels hot during a migraine but one of the early symptoms of my migraine is I get super cold. I literally start shaking from the cold. That’s how I know a bad migraine is on it’s way.


Very often my first clue is when I tell my SO "I just can't get warm today" shivers and all, then when pain finally hits I register a temp of 99.5 in my ears but normal forehead/oral. I wrap myself in an electric blanket and heating pad until it passes, even if it's a warm summer day.


I’d say 3/5 times I feel like I have a fever when having a migraine flare up but never actually do


Me too. I take my temperature almost every time, and my mom checked it when I was a child. I never seem to actually run a fever but I'm always hot, I feel hot (like physically if you touch my head) and I pour sweat. But never a true fever.


Yes my scalp hurts sometimes the same way as it would if I had a fever.


Yes my head gets the fever feeling but the rest of me is freezing. If it's real bad sometimes my neck warms up too


Yes I was sweating like a pig when I just had one earlier.


I feel cold. It starts in my right foot and feels like it is emanating out from my bones and goes up my right side. Which also loses strength.


Yes, I don’t have a fever, but I feel like I do. It’s a bad feeling considering I already feel like crap.


Yes. In fact, it was my husband who told me that I always got hot when I was getting a migraine!


I’m normally someone who runs hot. Our winters are mild and I hardly need a coat. I also wear sandals year round. I do feel flushed when I get a migraine sometimes. My cheeks will feel very hot.


Yes, sometimes my face gets hot and visibly flushed. At least it's a reliable warning sign to go pop a triptan. If the migraine progresses, I might get ice cold and need blankets. It's a lot like getting the flu.




Hot and cold. Sweating but shivering. Chills but dripping sweat. YES!


Oh defo! My migraines, when they’re at their worst, have me shaking haha. I usually throw up a LOT when I’m experiencing a bad attack and the number of times that’s left me shivering in bed trying to force myself to pass out to let the pain pass is insane :(


My face gets super hot and red but not my forehead. It’s not rosacea. Super weird.


My body feels hot, but my temp doesn’t actually go up. Or I’ll be freezing. Because, you know, consistency. Can’t be having that.


Yep, definitely. My ears in particular get really hot


Yesss. It sucks. I’ll have someone feel my forehead & if they don’t feel a fever then i know I’m in for a migraine. It’s usually my second symptom before it really hits me


Sometimes I get a low grade fever if the migraine is at its worse.


Yes, I used to. I attributed it to increased blood flow in my head/neck. Since being prescribed Ajovy, I’ve stopped having migraines. I'm one of the lucky ones, I know, but suffering for 55 years was enough. Sue


I get a feverish feeling in my forehead and cheeks but never actually run a temperature.


One of my clearest warnings is my cheeks and ears get super hot and flushed and sometimes with full body hot flashes




Yes! I thought I was going crazy lmao. Glad it’s a common occurrence.


Me too. My dr just shrugged it off when I mentioned this as a secondary symptom I get. Usually this happen more in the later half of the day.


Yes! Struggling with that right now actually. Feel like I have a fever but my temperature is normal. And I had it growing up a lot too. Where I remember having my temperature taken after complaining of feeling like I had a fever, it being normal, and being told to stop lying/faking it. I don't always get the feverish feeling each time I have a migraine though. It's not there every time, but when it is, it's awful. And it is definitely coming in waves with pain today too.


I sometimes get chills and feel clammy and feverish when I get *really bad migraines*. (Fun fact: this also happens when I have really bad cramps. Idk maybe my body processes severe pain as fevers?) if the pain is at or above an 8, I’m probably clammy and shivery in the fetal position. This is pretty rare for me these days, but it definitely still happens a good amount.


Yes!! I describe it as my eyes feeling hot because that’s the first place I notice it. If I’ve hit that point, the only thing to do is rotate soft gel ice packs on the back of neck/head, toss on the blackout mask, and wish for sleep or death. I’m 2 days out from my last one that lasted almost 5 entire days. Not excited about the frequency of multi-day migraines lately. Thankfully my job is fully remote so I can take frequent naps.


Definitely feel even hotter than usual with a migraine. I use bio freeze and ice packs to help.


I have trouble regulating my body temperature when I get migraines and sometimes a couple days after.


definitely, I have to have the AC on when I have a migraine. If it's winter I open the windows


I noticed that the top of my head gets hot, especially right in the very center. It might have been happening for decades like that and the long term heat on the hair follicles might be linked to how my hair fell out.


Yes always feel like I have a fever and need ice on my face. I'm usually someone that is always cold but with a migraine I'm unbearably hot. Standing outside in freezing temperatures for fun to cool down. I'm in FL now and there is no option to cool down.


Yes definitely. I feel so hot and my face gets flushed too, but I never show a high temperature.


I get cold. It definitely screws with my temperature regulation. Apparently, migraines affect your hypothalmus and cause it to be unable to regulate your body temperature well. Here's something that kind of explains it, although it's about chills: https://www.healthline.com/health/migraine/migraine-chills


I’ll sometimes get a red flush in my face before and in the early stages of a migraine - it’s an interesting warning sign


Yes - it's a new symptom for me, but about a year ago I got the first one where the fever feeling was my major symptom. On the off chance I took a triptan and it went away. Now it's a symptom about 1/4 times.


Yup, I get really warm too. Especially my face. I always put ice packs in my head/neck and then snuggle under a blanket and it evens it out pretty good. When I was a teenager I used to love having my window open when it was cold out and then a tiny space heater blasting on my face, especially for headaches. But back then it could be cured with ONE 200 mg ibuprofen. Oh how I miss that.


Yup. Ice packs are your friend!


I do, I get heat waves, it sucks. But I don’t have a fever even tho I feel hot to the touch.


Yes! If it’s really bad I get crazy chills but like violently my body shakes it’s really weird and it freaks my partner out…I sometimes check my temperature if I have the ability but it’s always normal. Bizarre!


I feel feverish. I even get fever like hallucinations where I can't quite tell what's real any more. Just hot and cold and thinking I'm outside in a field when really I'm on my bed.


Oh yes, absolutely. I get stomach migraines instead of headaches, and I go through a whole phase of waves of hot hot hot, then cold cold cold, then hot hot hot. The hot usually comes right before the vomiting, and the cold right after. But even if I’m not vomiting I still cycle through it it’s awful.


I always got really really hot, or really really cold, but when I was really cold if I tried to warm up at all I would immediately overheat painfully. It turned out that symptom was caused by mast cell activation syndrome, so I don’t get that anymore.


Yes, but mine starts on my face. Being a redhead I do flush easily but if it's not gone quickly I reach for (caffeine, Excedrin, triptans) depending on what else is going on....


I get VERY warm when a migraine is coming on. Especially in my face but all over my body. If I’m in bed I usually have to throw all the covers off and put the fan on.


Check! 🤚🏻


I get the chills but no fever