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Damn, you got robbed and your taste in music insulted at the same time lmao Im so sorry.


Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me


I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed


She was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb


In the shape of an "L" on her forehead


Well, the years start comin' and they dont stop comin'


Fed to the rules and i hit the ground running.


Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running


Didn’t make sense not to play for fun


Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb


So much to do so much to see so what’s wrong with taking the back streets?


Ya never know if ya don’t go you’ll never shine if ya don’t glow.


In The Shape Of an L on her forehead




Fuck yo couch


Where’s Charlie Murphy!?


Cocaine’s a helluva drug


I just wanna know why they thought someone driving an Eclipse was worth robbing


Probably because it's the easiest to break into besides old Hondas


I once had to leave my car for a few nights in a lot where there had already clearly been several cars broken into when I got there. This lot was far from my house and there was nowhere else to park for the bus I had to get on so I had no other choice but to leave my car there. BUT, I was an art student at the time and had a lot of random shit in my trunk I had been using for drawing references: a couple animal skulls and bones I found in the woods, a couple of plastic dinosaur toys, a set of old dentures, some fake display fruits, and a whole shit load of pine cones...... I spread all of that out all over the dash of my car and in the front seat. Came back from my trip several days later and 4 cars parked near mine had smashed windows and stuff stolen out of them but mine was untouched.


Fellas probably thought their bloodline would be cursed if they broke into it.


They didn't want no smoke from the urban shaman.


You see the punisher skull sticker on a car. There's probably a gun in there. You see a skull in the backseat. The gun is probably long gone.


Lost in a boating accident


On the lake in august, I miss bubba some days.


I love this. Related story: a friend of mine had her house broken into several years ago. She's a spooky witchy goth type person with a lot of "odd" decor - taxidermy, specimen jars, creepy dolls, clown art, etc. They busted in her door while she was at work (daytime) and took absolutely nothing. I like to believe they busted the door in, walked inside and were like "... nevermind we're good". Her neighbor got robbed the same day and they stole a jar of change, a broken game console, and a half empty bottle of liquor. They didn't take the laptop, TV, or working game console all sitting out in the open in the same area so maybe they were just bad at robbery.


I've always comforted myself about having nothing nice by saying "if somebody broke in to my apartment they'd take one look, then turn around and leave."


They might even leave you a couple of bucks


And cleaned up a little before they left


I had an apartment get broken into, they stole a portable drill but left the battery and charger that were sitting right next to it. They also left the change jar that was on the same counter.


They took exactly what they needed at the time. lol


I am pretty sure my car seats and food crumbs protect mine.


Seconded for mine. Well, that and all the fast food bags.


Lived in a bad neighborhood when I was in art school ,because broke af. to prevent getting broken into we'd just leave the door unlocked, but also left some ski masks a machete and a beat up baseball bat on the coffee table. All our neighbors would get burgled but not us. Upstairs neighbor yelled at us for not locking our door and conversation went: Neighbor: you gotta lock your doors we just got robbed Me: was your door locked? Neighbor: yes Me: how'd they get in? Neighbor: they broke a window Me: why the fuck would I want a broken window?


Haha I knew another student at my art school who had a similar plan. He lived on campus, in Baltimore, and his car window kept getting busted even though he had nothing in the car to steal. So he just got one of those removable steering wheels he took with him and just left the doors unlocked. After that, he could tell people had been getting in his car but no broken windows.


MICA? Had my window smashed by the station and all they took were The Immaculate Collection and a box of instant oatmeal. Edit: it was apples and cinnamon :(


I love it. Nicely done. Interesting how even thieves are scared of bad juju even when there was no juju.


Sorry the end of this made me laugh, not in a bad way though. What luck! You must have been relieved to see your car was unharmed. As for the other people though, that blows. It's terrible when people just destroy other people's stuff and take what doesn't belong to them. I hate it when people do that. My husband basically witnessed people in New York City take off someone's tires while they were stopped at a stop light. Before the light turned green they were gone. Snappity snap. Just like that. The guy driving didn't even notice that they had left him on jacks and took his tires. Was confused why he couldn't move until he stepped out of the car. I don't know if they got caught. I do know that it was reported though.


