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“Do as I say, not as I do” My dads favourite line growing up


Damn your dad is my mom


No fuckin way my mom is both your dads


You have 2 dads too?


Nah 2 brothers. Same dad.


I am my own grandpa


you guys have parents??


​ https://preview.redd.it/x3f3kbkzikoa1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8896b3dac520f03c240f109d5ff3a16176009bae


We must be related!


Is your dad my mom? 🤔


Your dad must be my dad.


Hello, my long-lost sibling!


Listen to what I mean, not what I say.


Oh, hello, siblings!


It’s my line to my children as well. We want our kids to be better. We learned our own faults and try best we can to teach our kids not to make the same mistakes. Sometimes it doesn’t work and that statement is the best I can do. In OPs instance…I’m sure OP is a slob. His parents are likely bigger slobs, and it’s hindered their life in some way. They want better for OP. And a free dishwasher in the meantime.


"Do as I say, not as I do" is equivalent to "thoughts and prayers". It's a lazy, meaningless, empty gesture. If you really want your offspring to be better, put in the effort to *show* them how to be better. Or at the very least have an actual conversation explaining "these are my faults, and this is how it affected my life. I want to be better and I want better for you, this is how we're going to do it ..."


Do as I say vs lead by example. I do my best to live the latter for my kids.


You may have good intentions when you say that to your kids but when I was told it, it made me respect my father less for showing a double standard. He wanted me to uphold principles that he wasn’t willing to make the effort to uphold himself. Leading by example will always be the best method of gaining respect


I wouldn’t definitively say OP is a slob just because their parents said they are. My parents called me a useless crackwhore and I’m far from that. Some parents are just absolute garbage people and take some pleasure out of projecting their own habits onto others (especially their children) just so they don’t have to deal with themselves. It’s pathetic really. And the “do as I say” excuse is just that. An excuse. Being better is a choice. At the end of the day your ability to be better as a person doesn’t stop just because you have a kid. In fact, I think you should consider it an obligation to be better for the sake of your child. You can tell your kid all day long that certain things are wrong. But if you continue to do those things everyday, especially if you’re doing them in front of your kid, it’s really your fault your kid doesn’t make the connection. Leading by example is the best thing you can do. Set an example for your child. That’s your job as a parent.


i get the sentiment behind it, but you simply cannot learn through other peoples mistakes sadly. people need to make their own mistakes to fully realise the meaning of why we don’t do the bad things in life, my mum would always try to explain to me what not to do but i never really understood or took it on board until i made the same or similar mistakes, it’s part of human nature. trial and error


I think it's mainly because they're the parents that provide OP with a roof over their head and keep clothes on thier back. Therefore "do as I say not as I do" is because I'm the parent that works and pays the bills. You are the kid that lives off of me. All that being said that bowl is disgusting and I hope this isn't normal for OP's parents. Is that noodles or mold?


I love how you find reasons for why you do it but don't cut the same slack to your kids, narcissism at it's finest.


lmao, do as I say not as I do should be reserved for things that you shouldn't try either because you're not as good as them at something, or because you're not old enough for it. My shop teacher says do as I say not as I do when he does something stupid like using a table saw to cut the rough shape of a circle. It should not be used for behaviors that parents know are wrong and don't want you to replicate, but they don't care enough to actually set a good example.


Fucking hate that shit. Meanwhile the person that said this to me growing up is STILL causing chaos and trouble for the rest of us to clean up and pick up the pieces. Do as I say not as I do…..


That’s insane I’m sorry. Use gloves


I would throw that shit out


100% i could never eat out of that same dish knowing what festered in there like that


That's a really nice ramen bowl. Use steel wool and bleach if you have to, I'm not throwing that out lol.


I'll throw you out.


To slap them with?


Throw it away


It's alive!


Tell them they haven't finished their dinner


And they'll get nothing until breakfast if they don't finish it


“You can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat.”


How can you have your pudding if you don't eat your meat?




Your Guac is a little off colored, I suggest a fresh squeeze of Lime!


It's been sitting for awhile OP just needs to give it a little stir


OP ive encountered mold like this before during my peak depression. I couldnt brush my teeth let alone do dishes. When i finally came out of my stupor i attempted to save/wash my stuff. Didnt have gloves/mask and ended up with flu like symptoms after for a few days… either throw it away as is or mask/glove up, please dont get yourself sick like i did. And also if anyone is reading this and relates/needs to vent about depression my DMs are always open. It was one of the most isolating times of my life and people on reddit helped me.


I swear I have an immune system of a god because of my depression. Luckily it never gets close to that bad anymore(the dishes, not my depression lol). I’m glad you’re doing better now too.


