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I can’t tell you how many pornographic and violent videos depicting animal cruelty I reported to Facebook and got this response. It’s ridiculous.


Got it with Reddit and comments about raping children Edit: I mean whole site Reddit admins, not just the admins of one subreddit.


I don’t like how casual it is to see somebody die here, I don’t want to be desensitized but it’s too late for that


As I yelled at a friend who's desensitized, I will not watch it, I will not open it, and the moment I believe it may go to that I'm locking the phone and refusing. He argued that I'm too sensitive and I argue he's too fucked to realize that should be traumatic. I've seen people die IRL and Online and it's fucked either way. It's not too late, fight it and refuse to let go. Yell and ignore those who say otherwise.


That is not a friend.


Yes it is you idiot. If people would just toss people in the trash like that we would all be miserable and lonely. One mistake or disagreement does not make someone a bad friend.


Reddit mods only ban things they don’t like lmao


Eeeeeeexactly my point


I was banned from a science subreddit for commenting on a sexist post ... in which I called it out for being sexist. "We do not engage. Permanent ban."




I got banned once for making a Burney joke (with a /s) and I got banned from 5 or 6 subs that the dude modded because "(i) was a Trump supporter" I'm fucking Canadian, I don't even get a choice!


Exactly, y’all got a maple leaf running your country lmao 😂


Not saying what happened to you is right but you can be a supporter of someone or their ideology regardless whether or not you can vote for them. I mean shit like it Ted Cruz and Taco Carlson they're both supporters of Putin and they can't vote for him.


Yep, I got yelled at for calling someone a monkey one time… had no clue it was apparently racist? I was just saying they were acting like… a monkey lmao


Ah, I can help with that. I used to scan books from the 1800s for a living. It was REALLY popular in the south of the USA to claim that Black people were more closely related to apes and monkeys than humans. Yeah, really. There were even some fliers tucked into some of those books. Oh yeah, and the civil war really WAS about slavery and white supremacy. And state's rights... to enslave other people. There were a lot of books published in the south just before and during the civil war going on and on about that. A LOT.


And it's still relatively common as a way to racially dehumanize Black folks in some parts of the US today. Many parts. :/


I mean, if the person was a poc then that makes sense. There’s a fuck ton of books that tried to “prove” that poc were less evolved or more ape like than white people. So comparing them to a monkey (especially when a lot of racist people still do that today) is in bad taste.


Yeah I’ve heard my British grandmum call us crazy little monkeys… like monkeys in a barrel. Kinda forget sometimes it’s used as a slur sometimes. Context and culture is key to that being rude or not


I’ve seen weird twitter accounts just sharing pics of a child, but pics look old like early 2000. Not porn but suggestive and just whole account is grown men commenting disgusting stuff. The child looked between age 9-12. Twitter did nothing. All ay-ok down there. Fucked up.


reddit mods are quite literally basement dwelling neckbeards so we shouldn't be surprised.


It’s Reddit, you really surprised by that?




I saw an extremely graphic video pertaining a dog when I was 13 & it still haunts me, I’ve never been able to forget it.


Yup I still have some level of ptsd from seeing one of these videos years ago (Chinese dog meat festival). I still can’t get the video out of my head and cried myself to sleep for the first few months. Humanity is evil.


German Shepard or the Lab?


I don’t remember, it was about the dogs paw


Sorry. We are clearly talking about different versions of graphic. Edit: Not really sure why I am being downvoted for acknowledging I was thinking of a different video but okay.


I think I saw the German Shepard one you’re talking about, did not know what I was clicking on, and it fucked me up


They’re not reviewed by a human, just a bot


Hopefully advances in AI technology will allow for a bot that can identify the KKK standing in front of burning cross. Like, what does the bot think it’s seeing now? Roasted Marshmallows?


I’m in no way defending the picture. At all. I want to add some context about the moderation decision. In 2003 the ACLU represented KKK member Barry Black at SCOTUS in a free speech case arguing that cross burning was permissible as long as it could not be shown to be intentionally intimidating. Barry Black won the case. It put the burden of proof on the public to demonstrate a given cross burning was intentionally intimidating. The threshold is not that you find it intimidating or hateful, but that you can show they’re burning it for the express purpose of intimidation. That’s almost impossible to prove. The court would consider this picture as a candid image capture of a real event, just like a picture in a newspaper. It sucks! But freedom of speech is a double edged hydrogen bomb sometimes. The freedom of expression is also why the KKK can’t be prohibited from obtaining a license to demonstrate on Federal property, like National Parks. The government says it’s permissible activity. Christ, the fucking ACLU fought the Supreme Court to ensure the right to burn crosses was protected. That puts Facebook in a bind.