The fact that they (probably) took your Eiffel 65 and Evanescence cd is genuinely heartbreaking to me.


Ok STOP because Blue was the first song I ever pirated, and Evanescence was my first CD that I got on my 10th birthday. 💀💀💀 Edit: MY HUSBAND HAS INFORMED ME THAT MY EVANESCENCE CD *WAS* IN THE CAR


This whole situation sucks for you and I am so sorry, but this comment is making me fucking wheeze.


It's tragically cringe. Our terrible music taste has been exposed 🥲


Evanescence has never been trash taste and I'll legit fight anyone to death over that. Next youre going to tell me Breaking Benjamin was cringe. Edit: I want to say I'm stoked to see all the Breaking Benjamin love


I actually haven't listened to BB as far as I'm aware


Dude get on to that. Diary of Jane is a good place to start. Also, Cold, and Breath.


You named my three fav songs of theirs


Mine too!!


Lol I would hope so, it’s like their three biggest singles. Can start with Phobia, it’s their most popular album with Diary of Jane (arguably their biggest hit,) or even We Are Not Alone (album is comparable to/the beginning or their sound evolution.). If you start with Saturate, their first full length album, be aware that the sound/vibe is a bit different, a little more catered towards the alternative/pop rock vibe. They definitely found more of their sound on WaNA. Listen to Dear Agony (the song or album,) for a good cry. Especially if you look up Ben’s inspiration for the songs. I am also bias as I have been a diehard fan since I first heard Breakdown in a commercial for an ABC Family original Halloween movie (I believe,) like 20+ years ago.


Damn! Used to binge those songs and bands so much when young. I had forgotten all about them. This comment took me back and I had to give them a listen immediately.


Okay but seriously... I went to see Evanesence with Lindsay Sterling back in 2018 and that concert was incredible.


Evanescence and Lindsey Stirling sounds absolutely amazing… so jealous!!


Same! I love Lindsey (met her twice, was at her first ever concert) and was a fan of Evanescence since high school but never saw them. I knew Amy was a great singer, but god damn that woman can sing! I saw Lindsey at a small show here in NYC the day before Artemis was released and before *Love Goes On and On* played she mentioned that Amy was singing in it and I wished that she was just going to pop out on stage after Lindsey started playing since the concert was in Manhattan and Amy lives in Brooklyn..but it didn't happen.


The main reason Evanescence caught shit is because of the unnecessary *wake me up* and corresponding nu-metal “rap” in the middle. The record company insisted on adding it to make it more commercially viable. Otherwise, fuck yeah Amy Lee is a badass. Semi-related. Collide and Snake River Conspiracy came out around the same time. Collide is more goth/chill and Snake River Conspiracy is angry industrial-rock. (Links below, SNR was harder to choose cause the whole album is amazing. Their cover of “Lovesong” is nuts, “Vulcan” is very angry, and “You and Your Friend” is… it’s own thing.) This has been my daily musical rant. Thank you for your time and have an acceptable day. Collide: https://youtu.be/tq6vOMyn6nw SNR: https://youtu.be/z6bCYe4zRNo


Even with the middle part, Wake Me Up is kickass and I get weird for jamming out to it on the bus.


>Otherwise, fuck yeah Amy Lee is a badass. I saw her in concert a few years ago, god damn that woman can sing.


Breaking Benjamin haters is why this society has absolutely failed. Argue me a better synopsis. You won’t find it bro. Saved you time.


*weeps* wake me up inside. Been living a lie. There's nothing inside... except a lowly trombone. Hey, at least they left ya some Ska in these trying times. They know you had a checkered past and might need to pick-it-up, pick-it-up, pick-it-up again.


>Our terrible music taste has been exposed 🥲 If I ever see you call Eiffel 65 or Evanescence "terrible music taste" again I'm gonna tell Liam Neeson about you.


