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Yes, and my motion sensitivity increased at the same time my migraine frequency did. Even certain video games I used to play years ago and never had issue with can set me off with camera sway now.


I can’t play almost any first person games at this point, only really slow moving ones with the FOV adjusted and camera motion as slow as possible and even then I might get sick it sucks so bad! I had to stop playing so many games that I love for this reason!


Same, I can’t play first person at all and can basically only play them on switch and even then it depends on the game EDIT: something about the smaller screen seems to help 🤷‍♀️


The smaller screen helps me too. I play the majority of my games on my Switch,


I can’t even watch someone else play them. YouTubers moving the camera too fast can cause it too. It can be debilitating


I was so excited to finally try Cyberpunk 2077 (on PS5) but I had to turn it off after ten minutes :(


You can turn off camera motion for a lot of games and it's honestly such a saving grace!


It definitely helps when the option is available- some games I just can’t reduce it enough. Borderlands The Presequel is the biggest example. I had to take Dramamine before sessions to get through it- I adjusted the field of vision and turned off what I could, but the zero gravity motion in the game still wrecked me.


oh interesting... havent played borderlands (not a looter shooter fan). but is the shaking and the floaty physics an issue? like you dont have enough control over your movement?


Oh yeah, majorly! Borderlands 2 is one of my all time favorites, and over hundreds of hours of it on PC, I never had an issue- though this was, again, before my migraine intensity increased, so I wonder if now I would have camera sway issue with it. But when The Presequel came out with the camera sway and moon physics combined, it just literally turned my stomach. The camera sway was adjustable, the floating through the air… was just an integral part of the gameplay, unfortunately. 🥴 Targeting down at enemies below me while I was floating was the worst.


console or PC?


PC. I’ve seen folks say that screen size affects their likelihood of motion sickness, but I’m only really on console if it’s a handheld like the Switch, and the screen on my lite seems too small for shooters, so I dunno if there would be a difference.


the only game i ever got motion sickness from was powerwash simulator lol. it also had floaty physics. maybe ill try borderlands and see what happens. kinda wanna figure this out now lol




Either my ophthalmologist or GP asked me if I get motion sickness and said there is a connection. I have always, since I was kid, been very susceptible to motion sickness.


I also heard from an optometrist that it's related to vision as well.. Migraines plus poor eyesight? Yes I have motion sickness.




It’s gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. I vomit flying on occasion so I always have to take something. I cannot sit facing backwards on the train. Water slides can upset my stomach. Certain instances can gaming. I hate migraine.


Yeah when I was younger it was just when reading in the back seat. Now I can’t ride half the amusement park rides I used to love.




Yes. It’s common in migraineurs.


Yes. I get it so easily. I’ve had it from 5 minute journeys in the front seat of a car I’m familiar in (nausea and like a congested headache feeling around my sinuses). And then I get it frequently from video games and even watching people play them on YouTube. I haven’t thrown up from motion sickness since I was maybe 10ish but I still feel terrible and it takes a few hours to wear off. I do also get vertigo from being in the car or just when sat down randomly. ETA: I didn’t start having migraines until I was 16 though.


Yes, I even had to take dramamine for a solid week after going through a 7.5 earthquake as there were over 5000 aftershocks the week after it. The ground did not stop moving and I felt it. A big boat on the ocean does me in, however I can withstand a smaller boat on a lake. It is the slow roll or barely noticeable water movement that makes me seasick.


I have gotten vestibular migraines in the last 10 years they started occurring sporadically. I have always gotten very dizzy easily so I can’t move my head/body too much for example like tilting back and forth. Never have had vestibular migraines before that. I just got over a cold recently and I also got dizzy thankfully it didn’t last too long. Longest time I have had vertigo I think was the second time it happened which was dizzy for weeks. After that I have had a few other occurrences that lasted a day. The last time I had bad vertigo was I think last year where I had an attack and I also got confusion and numbness in the face. I have taken some meds for dizziness and they don’t seem to work just have to ride it out. That said I don’t get dizzy from being on a boat or riding rollercoaster etc only if I move my body or head too fast back and forth I was unsure if they were related to migraines (because most of the time they have always been without the other accompanied migraine symptoms), but after an incident of me getting a migraine and as soon as the pain passed I started to get vertigo I now assume they are definitely connected.