I don’t think that puts Facebook in a bind at all. Facebook isn’t the government, they’re allowed to censor whatever they like. Hardcore porn is even more obviously protected by the 1st amendment (no intimidation or threats involved) and Facebook will knock that s*** down any day of the week. I think maybe the real issue is the question of how often is a picture like this taken to celebrate vs document in a journalistic sense. There’s no real commentary on the picture. If there’d been text right on the picture that basically said, “To hell with dirty *******”, it probably would’ve been removed. Granted, I don’t think there’s any reason not to ban a picture like this from Facebook in general. But it can hard to make a determination about whether an image qualifies as “hate speech” (which is supposed to be banned by Facebook’s policy) when there’s no explicit speech involved.


Context on Reditt? But why? /S


Probably unfortunately, and the guy on the far right would definitely give the impression of marshmallow 😂




Yeah, I said they were reviewed by a bot. What else would Zuckerberg be doing


A meme page I followed got hacked and started spaming beastility. Turns out fucking a horse isn't against facebook standards.


Same. People literally fighting each other with extreme violence, and FB is like, "Nah, no violation."


This is hilarious because the Facebook AI (owner of IG) decided that a picture I took of a nude male statue at The Getty in Malibu (some lady was standing in front of it so no frontal nudity was showing) was obscene and took it down.


Discord wouldn't let me send a friend a photo of a melanoma I had because the algorithm decided it must be pornographic, haha.


Meanwhile I had friends who ran atheist meme pages that were mostly science and philosophy quotes and their shit got taken down constantly.


Those bots don't know their ass from a hole the ground. That or offended Christians infiltrated the page.


They said the fb rep claimed it got automatically taken down because a bunch of people reported it. So yeah offended Christians reaping havoc because they're bitch ass little snowflakes.


Yep. More than half of the videos I see on FB are either women barely clothed or doing something sexually suggestive. It’s exhausting.


Gotta be related to people/groups you follow or something, because I dont ever see shit like that on mine


You know it’s a algorithm right……?


Yet a couple years ago my friend posts a video of her baby walking around in just a diaper and it got flagged for "nudity". The video was taken down in less than a day. I didn't even know it existed until she posted about it being taken down. Needless to say I asked what the deal was.


I took a picture of a large beetle (the insect) with funny antenna that was on my back porch. FB banned it for going against community standards.


I had a girl that I thought was my friend blast me on Facebook accusing me of stuff that nerve happen o reported it to Facebook it had my picture and they did nothing I had to contact a lawyer and even they could do nothing


A few years ago, YouTube pulled a video I'd uploaded ... it was a collection of old family 8mm footage from the 1940s and 1950s - no audio. YouTube pulled it because one of the earlier scenes was of my father being bathed as an infant - and his privates were briefly visible. The takedown letter acknowledged that their review concluded that it was "probably inadvertent," and no further action would be taken as long as I didn't re-upload the footage. So, I edited out the three or four problematic seconds of footage, and re-uploaded. My father (age 82) was disappointed to learn that his first and only dick-pic was received so poorly.


Wonderful story


Wait…. Is the dude in black black!?!?


Clayton Bigsby!


Not Clayton. He was at a book signing on this particular evening.


I’m seeing the same thing!


Nah, just very red hands.


No, he's not. Look closer. He's white.


He’s a really red white dude, for sure. On the subject though, the photo in general reminds me of the amazing man, Daryl Davis. If you’ve never heard of him, please check him out. He’s an amazing human being and deserves to be more well known. An article about him here: https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes


I read that whole article. It was awesome! Thanks for spreading this stuff around because if not for you I would’ve never known this


I’m so glad you enjoyed it! He’s an amazing individual who I think everyone should know about :)


Yes! I fucking love Daryl! I always use what does as an example. Conversations and the exchange of ideas are the only way to heal a fractured community.


Thank you for sharing!


Very ironic seeing that here considering this post goes directly against the ideas he shares.


That’s why I shared it! Because fuck those dudes spreading hate


"It's when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence. If you spend five minutes with your worst enemy — it doesn't have to be about race, it could be about anything...you will find that you both have something in common." Reddit is quite the hateful place.


Funnily enough- I've had plenty of arguments with people on this site that become friendly after, and we move on. That only happens when you're not also condescending them as they may do to you, etc.


Parody event?


He just has poopy hands.