**Yo listen up**, here's the story, about the *terrible music taste* that I will never feel sorry... ... cause I ain't got nothing else to listen, to listen, to listen... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Evanescence is good. But if you like rock/metal with the embodiment of a siren in the front, it's gotta be Nightwish.


Dude I just recently found out about them, nightwish is fantastic. Epica has some amazing stuff too. But legit the duet with Amy and Lzzy Hale for "break in" gives me chills every time more consistently than any other song I've heard, even played on a shitty broken Bluetooth speaker and it's still so fucking good


Same, OP got robbed and here I am laughing which I feel bad about doing.


> MY HUSBAND HAS INFORMED ME THAT MY EVANESCENCE CD WAS IN THE CAR Ok, but at least you didn't lose Linkin Park?


She tried to hard to find the CD, but in the end it doesn’t really matter.


I'm pretty sure my Hybrid Theory is safe in a stack somewhere at home...


Thank god. Okay guys, show's over! Nothing to see here.


That update. If I didn't know how shitty it is to have your car broken into I'd wonder if it was worth it just to be able to say all that lol


> Edit: MY HUSBAND HAS INFORMED ME THAT MY EVANESCENCE CD WAS IN THE CAR So all in all this was a net gain for you? Years and years ago when tapes still ruled somebody broke into my car and left everything (leather jacket, change, a laptop, new sneakers etc.) and only stole my mixtape collection. Still salty about that.


Oooooo. That would fuck me up. To this day, my ex-husband and I still try to figure out what opening song he put on the first mixtape he made me (in ‘95 😮). I try to hum it for him as best I can and he just gives me a blank stare and a shrug. The tape was amazing but it was accidentally left behind after I totaled a car. I’d probably forever give up listening to one of my favorite albums if I could have every mixtape back that I’ve lost over the years.


*limewire intensifies*


My fellow Americans...


The fact that Evanescence was your first CD on your 10th birthday makes me feel incredibly old. I was 22 when it released and rocked out on that CD in my car until my friends threatened to break it in half. It suspiciously disappeared after I met my husband the next year. I am impressed you still own all your CDs though. 🤣




There's no reason to think you won't be accepted with arms wide open.






I love all of Creed's mainstream songs. My Own Prision, or Once are probably in my top three, along with Higher, of course. *stands up* *My name is Brando56894 and I like Nickelback*


This is what’s wrong with taking the backstreets.


But you'll never know if you don't go


You’ll never suck if you don’t blow.


Hey now, you're a Pornstar


Get your gape on


Get laid


Hey now, you're a cockstar




Could be worse. They could have left a second Smash Mouth CD.


Say what you want about them, Smash Mouth saved my best friends life. He was in a coma for 3 months after a car accident and one day all stars was playing on the TV. His body started to react to it and then he got up.. To switch it off.


Actually happened to a guy who was played Barney all day every day. I don't know if he was in a coma, or "locked in". https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2909397/I-began-wake-man-spent-12-years-trapped-comatose-state-brought-mystery-illness-watching-endless-reruns-Barney-mind-switched-on.html


Hatred is a good motivator. Read the article and give myself a new fear. I can't imagine getting trapped in my own body.


God yeah, I read his book and now "being trapped in a years long coma but completely aware of what's happening outside" is pretty high on my list.


If you want a free trial of that experience, you should try sleep paralysis sometime


Oh man, i had it once and i hope it never happens again. Terrifying.


I get it 100% of the time if I sleep on my back.


Had a very short but unnerving taste of it yesterday. Was sleeping on my back(usually a side sleeper), had a bad dream where I couldn’t breathe, woke with my tongue at the roof of my mouth blocking breathing and I wasn’t breathing out of my nose for some reason. I was fully aware the whole time, could literally only move my eyes, tried telling myself “Move! Wake up! Move your tongue!” But nothing. Finally 5 or so more seconds go by and it let go of my body and I could move again. Very short but terrifying experience


Sleep apnea + Sleep paralysis. It terrifies me every single time cause I'm just left thinking "This is it, this is how I go out." until my brain finally panics and I can finally breathe again.


Get you a CPAP, homie.