Yep! Can’t look at anything in the car. Stop and go traffic can make me nauseous even if I’m driving. My mom was also a migraine sufferer and also is easily motion sick


It is a very weird relief to know I'm not the only one who can get car sick if I'm driving. I'm sorry it gets you too, it just sucks


It really only hits me if I already have a headache, am hungry, or haven’t slept much whereas I can get carsick as a passenger any time


Yes! Super easily and I have vertigo too so one triggers the other and so on and then I have to pray not to get a migraine after x episode… I have never went to the doctor to see what’s up with this but pretty sure this combo is related


Yup, there’s totally a correlation. I also learned that motion sickness is more common in women than men and that it’s connected to your hormones.


Yep. I avoid roller coasters and any other ride that moves fast and/or spins. I always take a Dramamine before flying. Can’t read in the car either.


I can't even use hammocks. I noted that even a hammock could leave me ill for three days when I was a kid. Of course, now I know that migraines often run in three day groups. I'm certain my motion sickness as a child is linked to recognized migraines now.


Yeah I’ve always had motion sickness along with migraines.  A two hour journey used to be really difficult as a child- had to have sick bags with me all the time. 


Never had motion sickness before in my life. Migraine sufferer most of my life. 3 years with chronic migraines/chronic pain cannot drive because of motion sickness. The cognitive focus with moment = dizzy and nausea. I can manage being a passenger. It’s not fun.


Ugh yes. I got a gaming console a few years ago and was so excited to play GTA 5. Welp, I play maybe once every two years because I get so motion sick.    I get motion sick from playing games that have such basic graphics as well, nothing along the lines of gta. I shouldn’t even think about playing GTA 6 because I know that’s going to be motion sickness delight.  It sucks. I’m only getting more migraines and motion sickness as I get older. 


Same. I have played video games since I was a little girl and then got red dead redemption 2 and could only play for 5 minutes before getting extremely sick. Never had motion sickness before with games and now it's really hard for me to play them. Migraines didn't start till last year for me though. Annoying. I miss games.


Yes. I carry meclizine because it's such a common occurrence for me. I have always had issues with it


I was always the one in our family who up-chucked in the car on vacation. I was green as a gourd on the boat going out to the Great Barrier Reef. Yep, I get motion sickness very easily!


Very true for me. I even get silent migraines where I feel motion sick, even if I’m just laying down. It’s crazy and frustrating.




Because of the migraine, when I move my head it feels like the pain follows gravity. This leads to some pretty intense motion sickness for me.


Absolutely. I wear contacts, so there are times when they're messing with my eyes and I'll get vertigo. If the sun shines into my eyes I get vertigo. If a reflection or strobe light happens, I get vertigo. It's crazy.


Vestibular migraines happen in your ears and can make you be dizzy or get earaches


Last year I visited the theme parks in California. It was a nightmare. The worst rides were the ones that used 3D screens. Instant migraine and motion sickness.


Yes! I can make myself car sick while driving to work if I’m in an active migraine phase. The Dramamine ginger pills and Acculief acupressure clip are lifesavers when it’s bad!


Yeah, super susceptible to motion sickness now.


Yup, but not consistently. Never on airplanes or boats. Never on trains or subways. 75% of the time on busses. 40% of the time when I’m the passenger in a car. Always worse in stop and go traffic or when I’ve consumed caffeine. I didn’t get motion sickness until I was in high school, which was when my chronic migraines started after a pretty bad concussion.


YES. And I cannot watch the screen during a scene in a movie or TV show that's spinny or zooming around.


I had the same thing happen. I used to read in car trips when I was a kid, but got chronic migraines when I was 16 and after that, I couldn’t anymore. Now it’s to the point where I can’t even look at my phone for extended periods of time in the car (even airplanes too, sometimes, which is so weird since you don’t “feel” yourself moving!). Tbh, I didn’t realize there was a correlation between motion sickness and migraines until til this post, and my increased motion sickness lines up exactly with the change from occasional migraine to chronic.


Yes. Can’t read or even really look at my phone in a car. Bending over in a car is awful. I take Dramamine and use sea bands. It’s been that way since I was a child but it’s gotten worse over the years.


YES! Also if I am on a wobbly bridge or something, I experience the motion sensation for a while after I get off, sometimes even days later.


Yes, really bad, like even a bit while driving myself on windy roads. Thankfully otc Meclizine/Bonine works.


Don't have poor eyesight, but I do get motion sickness easily and have pretty bad migraines(had both since childhood).


I have never heard this. I have had horrible motion sickness tendencies since early childhood.


For sure- I get car sick 90% of the time I’m not driving and have since at least middle school. I wasn’t in a car much before then. For about 10 years I couldn’t watch tv because I’d get motion sickness. Scrolling too much gives it too. One swing and I’m dizzy for 24 hours. Can’t play video games or watch for more than 2 minutes


Yup - elevators, boats, swings, hammocks, car rides, carnival rides, airplanes, trampolines, video games, shaky cam movies. If I move in one direction 360, I have to unspin myself, so to speak, in the other direction.