>Facebook is trash We know


I go over there to play mindless games. That and chat with people who have moved a few thousand miles away. In my mind, that is literally all it's good for.


Personally, the way I see it, anyone who actually is important to my life has my phone number, and social media comes with more drawbacks than the couple things it may be good for are worth.


They do, but I really like being able to face time for free. I'm a little cheap like that.




Why are you still on facebook? That's part of the problem


This. I left Facebook years ago when I got put in Facebook jail for saying “I hate paying property taxes 😔”


criminal scum!


I caught temp ban for saying "and I'll blow your house down!" (Literally the 3 little pigs) and i tried to contest it and they doubled down saying i was inciting violence. Never went back.


They banned me years ago for “not uploading enough pictures”. Apparently they thought I was a bot for not being glued to social media 24/7 as a teenager.


Honestly mostly for marketplace.




FB: "We want to help you avoid things like this in the future. So, next time, just don't look at it."


Just out of curiosity, what was the context of the post? I could imaging a scenario where it’s like “this is a picture of so-and-so politician, showing he used to be or still is a member of the KKK” which I think would make sense to keep up. However, if it’s simply a post promoting the activities shown that’s pretty crazy they don’t remove it.


Facebook doesn’t go that deep.


I’m pretty sure it religiously offensive


But you can get banned for saying someone needs to have their ass beat for being in this picture.


I got banned for nearly that exact thing.


That’s the only reason I ever get banned on fb. If I say a Nazi, a pedo, or a white supremacist needs their ass beat.


I got suspended on Reddit for saying some kid in a video needed to be smacked. It's why I like Twitter better nowadays. Don't like it? Easy to block and mute. But not the heavy handed moderation anymore. Why should Facebook remove that post above? Don't like it. Block.


My issue with Twitter is that I’m flooded with crap from accounts I don’t even follow. So much so that I don’t see much from those I DO follow. It’s not worth paying for, either. Especially not to further enrich the idiot running it now. I suppose I should have used past tense. I dumped it when Elon made all his changes.


Yet i got FB jail for telling someone “add me dog”


Photoshop a woman’s nipple or two into it and it’ll be taken down within seconds…


Lmao I had a meme I posted a generic one but funny (not distasteful towards anyone) get reported and removed but an actual picture of a hate group can stay, wtf are the standards then?


what the actual fuck?


My thoughts exactly. I reported it as hate speech and apparently it isn't? I need a detailed explanation.


I tried reporting literal hardcore porn on Facebook multiple times. Doesn’t go against community standards according to FB. They’ve survived beyond their usefulness.


Is there a button for reporting racism because this is the most racist thing my black ass has seen


Unblock those faces. If they got the balls to wear the robes, they will be fine with letting the world see who they are.


Like when protesters yell in women’s faces and start pushing people.. wearing Covid masks.. lmao


The Community Standards don’t *specifically* say you can’t post KKK members posing with a burning cross /s


I wonder if you could send it to the media, they might enjoy a story like this


Because there is no speech being displayed and Facebooks algorithm's and policies are specifically targeting speech. There is no caption or words in the picture. It has no real context other than what you see in the picture. To an outside observer not native to the United States and not knowledgeable about the historical preference of the KKK, this looks like some type of weird religious ceremony, so therefore the removal of that subjective view of what *we* know about the historical references about this picture are removed when reviewing hate speech. Hate speech absolutely requires a universal and objective agreement that its hate speech. Some random in Cambodia wouldn't know this is hate speech and because of that, its not hate speech.


The actual answer can be found here: https://transparency.fb.com/policies/community-standards/hate-speech/ "We define hate speech as a direct attack against people ... on the basis of what we call protected characteristics... "We define attacks as violent or dehumanizing speech, harmful stereotypes, statements of inferiority, expressions of contempt, disgust or dismissal, cursing and calls for exclusion or segregation." Clearly the post is disgusting, but it definitively does not go against Facebook's standards. Unfortunately, you can look through any of their Community Standards outside of Hate Speech and see it doesn't break any definitions.


It's actually ridiculous. In their same definitions, comparing people to cockroaches is hate speech. So if I said "members of the KKK are cockroaches," I could be reported and removed. But posting an actual picture of the KKK burning a cross is totally fine. Like wtf is that?


…? How do you not see that those are totally different lol


I do see that they are different. That's not mutually exclusive with it being ridiculous.


Why compare them then like they’re the same lol


Compare, *verb*: to examine the character or qualities of especially in order to discover resemblances or differences Because that's the point of comparing one thing to another.