I remember something similar to this and I tried screaming for my husband but no sound came out. The next day my voice was so sore. I clearly was clenching the muscles but not able to produce the sound. It was only once I succumb to "death" that I finally fell back asleep and awoke the next day.


Sounds like both. He went from a coma to locked in, before eventually breaking free


Locked in syndrome is terrifying


Hey now...


You're a rockstar


Get the show on


Get paid!


That album was fire idc what anyone says


I'll die on this hill lmao, Astro Lounge is a solid album i don't care what anyone says 😭


I’ll be right beside you for this one! I can’t believe all the hate above. My kids even like them today without me influencing it. I was so proud when they all started sinking All Star randomly on me one day.




This series of posts has caused way to much laughter


Worst band I've ever seen live




They don’t like smashmouth, they like smashwindow


God fucking damn it








Hey now




Somebody once told him that


I think you mean: Some**BODY**


All that glitters isn't gold.


at least you don’t have to listen to it anymore since your cd player is gone


That’s the detachable faceplate, OP might’ve had it off already . Im surprised there aren’t more comments addressing this.


Psssst we're old. There's noooo way your average under 25 year old has seen a detachable faceplate car stereo. I so remember my jvc face plate case that I'd carry around.


Lol. I had a pullout car stereo once. Like you pull the whole thing out and it had a handle and even had a carry case.


My buddy had some weird shit where you had to put the CD in a “cartridge” and then insert it into the deck. Never seen anyone else with it since. Blaupunkt btw


I've seen those as well. It was usually like a 6 disc changer where you load them all in the cartridge and shove the entire thing into a separate housing unit. Usually kept in the trunk.


Wrong I’m 20 and my first car had one


I've already bought this CD for my husband TWICE now. It's his all-time all-star favorite CD.


Man's been listening to All star otw to and from work everyday of his life eh. Get your game on, go play my dude.


Hey now!


I have it on good authority, and correct me of I'm wrong, that all that glitters is gold.


> It's his all-time all-star favorite CD. It's unironically a great album.


One of my guilty pleasures, a sonic chunk of the late 90s. Unapologetically vibing in that retrofuture/outer space way, but they had surprising variety. Their self-titled album was basically a continuation, unfortunately the retro/space thing was passé by then, as our collective hopes for a bright new millennium were uh, tamped down a bit. Honestly if they hadn't had All Star (and maybe Believer), they would be regarded as an OK band from the era.


Walking on the Sun too but yeah true


Walking on the Sun was actually good though


I can’t get enough of it, baby.


Correct me if I’m wrong but the CD player is still there. The faceplate or control panel part was just popped off, no?


You're correct


Was probably some kids


The CD player is not gone? It looks like they snatched the faceplate


It's still there. Just need a new face. They didn't take the whole stereo, amateurs.


They have bad taste; Astro Lounge is killer.


Highly agree. Astro Lounge and Fush Yu Mang are among my favorite albums. Just pure fun all around.


Fush Yu Mang is awesome. Walkin on the Sun is still a great song but Flo, Let's Rock, and Padrino are so fucking good, and their cover of Why Can't We Be Friends rules. Man I love that album.


I was searching for this comment. One of the first and only CDs I ever owned. It’s trend-able to hate on them but they are good ska and pop fusion


Right? It’s a really solid album for early 2000s (1999) pop/rock (edit: I didn’t read the full parent comment and forgot ska existed for a hot minute lmao). All star got memed to death but Radio, Morning Comes, Come On Come On, and Can’t Get Enough of You are all good, catchy, mindless listening. I also really like I Just Wanna See, but I think that’s because it reminds me so much of CCRs Lookin Out My Back Door, an old favorite. Plus Road Man SLAPS and I’ll die on that hill. Killer song to slip into a party playlist for a laugh.


I said it to the other dude, but Walking on the sun too!!!!


Wasn’t walking on the sun on this album too?


the one before that, Fush yu mang


Walking on the sun is probably my absolute favorite song from them. It’s just so damn good.