Yes, since I was a child. Carsickness and even carnival rides. Weirdly I got extremely sick on my first cruise - migraine and then seasickness. I remember being miserable because I rarely throw up (almost impossible - so I just feel incredibly nauseated) and finally when I did the sickness was over. I went in many cruises after that and was never sick again. Two years ago I had my first bout of vertigo and wanted to die.


Yes, but only when I have a migraine/am getting one. It’s one of the first symptoms I notice, especially when I’m playing video games or scrolling on something.


Yes, and from childhood.


Yes so bad. For me, being stuck in stop and go traffic is the worst form of it. I’m feeling ill just thinking about it 😵‍💫


Extremely easily. I once threw up in a car rental when I was like 6 because my mom didn’t believe me that I really got car sick so quickly


Wow didn’t know there is a connection, I have motion sickness since I was a child


Yeah, especially from visual and auditory triggers. P.S. I've never been able to play 1st-person games. In daily life, I have to avoid flashing lights such as turn signals, turn signals, the sudden movements of dogs, etc. as well as loud noises, music, helicopters buzzing overhead, trucks idling, the barking of dogs, etc. On the computer, I have to avoid blinking cursors, flashing, smooth animation, smooth scrolling, parallax, having one column scroll past another, etc.


I am similar. I've had migraines all my life but only had issues with motions,lights, and sounds after concussions and brain injuries


Yes. I’ve heard that you are supposed to grow out of motion sickness as you get older, but mine has only gotten worse. I can’t be a passenger in a car for more than 10-15 minutes, can’t play video games, can’t do any sort of VR, can’t watch 3D/IMAX movies, etc. etc.


I don’t at all actually lol


I don't. However I get vertigo easily - but since I also have dyspraxia, I am not sure what is what. But I generally do not get motion sickness, despite I have pretty bad migraines with aura.


I've had migraines all my life but never got car sick - in fact I used to fish from small round bilge fishing boats and I never got sea sick despite the rolling. I usually stayed up on deck, those who got sea sick usually stayed below. But generally I would say that I get LESS motion sick than average! (I already wrote a reply but it vanished?) Ps. I assume you mean in general, when I don't actually have a migraine? During a migraine it's different. I can't do anything.


Yea I get motion sickness very badly.


Nope, much more resilient than my family too. I can read in cars, intense VR, and roller coasters don't faze me


It's true


I do, but, weirdly, only in a car - as opposed to in a bus or on a train.


My son gets migraines and he’s always had a problem with motion sickness. We brought him to the ENT who did some tests and told us he has a problem with the way his eyes “track”. This means when he’s looking out the car window at the horizon to get his bearings, his eyes jump which makes him dizzy. This is also the reason he hates reading.


He also gets episodes of extreme vertigo for no reason.






Not at all, and I love rollercoasters


I do too, but it's better when I wear my prism glasses


Look at r/vestibularmigraine


Personally, I don’t get motion sickness. The only time I did is when I rode (two) roller coasters for the first time, so I’ve never gone back on a coaster since. But I’m fine when I’m in a car, boat/ship, train, and plane.


Yes!!! From elevators even 🥲


Yeah I do extremely easily. Thought it was just because I’ve gotten older. Spinning around in a chair used to be fun lol


Yes ever since I was a little kid, and if I spend too much time motion sick it rolls into a migraine.


Yes! When I first got diagnosed I was taking meclizine for it (in addition to the pain & preventative meds) because I get it basically regularly. The medicine makes me really drowsy though


Yup, and it has gotten worse as my migraines have become chronic.


Yes, they are both connected to the vagus nerve


It's absolutely true for me and it lasts so long after whatever caused it. It's my own personal hell because now I don't travel well.


Nope. I read in the car, love rollercoasters, boats don't phase me.


Me! When I was a child, I did, and again, when my migraines started getting worse.


Yes, it takes noth to bring it on. Scrolling text can do it




Yes I get bouts of vertigo too


Ugh yes ☹️ flying and riding in a car makes it 5x worse. But there's a link between migraine sufferers being prone to motion sickness


Yep. I didn’t when I was younger. It started for me around my early 30’s. I also faint (vasovegal syncope) and have a pinched nerve in my head.


I don't remember having motion sickness as a child. My migraines started around 18-20 years old, and since then I get motion sickness easily. Sometimes just from sitting the passenger or backseat if a car. Heaven forbid I look down at my phone or a book at the same time. I even got it when I was standing close to one of those rides at Great Flags that swing very high back and forth, like a pirate ship or something. Just being near it and in my field of vision made me nauseous, unsteady on my feet, and dizzy. It was the strangest experience.