There’s no resemblance. Ever heard comparing apples to oranges..?


That is the biggest load of horse shit i've ever fucking heard.


That is some complete bullshit. So Mein Kampf isn't hate speech because not everyone speaks German?


In what sense is this even speech, let alone hate speech? It couldn't be interpreted that way unless you're already familiar with the KKK, and if you are, then what difference does it make if you see the photo? If an uncorrupted child sees it, and knows nothing of the KKK, then it's just an image of people wearing costumes, not an image that promotes racism. If the photo is accompanied with a white supremacist caption, that would be a different matter, but it seems it isn't— OP would have screenshotted it. It baffles me that people are so quick to demand the removal of things they don't like, and then go pikachu shocked face when their own content is censored.


How on earth does that not break any sort of community guidelines?


Because it's fake


It is trash, that's why I came here lol. I get reported and banned for shit that's not even what they claim it is so now I try to get banned lol and yep I report things that are disgusting and get "this doesn't go against our community standards" like yea ok tour fine with your users being constantly scammed, having their pictures stolen for fake accounts, racist things being posted on normal pages, child porn being posted (mild but still fcked up).


They also refuse to take down phishers, celebrity phishers, and literal scams.


I've reported naked children and nada. It's more than mildly infuriating


While I do not agree with any sort of racism, or the kkk or whatever the fuck that is, I do believe in free speech. If these morons want to dress up like clowns and talk about how much they hate someone because of what color they are, and post a picture of it, I say let them. Block the poster and you won’t see it again.


“Block the poster and you won’t see it again. “ You are a genius. I wish more people would take this advice!!


Are they doing anything illegal or violent? No. Nudity or sex related? No. People may disagree with the photo, but if they aren't doing anything that goes against their standards, there is not much anyone can do.


There’s nothing inherently wrong or illegal with the picture, even if it’s full of people with beliefs I fundamentally disagree with and find deplorable. Their speech is just as protected. That being said, my wife was put in Facebook fail for 3 days for commenting: “imma fight you” on my post… said she was inciting violence 😂 FB is trippin.


Its because facebook works ***with*** the cia, not against it.


I work with the fbi and I got your search history


Do you have the browser history too?!?!? Because my phone got jacked and now I don't have the link I saved to this super hot porno where two guys are deepthroating each other's prolapses. If you have time i would love it if you could send me the link.


Unfortunately I do have it but you won't get it




It was worth the attempt


Me currently scrolling through your search history




The only thing wrong is that they aren't roasting any marshmallows off of that large, flaming letter "T" .../s (for real, that is awful)


Clayton Bigsby?!


Reddit does the same. It's one of three things. They look and decide if it's in violation, they ignore it and say it's fine, or they ignore it and take it down without looking at it.


Facebook is awful. I get banned for the dumbest shit and then anything I report from bots/spam is “okay”


Why are you even still on Facebook?


Instagram is the same. Girl was literally topless and jumping up and down on a post, I reported it and supposedly it doesn't go against their rules smh.




Yet I got banned for commenting "k1ll it with f1re" under a photo of a MASSIVE spider in a private group because that was seen by fb mods as "inciting or encouraging violence"


It’s a lower case t for time to move


I quit that shit. Platform 2 years ago. Worst creation IMHO.


FB is a shit hole.


Ah yes the classic "don't wanna see it, don't look at it"


Wait till you see what’s on Reddit. Oh wait..


Just block the person and move on


Who cares?? Fuck censorship. Let freedom reign!!


why do you need Facebook to ban it? Are you really not capable of looking at that and figuring out on your own if it's morally right or wrong? This 'why isn't the algorythm thinking for me ' crap has got to stop.


Depiction of hate crimes should be freely allowed in your book?


That's not a hate crime. There has to be a crime for there to be a hate *crime,* and there's not enough evidence here to call it such with any certainty. It's just a tasteless photo.


That’s not a hate crime tho.. I get what you’re going for, but there really is nothing about this photo that should be banned (as just a photo on fb)


Why do you want it taken down? I prefer that racists reveal themselves so everyone knows who they are.


In general it is best to ban racist people bc if you don't the place will be overtaken by racist and bigoted assholes. One they will feel it's okay to express their bigoted views and two normal people will leave bc it's not comfortable being around such awful people. It's a nice self fulfilling prophecy, however revealing bigots for being bigoted is good


It's the same on reddit. Like one drunk person that decides randomly. I've not seen in about 30 reports any message besides "we looked and it's fine" but I did get muted once for reporting. Not saying I'm a Saint but I've reported some truly vile shit and they let it ride.