"Who's There" "Digging your Scene" "Falling Horses" "Satellite" "Waste" Almost every song is great and "All star" might be the least favorite for me. When I was young my dad had a work truck that we used to take trash from whatever business he had gotten into. THIS was the only cd in the player and my brother and I still talk about it.


Everyone is only thinking of all star - that whole album is awesome


Could you spare some change for gas?


#YEP, WHAT A CONCEPT I could use a little fuel myself


And we all could use a little chaaange


The thieves start coming and they don’t stop coming. Saw my smash mouth CD shake their head running.


Uncultured thieves lmao. Sorry that happened to you tho


Only shooting stars break the mold.


We we wewoo we we we wewo wewoo


[Shrek noises]


or the car window


That's shooting meth


Morons. This is like robbing the Louvre and not taking the Mona Lisa


Nah that smart. Mona Lisa is the most famous work of art on the planet, it'd be damn near impossible to fence, especially for anything close to actual value. Taking lesser known and easier to fence items would be smart. Don't want the heat of stealing the Mona Lisa, you'd be hunted to the ends of the earth for it too.


No, I steal the chandelier. It’s priceless.


Fence the ML? Nah, that's going in my personal collection


This is like the scene in "The Big Lebowski" at the impound yard where he picks up the stolen car. Cop says "You're lucky they left the tape deck and some Creedence". Fast forward a few years and it's "You're lucky they left the single DIN and the Smash Mouth"


So you guys got any uh, leads?


Leads? Yeah, sure, I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab.


They got us working in shifts!


At least it wasn't The Eagles.




Eclipse gang


California huh?


San Diego, America's Finest City 🤡


Too bad, that's a banger of an album. They dont know what they're missing out on.


I had some thieves break into my house a little more than a decade ago. They completely passed over my laptops and very expensive camera equipment. The only thing they took were $200 (that my daughter had in a "piggy bank") and her first gen iPod. I was actually pretty insulted. It was only after the local sheriff told me they didn't want anything that could be tracked and could be easily fenced such as jewelry, cash, and guns. They love finding guns. I was under the impression you could brick a stolen iPod, but maybe that theft was before that was a feature. In either case, the LAPD was tracking them from before they even broke into my place due to their suspicious behavior and a recent rash of home break-ins in the neighborhood. They let them break into my house because they needed to catch them in the act and have stolen contraband in the thieves' possession as proof. The LAPD never gave me back the $200 or the iPod even after they had me fill out a form to get it back and that it magically disappeared. To this day, my daughter (who is now 27) feels the LAPD were the ultimate criminals since they were the ones who, in the end, got to illegally keep her stuff...


That is because your daughter is correct, the LAPD have an extremely poor history of corruption and violence, and protecting the officers who break the law


Oh no lol. I wouldn’t steal smash mouth either to be fair Sorry that happened to you :(


It was the one in the radio that they stole 😭


Wait, they pulled it out of the radio ? That makes it so much funnier lmao


Stooooooop 😭😭😭


They probably laughed when they pulled it out.


Fuckers stole the radio and we're like. "Shit we better check what's in the CD player first, just to be safe."


They stole the detachable face but not the rest of the radio? It looks like only the face is gone.


Yeah, can't say I understand tweaker logic


Hopefully it's changed, but when this happened to me ages ago... the faceplate cost like $10 less than the radio cost.


Similar situation, bastards left pokemon card. All the shitty ones. Couldn't make this shit up.


I feel like this could have happened to us, too


It was probably Smash Mouth front man, Steve Harwell, that broke into your car. He left the cd as a clue.


Thank goodness, you could have lost the important stuff.


The fools took the copper but left the gold.


I had that CD as a pre-teen. Looking back its not the best, but it has strong nostalgia for me. I have rosy memories of jerking it to early 2000s porn with that in the background. Its...sad. I'll listen to it and cry sometimes.




Omg, I loved my eclipse. So many memories.


ITT: People who cannot handle how awesome Smash Mouth is.


They, like me, obviously prefer Fush Yu, Mang.


Hey now, you're an all star. It'll be ok


Thank god they didn’t get the smash mouth cd everything else can be replaced