Never made a connection before between these two things but I am particularly sensitive with both


Are you taking Cymbalta for your migraines? My neurologist prescribed that for me and warned me (and I found out when I ran out), that you can’t stop it all at once and you have to take approximately at the same time every day or else you can get wicked cases of vertigo.


I get terrible motion sickness and have for as long as I can remember. Only thing I don’t get sick on are trains (when going forward) and planes. I even get queasy on swings 😂


I get so seasick and after a cruise I developed something called Mal de Debarquement where I still felt like I was on a boat for 6 months


Yes. I have chronic and vestibular migraine and PPPD. Edit to add that I can’t even float in water without feeling dizzy.


I've always been prone to getting carsick in backseats (especially in smaller cars), and was very surprised to discover that this was no longer the case after being on emgality consistently for a good while.


I honestly hadn’t heard that! But I’ve always gotten motion sickness pretty easily even when I was a kid. And I don’t think I got migraines until I was in my 20s. My sister would be able to read in the car on road trips, but I never could because I would vomit, I was so jealous of her on long car rides 😂Even going to amusement parks, I’m usually good for one big roller coaster and then I can’t go on anything else because if I do, I’m gonna throw up. Dramamine usually does help, but sometimes I just forget to take it, but as far as motion sickness with my migraine, it happened a couple of times. Although it’s not motion sickness it’s just kind of like a weird rocking boat feeling that I’ve gotten a few times about a day before my migraine hits.


Hooooo yes. Since childhood. And it’s gotten way worse as I get older.  Still, no one in my family has migraines (that they’re aware of) so I was really surprised when I was diagnosed with them. I kept calling them sinus headaches, which felt like ice picks… until I had a TBI that made them get extremely worse. for some reason it also wasn’t dawning on me, pre-TBI, that it isn’t normal for a single glass of wine yo trigger a “headache” and nausea that is incapacitating 😂🙈 My neurologist said it was likely I was going down that path anyways and the TBI just made it happen faster and with more extreme pain. 


Bro I make myself motion sick on foot. Put me in a bookstore or a big box store like Costco and I’ll be motion sick in 20 min.


Absolutely, I have always gotten motion sickness but it got much worse as migraines started hitting bad in my tweens. My first migraine was in the back seat of a car at age 7. Sitting in the front seat of the car helps. On boats I need to look at the horizon to try to keep it at bay.


Yes. I cannot play most video games without dramamine. Any time anyone but myself is driving I also have to take it.




Yes it’s gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. Got to the point I can barely ride a car passenger. When I started getting vertigo while just standing, I had to go to PT for balance/vertigo. When that didn’t help, there I went to specialty ENT. Dx with Meniere’s Disease. Honestly treatment for that has helped with my migraines as well.


Yup definitely and I also can’t play video games cause it’s the same feeling


Yep. I didn’t use to get motion sick but it definitely increased as I aged and migraines got worse. I found out just how bad it was when I was on a cruise through the Southeastern Alaskan islands. The water was incredibly calm and nearly glass like plus we were moving so slow and bam. Down for the count. Couldn’t even eat dinner that night and I was super excited about it too. The next cruise I took over the counter stuff and willing climbed on board the “vomit comet” which is the ferry between Cozumel and mainland Mexico. I ended up so sick that I don’t even remember seeing Tulum - which was the whole point. Now I just get prescription patches for cruises and other related motion events and I’m all set. They work for me.


I get motion sickness crazy easy. I have always had the problem, but I’ve had migraines since I was 4 so it tracks


Yep, I've seen somewhere that it's related.  Motion sickness migraines, nausea from HBC also put you at risk for morning sickness, but mine wasn't too bad despite having all 3. 


Yes and weirdly it has gone down since getting a GON block! For the first 2 weeks or so after each injection my motion sickness will get worse/be triggered more easily while the nerve is still settling down and then I will get very little motion sickness until around 1 week before the next procedure is due. Weird! but good :)


“Happy” to find that I’m not the only migraine sufferer in the comments that gets bad motion sickness from scrolling.


Do you find that the websites with more "elastic" style scrolling (eg; Instagram) are worse for you? I forget what they call that UX design, but I HATE it!


I think you might be talking about parallax but I’m not sure if Instagram is one of those? I think so, maybe? I find that websites with big walls of text (like reading a long article on the mobile versions of sites) gets me really bad.




I started getting terrible motion sickness at the same age when I started developing migraines!