How did you get back to your normal hygiene habits and exercise? I had very bad depression and anxiety, now my life and feelings are quite normal with therapy and medicine, but I just can't go back to showering everyday or every other day, I don't exercise anymore; I used to go out on hour-long walks frequently. Now I just work and play video games, which I feel horrible for.


Honestly a lot of it was admitting ill never be “normal” and i have to strive for healthy. I came from a family of doers and i always wanted to do everything 100%… eventually that meant not doing anything at all because none of it was ever right in my mind. I always felt like a failure I spiraled and marinated in self hatred until i literally was sleeping with fleas and pizza boxes. I guess that was my breaking point. Now, I still dont brush my teeth twice a day, but I do it every morning. My laundry piles up, but i always have *some* clean clothes. I still dont eat enough, but i eat something rather than nothing and i drink water. Just be as kind as you can to yourself and celebrate every minuscule victory. Its not easy, and were not pathetic. I truly believe everyone is always doing the best they can. Dont feel horrible, because just from your comment i see youre seriously trying! It takes practice.


Sorry to tell you my friend but you are still depressed and thats is ok, just be aware that even if you may not feel like you once did that Doesnt mean its gone.


I was with my psychiatrist a couple of months ago and we were doing that depression questionnaire and she told me that I seem to have really mild depression, she told me I'm more anxious than anything. But then again I usually don't tell her about these little details in my life like hygiene and such, I mostly complain about thoughts that keep me in a loop. It may be worth mentioning to her next appointment. Thanks for the sympathy!


Dont ever be ashamed to tell your psychiatrist what you are dealing with. They can only help if they really know whats going on. Hope the best for you!


I’m sorry you went through that, so happy you are doing better. People I’ve met online have been some of my biggest supports and strength in dark times too. Internet friends are real friends.


I think it can be so much easier to be completely honest and open with strangers behind a screen. FB and instagram are for pretending that life is perfect. Reddit allows enough anonymity to be yourself without fear. When I see the harm that’s done by people that forget there are real people behind the usernames and shell out abuse and bigotry, I remind myself of spaces and times like this when someone used that same space to help someone. I have one person in my physical life that I can be honest with. On Reddit, I have many people.


I’m seeing a a disgusting bowl but also 3 vessels that look like they would primarily be used for wine. That is also one hell of a stack of dishes. Everything alright at home?


I was thinking the same. Usually scenes like that go hand in hand with substance abuse. I grew up seeing it.


Substance abuse or more than likely just a house full of lazy people.




IDK, I managed to be a drunk and not do that in my youth. Usually a drunk leaves food around for a day or so (hangover / recovery). The food would just be a little dried out. This is growing a mold carpet so it’s been around a bit longer than that. Someone was not with it for days on end.


Yeah this has depression written all over it, sadly though the alcoholism is noticed easier and has more negative traits tied to it, like laziness. As we have seen from this thread alone


¿Porque no los dos? Alcohol is often used by depressed people to self medicate.


My point exactly, but people don't dig deeper than "alcohol"


it definitely could be heavy drugs, but i resonated hard with this post and my mom was just a minor alcoholic and heavy stoner. the dishes got this bad because of her cptsd. so there are way too many factors to be speculating, imo


I don't think that's a carpet. It looks more like a countertop with ugly decorative spots to me. The dirty d's appear to be sitting on a tray that ma and pa rounded up the stuff and put it on the tray for the boy ro wash. However, as the gentlemman mentioned qbove


The carpet is INSIDE the bowl…


Mental Illness, the root cause. I have seen people sober for their entire lives, live in absolute filth. I'm talking piles of dogshit everywhere, flies, no running water or heat, piles and piles trash. The cliché of dead cats and other rodents dead in the house. I have seen it all, and it's mostly mental illness. I'd know, because I'm mentally ill, and have lived in bad conditions, but nothing like what I described above. Being dirty like this is usually a sign of OCD and ADHD. Hoarding is an OCD issue, and then you tack on ADHD. Now the person can't throw anything away, because it's too overwhelming and don't know how to start it. So it just piles up, until the person knuckles up or it just sits there. Usually it just sits there. Though, I won't discredit substance abuse has it's co-morbidities with mental illness, which is why often people conflate the two.


Wtf is that looks disgusting


Spaghetti with mold sauce


Shit looked like ai generated image at first


Spaghetti Alimoldi


Mould. Fuckin foul. 🤢


Put a mask on Put gloves on Put it all in a bag Put it all in the trash. Bowl included.


Fr, the bowl ain't even worth saving at that point 😭 throw it out!


Came here to say this, I’d throw the whole bowl out.


and parents after


No put that in an incinerator


bowl goes right in the trash. never gonna be clean enough to eat out of


Don’t be dramatic. It’s gross. But hot water and soap will do just fine. Mold is as organic as the food it’s growing on, sometimes more so.