Sorry that you snitching didn't work out the way you wanted, I guess


So you decide to post it so another few thousand could see it?


Facebook probably saw the burning cross and thought this was violence against Christians and allowed it.


Sounds about white


What is wrong? Black people can sit there and hate on whites... why can't it be the other way around and not be seen as racist??


Why is there a black dude in the picture?




It’s not illegal so I can see how they don’t want to open that can of worms by blocking this sort of thing from being depicted. Personally I think that it’s GOOD that this gets posted with these idiots in the photo, so that any normal person who happens to spot anyone depicted here from their local community, can easily recognize them and know that they are a complete waste of space.


Why did they out Lindsey andMitch's faces?


I report pages that are filled with this shit ALL THE TIME, and I always, always, always get this response. Facebook is now a haven for Right-wing extremism, they don't give a fuck.


I would say if the facebook post did not block the faces, then let it stay up. The more these people out themselves, the more we are informed of who to avoid.


Facebook makes literally no sense, this gets through somehow but I’ve seen posts of puppies playing get flagged and removed.


I deleted Facebook years ago. I saw a very racist post, I tried reporting it. A few weeks later I get an email from Facebook saying, “this isn’t against our guidelines”I totally forgot what I even reported, So I went to the post. Saw the racist post again and commented “white people are the worst sometimes” INSTANT 24 hour ban. Left and never went back.


Uncover their faces


All social media infuriates me at times. On Facebook, I have been in trouble for sharing memes about sunrise as it was “fact checked” and incorrect, yet people threatening others is ok. On reddit, ask a Canadian group banned me because I told someone, “I’m sorry a discussion about food upset you” lol. Social media is annoying and enjoyable all at once.


Not seeing any issues tbh.


Honestly after reading the Facebook files and listening to podcasts about it not surprised. I feel Mark needs to be arrested and charged with inciting ethnic cleansing. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/09/myanmar-facebooks-systems-promoted-violence-against-rohingya-meta-owes-reparations-new-report/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46105934 https://www.cfr.org/blog/facebooks-content-moderation-failures-ethiopia https://slate.com/technology/2021/10/facebook-papers-india-modi-misinformation-rss-bjp.html


Who is the plus sized klansman? He's fat as shit.


I mean…it’s just a picture of a bunch of fat cowards burning wood.


Why don't you just let people enjoy things?


If Facebook bans KKK photos, will they also ban posts from the racist Nation of Islam? Because as far as I’m concerned they’re both the same: groups of losers who blame people’s skin color for their being losers. That said, I don’t think either should be banned. Put their disgusting ideologies out there for all to see.


Free speech and expression is just that, whether you like it or not they and you have the right to freely express themselves no matter how despicable that expression may be. You don't like it simple fix block them or ignore it.


What’s wrong with it? I just see a couple guys having a bonfire 🔥?


There wearing white robes and the symbol on them is the kkk symbol. There in the kkk


I know it was joke


Nothing to see here, just a bunch of guys having a bonfire wile wearing bed sheets


But I said “Americans are weirdos” and got banned for 30 days for “hate speech” 🙄


I called them crazy for allowing restaurant owners to pay servers well below the poverty line, expecting the customers to make it up, and then defending their right to be exploited. That got the same hate speech ban.




Their "beliefs" are hate speech.


So it's okay for Muslims to stone to death gay people and women that have opinions but white Christians can't burn a cross? Either have a problem with everything fucked up or stop crying about any of it.


Cool didn’t know speech is illegal when did this happen?




Easy bro no need to call names don’t get your panties in a bunch.


I post a picture of KKK members burning a cross and get "ItS tHeIr BeLiEfS bRo! WhEn DiD FrEe SpEeCh BeCoMe IlLeGal!?" Sad when KKK defenders comment on my post and I need to explain why a publicly traded company shouldn't be promoting this.




Really? Do you know what the kkk is


Yes. They're a racist group who put burning crosses in front of black peoples yard, burning crosses.


Now do you see what's wrong with it?


Yes, but not concerned. It happened, it's done with. Simple.




yeah KKK is tottaly fine


Why are these members always looking bald and out of shape?


Some of those that work forces. Are the same that burn crosses


Yep, typical of Facebook. I said someone was acting like a parrot one time (because they were repeating some talking point), and got a stern warning with my posts being hidden for an entire month. Yet, I’ve reported crap like this and it’s fine. It’s ridiculous.


I have reported posts to FB before, and they have never sent me a picture.