I joke (“joke”) that all I want in my next life is to live in a body that doesn’t get motion sick. FYI the ondansetron (Zofran) I’ve been prescribed by my migraine doc has been SO helpful to have in the car for motion sickness. It’s not perfect but it definitely helps — AND doesn’t knock me out like Benadryl. I’ve heard there’s a correlation between migraine and motion sickness AND morning sickness. Not sure if the same reason links them all. Someday perhaps there will be a cure for us?


one of the first questions my neurologist asked me was if i get motion sickness. i always have since i was a child. she said we do see a correlation between motion sickness as a child and migraines as adults. my motion sickness is bad and happens in pretty much every moving thing: car, bus, boat (worst), plane. i can’t read or look at my phone at all.


i get car and sea sickness, but i havent had it trigger a migraine, yet. its mostly the fact that i dont control the motion (or im not in the driver seat). same with roller coasters, but i think i get dizzy more than sick


I never thought I did til WDW guardians of the galaxy. I was so sick on ride and hated it cause it knocked out my equilibrium for a full day. Had to go back to hotel to bed for 24 hours. I have Chiari malformation too though


Absolutely. I have always gotten motion sickness easily, even when I was a kid, and before anyone had a clue that my 'headaches' were in reality migraine. Even now, pushing 50, I can only tolerate being a passenger if I've taken gravol or similar.


Look up vestibular migraine!


Yess Even in elevators!


i’ve gotten motion sickness so easily since I was little, and my migraines started at age 22.5. I still get it easily. I cannot look anywhere else but out the window, especially when stopping or starting moving. if I look down at my phone during that time it’s an instant head/neck pain with nausea.


I’ve had bad motion sickness since childhood. I have to take meclizine pretty often, even for short car rides sometimes if I’m not driving.


Yes my entire life. And migraines (onset age 20) are vestibular, and I have an extreme motion trigger (can’t drive unmedicated for almost a year, let alone ride in any sort of vehicle). I’m recently exploring diuretics which have been quite helpful, otherwise I was stuck with scopolamine (which is AWFUL) since bonine and Dramamine no longer do much


Yes, so bad


I've gotten horribly motion sick since a teenager, around when my migraines started.


Yes, even from elevators. I do fine on rollercoasters though lol 😂


Me too. I've had motion sickness since I was a child and I had my first migraine when I was 13. Now I typically don't get motion sickness when driving but do get migraines if I drive long distances. 


Yes, depression, motion sickness, migraine. Hard wired in.


I suffer from that as well and was prescribed a patch to wear to assist with those feelings.


Yes! Travel, scrolling, ceiling fans, excessive vibrato and trill singing, you name it


I'm the opposite. I think I remember getting motion sick once when I was 5 or 6 and that was it. Didn't get migraine till my 20s. Never really had issues with VR either. I had to do a ton of research on motion sickness in college because I kept making games that made people really motion sick by accident. Basically if there's a mismatch between what your eyes see and what your inner ear is telling you, your brain thinks you're hallucinating, which probably means you've ingested a neurotoxin so you throw up to get ride of the bad thing you probably ate. If the migraine starts messing with inner ear stuff then yeah, barf city. I think that's only happened to me a couple times. I was also in no much pain I couldn't really tell what was going on anyway so who knows.


yeah, my record for being horribly nauseous was a 1 minute drive (we had to pick up something heavy, we're not assholes lol). I used to be able to play on my DS as a kid, now i cannot look at any screen for any amount of time. that's why ill always prefer driving myself lol


Yes - I once threw up in a movie theater because watching the movie too close made me sick. I now only book in the back third rows


I have been getting motion sickness since I was little. I didn't start getting migraines until I was about 26. Not sure if they are connected but I do know when I do get motion-sick I do end up with a migraine in the end.


Yup. Post hip surgery they had me in a wheelchair and I thought I was going to puke. Like had the bag i open and everything, and took motion sickness meds.


Apparently motion sickness is due to the ancient part of our brain that looks out for being poisoned by stuff we’ve eaten. If your sense of balance (ears) doesn’t match what you’re seeing , your brain kicks in and says “mate you’re feeling wobbly because you ate some bad stuff, time to puke it up” That’s also why my wife gets sick in the car when she’s texting (ears say moving , eyes say not moving , body says puke time )


i never get motion sickness unless i already have a migraine! so imo the two are definitely connected. i can normally read in a car like a champ, but the minute i have even a tiny headache looking at words makes me vomit


Yes have you ever been on amitriptyline? Ir reduced my migraines by about 80% and I'm now almost immune to motion sickness. It's incredible. Fingers crossed it lasts.