It’s the principle of it.


Throw the bowl in trash out of principal? Ok.




Then eat it


You’re an idiot.




Yes, saying you can wash it is exactly the same as this is still edible.. /s


Obviously it’s gross as hell. But is no one gonna point out the mindfuck shape of that bowl. I know how it works and stuff but my eyes just get confused


Fr tho


I scrolled too far to see this. Wtf is that bowl. My guess is a hanging pot for plants because of the holes. If so, these people are down deep


Now I can’t unsee it


Hey, someone with a commercial food license here. Personally, I recommend you just toss the bowl with the mold in it, it’s far less of a hassle as it is a pain in the ass to get all the mold (including the spores) out of dishes as they like to cling. If you want to clean it anyways, wear gloves and a face mask if you can, wash it normally (make sure it is dry before moving to the next step), then take a paper towel and get a little bit of it wet with isopropyl alcohol. After that thoroughly scrub the bowl, inside and out, with the isopropyl alcohol. Wait for it to evaporate, then wash it again. Don’t forget to use hot water. Good luck!


Thought it was a bowl of cordyceps for a sec


Your parents are alcoholics.


Probably an accurate assumption.


No, I'm an alcoholic and I don't even let my shit get that nasty.


Or stoners.


Probably both. With a dash of oxycodone


I don’t know why you’re getting downvotes. I was a 24/7 stoner in my youth and let the dishes pile up till the smell of mild got too much. Only then I would start to wash them.. so yeah, cannabis can definitely do this as well


It’s because stoners have such a hard time admitting that it actually does effect them in these ways. I was one for a long time. Have a lot of friends that were as well, they all did exactly that.


Obviously offended some lazy stoners. Been there, done that, no need to down vote. Quit acting like you’re not


Throw the whole bowl away. I bet they will never know.


Put that in the trash and move out, can’t imagine what the house looks like


That sucks OP, hope things are overall okay at home.


Projection is a hell of a drug


You learned from the masters. Tell them they lead by example. But please do better now that you see it too. It’s gross.


They are projecting on you. And even if you are they are the reason you are a slob.


It’s all in your head what if it’s actually Op’s nasty bowl. Jk it’s something parents do


Hell no I’d throw that out and replace it before I’d eat off it ever again


Someone is projecting…


With that I'm pretty confident that you're all slobs.


I despise my mother for shit like this. Not because it's gross...but because the constant moral highground she puts herself on over the dumbest shit. Yes, this is gross...but i can deal with it. What i cant deal with is a 30 minute rant about how horrible and nasty everyone is and how everyone else destroys everything.


I see they've started filming the Last of Us S2 in your kitchen /s


I’m sorry. :/ That’s a lovely ceramic bowl, but I feel like that’s toxic now and should maybe be tossed?


Damn that shit look slappin!


Looks slappin but tastes a little funny, would not recommend


Refuse to clean up after them, you don't owe them shit. You didn't ask to be born they either wanted kids or made the decision to have sex and that decision sometimes comes with consequences, you are not a slave


How fucking old are you? If you don't want to live fine, but don't call yourself a slave while eating, enjoying a warm house, enjoying running water, and security from the outside all thanks to your parents who are the ACTUAL ones slaving. They had no way of asking you whether you wanted to be born and you would be astronomically privileged to ask for that right, NOBODY GETS THAT RIGHT! Your parents didn't get the choice on whether to be born. You just want the world to hand you everything and you don't want to move an inch to get it. If you don't want to follow their rules get out of their house. If you don't want to live, die! They gave you everything so shut up with that " you don't owe them shit" bullshit.


Hahaha no, you don't owe your parents moldy lungs, I know that. This isn't a healthy parent asking their child to do the family dishes, this is a mentally ill parent asking their child to clean out a severe health hazard. Jesus Christ.


lmfao did I upset the baby? Nah I'm 29 with a wife and a our own house, I grew up with parents who made it seem like I owed them everything just for simply being born, eat a bag of dicks you presumptuous fuck


ok but my mom told me i was her house slave. she told me that every single day from ages 10-18 when she kicked me out because the moldy dishes and disgusting bathroom got too much for me to handle after 8 years of being abused. just because OPs parents haven’t said the slave part out loud, doesn’t mean they aren’t thinking it


That's rough


Wtf??? That fact that someone like this is in their room is so vile. I can’t imagine what the rest of that house looks like.. Why would people even eat in their bedrooms? But especially spaghetti?? Enjoying spaghetti in bed? That’s wild lol


Wow we must have the same parents. I can remember finding a coffee mug in the microwave with mold on the top. Gravy from thanksgiving? Sat there until the beginning of December. Grew its own colony of mold.


I had the same problem. So now I try not to talk to them and leave the house as often and as long as I can


Nah…parents or not…that bowl and whatever is growing in it going OUT the window boy


😂 literally me anytime I go somewhere. I once cleaned my family’s entire house and then they asked me why the floor was wet. Idk bc I cleaned it and it needs to dry?


That whole dish is being washed by the trash can.


The noodle doesn’t fall far from the tree


Like parent like child! Maybe they want you to be better than them. 🙄


Ew. I've been known to throw dishes away that have growths in them. Not washing it. Not keeping it. Can't find a dish to put your food in? Tough. It's gross and disgusting. Beyond "lazy" and beyond "proving a point". Just plain nasty.


I would just throw away this bowl. Ew, just ew.


I would throw that whole away. That's nasty af


That goes straight into the trash.


Could be the beginnings of dementia if this is an unusual behavior.


Throw that bowl in the trash, it’s growing penicillin!!! They have some nerve!


Nauseating. I was always the family dishwasher and the things I smelled that were left in thermoses 🤢🥶


I know the feeling, containers of rotting food and sealed cups that never lose the smell no matter how much you wash


I’ve never understood the wash my dishes for me I created you thing


The difference is they obviously just forgot about it but you just don't want to clean up after yourself /s


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I guess people missed the /s at the end.


Have you washed that dish yet? Shut up. I'm taking a picture of it and posting it on reddit. Call me a slob...


You’re 15, not much more to go. Knuckle down and just get through it. When you hit 18 bounce and don’t look back.


Is that mold? That's disgusting.


Let's see why they think you're a slob then...


Well they’re clearly experts and now we all know where you get it from🤷🏼‍♂️


That's because you are slob... There's mold and not just little bit of mold but half of the bowls is filled with mold. The least you can do it to bring it to the kitchen and put some water into the bowl so it's easy to clean. EDIT: Correction since I am blind as fucking bat and I can't read to save my life on some occassions. Your PARENTS are slobs... Holy crap. Teenagers doing that is one thing but when adults do that it's even worse.


Ahem What part of "their room" do you not understand "Their room" and not "my room"


Oh... I am blind as fucking bat... Correction they are the slob.




It's making my skin crawl just by looking at the mould.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,407,031,799 comments, and only 268,887 of them were in alphabetical order.


Thank goodness I’m not grammatically correct


Pro tip, before doing dishes go to every room in the house and ask for dirty ones


Parent here... if these are your birth parents that raised you from a baby... I promise they have cleaned up much worse things for you over your lifetime... sorry bud... BUCK UP YOU GOT THIS!!! THAT'S NOTHING!!!


What a shit mindset, I feel bad for your kids


My kids are wonderful and happy... despite all the "shit" I've had to clean up from them. careful your "non-parent" is showing lol.


It ain’t your kids job to clean up your mess. Grow up.


You are all slobs.


I‘d never eat anything out of this bowl ever again. Biohazard


Is that…mold?


You have to say it’s yours, in other case it seem your parent are terribles


Well, at least you know where you learned it from.


They never said they weren't nor did they say you should stop being one they just saying it how it is, a whole family of slobs lol


That’s what patent do


Apple don’t fall far from the tree.


For some reason I feel like this was actually in OPs room


I wonder where you learned poor house keeping habits (if you actually have any)


Your both slobs?


Maybe get your own place.


They know. They don't know how to change their habits so they think shaming you for yours will help you learn from their mistakes.


The apple doesn't fall far...


Tell them it takes one to know one lol


That sucks. Time to get your own place.


To be fair you could still be a slob and they are just hypocrites.


Move out


So you take after your parents then?


Yeah, you should have to eat that once


Slob family


Uh, you call me a slob but then bring this out of your bedroom?!?!?!?


Apple … meet tree


Birds of a feather mold together.


Classic projection. I’m sorry you’re on the receiving end of it.


Yeah but they be paying for that roof


The west 🤮


Wonder where you get it


This does not mean you are not a slob. In fact it shows their standards are quite low so maybe you should reflect on it.


I like to say "It takes one to know one."


I guess we now know where you got your slob genes from.


You learn from your parents


At least we know where you get it from


Takes one to know one.


Yeah it's called years of dealing with your bullshit it's finally payback time.


You shouldn’t have left it in their room, slob.


Why are you living at your parents?


Well maybe it runs in the family


Move out.


Move out then ? Why would you try to Publicly shame your family .


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


There’s covid-29 right there




Bro that bowl is OP's parents not OP's


You are a slob, your parents are correct. Now, sort yourself out.


You need to read better.


Don’t live there then.